Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 320 Liars are rampant

"Mr. Fang? Mr. Fang?"

Director Chen Jin was talking non-stop when he suddenly saw that the young CEO in front of him was in a daze and he shouted twice tentatively.

"Ah, Director Chen." Fang Zhuo lost control of his expression in a rare display. After being called out, he quickly recovered, suppressed his shock, and smiled calmly again, "Thinking of our self-developed chip makes my heart surge, a little excited, and a little distracted. .”

This is mainly because I came here today without expecting to meet my opponent. This, this, and this person's operation on the "Hanxin" is quite outrageous. It was really shocking to bump into me unexpectedly.

"Domestic semiconductors still have a long way to go. I hope they can get better." Chen Jin said with emotion.

Fang Zhuo repeated calmly: "Yes, there is a long way to go."

The leader on the stage concluded his speech, and finally Chen Jin, a returned doctor, high-end talent, center director, and leader of key projects, took the stage to make the final speech.

Director Chen Jin was enthusiastic and enthusiastic on the stage, calling on the students to work hard.

President Fang Zhuo was calm and calm in the audience, silently watching this scene.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Yike Group ended the establishment of the "Who Doesn't Like Semiconductors" scholarship at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Fang Zhuo said yesterday that there was no need to bother with the school's noon reception, and the company and the others happily took the bus back.

As a former teacher at Jiaotong University, Xu Keden was the happiest. He once left school and went to the famous Little Overlord. At that time, his work was not satisfactory, but the school accepted him back.

Now there is an opportunity to facilitate some return to the school, which is in line with his ideals as a scholar.

Xu Keden and his boss were riding in the same car together and talked endlessly about many details of the work, but on the way, he suddenly realized that Mr. Fang was not very interested.

"Mr. Fang, actually when you went on stage to read out the scholarship names, the response was pretty good. I think everyone was very happy. As you said before, it fits the student group." He thought it was because of this.

Fang Zhuo waved his hands feebly: "It's okay, I'm just a little angry."

Xu Keden took a look, didn't believe this statement, and guessed whether something went wrong in some link.

After a while, Fang Zhuo said again: "Lao Xu, please take the time to help me find connections with Fudan, and we will also support students from other schools."

When Xu Keden heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Mr. Fang, what's wrong? Who told you what? Let me tell you, the microelectronics of our Jiaotong University is highly valued by the higher authorities, and a special school of microelectronics will be established next year. "

"If you want to be pretentious, I will find a school next year and ask you to hand out scholarships on the first day of school and shout out to students from all over the country, 'Let me see who doesn't like semiconductors.'"

"Besides, Mr. Fang, Director Chen today is very powerful. His projects have all been registered on it. If the results are good next year, he will probably become the dean directly."

The product director didn't say it was okay, but once he said it, President Yike almost became angry.

Regarding Chen Jin and Hanxin, this was a famous fraud incident.

It involved hundreds of millions of scientific research funds, and the methods were outrageously crude. This returnee took the chips he bought from abroad and asked migrant workers to use sandpaper to remove the logo, engraved "Hanxin" on it, and announced the successful independent research and development...

However, the parties involved were not actually punished.

This fraud incident had a very bad impact on the domestic semiconductor catch-up. As for the ten-year decline of the School of Microelectronics of Jiaotong University, it is only a small part of it.

Moreover, the subsequent news after many years also included the news that Hanxin parties were involved in P2P fraud again.

Got it, got it all!

What is this today?

This is to call an expert to treat baldness, only to find that the expert's head is balder than your own!

Fang Zhuo turned his head away in annoyance and sighed in his heart, liars are rampant, liars are rampant, what's going on?

I originally wanted to happily encourage students and contribute a little bit of effort, but now, this...

The Audi car drove smoothly on the road.

Fang Zhuo slowly suppressed his emotions and considered for a while how to deal with the problem of the liar he met. Judging from the introduction he heard today, Chen Liang had not yet made Hanxin, and it was difficult for him to expose it.

Otherwise, it would be fun if a series of relevant experts and leaders jumped out and labeled them as "disturbing the morale of the military." The other party would be alert and find excuses to blame the situation.

When is the best time?

It should have just been announced by Hanxin.

But it seems like this thing will become very popular once it comes out.

Fang Zhuozhi frowned, feeling that he was probably not facing Chen Liang alone, but the experts and leaders who endorsed him behind his back. The impact of this must be considered when dealing with it.

He said quietly: "Old Xu, do you think this world is difficult?"

Xu Keden had no idea what was going on in his boss's mind and said strangely: "Where is the difficulty?"

"It's hard to do things and hard to catch up." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

Xu Keden thought about it and felt that his boss was moved by the prospect of semiconductors. He said optimistically: "Everyone is working hard. If we work hard, we will definitely make progress."

"The country is paying attention, and many companies are also working hard."

"Mr. Fang, everyone knows that semiconductors are difficult, but some companies are still rising to the challenge. As far as I know, there was a company that set up an ASIC design center in 1991."

Fang Zhuo nodded and asked casually: "1991? Eleven years ago? This company was very early. What kind of company is it?"

Xu Keden smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, you are not familiar with this. Even if I told you, you might not know that it is a company called Huawei."

Fang Zhuo was stunned, this name was so familiar.

He glanced at the rearview mirror and sighed: "91, is it really 1991? What is the center of that A you just mentioned doing?"

"Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design Center, this company makes switches, and the chips are pretty good." Xu Keden replied.

Fang Zhuo looked at the scenery outside the car. He really didn't expect Huawei to be working in this area so early. What about HiSilicon? Has HiSilicon come out? Or is this the predecessor of HiSilicon?

Xu Keden felt that his boss was a little strange today. After waiting for a while and not seeing Mr. Fang speak, he asked: "Mr. Fang, what are you thinking about?"

Fang Zhuo rubbed his face, took a long breath, and said, "I'm thinking that fighting with others is endless fun."

"Old Xu, why are you saying this so interesting?"

Xu Keden was confused, why was he suddenly fighting with someone again?

The car was quiet for a while.

When Audi arrived at the company, Fang Zhuolin said before getting out of the car: "Lao Xu, you are right, we have to face the difficulties. You can help me sort out relevant information about semiconductors and so on. When the company's profits are stable and the stock price improves, Let’s see if there’s anything we can do to help.”

Xu Keden nodded yes, this is no problem, there are many divisions of labor related to semiconductors.

"Oh, yes, I heard that there is a company in the Netherlands that makes good photolithography machines. You should also sort out the information." Fang Zhuo thought of another thing and got out of the car.

Xu Keden got out of the car and thought as he walked, a lithography machine? Why are we suddenly talking about this again? Besides, there are no famous companies in this field in the Netherlands...

Today's chapter says it seems to be reviewed, which is relatively slow.

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