Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 282 Taking over

The CCTV reporter's interview with the president of Yike Group about the Youth Day special program did not last long.

The main thing is to give the other party a valuable space to speak.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the trend of leadership is correct, two copies of all the materials displayed by the young president's camera were made on the spot. If there are no problems when they are taken back for review, the interview will be broadcast immediately tomorrow.

Regarding the corporate arbitration mechanism under the WTO system, this is a new topic worthy of study, and it is also something that China will face sooner or later after joining the WTO.

Now a company has jumped out and become a model. The products involved are not sensitive and the public opinion trend it leads is very correct. It can be used for publicity.

Moreover,, founded by this young president, is one of the “first batch of national-level Internet innovation industry enterprises.”

There were many factors to consider, and the result was the scheduled interview on May 3.

The CCTV reporter worked very hard and hurried back without even having lunch.

Fang Zhuo was a little better. He had a quick lunch and still accepted the next set of interviews at the CEO's office - an exclusive interview from

Since the Yike public opinion came out, Sina, as a portal website, has reprinted and commented a lot, but it is relatively fair. Another NetEase is similar, Sohu is a little out of line, and other small and medium-sized portals have done a lot to attract clicks.

Before Fang Zhuo returned to China, the three major portal websites sent out invitations to conduct an exclusive interview with the president, but they never received a response.

The editor-in-chief of Sina found CEO Wang Yan, who called Yike to express his concern and made a small request for him.

Fang Zhuo was eager for such a request, but his attitude on the phone was half push and half give.

Sina's exclusive interview will be scheduled after the CCTV interview.

Compared with the official media, Sina has a fierce competition among portal websites. A group of people are waiting for news downstairs, for fear of any changes.

Fortunately, President Yike did not go back on his word and accepted an interview at one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of the turmoil that Yike has endured this time?"

After learning about the CCTV interview, the Sina reporter tore up the originally planned questions and adopted more neutral ones.

"Just watch it with a smile." Fang Zhuohe has a different attitude towards CCTV. He doesn't need to be so pretentious. He knows that interviews on the Internet are more down-to-earth, and he also uses Sina's door-to-door interviews as a powerful supplement for public opinion counterattacks. .

Regarding this public controversy, Fang Zhuo was not entirely improvised. He had considered the impact and maneuverability of the RIAA infringement lawsuit before going to New York. At that time, he was thinking about Yike's reputation and his proposal to Sina. Requirements for non-executive directors.

Now the infringement disputes are heightened and another level is introduced, which is to follow the trend. If a small problem is not worthy of the attention of the big media, then just make the problem bigger.

Doesn’t personal reputation come from outstanding performance in big problems?

In many cases, personal reputation is the company's reputation. Yike Investment, a newly established investment company, only needs to let people know who is behind it.

What's more, this is indeed a point worthy of attention in today's era.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the Sina reporter's badge opposite him and said with a smile: "I don't know why so many media and netizens suddenly paid attention to the legal disputes between our company and some American institutions. I was busy in New York and was confused. A colleague said something happened at home."

He spread his hands and his expression of innocence became even brighter.

I had similar actions when facing CCTV cameras before, but now it is even more obvious.

"Hey, take a look. In order to answer the concerns of many people, this is a letter of evaluation opinions from a well-known law firm on our overseas business of Yike Company." Fang Zhuo handed over the materials again.

The Sina reporter took it and found to his embarrassment that he couldn't understand the English on it.

Fang Zhuo looked at this scene, took it back, faced the interview lens of the portal website, read the opinion letter in fluent spoken language, and then translated it into Chinese to explain.

The Sina reporter was impressed. This CEO was indeed doing business overseas and was not pretending.

"There is also a lawsuit that we filed against the RIAA."

"It sued me, and I sued it. We went to court to file a lawsuit and tried to reconcile the two parties. This is a move that many large companies are used to. We Yike will try something new this time."

Fang Zhuo showed a very casual attitude and said with a smile: "As a client, I actually don't feel anything, and you don't have to feel anything for me. There is no need to feel wronged for me, because this is the process of handling things, and don't think that I am slandering It's just a commercial dispute that affects the country's image."

The reporter asked: "Does Mr. Fang think domestic public opinion is fair to Yike?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and replied: "There are many good companies in the United States or around the world, and there are many companies worth learning from. It is a good thing for domestic companies to go out and communicate with them."

"It's just that this process of communication and collision is destined to have good and bad consequences. Chinese companies must learn to speak up and use the rules."

"We at Yike received a lawyer's letter from the RIAA. At that time, many colleagues advised me to find other ways to solve this problem, but I slammed the table at that time. Why are you bullying us like this? Why don't you dare to go to court?"

"Although the verdict has not yet been made, our legal team believes that the probability of winning the case is high."

Fang Zhuo made a memorial statement: "Actually, I felt very guilty at the time. I have never encountered anyone suing me in my life, and I was quite scared. Well, Yike has also not encountered such a thing."

"I believe that many domestic entrepreneurs have not had this experience. Now that something like this has happened, I feel..."

"From not daring to daring, this is an adaptation process and a learning process."

"From domestic to foreign countries, there is not only market competition, but also legal risks. I hope Yike can bring some inspiration and thinking to domestic enterprises."

Fang Zhuo spoke very frankly.

The next second, he smiled and said: "If you really encounter legal risks, you can come to me. I am very familiar with people from New York law firms. Maybe I can help negotiate the price."

The Sina reporter laughed along. Mr. Fang was very humorous, as if he were chatting between friends. This atmosphere was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Mr. Fang, have Yike's products been affected?"

Fang Zhuo chose to tell the truth: "It's like this. Many dealers are afraid that Yike will go bankrupt. They are selling the goods in their hands. Our domestic product sales in April hit a new high."

The other half of the truth he didn't tell was that this was a temporary rebound, and dealers would not continue to purchase goods after selling them.

Sina reporter was surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

"That's right. Instead, it gave Yike a wave of publicity." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Just like if you come to interview me now, I didn't pay you advertising fees. More people know about Yike, and I'm still very interested." I believe in Sina’s leadership position in the industry.”

Sina reporters don’t know whether they should be proud or not.

He thought for a while and asked: "When will the lawsuit regarding Yike and RIAA be resolved?"

"It could be June." Fang Zhuo replied.

A Sina reporter made an appointment: "Then Mr. Fang will definitely come to Sina as soon as possible."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the reporter and said meaningfully: "Well, definitely, I will let you interview me then."

The reporter was very happy.

Sina's exclusive interview lasted longer than CCTV's. Fang Zhuo, the person involved, added a lot of foreign details, which was much more powerful than the speculative comments made by domestic media.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, this exclusive interview ended and is expected to be compiled and released on Sina at the earliest in the evening.

Fang Zhuoting was looking forward to the reaction of the media and netizens to the interview, but he decided not to watch it at night and would take it in conjunction with the CCTV interview tomorrow on May 4th Youth Day.

After some more coding, I should be able to publish two more chapters tomorrow morning.

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