Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 343 The Perfect Victim (Two in One)

"Mr. Fang, are we going to hold an annual meeting this year?"

"No, let's notify the next door, too. No, we won't do it."

"Mr. Fang, this is iMusic's schedule."

"Well, put it on the table."

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Pan and Mr. Qi are in the conference room."

"Okay, give them a cup of tea and let me wait for five minutes."

On January 7, Fang Zhuo sat in the President's Office on the 23rd floor of Jinmao, reviewing the cooperation contract drafted by the legal department, and occasionally answered some questions about the approaching new year.

This year’s Lunar New Year is relatively early. New Year’s Eve falls on the 31st of the end of the month, and Spring Festival falls on the first day of next month.

In 2002, both Yike and Yike performed well, with substantial growth. In addition to the company, bonuses, and year-end awards, both parties are looking forward to hosting a lively annual meeting.

Many people also want to meet the increasingly popular brand spokespersons Jay Chou, JJ Lin, and Lee Hom Wang, and want to hear their singing in person.

Fang Zhuo rejected this proposal due to safety concerns.

As for the contract in hand, I didn’t know how to get involved in Hanxin’s affairs at first, but now that I’m being slapped at my door, I have to consider how to use a legal contract to make the other party pay the due price.

The contract made by the legal department in accordance with the instructions was not rigorous and even quite loose. Yike Group will hold 55% of the equity of the new company and the other party will hold 45%.

However, there is a small setting here, that is, Fang Zhuo will let Chen Jin himself, not the company under his name, hold the equity.

In this way, after the incident occurs, the company can easily hold him personally accountable instead of arguing with another company.

The relationship chain is simple and direct, and can be handled neatly.

Moreover, considering the extremely huge legal amount, the company's subsequent investment in Professor Chen will be around 1 million.

The nature of this fund will not be regarded as scientific research funds, but will only be reflected in a certain contract as the final "illegal possession" completed "by fabricating facts or concealing the truth."

Fang Zhuo has only one task today, which is to let Professor Chen hold shares in his personal name.

He read the contract again, made sure it was correct, then stood up and walked to the conference room.

"Mr. Fang."

"Hello, Mr. Fang."

There were two people from Yike in the conference room, Pan Ben and Qi He.

Pan Ben is a deputy director who moved from IDG China and has experience in the US market, while Qi He is one of the first batch of deputy directors of Yike who went to the US market and was promoted due to their performance.

Fang Zhuo had a deep impression on both of them. Needless to say, Xiao Pan, as for Xiao Qi, the reason why he was selected into the first batch of overseas students in Yike was because he used the English corner to chat with his classmates during school. Excellent oral practice.

This time Yike opened up the European market, and he named these two deputy directors.

"Sit, sit, why are you so polite?"

"You two know each other, but you don't have much cooperation. One often works with Mr. Yu in New York and is responsible for general work, and the other is responsible for the market in Los Angeles. The two sides are three to four thousand kilometers away."

When Fang Zhuo talked about this distance, he was shocked. It was really far enough.

He continued: "But you are both very capable people. There is no doubt about this. Each of you has done a very good job. Regarding this European market, your subsequent cooperation with each other is crucial."

"Europe is a big market, and it is an extension of the competition between Yike and Apple. I actually have no doubts about your capabilities, but I just want to emphasize one point."

Pan Ben and Qi He listened very carefully. From the United States to Europe, this is an improvement in status and power, and they must be cherished.

"You must not be dogmatic. You cannot treat Europe as a whole. Don't use one set of methods for product strategies and publicity strategies." Fang Zhuo gave an example, "It's like doing publicity in Denmark and Finland."

"The Danes are very noisy, but the Finns are very social. If you put the same ad in there, the effect will be different."

"The most appropriate corporate strategy is one that is tailored to local conditions, and only if it is appropriate can we achieve faster development."

Fang Zhuo said eloquently.

We talked for a long time in the conference room, including funding, team, channels and competitive relationship with Apple. All of these will face challenges in the European market.

The year 2003 is quite important for Yike. If this year's performance is outstanding, it will seek listing opportunities on Nasdaq.

Although Fang Zhuo did not officially announce this goal, the occasional few words made it no secret, making many people look forward to the equity incentives when it goes public.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two deputy directors left. They could not celebrate the Chinese New Year in China this year. This was Yike's stress response to Apple's competition.

Of course, the same goes for competitors. Fang Zhuo thinks this is mutual achievement.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Professor Chen Jin came to visit on time and entered the president's office of the medical department.

"When Professor Chen comes, my office really shines. Welcome."

Fang Zhuo expressed his sincere and eager welcome, making and pouring tea with his own hands.

This is the third time Chen Jin has met Fang Zhuo. He is not very familiar with the person, but he likes this kind of flattering person the most.

Ever since I entered Jiaotong University and started working on projects, no matter where I go or who I meet, most of them are treated with such politeness, affection and warm respect.

Chen Jin likes this kind of fluttering feeling from the bottom of his heart. He has a little understanding of the CEO of Yike and knows that Ye Luzi naturally looks up to intellectuals because of his academic qualifications.

"Mr. Fang is too polite." Chen Jin smiled reservedly, "I still have to thank you for your support of our semiconductor business."

"I just tried my best. I know this because there are parts purchased in Japan in our products." Fang Zhuo sat back in his seat and took a sip of tea. Before he came up, he talked about the company and asked about the Jiaotong University scholarship. Condition.

Chen Jin talked about this self-disability, and he also thought the name of the scholarship established by Yike was quite interesting.

After some pleasantries, the atmosphere gradually relaxed.

"Professor Chen, I don't know much about semiconductors, and my company is not engaged in this field." Fang Zhuo felt that he was done, so he started talking about business, "But I believe in the prospects of this market application."

Yike's product director is a lecturer at Jiaotong University, so it has recruited many Jiaotong University graduates, and almost all of them are willing to intern.

Chen Jin knew about these origins, and he knew it when he was a semiconductor scholarship student, so he believed in the young boss's simple "belief".

You have unearthed a treasure from Jiaotong University, and the company has started to prosper. Why not continue to believe?

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "When I approached our product director, Mr. Xu Kedenxu, to talk about this music player, I said that I didn't understand the technology. He asked me at that time, what are you doing if you don't understand the technology?"

"I answered him like this - I don't understand technology, but I understand people. As soon as I saw Teacher Xu, he was someone I could trust."

President Yike said with a smile: "The feeling at that time was the same as when I see Professor Chen now."

Chen Jin laughed, enjoying such roundabout flattery from a young CEO.

Those who come out of Yeluzi School are not completely incompetent. At least they have a good speaking ability.

"Professor Chen, I know that the application of this semiconductor to the market may not be a matter of time. Let's cooperate to establish a company first." Fang Zhuo took the contract and put it on the coffee table. "I will invest 5 million for 55% of the shares. On your side, 45%.”

Chen Jin took the contract and roughly looked through the terms. It was quite concise and there were no complicated add-ons.

He thought for a moment and showed a dissatisfied expression.

Fang Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, but then he felt dumbfounded by what he heard.

"Mr. Fang, you contribute the money and I contribute the effort. This company is a good thing. I don't think we need to get too entangled in this joint. The most important thing right now is to complete technological breakthroughs." Chen Jin said unhurriedly , "Let's do this. You have 51% and I have 49%. We will discuss specific arrangements later depending on the technology. How about that?"

Fang Zhuo looked troubled and remained silent.

Chen Jin was not in a hurry and drank tea leisurely. He had a strong attitude on a technical level.

"Professor Chen, you are more responsible for technical matters. You must trust us in terms of future market strategies." Fang Zhuo still compromised, "As for this ratio, I agree in principle. Take the contract back and review it. See See what details need to be modified.”

Chen Jin smiled slightly and picked up the contract again, this time looking at it for a little longer.

Fang Zhuo started to add water to the teacups of both of them, thinking about using the next week to implement the contract.

About ten minutes later, Chen Jin slapped the contract on the coffee table and said with a strong voice: "Mr. Fang believes in me. Of course I believe in Mr. Fang. Let's sign the contract today."

Fang Zhuo was shocked and suggested kindly: "Professor Chen, the terms in the contract cannot be careless. Our intention to cooperate is here. You can take it back and have a look before making a decision."

"Haha, for a company as big as Mr. Fang, how can there be any problems with the contract?" Chen Jin had already roughly read the contract, and he didn't think the young president had any bad intentions. There was no reason at all.

Fang Zhuo nodded silently. The contract was indeed a normal contract, and it was this valued signing subject... The professor didn't even mention it.

Isn’t life too rough?

Where does this sense of accomplishment come from?

But then I thought about it, this person could ask people to take chips to migrant workers to use sandpaper to polish the logo. This is indeed such a rough style.

Perhaps, more energy should be put into the skill of deception?

Fang Zhuo's thoughts turned quickly, and a smile appeared on his face quickly. He said, "Well, Professor Chen, I will ask someone to change the shareholding ratio. Can we sign it today?"

Chen Jin nodded.

Fang Zhuo pressed the intercom number, called his assistant, and reprinted the contract.

Soon, the contract was finalized.

But what was a bit embarrassing was that Fang Zhuo really didn't expect to sign today, so he didn't bring Yike's official seal.

"Professor Chen, you sign these two contracts first. Tomorrow I will go to Hang Lung to stamp the official seal. Identity documents are also required to establish a new company. I will ask my assistant to make copies for you." Fang Zhuo said.

Chen Jin was extremely happy and signed his name "shuashuashua".

Sign the names that need to be signed, provide the information that needs to be given, and follow the procedures that need to be followed.

Chen Jin came here to implement the work.

"Mr. Fang, actually I have some thoughts about the commercialization of technology." Chen Jin suggested a direction before leaving, "We can make a personal information terminal SOC, which will have a huge market in the future."

Fang Zhuo's enthusiasm had cooled down a little, and he said perfunctorily: "I don't understand technical matters. Professor Chen can make a project document according to your ideas. We need to conduct market research to see what the prospects are."

Chen Jin nodded, this is simple.

Fang Zhuo took a long breath and shook hands with Professor Chen before leaving: "Professor Chen, I hope our semiconductor industry will get better and better."

Chen Jin smiled: "Definitely, definitely."

The returned professor said goodbye. He was very satisfied with the work implemented today. He will have to declare a project tomorrow and apply for a patent the day after tomorrow. He likes such a straightforward boss.

Fang Zhuo saw the professor off and waved goodbye until he was in the elevator.

From today on, Yi Ke and himself will be perfect victims, just waiting for this Hanxin to come out, just waiting for him to continue to be a monster.

That night, the two contracts regarding the company's establishment were both stamped with the official seal of Yike Group, which meant that the establishment procedures would be carried out as agreed.

Fang Zhuo was quite pleased with this.

When he got home, before he could appreciate the black and white words on the contract, Li Xinyue from the Anliang Chamber of Commerce, whom he had not contacted for a long time, called.

"Mr. Fang, why is your fund requesting funds again?" Li Xinyue got straight to the point.

Fang Zhuo asked Kong Yu, who was in charge of fund matters in New York, to express his fundraising needs to the Li family. Unexpectedly, the other party called him directly.

"Some operations require a capital threshold." Fang Zhuo explained succinctly, "The more money you have, the easier it is to make money."

Li Xinyue complained: "If you ask for money every once in a while, you MIGA has lost its formality."

"You can make money only if you are not formal." Fang Zhuo replied.

Li Xinyue believes this, only by being informal can you make a lot of money.

What she wants is Fang Zhuo's attitude.

Li Xinyue asked again: "Mr. Fang, are there rumors that you are close to our Double Flower Red Stick?"

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Rumors stop with the wise."

Li Xinyue heard this tone on the other end of the phone. She was so calm and calm that she didn't say anything more.

She heard some voices of dissatisfaction, but the Li family had been in Anliang for a long time and had gone through many storms, so she didn't think there would be much trouble.

The two ended the call.

Fang Zhuo turned away and called Tong Wandou, briefly describing the conversation.

"Mr. Fang, don't worry, the brothers are not satisfied. The Li family eats too much and gives too little to the family." Fan Xiong's voice sounded more confident than last time, "Some brothers' families are stuck in the pension fund. "

Fang Zhuo made no comment on the phone. The Li family was equivalent to the contractor arrears the wages of the famous farmers, and it seemed that they were still confident.

He didn't know the internal power structure of this kind of gang-turned-chamber of commerce, but Li Xinyue obviously didn't realize that the Li family's status was not natural, but came from below.

The phone call didn't last long. Fang Zhuo simply informed him of the news and didn't intend to know the inside story.

Anyway, according to what Copper Pea revealed, the Li family has just lost an aspect that it has long wanted to get rid of, and its current actions are exactly what it wants.

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