Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 271 What is a T0 judge (two-in-one)

"Mr. Wang, how is Sina's stock price lately?"

Fang Zhuo was sitting on his judge's seat, chatting sideways with Wang Yan on his right.

"Mr. Fang, you should ask this when you meet. You haven't become a shareholder yet." Wang Yan couldn't help laughing and joked, "How about you wait until you become a shareholder?"

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Isn't this about caring about my fifteen thousand gambling machines? It can be regarded as adapting to the status of a shareholder in advance."

Wang Yan thought this little Mr. Fang was very funny. He shook his head: "I really don't care about the recent stock price."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly and answered for the other party in his mind. Sina's stock price was US$1.482 yesterday and US$1.476 the day before yesterday. It has been stable and at a low level recently.

He thought about it for a while and felt that the matter of the board of directors' seats needed to be further paved the way, so he changed the topic.

This trip to Beijing has a lot of recording content for "Win in China", but the producer didn't say anything about the specific progress of the recording. Anyway, the recording can be edited, and there is a lot of room for adjustment.

As the host came on stage to announce the start of the recording, the audience fell silent, and the contestants took the stage one by one to announce the entrepreneurial projects they had prepared.

When he came here last year, Fang Zhuo also stood on the stage to describe the project, but that one was much more refined. What he saw before him was a rough screening. Many people's projects were very unreliable and had no continued value.

Fang Zhuo sat at the judges' table for the first time, and he could decide part of the fate of the contestants, so he started to be cautious about speaking out.


"Contestant No. 7, you want to make night vision goggles, this, this, I don't understand the technology, but do you have to consider the user group?"

"Who are you going to build it and sell it to? Are we really talking about a commercial project?"

"This is not just for one person. I strongly suggest that you don't start a business by throwing in the towel and selling iron to start raising money. At the very least, you must understand who you can sell it to and how many people are willing to buy it."

"So, Yike Investment will not participate in this project."

Fang Zhuo endured the absurdity in his heart, feeling that time was being murdered.

He showed his cards and gave a low score, then turned to Wang Yan and asked, "Are the entrepreneurial projects at this stage last year also so unreliable?"

Wang Yan shrugged: "How would I know? I didn't come last year. Aren't you the champion of this show?"

"I was invited by the show to airborne, and I didn't watch the previous ones." Fang Zhuo was very innocent.

Wang Yan glanced at Mr. Xiao Fang: "Just say you were invited to get money."

Although I have never interacted with him before, I was deeply impressed by him last time. Wang Yan also got to know Fang Zhuo more or less afterwards. In addition to his rather ups and downs entrepreneurial experience, the process on this show was just random killings. .

Wang Yan was really puzzled that the program team invited someone with such ability, but seeing that the producer had a good relationship with him, he had an answer.

As for why Xiong Xiaoge, who was said to have led the crowd to force the palace to be imprisoned, got back together with Fang Zhuo, the underlying situation is unclear.

"I rely solely on my strength. It's about winning, not taking." Fang Zhuo defended himself.

Before Wang Yan could reply, the next contestant came on stage.

Fang Zhuo smiled as soon as he saw this person.

"Hello everyone, I am player No. 8 Xu Huaizhe."

"The project I brought is a learning website in the vertical field of the Internet, Accounting Network."

"My project started building a team last year and started running at the end of the year. It has received a lot of praise and is developing very quickly."

Contestant No. 8 Xu Huaizhe competed with Fang Zhuo on the same stage last year. The latter criticized the entrepreneurial project and was eliminated in a daze.

At that time, Fang Zhuo, based on his financial background, suggested that he might as well build an online learning website. As a result, he appeared on this program again this year.

Xu Huaizhe is still a contestant, but Fang Zhuo has become a judge to evaluate him.

After the brief description of the project was completed, Wang Kangzhen from Jardine Venture Capital first asked about some status, and then expressed interest. This contestant’s academic background, teaching staff, and project team are all very good. Compared with the previous contestants, they are all eye-catching. .

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yan from Sina also commented, thinking that this website has certain potential.

Finally, Fang Zhuo spoke.

"What about the project of contestant No. 8? If I remember correctly..." Fang Zhuo was halfway through his words when he suddenly didn't know whether to continue. It seemed that there was no need to take credit.

Xu Huaizhe took the initiative to speak: "I have to thank Mr. Fang for reminding me last year. This project came from Mr. Fang's inspiration. Then, my friends and I conducted an on-site investigation and found that there is indeed a considerable gap in financial personnel in our country, and there is a strong financial learning need."

“According to Mr. Fang’s words, I think this entrepreneurial project can create social value, so I decided to do it.”

Wang Kangzhen next to him didn't know the origin of this. Thinking about the good words of the review just now, he felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

"Creating value is right, but starting a business cannot be based on this alone." Fang Zhuo was not modest, acquiesced, and said seriously, "The two judges just expressed their optimism, but I want to pour cold water on it."

The two judges all looked at each other sideways. Is this how you play?

"Xu Huaizhe, I'm asking you now as an investor." Fang Zhuo named someone to increase his seriousness, "Does your learning website project have any moat? If another person uses money to build a website and recruit teachers, How do you resist using your model to do something like that?”

Fang Zhuo's question was not without purpose. He recalled that there was a time when a question was often asked in the entrepreneurial environment. What would you do if Tencent followed up and copied the product?

Xu Huaizhe stood on the stage, froze in place, his thoughts a bit confused, the moat... resisted...

He really hadn't thought about this issue much for the time being.

"Take me as an example. I definitely have more funds than you at my disposal now. I also have experience in building a website and have channels for publicity. I see that you are doing a good job and I followed up. So what should I do?" Fang Zhuo spread his hands, "How do you want to answer this question from investors?"

Xu Huaizhe on the stage thought for half a minute and then spread his hands.

The program camera switched back and forth, and the producer backstage thought this scene was very funny.

Fang Zhuo is not limited to one person, and focuses on this issue: "I think this is an issue that entrepreneurs must consider. Not only entrepreneurs, but every enterprise must think about how to deal with competition, but it is more important from an entrepreneurial perspective. cruel."

Sina Wang Yan on the right became interested and participated in the discussion: "Mr. Fang, if you say so, then if you were standing on the stage and faced the question from the judge Mr. Fang, how would you answer this question?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and replied: "I am an entrepreneur on stage, and I am a venture capital investor off stage. The purpose of entrepreneurs trying to answer this question well is to get investment."

"That's what I would say."

"First of all, Mr. Fang, if another more powerful company, Sina, enters the track, it means that my choice is correct and the direction is right. You should invest money decisively."

"Secondly, although Sina is richer and more powerful, I have a professional background. I have four years of college study and several years of financial practice. I am the person who can best grasp the pain points of users. If you don't vote for me, Who should I invest in? Should I invest in a portal website to start a business in education?"

Wang Yan laughed.

Fang Zhuo shrugged and continued: "Also, Mr. Fang, you can maximize the interests of the organization by investing in me. If you invest in the learning website founded by Sina, will it allow you to participate?"

Wang Yan smiled and clapped, and the audience in the audience was also moved by this improvisation and applauded together.

Wang Kangzhen, who was also a judge, couldn't see it anymore. He joined the battle and said provocatively: "Mr. Fang, venture capital wants to invest in successful projects. Sina enters the game. It can avoid the mistakes you have made. It is undoubtedly the latter that succeeds." is more likely.”

"Venture investment is bound to have risks." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "Mr. Wang has never started a business, so he may not know that for a team, mistakes will make it more mature and more effective. What's more, Sina will not suffer the hardships in the past. , you are likely to suffer even greater hardships later.”

Wang Kangzhen was choked.

Fang Zhuo added: "Sina came into the game because it saw a good prospect and wanted to do a project. What I want to do is a career. The two have different intentions, different levels of investment, and different understandings of the market. I I am confident that I can do better than Sina."

Wang Yan protested dumbfounded: "Don't always talk about Sina. Hey, Mr. Fang, pay attention to Sina's stock price. It is closely related to you."

Fang Zhuo glanced at it, nodded and said, "Well, that's it. That's it."

He thought to himself, I wonder how Wang Yan would feel if he watched this show again...

Xu Huaizhe on the stage was stunned listening to the discussion of the three judges. Especially Fang Zhuo's speech made him feel inferior.

He felt that this situation seemed to be losing points, and suddenly an idea came to him.

Xu Huaizhe took the microphone and bowed deeply: "Come, come, come, Mr. Fang, please come to the stage. I am willing to give up the leadership position of Accounting Network to you. You must lead us to make the project a success."

The whole place laughed.

Fang Zhuo actually got up and walked to the stage. When he reached Xu Huaizhe, he got the microphone and bowed to the audience.

The laughter in the recording hall became even louder.

Wang Yan laughed and thought, can this be broadcast? Can this be broadcast?

Fang Zhuo walked off the stage easily, returned to his seat, and said very gracefully: "I sincerely wish the Accounting Network can succeed, not because Yike Investment is profitable, but because there are indeed a large number of people in our country who are dedicated to finance. With good learning channels, the emergence of the Internet will inevitably reduce the cost of learning, which is the development of the times."

He paused and returned to the concept he has always emphasized: "This is a valuable choice for society, and it will reap rewards."

Full applause.

What is a T0 judge?

Look at his demeanor, look at his quick wit!

Wang Yan admired him deeply, and suddenly realized why the venture capital was willing to invest in him in the first place.

Xiaofang always has a charming style.

Who is it to change, who is not confused!

After this, the judges' style was revealed, the audience's interest became even higher, and the contestants on the stage... became even more nervous.

Fang Zhuo was in a much more relaxed state. Seeing that the program team did not stop or interfere, he simply spoke out according to his own thoughts on the contestants' projects.

"Contestant No. 10, there is something wrong with your focus."

"Player No. 13, I think you need to adjust your share ratio. This is a very important thing. There have been many painful lessons in reality."

"Contestant No. 14, put your project aside for now. From my personal experience, founders need to be more confident. If even founders are not confident, how can investors and partners continue? You have to stand up!"


Fang Zhuo finally understood why he didn't get much time to speak as a guest on the second day of the last recording.

It feels so good to sit on the judges' bench and give advice.

Of course, everything he said came from serious consideration, and it was also the unevenness of the projects in the early stages of this show that allowed him to perform like this.

The whole day, except for a brief break at noon, the program has been recording. The two judges gradually became cruel under the guidance of Fang Zhuo. One is the CEO of a listed company, and the other is also the vice president of a formal investment company. Previously, they were thinking about the camera and talking. Still relatively restrained.

Now, it can be said that this is the most enjoyable scene for the audience to watch in the recent recording of the program.

The judges went wild.

Sometimes, some viewers who come to the scene in succession are very surprised. Why are the judges and guests so friendly even though the project sounds problematic? Are you afraid of scaring the players?

This time, the audience saw some contestants with tears in their eyes and felt a little unbearable.

In the evening, the program ends.

Fang Zhuo was personally retained to record more interviews.

"Mr. Fang, do you think you spoke more harshly today? I saw some contestants cried when they finally left the stage." The host guest-starred in the interview.

Fang Zhuo sat on the bench and replied calmly: "Starting a business is not about treating guests to dinner, writing articles, or painting and embroidering. It cannot be so elegant, so leisurely, gentle, and so gentle and respectful."

"You can't even stand my words. I think it's better not to get drunk on chicken blood easily."

The host asked again: "Do you usually speak so directly in the company?"

"The status of the judges and the president are different. I am actually very amiable at ordinary times. On the 23rd floor of Hang Lung where our company is located, I am the most amiable person." Fang Zhuo defended himself.

He added, "Today it looks like I'm killing the contestants, but in fact I'm saving them. There are many problems in the early stages of an entrepreneurial project, and continuing to do so is a waste of their money and energy."

"I will tell you the real problems I see, and I would like to represent my personal views. If there are players who really want to continue to persist, then there is nothing I can do."

Fang Zhuo faced the camera and sighed: "It's going to rain and people want to start a business, let them be."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, for your advice to the players. I believe that Mr. Fang is full of sincere advice." The host ended the show and shook hands with Mr. Fang politely. He actually felt that he was not comfortable with today's scene.

Fang Zhuo also shook hands, and as soon as he went out, he saw Xu Huaizhe waiting for him.

"Mr. Fang, if I treat you to dinner, I must thank you properly."

Fang Zhuo smiled, looked around, listened to others' advice, and had enough to eat. This was not an example.

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