Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 287 Apple’s assist (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo is flying to New York again.

Didn't even wait for the release of its own S1.

It takes fifteen hours to fly from Shanghai to New York, and once you get there you have to be jet-lagged again. He has taken a lot of flights during this period. In addition, Fang Zhuo often reviews and thinks in the dead of night, which is really frustrating. He felt physically exhausted.

But, I am very excited mentally.

There is a sense of accomplishment in building a business from scratch, and there is also a sense of accomplishment in finding the right opportunity to take control of a once-familiar website.

Comparing these two senses of achievement, the latter is more of a passion.

During the fifteen-hour transoceanic flight, Fang Zhuo slept for almost twelve hours. As soon as he landed and contacted China, he knew that S1 had been successfully released.

The S1 has been tested in terms of storage and price, with 128M of storage space only costing 1,099 yuan.

Compared with the 2,899 yuan of the M1, this is undoubtedly a price that is affordable.

At this point, Yike M1 is priced at 2899, J1 is priced at 1799, and S1 is priced at 1099. It has completed the triple product line layout of high, medium and low prices. With the development of the market, the price of music players will definitely drop further, but Yike will not significantly reduce the price. It's priced high.

In the market of less than 1,000 yuan, factory OEMs will capture part of the profits of the industry chain.

However, the press conference went smoothly, but the company meeting after the press conference had some twists and turns. The marketing department had some different opinions and believed that the launch of S1 could be postponed. The current J1 is selling very well.

In addition, the S1 profit of 1099 is definitely not as good as J1 and M1, and the corresponding share to the channel and market is also smaller.

It is said that the meeting chaired by Vice President Su Wei lasted for a long time before the product policy was implemented.

"What would you do if you were presiding over this meeting?"

Fang Zhuo sat in the car and described the situation to Yu Hong who was picking him up at the airport, and asked with interest.

Yu Hong sneered and said decisively: "Then I will ask who in the northern market is willing to implement product policies and bring them up for implementation."

She added: "Weiwei is too gentle. How many hours can this kind of meeting last?"

Fang Zhuo smiled and said nothing. This was the difference in their styles.

After a while, Yu Hong asked: "What about you? What about you?"

"If it were me, would this situation still happen?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Yu Hong was speechless. If it were Mr. Fang, it would just be a matter of a few words. However, although she was abroad, some people in the company said that Tang Shangde was a little too excited recently.

"President Fangda, you must be well aware of domestic affairs, but I have new news now, guess what?"

Fang Zhuo observed the marketing director's expression, which was three parts proud, two parts serious, and the remaining five parts expressed admiration for the president.

Just in April, Yike opened up the channel of Wal-Mart and officially landed in this national retail giant, taking another step closer to the goal of "mass consumer goods".

Fang Zhuo guessed: "Walmart's data receipt?"

Yu Hong shook his head.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and continued to speculate: "The RIAA withdrew the lawsuit?"

"What a beautiful idea." Yu Hong smiled.

Fang Zhuo thought about it and couldn't guess what news made Xiao Yu so formal.

Yu Hong announced the answer: "Apple wants to contact us."

Fang Zhuo was stunned and repeated: "Let's touch it?"

Apple's new product launch conference was held on the 15th. Now, just like the past week, it suddenly expressed its intention to contact its competitors in the market...

Yu Hong continued: "People from Apple want to meet with you, almost to discuss acquisitions. The market performance of Apple's Ipod in the past week is likely not as good as they expected."

Fang Zhuo took a slow breath, which seemed to come from Apple's acquisition intention.

This can be regarded as a disguised recognition.

Apple has not made many acquisitions in history, and they are often driven by the need for technology or product integration.

For example, iTunes now acquires the software company SoundJAM MP.

For example, Fang Zhuo also knows that it acquired voice software manufacturer Siri and headphone manufacturer Beats.

Of course, the most famous thing is the acquisition of NeXT software company and the successful return of Steve Jobs.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Fang, Fang Zhuo, you don't really want to sell the company, do you? Look at your expression?" Yu Hong didn't hear the response and turned around to see the strange look on her boss's face.

Yu Hong couldn't quite describe this expression. If she had to describe it, she could call it a slight ripple.

"Ah, oh, no, I didn't even hear the price, how could I sell it?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"If the price is right, will you sell it?" Yu Hong asked.

Fang Zhuo said seriously: "I think we can discuss this issue with our global product director of Yike."

"I understand, I won't sell it," Yu Hong said.

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "Why?"

"Because you are the most serious when you are so serious." Yu Hong showed contempt in her eyes.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Director Yu is indeed the person who understands me best."

Yu Hong knew that her boss was still in an unruly state, so she changed to the main topic: "Apple has just contacted the company. Do you want to reject it directly or meet and talk?"

Fang Zhuo thought about the time of a song and asked: "Since Apple's new product has not performed well in the market after its release, do you think it will reduce its price?"

"The 20G version will definitely not, at least not for the time being. The 10G version may lower the price to a certain extent through the launch of new products." Yu Hong judged, "Including channels such as Wal-Mart and Kroger, we are likely to have to conduct positive compete."

Fang Zhuo nodded. The current market is obviously different from Apple's past market. It must face up to Yike's M1 and P1. Therefore, after only a week of trying, Apple sent out an invitation.

It's useless to just face it, you have to stand up, and now you just can't stand up.

If Apple does not lower prices, it is likely that it will not be able to continue to compete with Yike, but if it lowers prices, it will lead to further compression of profits in the industry.

There is a way to solve this situation, buy Yike directly with money, and also get the user base accumulated by Yike iMusic.

"The tasks in the second half of this year are still quite arduous." Yu Hong said eloquently, "No matter how close the actual experience of M1 and Ipod is, there are always people who are only focused on the brand. If Apple further cuts prices, the brand's influence factor will increase. .”

“As for the moat of music, I think we should fire the first shot,” she said.

Fang Zhuo looked sideways: "Even if the cost is high?"

Yu Hong said firmly: "Even if the cost is high."

She believed that Fang Zhuo had the courage. He had always been a decisive person.

"Now we need people with this kind of experience to help deal with it." Fang Zhuo also believes in Yu Hong, who is struggling in the first-tier market.

Yu Hong nodded and returned to the previous topic: "You should take advantage of the jet lag tonight. Apple's acquisition contact will be rejected by the company."

"Okay, so does Apple. I'll buy it in two more rounds. What price can it sell for now?" Fang Zhuo smiled slightly.

However, two minutes later, he suddenly said: "Wait, don't refuse yet, let me meet you."

Yu Hong said a little strangely: "Why did you change your mind?"

Fang Zhuo said noncommittally: "I want Apple to do me a favor."

Before getting jet-lagged that night, President Yike took advantage of the fact that it was daytime on the other side of the ocean to communicate with Su Wei, who was in charge of most of the domestic work.

Everyone's style of doing things is different, and there may not be many advantages or disadvantages.

Su Wei Huairou, in Fang Zhuo's eyes, is actually more suitable for the currently rapidly developing Yike, but it is different for foreign countries that need to develop their situation. Yu Hong is obviously the most suitable.

The rapid development of Yike is not only promoted quickly at the grassroots and middle levels, but also at the top.

The next morning, after jet lag, Fang Zhuo met representatives from the Cadwalader law firm in the conference room and listened to the key tasks of the trip to New York to make an acquisition statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The "Williams Act" implemented in 1968 is an important act for the acquisition of listed companies, commonly known as the "Disclosure Act". As the name suggests, it is to ensure the transparency of information in the acquisition process of listed companies.

The transfer of shares of a listed company is not just a general securities purchase and sale, but may also lead to the transfer of control of the company, so there are relatively strict regulations.

Based on Fang Zhuo's current actions, Cadwalader Law Firm suggests making a statement to the SEC first. The main purpose is to show that this acquisition of shares is not out of malicious intent or speculation.

Of course, regardless of whether it is speculation or malicious intent, at least it must appear to be both wrong and wrong.

MIGA Fund is currently indirectly controlled through two companies in Xiangjiang and the Cayman Islands. In June, it will jointly recommend Fang Zhuo with Yike Investment to exercise company rights as a representative of the two institutions.

By the way, based on this, the law firm will also make a confidential application with a time limit.

"In other words, if I told the SEC that I was not a hostile takeover or a barbarian at the door, if they believed it, would they give us a time period to carry out the takeover?"

This is how Fang Zhuo understood what the lawyer said.

“There are some complicated legal provisions in it, so it’s okay to understand them this way,” the lawyer said.

Fang Zhuo digested it for a while and said, "Then let's make a statement at the end of this month, otherwise it will turn into a tug-of-war. What will happen when it's due?"

The lawyer showed a confused smile: "During the tug-of-war, there is no longer any need for confidentiality. All the information has been exposed..."

"Oh, right." Fang Zhuo tapped the pen. After listening to the explanation of many clauses for a while, his mind was confused. All he needed was that the acquisition should not violate the rules and that confidentiality should be kept before the shareholders' meeting.

The lawyer added: "Besides, the SEC is not run by our family. We need to do it as soon as possible. If it doesn't pass, we can still find other ways."

Fang Zhuo looked at the fair and fat lawyer and asked, "Who did you learn Chinese from?"

"A professor from China." The lawyer said doubtfully, "Mr. Fang, what's wrong?"

Fang Zhuo shook his head and praised: "It's so authentic, and the tone is spot on."

The lawyer was very happy: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for your compliment. Then we will notify you after confirming the time for the presentation to the SEC."

Fang Zhuo nodded and asked, "Are you sure of passing?"

The lawyer from the Cadwalader law firm said: "In view of the complex shareholdings of the MIGA fund and the involvement of Chinese companies and target companies listed in the United States through VIE structures, I personally think it is still somewhat difficult."

Fang Zhuo blinked. This seemed to be different from the previous statements he heard.

The lawyer continued: "But we will try our best to exert influence so that the members of the SEC's judging panel are good people who are full of goodwill and tolerance towards us."

He showed the same fat smile: "After all, Sina is just a company with a market value of more than 40 million US dollars."

Fang Zhuowei did not have any opinions on the lawyer's statement about Sina. The judgment of corporate value was obviously beyond the scope for him.

The lawyers of the law firm have left, and they will continue to be busy with this commercial case.

A moment later, Kong Yu walked in, his face looking haggard.

"Mr. Fang..."

Fang Zhuo looked at this man who was full of stress and muttered: "Forget it if you can't find a bank willing to invest. I'll let the country work hard."

"No, Mr. Fang, there is good news and bad news." Kong Yu took a deep breath, "Which one do you want to hear first?"

"If the good news cannot dilute the bad news, you can go back to China first." Fang Zhuo said.

Kong Yu said "uh" and reported honestly: "We found a bank that is willing to invest, but the valuation they are willing to give is not high and the time limit is relatively short."

"Oh, like this."

Fang Zhuo tapped his fingers lightly on the conference room, lost in thought.

After a while, he said: "Apple intends to acquire Yike."

Kong Yu was stunned, did Mr. Fang want to sell Yike to get cash?

Fang Zhuo asked: "Do you think that if we get Apple's acquisition contract, this will increase the bank's equity valuation of Yike?"

Kong Yu: "..."

He understood: "Mr. Fang, what do you mean is that we talk to Apple and let it issue an acquisition contract, but if we don't sign it, we can take this contract to a bank and then make an equity pledge?"

The current situation is that Bank of America does not recognize the value of Yike's equity from China, so let the listed company Apple, a local technology company with a market value of US$5 billion, endorse the value of Yike.

"Is it feasible?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Kong Yu's expression cheered up: "It can be done!"

He patted his head and sighed involuntarily: "Mr. Fang, how did you get this brain?"

Fang Zhuo said unceremoniously: "As long as you do things to reassure me, will I think about these evil ways? When will I be able to control a giant company and let those banks and venture capital invest?"

"Ahem." Kong Yu reminded in a low voice, "Mr. Fang, if you think so, after the hostile takeover of Sina starts next month, I'm afraid many people will avoid you..."

Fang Zhuo said angrily: "I have said many times that we are not a hostile takeover of Sina, we want to help it."

Kong Yu slanders, no matter what you say, who can believe this statement...

Fang Zhuo called his assistant in, asked him to make an appointment with Apple, and then began to listen in detail to Kong Yu's report on the bank.

Kong Yu has contacted no less than ten banks these days, large and small, and only then did he negotiate with a bank with a low capital investment. This shows how small the equity circulation market for unlisted companies is.

However, if there is value endorsement from a local company, then you can talk to the banks again. This kind of pledge will still make money after all.

The lower the risk, the higher the value.

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