Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 239 Reaction

December 13th, New York, heavy snow.

Garcia, an engineer at Apple, finished his day's work, whistling, and drove to the Kroger supermarket not far from his apartment. His new girlfriend needed some fresh gadgets.

He firmly believed that Krogli would have these things.

As usual, Garcia quickly bought the target products and prepared to leave the supermarket. However, when passing by the electronic products shelf, he was suddenly attracted by the slogan.


When Garcia saw this word, he felt a little strange. Does the company sell Ipods in supermarkets?

When he took a closer look, the slogan "Cheaper than Ipod" hit him.

"What's this?"

Garcia took off the white packaging box, stared at the white product on it, and read the information on it in confusion.

M1? Support Windows? Support mp3 format music?


From China?

The information on the box is clear at a glance.

Garcia was shocked, damn it! Is there an mp3 music player in China that supports Windows? Is there anyone in that country who can make such a product? Did God run over and do it?

"Would anyone buy a technology product from China?"

Garcia put the box down, in disbelief.

He looked around and saw an old black man walking in this direction.

Garcia took a few steps back expressionlessly, not intending to have any contact with the African American.

However, ten seconds later, he looked at the black man who took the M1 and left without hesitation. He couldn't help but quickly chased after him and asked: "Hey, man, why did you buy a player from China? Aren't you afraid?" Is it bad?”

"If it breaks, you can replace it." Lao Hei first answered the after-sales question, and then asked, "Otherwise? Should I buy an Ipod?"

Garcia was stunned for a moment, why did the Ipod have such a tone.

He asked in disbelief: "Isn't the Ipod great? Why don't you buy it?"

"This M1 works just as well, why should I buy another computer for such a player?" Lao Hei said clearly, "Apple, which sells computers, is so bad! They want to force me to buy their computer, thinking that I Don’t you have an IQ?”

Garcia: "..."

He was speechless for a while. According to other colleagues in the company, Fadel, who led the Ipod development team, had suggested to Jobs that it be compatible with Microsoft systems, but the suggestion was rejected by the boss.

Word around the company is that the iPod will be one of the reasons why users buy Mac computers.

But what if there was a similar product that supported Microsoft on the shelf?

Garcia watched Lao Hei leave briskly and felt uneasy.

This matter must be taken seriously!

Tomorrow, oh no, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be off on the weekend. Then next week, next Monday, you must talk to the company about the market situation!

Garcia returned to the shelf and thought for a moment, then reached out and took out a box of M1 and put it in the cart.

My girlfriend’s computer is a Microsoft system. Since this M1 supports it, why not buy it for $80 cheaper?

Anyway, if it breaks, it can be replaced.

Garcia thought reassuringly.

The night temperature in Shanghai in December is quite low, and the wind blowing in through the windows is chilly.

However, Su Wei's family was discussing the weather in New York.

"It's checked, it's checked. New York is colder than here. It ranges from minus one degree to six degrees."

"I don't know if my brother brought any clothes. He was in a hurry when he left."

Yu Hong, who was on the balcony, closed the window, turned around and looked at the two people on the sofa speechlessly, and said helplessly: "Is Fang Zhuo stupid? Is he short of money to buy clothes? He will definitely buy them himself when it's cold."

Zhao Suqi objected categorically: "That's not necessarily the case. My brother is usually a bit sloppy, so just make do with it. He's so busy over there."

Yu Hong recalled her impression of the boss. Was he sloppy? Maybe not.

In my mind, he is serious in meetings, accurate in judgment, able to endure, dare to deceive, and very brave...

Yu Hong was stunned for a few seconds and did not hear what Zhao Suqi said next.

She took a sip of tea, sat cross-legged on the carpet, and asked: "Qiqi, your brother, um, what does your brother like to eat? I see that he is busy every day and doesn't have any personal hobbies."

Zhao Suqi smiled and said: "Sister Yu, why are you asking this? Are you going to give your boss a gift?"

"Just ask." Yu Hong said sincerely, "I admire your brother very much. Not only does he have a vision for his career, but he is also good at cooking. I remember that he once made noodles in Lin'an. It was very good. eat."

Zhao Suqi said in surprise: "My brother can make noodles? Really? I've never seen him do it before. I've never seen him cooking during festivals before. None of our family members have ever eaten the food he cooked."

When Yu Hong heard this, she felt inexplicably guilty and changed the subject: "Ahem, is that so? Yes, Weiwei, before Fang Zhuo left, he had a long, long talk with Xue Xuan from the registration website. Did you know?"

Su Wei came back to her senses thoughtfully: "The vice president? Well, I can feel that Fang Zhuo cares about the payment scene that is going to do, and even pays more attention to it than Mayong's warehousing."

"I met Xue Xuan twice when I was looking for Zhou Xin. He was so anxious when he went from the bank to the registration website." Yu Hong said with a smile, "I asked him last time and he said he would not work if he took the money. Be grounded.”

She continued: "I also asked Fang Fangzhuo, and he said that this matter must not be done quickly, otherwise Xue Xuan will be sent in later..."

Zhao Suqi listened attentively and did not speak about anything he did not understand.

Su Wei pondered for a while and said: "It seems that few people on the registration website know about this matter. I always feel that this matter is difficult and has legal risks. It is not as solid as M1. In selling hardware products, Fang Zhuo is probably walking on thin ice, I wonder if he has told Team Leader Zheng about this."

"Team Leader Zheng." Yu Hong chewed on the title and said slowly, "I feel that the relationship between Fang Zhuo and Team Leader Zheng is a little different than before..."

Su Wei nodded before she finished speaking.

Zhao Suqi couldn't help but asked curiously: "Who is Team Leader Zheng?"

"He is a leader who was tied to the registration network by your brother." Su Wei concluded.

Zhao Suqi knew the whole story of the industry policy turmoil and venture capital siege that had experienced, and said strangely: "The current situation of is not what my brother wants to see."

Su Wei and Yu Hong looked at each other, each seeing admiration for someone.

Su Wei stood up and said enthusiastically: "This starts with your brother's judgment on the registration network's charges."

Thinking about the whole story, Yu Hong couldn't help but get up and get two cans of beer, then refilled Zhao Suqi's tea cup, and finally listened to the story while sipping the wine.

She squinted her eyes and smiled, occasionally thinking about Fang Zhuo. That guy should have arrived in New York by now.

"Why is the snow in New York so heavy? Mr. Pan, if you had known, I would have come two days later."

"Mr. Fang, you have to take pity on me. I am the only one in New York. Where is your team? Where are the people who will follow up? I am confused."

At New York's LaGuardia Airport, Fang Zhuo sat in the passenger seat of the pick-up car and lowered the window to admire the snowy scenery.

He stretched out his hand to grab the snowflakes in the air and said with a smile: "I came here as soon as I knew the situation. Has Kroger's feedback for the second week been released?"

"Twenty-seven thousand, a full 10,000 more than the first week!" Pan Ben stepped on the accelerator excitedly.

Fang Zhuo nodded, adding up to 37,000 units in two weeks. Now with the support of advertising, the sales volume in the first month should be close to that of the Ipod.

He pondered: "When do you think Apple will respond?"

"Apple doesn't know, but someone from Sony called me yesterday. Mr. Fang, someone from Sony wants to meet with you." Pan Ben couldn't bear to tell the news until now.

Fang Zhuo took a breath of cold air and said nothing. The snow outside became heavier and heavier.

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