Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 332 The Richest Man (2-in-1)

As a president, one very important thing is to learn to take equal measures.

On the first day after returning to China, I stayed at Hang Lung 23 in the morning, Jinmao 23 in the afternoon, and flew to Beijing to visit Sina the next day.

"Yike is like Yao'er. He still needs more help clarifying the key business, so I'll have a meeting here first."

"The registration network is the eldest son and must show its attitude."

"As for why Sina is last, it's because it is an adult godson and is very stable."

When Fang Zhuo was driving to Jin Mao Tower in the afternoon, he communicated with Yu Hong on the phone in New York and laughed about his hard work.

"Isn't it really because of the distance?" Yu Hong said.

Fang Zhuo was annoyed, knowing that the other party had no intention of joking because of the competitor's price reduction strategy.

"Xiao Yu, strategically despise the enemy and tactically pay attention to the enemy. Apple's counterattack by cutting prices will indeed be effective, but don't put too much pressure on it."

"Actually, I think Apple should expand more into Europe. The U.S. market is rising. It would be great if we all make money together, but there is no need to engage in such fierce competition."

Yu Hong said quietly: "Apple has cut prices so resolutely this time. I suspect you are angry."

"No way." Fang Zhuo thought to himself that he was just a little hateful at most, and he wouldn't let Apple fight back because of this.

Yu Hong said cautiously: "Apple still has room for price, this time it's just a trial."

Fang Zhuo thought for a while: "Well, you can try to reach some tacit understanding with Apple, ask someone from IDG to give you a media interview, and say that Yike is already vigorously exploring the European market, and then do the same on the official website One piece."

"Apple must be reminded that the world outside is still very big, so that their strategic focus should not be on involution, but on expansion."

Yu Hong asked: "What if you have to grab the apple with both hands?"

"Then let's have a price war. No listed company is afraid of ugly profits, so what are we afraid of?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I guess, well, I guess, there won't be any big changes in Apple's prices. We All need to observe the effect of the combination of digital music and hardware.”

He continued: "Both parties should remain calm during this period before iMusic and iTunes go online."

"I still think Apple's price cut this time was because you were irritated. Well, plus they saw that Yike turned around and reached a copyright cooperation with Sony Music, and realized Yike's determination, so they came up with this." The person on the other end of the phone. Yu Hong said comprehensively.

"Well, let's give it a try and let's talk face to face in a few days." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"Okay." Yu Hong will take advantage of Zhou Xin's wedding at the end of the month to take a vacation. She has been busy in the United States during this period and has to come back to see her family. After the divorce, her parents are still her parents.

Fang Zhuo put away his phone, considered Apple's reaction, and felt that there should be no problem with his judgment.

The era of music copyright + hardware products in foreign markets has arrived, which means that Sony’s Walkman will completely lose its opportunity.

Since the signing of the contract, Sony's already slow actions cannot save the situation even if it suddenly accelerates.

If nothing else happens, next year will be the breakout year for mp3 players.

Music sharing websites on the Internet are being rounded up and sued, format transcription software is about to limit its functions, cheap and convenient music purchase channels have emerged, old competitors are helpless, and the obstacles to the advancement of MP3 players have been swept away.

Yike can consider further financing next year and look to Nasdaq.

Today's listed company Apple can be used as a model for Yike's listing. Not to mention pursuing the same market value, you can also expect a very good price.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo arrived at Jin Mao Tower, which he had not been to yet.

Compared with Hang Lung Office Building, Jin Mao Tower, which was officially opened in 1999, is much more impressive. Next to it is the Shanghai World Financial Center, which is about to resume construction.

"When Yike goes public, I will buy a floor in the financial center."

Fang Zhuo stood under the Jinmao Tower and looked at the construction site of the financial center.

"Mr. Fang, why don't you buy it from Jinmao?" the assistant next to him said at the right time.

"Because the financial center is higher." Fang Zhuo smiled and walked into the elevator. Well, he would reward himself once for completing the goal. He could buy a car with Sina and buy a floor with Yike.

The 23rd floor of Jinmao has been completely rented out by, but the first thing you see when you step out of the elevator are the words "Medical Group" on the wall.

The conference room was full of people.

Compared with the morning meeting, there were more unfamiliar faces in the afternoon meeting. Zhou Xin had more power in the registration network than Su Wei did in Yike, so he made more adjustments accordingly.

"Good guys, the process of establishing the group has not been completed yet, and you have even put your name on it."

Fang Zhuo's first sentence after the greetings was about the brand upgrade of Liao

Because of the existence of Yike, the use of the word "medical science" seems very appropriate. It is a brother group.

"This can save a lot of money." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"The boss knows that firewood and rice are expensive, and Mr. Zhou has done a very good job." Fang Zhuo was very satisfied with Zhou Xin's efforts in the hospital software system, which was a business direction that he had never thought of before.

Made in a hospital in Lin'an, Zhou Xin's inspiration and actions in his profession are very impressive.

Zhou Xin said a few words modestly.

"Although our medical group has not been officially established yet, I would like to take this opportunity to talk a few words today."

"The Medical Group is rooted in the medical sector and is committed to promoting the development of medicine to better solve the pain of patients and bring convenience to them."

"Our current business is online registration, hospital software construction, and pharmaceutical e-commerce. In the future, we will also get involved in more traditional areas that require investment in research and development."

"In the three major areas I just mentioned, the Medical Association will set up a medical laboratory. I hope everyone can come back and offer suggestions."

Fang Zhuo spoke slowly and slowly about the goals of the "Medical Group".

The business of hospital software construction is developing rapidly. Even if it is not profitable this year, there is hope for a positive cycle tomorrow. This domestic market is a huge one.

In addition, in addition to honorary commendations, there were also some more substantial rewards for the last meeting that Guanhao Online went to Beijing to participate in information construction.

Originally, only two warehouses were planned in Mayong and Kunshan, but now because banks insist on lending, they have also added the suburbs of the capital.

Of course, the land in Mayong was purchased, and both Kunshan and Beijing were leased under long-term contracts.

In addition, Fang Zhuo expressed the difficulties of enterprise development in his communication with his leaders. He hoped to formalize the sales of online medicine, and it would be best to have an online medicine license.

This request has not yet been approved, but it is said to be very promising.

Medical Group still has a lot of potential to tap.

Fang Zhuo's speech received applause.

Next is the reporting of each business.

The development of registration network is a bigger attempt in East China.

The trial of Mayong warehouse, the progress of Kunshan warehouse and Beijing warehouse.

An early adopter of online pharmaceutical sales started due to warehouses.

All this is another half-day meeting.

In the evening, the medical meeting ended.

Vice President Zhou Xin stayed in the conference room. Seeing the president's thinking look, he asked: "Mr. Fang, are you thinking about some adjustments to the business direction?"

"Oh, oh, no, your business is doing very well. I was just thinking that the chairs in the conference room are indeed not as comfortable as those in first class." Fang Zhuo had a transoceanic flight and a daytime meeting, and he felt a sense of intuition on his buttocks Feel.

Zhou Xin: "..."

The vice president changed his title and said that what he wanted to say was a private matter: "Brother Fang, come to my office. My fiancée is there. You have to speak at my wedding in a few days."

"What's wrong with me? Let your elders speak. I don't know how to speak." Fang Zhuo stood up, extremely humble.

"You are my leader. If the elders have their say, you have to say it too." Zhou Xin said with a smile, "I don't have any merit for sticking to the registration network, but I do have hard work."

Fang Zhuo teased while paying attention to Zhou Xin's expression: "You have merit, so I can be regarded as a matchmaker. You are not going to have a wife."

"Well, that's why Brother Fang has to go on stage." Zhou Xin thought, "It's a custom in the family that we have to toast the matchmaker's wine."

As they spoke, the two of them arrived at the vice president's office, where a cute-looking girl was sitting on the boss's chair behind the desk.

"Zhou Xin, Zhou Xin, I learned a new dish today!" When the girl saw her fiancé, she thought the young man next to him was a colleague and subordinate.

"Ahem, this is Brother Fang, my big boss." Zhou Xin motioned to the girl to be polite and introduced, "Brother Fang, this is my fiancée Yu Lanyu."

Yu Lanyu stood up hurriedly, a little stumbled and shy, and said hello: "Fang, hello, Brother Fang!"

Fang Zhuo suddenly remembered Zhou Xin's comment about her "having no ambition" and couldn't help but smile: "Well, okay, I'm fine, I hope you are fine too."

He turned to Zhou Xin and said seriously: "I will no longer be your big leader. Yu Lanyu is your big leader. We must be harmonious and beautiful."

Zhou Xin nodded.

Yu Lanyu is very fond of the young CEO who has heard many stories from her fiancé. He is truly worthy of being a CEO. Yu Lanyu is Zhou Xin’s big leader! !

"Let's eat together tonight, just in time to talk about something, I'll treat you." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Oh, yes, call Teacher Xiao Su, but it's a pity that Xiao Yu won't come back in a few days, otherwise we can count as a new member of the old team. ”

"Let's go, I'll take some documents home to read." Zhou Xin walked to the table and packed up the documents.

Yu Lanyu suddenly asked weakly: "Brother Fang, I have a good friend who flew from the capital. Can we have dinner together?"

"Oh, yes, no problem. It's okay to shout more." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Lanyu asked tentatively: "Really?"

"Of course." Fang Zhuo didn't realize it.


Two tables were opened in the evening.

There are two tables of young and beautiful girls in the private room.

Chirp, chirp, slag chirp.

Everyone in Fang Zhuo was stunned.

"Mr. Fang, why are there so many people?" Su Wei had something to deal with and came late.

"Well, they are all Yu Lanyu's friends, bridesmaids, classmates and so on." Fang Zhuo had a headache, a physiological headache.

Su Wei nodded and commented: "Well, Yu Lanyu is a bit naive."

"You ask the waiter to serve some more food, and I'll go out and smoke a cigarette." Fang Zhuo ordered, stood up and left the table.

Zhou Xin, who was talking to Yu Lanyu next to him, saw this and followed him out.

Yu Lanyu moved two places, sat next to Su Wei, and shouted happily: "Sister Wei! You will also come to be my bridesmaid at the end of the month!!"

"Haha, I can't do it, I've never done it before." Su Wei declined.

Yu Lanyu didn't dare to make a mistake, but said a little disappointedly: "Okay, later I want to ask Brother Fang if he can be the best man. Sister Wei, do you think I should say it directly or how to say it?"

"Oh, well, let's just say it." Su Wei thought for a few seconds, "Yes, Lan Yu, does your bridesmaid dress look good? I haven't worn anything like this before."

"Sister Wei must look good in what she wears. Let's try it on when we get home tonight." Yu Lanyu already lives with Zhou Xin and is in the same community as Su Wei.

Su Wei nodded slightly. She didn't want to be a bridesmaid, but she just wanted to try out the clothes.

On the other side, two men went out to smoke.

"Brother Fang, it's a bit noisy." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo took a deep breath and said, "Well, Yu Lanyu has a lot of friends."

"Her father is the only daughter of hers. He usually dotes on her. She has a cheerful personality and is generous to others. She has many friends." Zhou Xin said, "Brother Fang, I heard Lan Yu say just now that one of her best friends is secretly asking you."

Fang Zhuo smiled and waved his hand.

Zhou Xin stopped mentioning it.

A few seconds later, Fang Zhuo said with some emotion: "I usually run here and there, fly here and there, or go to the shareholders' meeting to see a few old faces, or see the ugly faces of Zhang Sohu and Ma Ali, and listen to Sony, Apple..."

"It's really exciting today, quite noisy, and quite fresh."

Zhou Xin smiled and complained again: "Brother Fang, I have experienced it several times...brain pain."

"Be a good man, take care of your family, be good to your wife, and hurry up and have more babies." Fang Zhuo smoked a cigarette and rambled, feeling happy for Zhou Xin from the bottom of his heart.

"Where's Brother Fang? When will you consider starting a family?" Zhou Xin asked.

"I mentioned a medical laboratory at today's meeting. Do you know what I was considering?" Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Zhou Xin: "???"

"We can fund some medical research, use the name of our medical department, and cooperate more with universities and teachers who are practical, such as Wang Rui, Tu Youyou, and Chen Hualan." Fang Zhuo said casually, "Don't be persistent about this. In order to make a profit, support funds will not be spent much.”

Zhou Xin thought for a while and said ashamedly: "Brother Fang, I have never heard of the name you mentioned."

"Oh, it's normal. I heard someone mention it in Beijing a while ago. Look back and see if there is anyone in need of funds, whether it is a registration network or a medical group. I am thinking that I can still give more help to the society." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "This is what I'm saying sincerely. I'm afraid you'll get into the hospital's software system."

"When it comes to making money, I have a fund here, and you also have shares in Yike. There is no need to worry about the registration network."

Zhou Xin both agrees and disagrees: "Brother Fang, it's not all about making money, it's also a career. I understand what you're saying. Don't worry, I'm sensible, and I'll take care of the medical laboratory."

Fang Zhuo nodded happily.

When he thought of Yi Ke's current vice president Tang Shangde, he felt even more pleased when he looked at Zhou Xin in front of him.

"Let's go in."

Fang Zhuo greeted Zhou Xin and walked back into the fireworks-filled box. Well, apart from being a bit noisy, it was actually quite eye-catching.

I had a good sleep that night and headed straight to the capital the next day.

The president of Sina returned to his position.

This inevitably caused complaints from Sina CEO Wang Yan.

However, Fang Zhuo felt that this young CEO was half-truthful. He had been decentralized before, but now he has the power, he doesn't know how cool it is.

Fang Zhuo is nominally the president, but is actually closer to the position of chairman. He also decided to change his title at the next shareholder meeting.

Today, Sina's stock price is still improving, and the voices in those corners are quickly quieting down.

Sina’s employees and shareholders will only love leaders who can help everyone make money.

Fang Zhuo's trip to Beijing took two days longer than expected. His main task was to empower the new department and connect Sina's upcoming "post" function with the news task force.

The function of this group is to comment on current affairs and reflect social conditions in the form of cartoons, satirical stories and the like.

The rapid development of the domestic economy will inevitably lead to bad situations. New online media such as Sina must also have the responsibility of news supervision.

However, what makes many people at Sina criticized is that one of the deputy leaders of this news team is chief writer Xu Changlun.

Although today's Sina is already in the era of President Fang, Xu Changlun's series of performances still make people unable to help but criticize him. This person is ironic enough, how can he hold such a position...

Everyone feels that although Mr. Fang can lead people to make money, he still has the habit of being photographed as a leader.

So, when it comes to flattering, you still have to flatter!

On November 24, Sina President Fang Zhuo did not give many opportunities to flatter his employees. This time he returned to Shanghai with two assistants to the president.

The work of Sina and Yike is very important, and both sides are developing rapidly, so we will take care of them in this way for the time being.

In the future, it is unrealistic to ask Yike to move to the capital. There is a new district mayor and a new deputy mayor here, and the policy environment is also very favorable, so he will not move easily.

After much thought, Fang Zhuo still felt that the subjective initiative of the executives should be used. If Wang Yan performs well in the next one or two years, he can be given the position of president of Sina. He only needs to control the board of directors.

In a blink of an eye, Zhou Xin's wedding day was approaching, and Yu Hong, the marketing director of Yike, flew back from New York. She was very lively when she came back, saying that she would protect Yu Lanyu from now on.

Yu Hong's personality and Yu Lanyu's personality are quite compatible.

On November 29, just as everyone was happy about Zhou Xin's life event, Fang Zhuo was suddenly approached by a Yike supervisor, Qi Qi Ai Ai.

"Mr. Fang, um, um, can you please help me?" Sun Qingbo said helplessly and pleadingly.

"What do you want to say first?" Fang Zhuo has a dinner date tonight.

"Well, our house was planned to be demolished in Shanghai, but the demolition company started the construction without any consultation." Sun Qingbo opened his sleeves and his arms were bruised and bruised. "Can you help us talk?"

Sun Qingbo knew that his boss's boastful words about Hang Lung were circulating in the company, and he hoped that he would be willing to help with such private matters.

"Where is your home?" Fang Zhuo asked with a frown.

"Just in Jing'an District." Sun Qingbo replied.

Jing'an District is in the same district as Yike Company.

Fang Zhuo is usually very busy and doesn't have much social interaction, but he has also met with the district chief. He asked again: "What company is coming to do demolition and who is the boss? I'll try to say hello, but it may not work." .”

Sun Qingbo said quickly: "Thank you, Mr. Fang. If it doesn't work, we will accept our fate. The company is Shanghai Real Estate Holdings, and the boss is Zhou Zhengyi."

Fang Zhuo vaguely felt that the name sounded familiar: "Zhou Zhengyi? Which Zhou Zhengyi?"

"Many people now say that he is the richest man in Shanghai." Sun Qingbo asked for some information.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and motioned to Sun Qingbo to go out first and he would make some phone calls.

Soon, Fang Zhuo got Zhou Zhengyi's personal number through someone, dialed it directly, and expressed his intention in a very polite and courteous manner.

However, the richest man in Shanghai had his own background and hung up the phone without hearing a word.

Fang Zhuo was not angry, so he thought again and again and dialed the new district chief's number. Then, as if it was not enough, he also spoke to Zheng Danrui once.

This matter is illegal to say the least, and it is nothing to the company, but it is really difficult to fall on Sun Qingbo personally. Looking at his embarrassed appearance and injured arm, there must be a lot of twists and turns in the process.

The richest man in Shanghai is messing around with his own family next to the company, so saying hello is not too much.

Within two hours, Zhou Zhengyi's call came back.

"Brother Fang, I have told the following about this little matter, and we must abide by the rules."

"Mr. Zhou is too polite. Well, not only follow the rules, but also the law." Fang Zhuo replied calmly.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, if I serve as a host one day, I will definitely show you my favor." Zhou Zhengyi said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo exchanged a few words of greetings, but didn't say whether to go or not.

The call ends.

Neither of them felt that something was right, so they each put down their phones and greeted each other in dialect from a distance.

Almost three in one.

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