Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 270 Apple’s reaction

The release of iMusic led to a lawsuit from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Not to be outdone, Yiko expressed its active response to the lawsuit through a letter from its lawyer, and then accused the other party of hindering the development of digital music.

This move was unexpected by the RIAA, and also made Apple, which was also facing litigation, take notice of such a peer.

After seeing the RIAA's statement, Apple's legal department was very interested in checking out Yike Company from China. Immediately, they quickly discovered that this little-known company had accumulated as much money in the market as their own or even More users.

Because Yike has not disclosed data to the outside world, the legal department has no way of knowing the specific situation. However, through research on the market and channels, they still feel that it is necessary for management to pay attention to it, even though the legal and marketing departments have different powers.

“Where did this company come from?”

"M1? Supports Microsoft systems?"

"Do you have music management software iMusic?"

"New York State is already all over the other party's sales channels?"

"A lot of people have good comments about the M1?"

With the intervention of the marketing department and the feedback of more information, a Huaxia Yike, which has at least spread its tentacles throughout New York State, surfaced in a meeting between Apple's middle and high-level executives.

Everyone was shocked that such a peer was quietly entrenched in the market.

As soon as the meeting ended, Executive Vice President Riccio approached Apple President Steve Jobs.

Jobs listened to the report quietly and asked: "So, you are saying that Yike is Microsoft's version of Apple, and M1 is Microsoft's version of Ipod?"

Riccio corrected him seriously: "No, in view of the strong performance of the other party, I think it should be said that Apple is the OS X version of Yike, and Ipod is the OS X version of M1."

Jobs remained silent.

Riccio said seriously: "Steve, you have refused to make Ipod compatible with Windows three times. If you do it again..."

He pointed down, indicating that this time is now: "You will regret it, I promise God, you will!"

Jobs looked up at the executive vice president.

After a long while, he nodded: "A technology company from China has a very keen vision. This is very interesting. Well, our next conference will have products that are compatible with Microsoft."

Now that the decision has been made, there is no hesitation.

Jobs then said: "Our press conference will be held in advance."

Riccio nodded heavily. He believed that as long as Apple faced it head-on, a small company from China would not be a problem.

"He hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem."

"Wang Yan is quite interesting."

"So, Qi Qi, whenever a company involves equity, it must be cautious."

After being busy for several days, Fang Zhuo felt that his body could not hold up. After the meeting, he returned home early and tasted the food cooked by his sister Zhao Suqi. While eating, he chatted about Sina.

News came from CCTV during the day that there would be another program to be recorded in two days. This time, Sina Wang Yan would be on the judges table. The producer asked about the schedule, and Fang Zhuo had already agreed.

"No wonder Yike's A round is so cautious." Zhao Suqi, a high school student, said this like an adult.

When Fang Zhuo saw his sister's frown and expression, he was inexplicably made to laugh and almost laughed out loud.

"What's wrong? Is it wrong?" Zhao Suqi was puzzled.

Fang Zhuo took the last bite of food: "I think I shouldn't talk to you, a high school student, about this. You, you have just joined the class and you have to focus on your studies. Try this year's college entrance examination and see what you can do." ."

Zhao Suqi muttered: "I'm just a high school student. I'm not just a CEO like you. I'll listen to whatever you say."

Fang Zhuo stood up with a smile and quickly put away the dishes.

After a while, he sat on the sofa and gave his cell phone two minutes to use. When there was no call, he flipped through the economics textbook.

Zhao Suqi moved a small bench and sat next to it with a test paper to write.

Nearly an hour passed like this, except for the phone vibrating once in the middle of the table, the two of them were watching each other in harmony.

"Brother, I have a question for you." Zhao Suqi checked half of the paper and broke the silence.

"Well, you tell me." Fang Zhuo responded.

"Why are you so tireless?" Zhao Suqi added, "What I mean is, well, it's just not what I imagined. It seems that the company is doing well, uh, just, brother, do you understand what I mean?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and nodded: "I understand, I just had the energy to go to Tsinghua University."

Zhao Suqi shook his head quickly.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "I'm tireless, but not that tireless. I just relieve my boredom after work. It's probably because I know I don't know much."

"The company is doing well, but we have to move forward because many people are messing with me now, and I don't want to disappoint many people."

Zhao Suqi felt that this answer was a little different from what he had imagined: "Brother, will you be tired like this? I thought you would tell me about the value of people."

"A bit tired, but not bad. People are complex animals. Don't judge a person from just one aspect." Fang Zhuo closed the book. "I don't want to talk about value now. I just want to be able to stand up when the company gets bigger." Called him a son of a bitch in front of the President of the United States."


Zhao Suqi's big eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

"So, study more." Fang Zhuo changed the subject and came back, "Study more, read more books, and improve your self-cultivation, so that you can stop swearing and swearing easily. Look at me, I just don't know how to do it well."

Zhao Suqi reluctantly accepted the causal relationship of this practical teaching.

"When I come back from the capital in a few days, I'll teach you what American subprime mortgages are." Fang Zhuo stood up, put the book on the bookshelf, and casually ordered an extracurricular enrichment program for his sister.

"Okay, brother, remember to bring the roast duck back from the capital." Zhao Suqi made a small request.

March 21st.

Fang Zhuo, who flew from Shanghai to Beijing and came to the CCTV Financial Channel recording site again, met the producer Hu Meng.

"Sister Hu, is there any roast duck around here that we can take home?"

"Ah? Are you going back the day you finish recording the show? I'll have someone prepare it for you later."

"Okay, Sister Hu, this roast duck will be considered as my salary." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "You only told me that there is Sina on the jury, but you didn't tell me that there is Wang Kangzhen from Jardine Venture Capital. "

Wang Kangzhen, the vice president of Jardine Venture Capital, was the one who got most angry with Fang Zhuo during the last episode of the program. He was also the one who didn’t invest in the registration website.

"Oh, what a coincidence." Hu Meng blinked.

"I believe it. Do you have any script? For Sister Hu's performance, I am willing to perform in front of the camera." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"No, I just like to see your true performance." Hu Meng laughed.

Fang Zhuo roughly knew his image in the eyes of others from this reaction, which was quite good.

This recording was done in a formal recording room, with contestants on stage, judges, guests and audiences off stage. The content was a quick screening of this year's entrepreneurs.

Some losing contestants will not even appear on the show.

"Mr. Wang, it's so early."

It was already a little late when Fang Zhuo arrived, and everyone else was almost there.

He nodded to the guest seat, shook Sina CEO Wang Yan's hand, and sat in the middle of the judges' seat.

As for Wang Kangzhen next to him, he didn't even look at it.

It's too late to check the information and start writing. I'll continue coding, and the two-in-one chapter will probably be posted in the morning.

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