Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 286 Confident Association

Apple's product launch conference not only releases new Ipods, but also releases new computers.

But that is not within the scope of Yike's attention.

Fang Zhuo not only obtained product information as soon as possible, but also held a meeting in the company to discuss the threats posed by Apple's shift. Everyone generally believed that the market performance in the next period of time was very important.

Apple's Ipod supporting Microsoft system will definitely have an impact on Yike M1, but how big the impact will be will determine Yike's response strategy.

Compared with the seriousness of his colleagues, Fang Zhuo is relatively optimistic. Mainly because he didn't expect to kill Apple, and the Ipod's turn was already expected.

The next day, Fang Zhuo communicated with Xue Xuan and tactfully stated that the company might need to conduct some confidential financing, while paying close attention to Yike Overseas' direct observation of the market.

Soon, five days passed and it was Lenovo's turn to hold a product launch conference.

There is nothing new about the product, and the specifications are basically on par with M1 and J1.

But its strategy and pricing were beyond Fang Zhuo's expectations.

Normally, unless a late challenger makes a major technological breakthrough, its price will be lower than that of the current market leader. As a result, Lenovo's two products are priced higher than Yike.

At the same time, Lenovo also announced that it will open up overseas markets and develop its efforts on two fronts.

Fang Zhuo understood the big group's strategy fairly well, but he couldn't understand Lenovo's intention after thinking about the pricing for three hours.

Li Lan, the vice president of marketing at the conference seminar, gave a reliable answer.

"Lenovo thinks its brand is valuable. The price is lower than Apple and higher than Yike. People are going after Apple. This big company is confident."

Another vice president couldn’t laugh or cry: “Apple has not even entered the domestic market.”

Li Lan nodded and said: "Yes, if Apple can't come, Lenovo will go. Isn't this a two-front battle? We can run to New York in a hurry."

Fang Zhuo realized that it made sense, and laughed and scolded: "It's something I couldn't figure out for several hours, Mr. Li, your idea is so consistent, you must be an undercover Lenovo."

"Even if it was Lenovo who came undercover, seeing how good our company is, they would be happy to miss Lenovo." Li Lan reacted very quickly.

There was laughter in the conference room.

Compared to the last meeting held because of Apple, this one was much easier.

"One more thing, find out who sells the microhard drive used by Lenovo." Fang Zhuo said after he calmed down. "It's probably not Toshiba. It's not worth breaking the contract for a new player whose sales are unknown."

"Toshiba can now make 20G. It is probably from South Korea's Samsung or Japan's Fujitsu." Sun Qi, who is in charge of the supply chain, guessed.

"Check it, just in case." Fang Zhuo said.

Su Wei asked: "When will our S1 go online?"

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Today is the day." Fang Zhuo said easily, "Lenovo misjudged the domestic market. Product prices must be lower and lower to become mainstream."

"It's too late for the press conference." Su Wei frowned.

"To deal with Lenovo's pricing and strategies, there is no need for a press conference." Fang Zhuo said contemptuously.

Su Wei objected: "Holding a press conference will facilitate contacting the media for publicity. This will squeeze Lenovo's space even more and suppress their market momentum."

Fang Zhuo thought so, and it was right. He said calmly: "It makes sense, okay, then let's do it tomorrow. Mr. Su will be responsible for this matter."

Everyone else looked at Su Wei, who held the position of HR Director and also held the title of Vice President of the company, but this was the first time she had so clearly intervened in areas other than HR.

Su Wei was stunned for a moment and did not shirk.

Fang Zhuo continues to deploy work, and the launch of S1 will have an impact on the domestic market.

When the meeting was over, Su Wei stayed and asked Fang Zhuo directly: "Why are you asking me to host this S1 press conference?"

"Can't you?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"Okay." Su Wei nodded first, and then said, "I thought that even if you don't come in person, you will let someone from the marketing department take charge of it, and the name change there is justifiable."

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "You want to talk about Tang Shangde?"

Su Wei didn't speak, defaulting to this meaning.

Since Yu Hong went to New York to be responsible for the development of Yike's US market, and Fang Zhuo also went abroad from time to time, Yike's domestic work fell on the team, with Su Wei taking some responsibility, and the marketing and marketing departments also performed their respective duties.

However, the marketing department has direct access to channels, controls front-line situations, and handles products and payments, so its status is indeed higher.

Tang Shangde is an elder of the company in the marketing department and is Fang Zhuo's junior fellow student at the same school. He is also responsible for most of the northern markets, and his status is almost on par with Su Wei.

Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment and said, "Some people told me that Xiao Tang is relatively rough in business. Do you know this?"

Su Wei raised her eyebrows, understanding that this was a euphemism.

She shook her head slowly.

Fang Zhuo nodded, did not elaborate on the matter, and continued: "Yike's current business is not complicated. You have watched how Yike's products are developed step by step. The next work is step by step. In addition to specializing in foreign iMusic, I believe you can take over the rest.”

"What about Mr. Yu?" Su Wei asked again, "Is she more suitable?"

"She is a brick of Yike. She can be moved wherever needed. Foreign markets are still inseparable from her. Although we have been recruiting people from the United States, we won't be able to come back for a while." Fang Zhuo explained.

Su Wei thought for a while and said with a smile: "You are so confident in taking over Sina that you are starting to arrange Yike's work now?"

"It's not all because of this. I find that my mobile phone often cannot stop. This is not the state a decision-maker should be in. If the company is on the right track, then we should use the power of the team. My energy and thoughts are all Limited." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "You should think more about strategy and tactics."

"Just like Lenovo, its player strategy this time is obviously skewed. Consumers in the U.S. market will either choose Apple, which has a strong brand, or the cheaper Yike. What advantage does Lenovo have to get in the middle?"

"What's more, the copyright moat for overseas players is coming. Lenovo can't even keep up with Rehu."

Su Wei asked strangely: "Mr. Fang, I found that you are very hostile to Lenovo?"

"Is there any?" Fang Zhuo chuckled.

"I feel like it's a bit heavy," Su Wei described. "It's as if someone offended you in a previous life."

"Hurry up and get off work. Oh, yes, you can consider changing people in the north market with the south market to balance the two sides." Fang Zhuo said.

Su Wei was silent for three seconds and said, "I think Tang Shangde will be honest with you as long as you make a phone call."

"Don't test human nature." Fang Zhuo added, "I don't understand things yet. The domestic and foreign markets are facing challenges at this stage. There are many things going on during this period, so there is no rush."

Su Wei put away her comradeship and said softly: "Mr. Yu is responsible for overseas affairs. The company can have a vice president responsible for the national market."

Fang Zhuo didn't need Xiaosu to finish what he meant before he understood the meaning. If he went up first, the market below would be easier to deal with.

He still said: "Don't worry, it's easy to solve. This is not the focus now."

The focus now is on raising funds, making presentations to the SEC, and waiting for the final results after the shareholder meeting.

Ah, thank you An-Yue for being the leader of the alliance. I will go on a business trip on the 12th and will come back for more updates on the 14th.

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