Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 363 Processing (two-in-one)

Regarding the funding issue of Yongke Real Estate, Fang Zhuo had already decided before the seminar that he would not use local banks or financial institutions in Shanghai.

Because this involved a minefield for Shencheng in the next few years, he was too lazy to analyze and think about it, so he simply stayed away from it in order to avoid further trouble later.

Previously, Xu Mingchang claimed that the two banks in Shanghai had loan lines of 2 billion and 3 billion respectively. Fang Zhuo thought that he was also on the Forbes rich list. Even if he reduced it by 0, it would be enough to start the project.

As expected, the feedback from banks in Beijing and Lin'an was quite positive. Even though it was not for local construction, they were still willing to provide funds for high-quality Shencheng Yike.

Some foreign banks even heard the news and took the initiative to inquire about their funding needs and talk about the brokerage services they could provide.

Since Yike launched the music download function of iMusic, the player + network model has been paid more and more attention.

Because Yike does not disclose data, many institutions use Apple's financial reports to measure Yike's business level.

In terms of hardware, Yike's single product profit is obviously not as good as Apple's, but it wins because of its large quantity. In terms of software, it is generally believed that the two companies are about the same.

At the same time, Yike's internal annual goals are gradually spreading, and the Nasdaq listing journey can already be looked forward to.

Fang Zhuo declined the money from foreign banks, saying that the company's IPO would be at least three quarters away, and that he was not currently making contact in this regard.

In the end, Yike decided that part of the start-up capital would come from Lin'an Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Beijing.

The former had cooperated with it very early, and the money for renting and purchasing Hang Lung 23 came from it. At that time, it was only an interest-free loan of 500,000, but now it has increased by more than a hundred times.

As for the latter, the ICBC branch in Beijing is not only because of Yike's company performance, but also because Yike has recently received public praise from its leaders.

The medical department performed well in the environment that pervaded China in the first half of 2003. The protective equipment donated to the medical system, the masks sold at low prices, and the registration network connecting the hospitals to publish real news were all noticed by the leaders.

When Beijing was announced to have lifted its travel warning by the World Health Organization, it almost marked the end of the special situation in the first half of the year.

In fact, Medical Science did not promote it in the media, and Sina, which is controlled by Fang Zhuo, did not describe it much. The two companies only exchanged medical information.

However, medicine still received almost immediate preferential treatment.

The bank loan that Fang Zhuo obtained is only a part of it that is not worth mentioning. The most important thing is that Medical Science obtained an online pharmaceutical sales license.

Policies and regulations have never kept pace with the development speed of emerging industries, but... e-commerce has not developed yet!

Fang Zhuo tried to make this request during a meeting in Beijing last year, but he never got any feedback. He thought the relevant departments had already expressed their rejection, and he almost forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the capital over there returned to normal, the medical department immediately obtained a certificate that made the business legal and compliant, and could directly purchase and sell OTC over-the-counter drugs online.

Fang Zhuo said based on his conscience that he really had no intention of profiting from this matter, but it seemed that he was rewarded because of his conscience.

Of course, pharmaceutical sales are a very small part of e-commerce, and they will only gain more development after the public gradually becomes familiar with online shopping. However, a unique license will definitely bring new glory to the medical field.

On May 5, while the newly established Yongke Real Estate was recruiting people, it also invited a third-party supervision agency from other places to ensure that there would be no problems with the East 8th Block project through internal and external procedures.

No, it should actually be called Dongwukuai now.

On May 6, Fang Zhuo concentrated on handling the funding problem and decided to borrow a total of 290 million from Lin'an Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

In addition, New York's MIGA Fund will also release financial products with a two-year closing period, seeking to raise US$20 million.

These will be used as project start-up funds invested by Yike, plus funds from other companies, the East Five Blocks project will be divided into four phases for development.

The first phase that will be launched first is the area where Nongkai Group has signed a demolition contract. At the same time, demolition work on other plots of land will continue.

Then the second and third phases will be launched simultaneously, and the pre-sale of the first phase will be carried out to withdraw funds.

The last is the fourth phase, and pre-sales for the second and third phase will be carried out.

If nothing unexpected happens, the cycle of the East 5th Block project will be controlled within 27 months. If nothing unexpected happens, Yike will withdraw from Yongke Real Estate’s shareholding by then...

Fang Zhuo didn't tell others about this, he just thought about it in his mind, because he himself was not sure. Sometimes he thought it would be cool to let his company find a place to build a company headquarters.

Anyway, it will take a long time, so there is no rush, it will depend on the situation.

Yongke Real Estate was in full swing. Fang Zhuo held two meetings and saw that Liu Suyi from Yonghe Real Estate, Huang Jin from Hengfeng Real Estate and others were full of enthusiasm, so he respected the project opinions of professionals after emphasizing safety, security and other matters.

These real estate companies are not large in scale, and their relationships are not difficult to deal with. They may have some small plans with each other, but from Fang Zhuo's observation, they are all here for their real estate development duties.

Fang Zhuo communicated with every company boss in private, and after a while he got the impression that all real estate people were honest people.

After thinking about it, the root cause of this misalignment is that I encountered a dishonest project that was a bit big, which made me feel like "liars are rampant in this world."

On May 10, the first half of this month ended, Fang Zhuo sighed and turned his attention to his dear partner, Professor Chen Jin.

Busy with medicine and real estate, more than two months have passed before I knew it. Professor Chen has become famous all over the world, and the "Hanxin" project has become the most popular high-tech product among the Chinese people.

After preparations, Jiaotong University officially established the School of Microelectronics, and Chen Jin, a 36-year-old returnee from overseas, also officially became the dean of the school.

It is said that Jiaotong University may also invest in Hanxin Corporation so that it can bear the name of Jiaotong University.

At the same time, Professor Chen’s journey to seek funding and establish projects is also ongoing.

The information Fang Zhuo collected included the Shanghai Information Commission, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, National Innovation Fund and other departments. This person even got 130,000 yuan from the Minhang District Government for an unknown small project. appropriation.

I heard about this 130,000 from my sister Zhao Suqi.

"To be precise, it's 132,500. Brother, I heard what my friend said. Is there anything wrong with Hanxin?"

On Saturday evening, Zhao Suqi went home and talked about what she had seen at school. She had been told by her brother to pay attention to the news about Professor Chen Jin and Hanxin.

Fang Zhuo didn't answer.

Zhao Suqi asked again: "Don't you and Professor Chen cooperate?"

"Yes, there is cooperation." Fang Zhuo said, "But from my experience, Professor Chen's public activities seem to be too frequent. How much time can he leave for scientific research?"

Zhao Suqi glanced at his brother and said, "It seems that there are many students helping with the experiments, but Professor Chen is very strict in their scientific research management and takes good care of their spare time life."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Strict management? Amateur care? How come you still have such a reputation?"

Zhao Suqi thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know how it came about. That's what they said about scientific research. In my spare time, Professor Chen seems to have regular travel arrangements."

Fang Zhuo nodded. This style of regular travel is familiar.

He stopped discussing the matter and asked, "How about living in the dormitory on campus? How about moving back home?"

Mother Zhao Shumei, who was looking at the design drawings, suddenly turned her head and said, "Yes, Qi Qi, it's still lively when we come back."

"There is a lot to learn in school, and I have to go to the library every day. Besides, summer vacation is coming soon." Zhao Suqi said with a smile, "I am going to help my aunt in her teahouse during summer vacation."

The teahouse called "Tea Matters" in Plaza 66 is about to open, and Zhao Shumei and Fang Tong have been busy doing the final decoration recently.

This teahouse probably won't invite anyone, just parents, uncles, and aunts will be responsible for it.

Fang Zhuo thinks...the tea room thing was an excuse he made casually when he asked his family to come, but they actually did it.

He said seriously: "Why do you go to the teahouse to help? They won't have business there. If you go there, you will have to pay an extra salary. Maybe it will be the last straw that causes the company to go bankrupt. Go to Jinmao for an internship on the 22nd floor during the summer vacation. , look at how MIGA funds operate."

Zhao Shumei stood up and came over to pinch her son's face: "You can't come to the tearoom to drink tea when you have guests? How could it go bankrupt!"

"Our company has strict rules and regulations, and what I'm doing is showing favoritism." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Zhao Shumei glared at her son.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and said, "Speaking of which, Mom, I have a new real estate company. You have been an engineer for most of your life. Do you want to give it a try?"

"I've seen enough drawings for a long time. Now I just want to see my son and hug my grandson." Zhao Shumei shook her head and said, "Besides, I read the newspaper and people said it's not good for you to engage in real estate. I don't know which one of us will be the first." collapse."

Zhao Suqi laughed out loud as he watched the two people arguing about who would go bankrupt first.

After a while, she asked her brother, who was forced to admit that he might fail first: "Does the MIGA fund also operate in the domestic stock market?"

"The domestic stock market is too professional and I can't understand it." Fang Zhuo replied, "If you want to try it, you can try it on a small scale. It's an internship. It's always good to have more experience, but MIGA mainly focuses on the United States. products in the financial sector.”

He said firmly: "MIGA Fund is the most professional fund in the U.S. financial market in mainland China."

Zhao Suqi was in awe.

After a moment, he asked: "Are there relatively few people doing this in China?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at his sister: "Normally, customers would not ask you such a question after hearing this sentence."

Zhao Suqi was once again in awe of his brother's style.

She ended her summer internship with a question: "Brother, what are your tips for investing and judging the financial market?"

"Judgment, now is the general trend of rising and rising. Whenever I call for stop, I will stop immediately. As for the specific investment..." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "I don't care about these, just one sentence, you can know Inside information, but don’t believe in inside information.”

Zhao Suqi was thoughtful.

Fang Zhuo is still looking forward to his sister's training, but he doesn't think that one year of study at Jiaotong University can cultivate a genius. There must be a professional learning + practice process.

People and things must follow objective laws of development. Professor Chen's approach is not very objective.

Fang Zhuo has already compiled a number of materials, and one of them is about Professor Chen's public itinerary this year. This is a side proof of the energy allocation of a scientific researcher.

As for the positives...not yet.

Fang Zhuo asked Chen Jin for a copy of his independently developed Hanxin No. 1 in the name of a cooperative company, but the latter refused. The professor kept his results confidential.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo couldn't prove it at all. He could only use the traditional method of "false accusation" to attract public attention. By the way, he was careful not to let this person suddenly fly to the United States.

It may still be a bit troublesome to fly to the United States. In this situation, the professor must receive a fair trial to make up for some of the damage he caused to domestic semiconductors.

Otherwise, in ten or twenty years, mentioning this will be an unpleasant memory.

Fang Zhuo vaguely remembered that the materials concocted by Top when he faced Song Ruhua in Lin'an also had a very good public opinion effect.

What was the title from that time?

Big lie about Top Group?

With this in mind, Fang Zhuo personally typed a document title in the CEO office of Hang Lung 23 - "The Big Lie About Hanxin".

The content of the article is about Hanxin’s fraud in the voice of a member of Hanxin’s team.

The content is not long, the focus is on where to publish it.

With the current number of views on, the first bold line on the homepage can create a big stir.

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment, flipped through the materials, and typed out the second title - "About Chen Jin's falsification of resume and academic qualifications."

The now proud Professor Chen was not a semiconductor design engineer at Motorola as he claimed. According to Fang Zhuo's verification in the United States, Professor Chen was just an electronic engineer. There was a big difference between the two.

The Hanxin No. 1 in his hand should be the chip purchased from Motorola.

In addition, this person is indeed a Ph.D., but the direction of his thesis is analog circuit testing, not DSP chip design, and the IBM work experience he claims does not seem to exist.

Fang Zhuo's investigation in this area is not yet detailed. I believe that the media will follow up on this aspect in the future, and then we will know what is behind Dr. Chen's glamor.

After writing such an article listing the evidence, Fang Zhuo began to write a third article. This time he wanted to write about the harm of fraudulent behavior to the semiconductor industry and the necessary severe punishment.

However, as he wrote, he felt that such a statement should be written in a more gorgeous style, and his own was obviously not good enough.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and stopped writing the third article. He planned to ask the main writer Xu Changlun to write this thing after the first two articles were published. He was professional in doing this.

The president stopped his work, and now all that's left is to find a suitable time to post it to Sina and withstand the slightest pressure.

Oh, yes, you should also contact the relevant departments in advance and pay close attention to the trends of your partners.

I went home too late yesterday and had to read two chapters tonight.

It’s too late to come back again, Kawenzhong...

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