Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 319 You just don’t like semiconductors

After returning to Shen from Beijing, Fang Zhuo was not idle at all. He held meetings, listened to reports, determined his itinerary, and made many phone calls to his home in the evening.

He has been busy with Sina in the capital recently, focusing entirely on company affairs and the reaction of his opponents, including the fact that his sister was admitted to Jiaotong University and has not come back.

Fortunately... my family is quite used to this kind of busyness.

As for the acquisition of Sina, a major event that stirred up the media, according to her mother Zhao Shumei, this is much better than the previous media reports that the president of would go bankrupt and jump off the building.

Fang Zhuo was very pleased.

That night, he went home and talked on the phone for a long time. His mother not only asked him to think about life events, but also asked her to retire and come to be with his great son.

The next day, Fang Zhuo, who was full of energy, arrived at Jiaotong University at nine o'clock in the morning.

Xu Keden is already waiting.

"Mr. Fang, that's it? Is this what you're wearing?"

"No? Do you have to wear a suit and leather shoes?" Fang Zhuo wore a T-shirt today. He has worn too many suits in the past two months.

Xu Keden thought about it for a second, then nodded and said: "That's okay, the bottom line is lowered step by step, and the school is willing to agree to name your scholarship."

"I am trying to fit in with the student group, this is image building." Fang Zhuo retorted.

"What Mr. Fang said is that I unconditionally agree with Mr. Fang today, as long as you pay for our school." Xu Keden is no longer a lecturer at Jiaotong University, but today he still habitually puts his position here.

The time set by the school is half past nine, and none of the other executives at Yike have arrived yet.

Fang Zhuo and Xu Keden strolled around the campus, listening to the latter explain the establishment of this scholarship, the arrangements in the school, and the pursuit of relevant subjects.

Originally, even if it was a scholarship, the school did not agree with such a childish naming as "I wonder who doesn't like semiconductors." However, a returnee doctoral director who organized an important project of Jiaotong University agreed in an open-minded way, so that the decision could be made.

"Actually, our Yike is a serious unit, so there is no need to embarrass the school like this. There are many people in the product department who came from Jiaotong University, and they are all our own people." Fang Zhuo said calmly.

"No." Xu Keden flatly refused, "When things come to a close, all the procedures and documents in the school have been passed. Isn't this going to cause trouble for everyone?"

Fang Zhuo sighed: "I planned to let you go on stage to recite."

Xu Keden sighed: "There is no way, the school requires you to come forward. Such a reasonable and reasonable request is really impossible to refuse."

The two looked at each other, and the product director's eyes were full of determination. At his age, he was once a lecturer at Jiaotong University, so he really couldn't keep up with the trend.

"elder brother!"

A distant voice interrupted the eye contact between the two, and Zhao Suqi, already a freshman in the Finance Department of Jiaotong University, walked over quickly.

"Hey, it's okay, it's different now that you're in college. I wonder why you've grown so much?" Fang Zhuo suddenly beamed and took out a bank card from his pocket.

"Maybe it's knowledge that makes me grow taller?" Zhao Suqi joked, "What is this? My living expenses and stock trading expenses?"

"Whatever you do, don't treat yourself badly in school." Fang Zhuo turned his head and motioned to Xu Corden to give his brother and sister room to talk.

"Brother, one hundred thousand US dollars has already been lost by ten thousand." Zhao Suqi reported the results as calmly as possible. This was what his brother had previously asked him to practice.

Fang Zhuo nodded: "It's okay. The U.S. stock market is not booming right now. Let's wait until the losses are over."

He didn't want to talk about this today. He was just concerned about his sister's situation at school, including accommodation, friends, and health.

The two chatted for a long time. Seeing that the appointed time was approaching, Zhao Suqi followed him without class in the morning, preparing to check out the nonsensical scholarship from his brother.

However, she did not follow to see the leader and went directly into the multimedia classroom like a normal student.

The meeting process between Yike and the leaders of Jiaotong University was relatively official. Fang Zhuo expressed his concern and gratitude to Jiaotong University. After all, the release of M1 was inseparable from Jiaotong University’s teachers and students, who created value far greater than wages and bonuses.

The leaders also thanked Yike for the scholarship and said they would select the winning students in an open and transparent manner.

One million per year, and this year it is set at one hundred thousand for ten students. The purpose is to encourage students' interests and reward their efforts and achievements.

Fang Zhuo plans to watch Sina's stock price this year. If it rises, he will consider setting up another scholarship for poor students.

Then it won’t just be in one school, Jiaotong University, but the scope will be wider.

The pleasantries between Fang Zhuo and the leaders ended quickly, and then he was accompanied to the multimedia teaching room, where he made a speech on establishing the scholarship and awarded it to the first-year students.

It is worth mentioning that the poster outside the multimedia classroom reads "Semiconductor Scholarship", but the actual scholarship name is relatively inconspicuous.

At 10:10 in the morning, Fang Zhuo stood on the stage, facing numerous semiconductor-related students from Jiaotong University.

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Zhuo from Yike."

"Some students may know me, and some may not. Our Yike products are the music players M1 and J1, which currently have a good market share."

"Some students are asking how a seemingly unrelated company came to school to set up a semiconductor scholarship."

"Actually, a very important part of our products is the micro hard drive, which is purchased from Toshiba in Japan."

"This microhard drive is a technological breakthrough. When we purchased it, the manufacturer didn't know how to use it. But just a few months later, we all unanimously recognized its market prospects."

"Micro hard drive music players suddenly became popular. Of course, there are other reasons for this, but the technological breakthrough in hard drives is crucial."

"You are all studying relevant knowledge. You must know the semiconductor competition that happened between the United States and Japan. It was a battle for national destiny and a battle for high precision."

"There is no doubt that our country's semiconductor industry is lagging behind and needs to be caught up. It requires hard work from you and the students behind you."

"We at Yike don't know anything about this, so we can only provide some meager funds to encourage everyone. We hope to have better technology, more efforts, and catch up earlier in the future."

Fang Zhuo gave a sincere speech and talked about the problems encountered in the company, including the fact that Yike once sent a team to Toshiba to seek the transfer of old technology but was rejected.

Now, both factories in Kunshan and Yuzhou can only produce low-end content in the industry chain. They earn hard-earned money, but the bulk of it is still taken away by parts manufacturers.

"We at Yike will not be the first company to encounter profit problems in the industry chain, nor will we be the last."

"Only when our own technology can catch up with international standards can related companies become more competitive."

"Semiconductors are difficult, and catching up is also difficult."

"When I talked about this in the company yesterday, a deputy director gave a very pessimistic judgment, saying that the pursuit would be quite long and the hope of success is very low."

"I asked him, how long is it? Is five years enough?"

"He said it wasn't enough."

"I asked again, is ten years enough?"

"He hesitated and said it might not be enough."

"I ask again, is fifteen years enough?"

"He was silent for a long time before saying that it might be possible."

"I smiled and said, fifteen years is enough, it's not a long time. I thought I wouldn't see it in my lifetime."

"Students, I don't know if this judgment is accurate, but I want to say that Yike is willing to use his meager strength to witness your pursuit and struggle."

"If there is anything else I can do during this period, please tell me."

"I'd like to do it."

Fang Zhuo bowed to the quiet multimedia classroom and received warm applause before starting the text.

“Next, I announce that the winner of this year’s ‘Who doesn’t like semiconductors’ scholarship is Jiang Haiming from the School of Microelectronics.”

“The second winner, ‘Who doesn’t like semiconductors’ is Liu Mengguan from the School of Microelectronics.”

Fang Zhuo read ten names in one breath.

The atmosphere in the classroom, which was solemn due to the speech, became stunned, relaxed, and could not help but laugh...

When the last person came on stage, he was greeted not with applause but with laughter.

The school leader next to him wiped his sweat and felt that the corporate sponsors were not respected, so he considered whether to step in to maintain order.

"I'll come back next year, and I want to see which of you doesn't like semiconductors." Fang Zhuo didn't feel embarrassed after taking the stage. Instead, he liked the atmosphere and said something with the microphone.

Another burst of laughter.

Fang Zhuo walked off the stage amidst laughter and gave his time to the leader.

"Mr. Fang, this is Director Chen Jinchen of our Chip and System Research Center of Jiaotong University." Xu Keden heard the laughter of the students with satisfaction and saw the boss coming over to introduce him to the leaders he had not had time to meet in class.

Fang Zhuo remembered that Director Xu had said before that it was this director who was enlightened enough to decide on the name, and he shook hands quickly: "Hello, Director Chen, hello, Director Chen."

"Mr. Fang, you're welcome. We have to thank you for your support." Chen Jin was cheerful and young in appearance.

Fang Zhuo chatted for a while and listened to the director's introduction. He was very impressed with him and asked about the key projects Director Xu had mentioned.

Director Chen Jin introduced his project with a smile: "What I am currently working on is a self-developed chip project called Hanxin. It is expected to have results next year."

Fang Zhuo nodded in admiration, suddenly feeling familiar.

After a moment, his expression froze little by little.

Hanxin? Hanxin? ? That fake Hanxin? ? ?

Fang Zhuo stared blankly at the young returnee director in front of him, vaguely remembering the news about "Chen Jin"'s name.

Just you, just you?

Did Hanxin originally happen at Jiaotong University?

Fang Zhuoyin's good mood for establishing the scholarship was gone.

Also, who doesn’t like semiconductors? Who else are you looking at? Who else could I look at?

I think you, the director, don’t like semiconductors!

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