Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 362 Response

The rich man who ranks ninth in the country and is also known as the richest man in Shanghai has entered the real estate industry with a tough attitude.

This not only attracted the attention of many people in the industry, but also made the media want to find out.

The destination of a piece of land with considerable benefits was decided in a short period of time. This can easily remind people of four words - collusion between government and businessmen.

In particular, Fang Zhuo, who has always been famous on the Internet, suddenly changed his track. This move really makes people think.

However, the local media in Shanghai remained relatively silent after the slightest report. Most of the arguments were that the real estate market in Shanghai was stable enough and the demolished people involved in the East Eight Block project would be properly resettled.

As for what happened in the process of land transfer, that's not important.

The local media in Shanghai have a weird attitude, but other media are not so easy to fool.

Some people think there are too many inside stories.

Some people think that Fang Zhuo's rash involvement in real estate may be another cycle of the rich list turning into a prisoner list.

Hang Lung 23 and Jinmao 23 declined media interview requests for many days in a row. However, the more they refused, the higher the level of media interviews.

Seeing this situation, after the company reported its rejection again and again, Fang Zhuo felt that it would be better to block it, so he prepared the materials and carefully chose a well-known newspaper.

By the way, the interview submitted by Sina on the 22nd floor of Jinmao was approved.

On May 2, Hang Lung 23, "Global Times" and Sina jointly interviewed.

After confirming the relationship, this newspaper will report from an objective standpoint and will not make any mistakes.

As for Sina, it said it was a joint interview, but in fact it was just a sit-in.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the interview began.

"Hello Fang Zhuo, why did you make the leap from the Internet to real estate?"

"And why did you choose a very controversial project in the first place?"

"Many members of the public are curious, why would Shanghai hand over a key project to a person who is new to the industry?"

The reporter was unambiguous and asked three positive questions.

Fang Zhuo is actually not afraid of interviews. He was reluctant at first because he was considering not to spread the turmoil, but later he found that the voices were getting louder and louder.

He organized his language and replied: "Yike is not an Internet company in the sense that everyone knows. In other words, everyone thinks that Yike is Shencheng Yike. In fact, the entire Yike Group includes consumer electronic products, areas such as manufacturing and assembly plants.”

"Because I am optimistic about the development of Huaxia Real Estate, this is another attempt by Yike Group."

"Yike is a comprehensive group. I hope that consumers will not only like our products but also live in reliable houses in the future."

"As for the controversial nature of the project, it actually has to do with the previous company, not us."

"It also needs to be emphasized that this project is not developed by Yike alone. You also mentioned that Yike is new to real estate, so its partners include Hengfeng Real Estate, Yongfeng Real Estate and other well-known companies in the industry."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Maybe because Yike and I are famous, everyone's attention is here. In fact, that's not the case."

The reporter nodded without comment and continued to ask: "Did Yike also get the 176,400 square meters of land in Dongba with zero yuan of land transfer fee?"

"The cost of Yike is not zero. We have to be responsible for the demolished households in this area. The cost of land transfer fees has become this piece. The number 0 sounds harsh, but our expenditure is not zero."

"The East Eight Block we took over is not 176,400 square meters. I found that people have many misunderstandings. Regarding the East Eight Block, the city's strategy is to classify part of it as park green space and leave the rest to us for development."

"The area we are responsible for developing is almost 110,000 square meters. I personally think that the city's disposal is more reasonable, and the public green space will become a landscape in our Jing'an District."

Fang Zhuo spread his hands: "So, we took over Dongba District, but we didn't take over completely."

At the end of April, the city made the final decision. Yongke Real Estate took over the project from Nongkai Group, but it also decided to classify the area of ​​three old neighborhoods in the south as park green space.

The government is responsible for the demolition of these three old neighborhoods, and the construction of the park is completed by Zhongfang Shencheng.

In fact, Fang Zhuo feels that the media should dig into the story of Zhongfang Shencheng to see why it turned against Hutchison on the spot and then took over the park's task.

Of course, media reporters will definitely not ask. It is not well-known there, and it is not as newsy as the richest man in Shanghai taking over the property of the former richest man.

Fang Zhuo took the information under the camera and showed it to reporters. There were government announcements, district guidance, Nongkai Group's quick delivery of materials, and cooperation letters between Yike and other real estate companies.

The reason why I dare to be interviewed by a newspaper like the Global Times is that there are no problems with the project procedures and all procedures are in compliance with laws and regulations.

Fang Zhuo did not engage in profit transfer. Even privately speaking, Yike's entry this time was for the development of the city, and by the way, it was used as some political achievements of the deputy leader.

As for turning part of the area into a park, this suggestion was also made by Zheng Danrui, and it was finally decided that Yongke would take over.

The reporter browsed the information and instructed the camera to capture what the young president presented.

He pondered for a moment and asked a question that has been frequently mentioned recently: "Will Yike build its own company headquarters on this land? I have seen similar news and rumors."

Fang Zhuo laughed: "Fake news."

"Yike has no such plan. Our current task is to complete the demolition and construction of this area. As for the company's headquarters, if we really do it in the future, I hope to make it the most unique and impressive headquarters in the country."

"I really don't have that plan now."

The reporter asked again: "What do you think of Xu Mingchang?"

This question is a bit out of scope. It is not about Nongkai Group, nor is it about the project.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and replied: "I do the Internet, Xu Mingchang does not. I do real estate, and Xu Mingchang was investigated. We have nothing to do with each other. I am also very strange. The media always asks me for my opinion. This cannot influence Xu Mingchang’s ending.”

"My current view is to do well what Nongkai Group has not completed. If Xu Mingchang knew about it, he would definitely be pleased."

That's what Fang Zhuo guessed. If it were him, he would definitely be happy. The other person should have the same broad mind as the richest man like him.

The reporter gave a subtle expression, still not commenting, only asking questions.

Once things are broken down into pieces, there is no mystery anymore.

Really mysterious things, such as whether the president approached the leader or received instructions from the leader, will not be asked.

Fang Zhuo spent two hours giving explanations one by one and responded to the questions quite comprehensively.

As noon approached, the reporter from the Global Times did not stay for lunch. He only shook hands and thanked President Yike for cooperating with the interview and then left.

Fang Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief and added some answers to the Sina reporters who had been listening.

When there was no one else in the CEO's office, he finally made the communication scheduled for the morning.

"We don't get loans from local banks in Shanghai. We ask banks in Beijing or Lin'an."

Once the Dongba Block project is obtained, it is not difficult. The only thing that needs to be cautious is the source of funds. Fang Zhuo is considering taking money from Lin'an, his second hometown, or approving loans from his fourth hometown, Jingcheng. He cannot be involved in his third hometown for the time being. of bank funds.

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