Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 331 Situation

On November 20, the president of Yike, the president of Sina, the president of, the founder of MIGA Fund, and the actual controller of PL Fund arrived in Shanghai together.

Fang Zhuo held his right hand with his left hand and vaguely saw the sun hanging in the east of Shanghai from the porthole window.

"The sun rises in the east, I like the weather today."

Fang Zhuo was in a good mood and got into the business car with his assistants, yawning and drinking a cup of bitter coffee.

As he took more transoceanic flights, he became more and more able to use the rest on the plane to switch to jet lag.

"Xiao Wang, please tell the company that the flight will arrive on time, and then confirm the participants of the morning meeting."

Fang Zhuo opened today's latest newspaper and casually gave instructions to Yike's administrative assistant.

When he flew from Shanghai to New York, he was accompanied by two assistants from Sina and Yike. On this trip, he brought with him Yike's overseas employees who were on rotation.

A group of three people drove straight to Hang Lung 23 under the warm November sunshine in Shanghai.

Hang Lung 23 has now completely become the headquarters of Yike Group. The registration network that originally occupied half of the space was moved to Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, where the 23rd floor of the Jinmao Building was rented as an office space - there is a new district mayor who is familiar with it.

At the same time, has launched an Yike-style groupization. For the sake of brand effect, it will soon officially become the of the Medical Group.

At present, Medical Group has three and a half businesses, namely registration network, online pharmaceutical sales through three warehouses, hospital software construction services and Yipay.

The development of is very stable, and the hospital's software construction is quite prosperous. Online medicine and Yipay in Beijing, Shenzhou, and Yangzhou are much more difficult.

Online medicine is actually not bad, at least the warehouse is very lively, and Yipay, which relies on this, is more like a name for nothing, and only launched a small-scale trial in Shanghai.

At 9:30 in the morning, Fang Zhuo arrived at Hang Lung 23, which belongs entirely to Yike Group, and saw familiar faces.

"Mr. Fang is back!"

"Thank you, Mr. Fang!"

There was a warm welcome in the conference room.

Fang Zhuo pressed his hands, his eyes flashed across the faces of several vice presidents and directors, and he said with a smile: "Sit down, sit down, why are you so polite? I'm not going away for a year and a half."

Although Yike's domestic and foreign relationships are relatively clear, there is still information exchange. Everyone knows that the company and Sony Music have completed an important cooperation.

"Let's do this today. I will report my work to you first, and then you will talk to me about the domestic situation and see what problems require departmental coordination and what problems need to be specifically overcome."

Fang Zhuo took the document in front of him, clasped his hands together, and talked about his experience in the United States.

As the president of a company that has experienced bans, litigation, and competition, his perspective can make people in the conference room feel the sinister atmosphere even more.

However, when the boss talked about the second negotiation between Yike and Apple, many people still smiled knowingly.

"At that time, I was standing outside Apple's conference room having a call. Across the door was a technology company with a market value of US$5 billion."

"On the other end of the phone is a world-renowned record giant. Its parent company has a market value of US$70 to 80 billion."

Fang Zhuo described this section vividly: "Yike is undoubtedly the weak one in front of these two companies, but Stringer from Sony Music has to beg me not to die."

The conference room burst into laughter as the CEO deliberately provoked him to do so.

Fang Zhuo waited for everyone to finish laughing before changing the subject: "Interesting, right? The vast market is wonderful, and the fierce competition makes it taste even more wonderful."

"But when I stood outside the conference room and ended the call, I didn't feel great at all."

Fang Zhuo said word by word: "I feel very humiliated."

The smiles of everyone in the conference room that had not faded suddenly froze.

"Being weak is not something worth boasting about. It makes me feel even more embarrassed to use self-mutilation to make my opponent look at me."

"We can gain some initiative in this way today, but what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?"

Fang Zhuo tapped the table with his fingers and told the latest news: "I received a report from New York as soon as I landed today that Apple's player price has been reduced."

"It's not a temporary discount, it's a real price reduction. Although it's still higher than us, it already poses a great threat to M1 and P1."

"Competitors are always thinking about overpowering us, not to mention, combined with the other party's copyright layout, we have already been overpowered."

"When can we let our opponents beg for cooperation? Then we will have no regrets."

Fang Zhuo sighed: "I think it is necessary to give you the opportunity to rotate abroad and feel the pressure. Come on, report one by one, and let me see what is going on in the country now."

The atmosphere in the conference room has become solemn with the change in the boss's tone. When talking about market development, he should pay attention to his wording.

Domestic MP3 player brands have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and many orders have been sent to two factories owned by Yike.

Compared with Lenovo's previous ambitions, most of the products that emerged this time are low-end products, which can fill the gaps in Yike's product line.

Domestic brands have witnessed the performance of Lenovo music players and generally believe that it is difficult to compete with Yike in the mid-to-high end.

Fang Zhuo listened to the report silently and occasionally asked some unclear questions.

The meeting lasted until noon before it ended.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Sun, and Mr. Tang, please stay." Fang Zhuo called out, leaving Su Wei in charge of overall work, Sun Qi in charge of the product supply chain, and Tang Shangde, who had been promoted to vice president for some time.

The four of them had a small meeting in the conference room while eating lunch and chatting. Tang Shangde and Sun Qi talked more, while Su Wei supplemented.

Generally speaking, although Yike faces competition from many new brands in China, it is actually much easier than facing Apple in the United States.

This year, Yike signed two more singers, JJ Lin and Leehom Wang, as spokespersons, truly moving closer to the original words of "growing up with Chinese musicians".

"The competitive situation is okay, but it will definitely intensify in the future."

“Don’t stick to our domestic prices, we can offer small discounts.”

"In addition, Yike wants to make a small acquisition with and buy their 'Easy Pay' department."

Fang Zhuo was full after eating half of the box lunch.

"Yipay...what is the use of this?" Tang Shangde has heard about this part of the registration network. It costs a lot and has no results.

"It's an attempt in one direction." Fang Zhuo waved his hand, "You and Mr. Sun go and get busy. Mr. Su and I will talk about some personal matters."

Sun Qi and Tang Shangde said goodbye and left.

Fang Zhuo sipped his tea and just glanced at Su Wei.

Su Wei said tacitly: "Tang Shangde's business in the capital involves some invoices and rebate issues from channel vendors. According to what I know, the amount is around 1.8 million."

"What don't you understand?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Those who don’t understand it naturally don’t know.

Su Wei said nothing, feeling that this question was more of a manifestation of disappointment. Yike's machines had a first-mover advantage, and the commissions from the grassroots to the top were quite generous.

In particular, Tang Shangde entered the company very early and was promoted quickly. He and Fang Zhuo still have a sense of being in the same school.

After a while, she asked: "How to deal with it?"

Fang Zhuo showed a rare look of hesitation.

He took another sip of tea and shook his head slightly: "I have already thought about how this matter will come about. The faster the company develops and the larger the scale, the more regulations it should have."

"However, Xiao Zhou suddenly wanted to get married at the end of the month. I dragged him out of HKUST. Although his marriage is hasty, it can be regarded as entering a new stage of life."

"Tang Shangde is still young, so why bother."

Fang Zhuo shook his head again.

Su Wei never expected that this would touch her boss.

"Then..." she said hesitantly.

"Let him make his own choice." Fang Zhuo put down his tea cup, "When Xiao Zhou gets married, I'll talk to him. If he's willing to admit it, then we'll deal with it internally. If he's stubborn, he'll be treated as a model for the company."

1.8 million is not a lot, the PL Fund can easily pull millions of dollars from gangs, but it is not a lot, the current per capita salary is only about how much.

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while and stopped talking about this.

"During this period, I have probably refused interview requests from ten or twenty media for you, and declined nearly ten invitations to meetings." Su Wei also changed the topic, "Now that you are back, the meeting has passed, and the media is still here. Hope to meet you."

"If the company receives it, just continue to reject it. I'm not in the mood." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

"Increase the exposure and tell us how you turned Sina's losses into profits. Wouldn't this further stimulate the stock price?" Su Wei came up with an idea.

"It is better for Sina to be more solid. There is no rush in this regard. The trend of the entire Internet is upward, which will naturally drive its stock price higher." Fang Zhuo added, "I will fly to Beijing tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow. I’ll go to Jin Mao to have another meeting later.”

"Yes, Chairman, thank you for your hard work." Su Wei smiled.

"No hard work, just serve Teacher Xiao Su." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "I just want everyone to make money, start a career, and it would be better if it can promote some social progress."

"It's not enough to make money. I don't think you spend much money on it." Su Wei mentioned this point.

"I don't have any money in my pocket..." Fang Zhuo was suddenly reminded, "Oh, yes, I said before that if I win Sina, I will reward myself with a car. Later, I will ask someone to help me buy the best car in the world. It is also considered consumption. Upgraded.”

Su Wei blinked, the best car in the world, this is for consumption, right? If you don't buy it, it will be the best in the world?

"Then I'll have to go along for the ride."

Fang Zhuo thought for a while: "Let's play around the whole track. From now on, we will drive for team building. Whoever performs well will sit in my passenger seat."

Su Wei showed an indifferent smile, feeling that her boss was not talking about serious business, so she started talking nonsense again.

I’ve been busy these past two days, so I’ll do more coding in the second half of the month.

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