The richest man in Shanghai comes and goes.

Fang Zhuo could see his final displeasure, but he also wondered about it.

Why did everyone suddenly change their attitude while greeting each other normally?

Fang Zhuo briefly recalled his conversation with this person and confirmed that it was all normal greetings. So why was he angry?

Could it be that he could hear his own voice and know his secret slander towards him? You can't, otherwise you won't fall to the point of going in.

Are you still thinking about the little things from last time? It's not that big of a deal, isn't it just a one-sentence order for the richest man, and he still remembers it to this day?

Fang Zhuo was puzzled. It couldn't be because he had sound limbs, could speak well, had an ID card on his body, and a driver's license in the car.

He thought about it with doubts, and finally figured out a reason the moment he saw Lao Qiu.

Maybe Xu, the richest man, witnessed himself digesting Professor Chen Jin's semiconductor results with Lao Qiu's help today? Richest man Xu also wants to contribute to the development of the country's high-tech industries?

After all, semiconductor projects can gain such huge fame that even Lao Qiu desperately wants to get a piece of the pie.

Fang Zhuo slowly sipped half a glass of red wine, and after being introduced to several local entrepreneurs by Lao Qiu, he casually chatted with the old leader about his previous experiences.

Judy had already brokered several good project collaborations today and was in a good mood. She said half-jokingly: "Isn't he trying to offend you, Mr. Fang?"

Fang Zhuo: "...No."

"You don't have the public opinion tool Sina in your hand." Judi said meaningfully, "He is a real estate agent, and you called me to report the violation before. If I were him, I would have to pay attention to you. What about Sina’s excavation report? What about the financial chain in this guy’s hand..."

Lao Qiu is not just a second-time member of the CPPCC!

No matter how much Fang Zhuo thought about Sina or the use of Hanxin, milk powder, etc. in his mind, he just smiled bitterly and said: "District Chief Qiu, you are exaggerating."

Qiu Di laughed twice and praised: "Mr. Fang, your registration website has done well recently. I even had a chat with the Health Bureau during the meeting two days ago."

Fang Zhuo accepted the praise and silently gave the gift: "District Chief Qiu, in two days I will give you four pots of orchids."

Now it was Judy's turn to be confused: "?"

But he didn't struggle with this. He knew that he couldn't compare to this young man's quick thinking. He nodded and said with a smile: "Let's go, I will introduce you to foreign businessmen. I think your company likes to be on the 23rd floor. In two years, let foreign businessmen come to you." You also leave a floor of 23 in the financial center.”

"Hahaha, then I'll change my name to Fang 23 from now on." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"If you change your name, I'll ask the household registration department to speed up the process for you." Judi said.

"District Chief Qiu, I want to give you six pots of orchids." Fang Zhuo likes leaders who can joke, so you have to cherish them.

Judy was really surprised: "Why?"

"It's better to have orchids at home." Fang Zhuo replied.

Judy understood the meaning and laughed: "Do you still believe this?"

Fang Zhuo looked at the old leader, not believing it at first...

The entrepreneur exchange meeting on New Year's Day was lively. The leaders cared about the development of enterprises, promoted corporate cooperation, implemented corporate projects, and provided preferential treatment to enterprises.

Overall, everyone is happier.

Fang Zhuo met a group of people under the leadership of his old leader and discussed three or four intentions, including semiconductor projects, hospital software construction cooperation, foreign private equity funds landing in new areas, etc.

Lao Qiu even directly asked if he was interested in real estate.

Fang Zhuo refused without much hesitation.

What kind of real estate do you want to do? What is good about real estate? I will never do real estate in this life.

At the end of this exchange meeting, Fang Zhuo and Professor Chen Jin exchanged opinions and planned to talk about semiconductor partner companies over the weekend.

The returned professor was very clear-headed and confident. He also said that the Hanxin project was about to make a major breakthrough.

At this time, Fang Zhuo, who left the scene and returned home, was a little confused. Speaking of Hanxin, it was obviously something that could be easily exposed. How could he jump like this?

Are you really so confident that everything is infallible? Didn't you consider the possible liability you would face if the incident failed?

Fang Zhuo did not use his past fate as an excuse for the current situation. After thinking about it from his perspective, he still felt that the risk faced by the returned professor was too great.

If it were up to me to do this... cough...

As he was thinking about it, something moved in his mind. He called his assistant while sitting in the car and gave an order: "Xiao Wang, help me check Professor Chen Jin's overseas resume."

Well, after all, if you want to cooperate, it’s not too much to do a background check.

The New Year's Day holiday is over, and many events in 2003 are like valves being opened.

What deserves Fang Zhuo's most recent attention is the secret contact between Sina Wang Yan and Yangcheng Xunlong. This company has a certain scale and strength. According to feedback, it is also willing to sell the company.

Therefore, using it to stimulate stock prices has become a feasible thing.

However, just when Sina was trying to acquire and cooperate, the performance results of NetEase's "Westward Journey 2" continued to spread, which first stimulated the stock price of Nasdaq.

During this period of time among the three major portal websites, Sina grew the fastest, followed by Sohu, and NetEase ranked last.

A very important reason here is that NetEase was suspended due to financial problems.

Now, the popularity of "Westward Journey 2" has directly stimulated NetEase's stock price as a major benefit, allowing it to successfully surpass Sohu within a few days of a good start in 2003.

By the way, it also helped Sina raise its price.

"Westward Journey 2" is a hit, which is good for Sina.

The logical relationship here is that according to the feedback from MIGA private equity, a portal website second to Sina has such potential. As an industry representative, Sina will of course also rise.

On January 5, 2003, Sina's closing price was US$13.63, NetEase was US$9.87, and Sohu was US$7.90.

Also that night, Fang Zhuo received a call from New York at home.

Brought by copper peas.

"Mr. Fang, do you support us?" Copper Pea Fan Xiong said bluntly.

Fang Zhuo assessed the meaning of this expression and replied: "I support all choices to safeguard my legitimate demands."

"Mr. Fang, I think the Anliang Chamber of Commerce is very unfair in the distribution of benefits." Fan Xiong said, "The Li family took too much, and we took too little. I have family members of some injured brothers who did not receive good benefits. It’s very unfair.”

Fang Zhuo listened quietly to some ideas from Copper Pea. There wasn't much he could do, except to express support: "The MIGA fund has grown very well and has seriously exceeded the Li family's original expectations. I am confident that Li We will continue to invest money.”

"If you propose to share money at this time, the MIGA fund will comply with the provisions of the contract and will not make immediate delivery."

"But my people in New York have to be protected."

Fan Xiong, the copper pea, decided to follow Mr. Fang's instructions and slightly modify the plan time. He did not want to eliminate the Li family, but he just felt that since the Li family wanted to clear their name, the Anliang Association could not be decided by them.

Let the white be returned to white, and the good society be returned to the brothers.

January 6th, late.

Judy comes home from get off work.

Then, he saw the eight pots of orchids in good condition that he had received at home and fell into deep thought.

Why is that guy Fang Zhuo so superstitious!

This is too much!

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