Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 364 Stop it, Fang Zhuo (two-in-one)

The weather in Shanghai in May is quite hot.

Occasionally, Fang Zhuo would go to the demolition site in East Fifth Block to inspect. The bricks were already a little hot when he touched them, and he was sweating from even the slightest movement.

As for being gentle towards partners, I have been keeping it secret for the time being in this kind of weather, thinking that I will not make it public until it starts raining in Shanghai next month and it is difficult to travel.

Of course, this is only a small factor.

The more reason is that Professor Chen Jin is not in Shanghai and has gone to Beijing to apply for the project.

In order to prevent the professor from being exposed and leaving the country with a guilty conscience, Fang Zhuo decided to wait for a while before triggering public opinion. He happened to take advantage of this time to get some formal matters done.

For example, Sina’s general shareholders’ meeting in early June.

This time's shareholders' meeting, not only all shareholders, but also the outside world seemed to know that it was another high-level handover.

If Sina had a substantial change in power last year, then this year it will undergo a complete change in name.

Many directors, including the chairman, have resigned from the board of directors and left Sina. They have sold a considerable part of their shares and achieved financial freedom.

It is said that some will choose to do something with more social significance, while others will consider starting a second business.

Fang Zhuo expressed in the conference call that those who have the intention to start a business can come to consult him about starting a business, and he will definitely provide reference opinions without reservation.

However, all the calls in the conference call were "Okay, okay", and two or three days after it ended, no one came to ask.

Fang Zhuo believes that it is necessary to review the distance between himself and the masses, and also believes that the other party's business venture is likely to fail. After all, he does not ask himself, which shows that his vision is not good.

Sina's business is developing steadily, and its stock price is rising along with NetEase, which has become a beautiful scene on the US stock market.

However, the results of NetEase's "Westward Journey 2" are really quite good, and it seems to be catching up from behind.

This has made companies, including Sina, a bit eager to take action, and Shanda has announced that it will launch a public beta of its self-developed "Legendary World" in July this year.

Fang Zhuo is a little hesitant to make suggestions in this area. Sina has been very outstanding in the media field in the past six months, but it is not as early as NetEase and Shanda in the game field.

In other words, the game gene is somewhat lacking.

The current three major portals, Sina's media field, NetEase's game field, and Sohu's sports field, are all better than their peers.

Can Sina make good games?

In other words, can the games produced by Sina stimulate the stock price?

Fang Zhuo mainly considered the latter - he found that since Sina's stock price entered a period of rising, he was always thinking about the impact of strategy on the stock price.

After a small-scale discussion, Sina has still established a game department, but it is not aiming for independent research and development. It is considering introducing foreign games.

In order to be responsible for the stock price and shareholders, Fang Zhuo has prepared secret gifts. After the general shareholders meeting, he will send efforts to the email address. In the subsequent stage, he will aim at introducing games produced by Blizzard.

When Blog China develops again and netizens are familiar with this model, it will be time for Sina to enter the market. This is a "traditional" field and cannot be let go.

This should be good for the company's stock price and shareholders' interests, and also allow Fang Zhuo to secure his position as chairman of Sina's board of directors with peace of mind.

In early June, partner Professor Chen returned to Shen from Beijing. He had several more eye-catching honorary titles on his head. Fang Zhuo was transferred from Shen to Beijing to attend the general meeting of shareholders of the listed company Sina.

Sina's shareholders' meeting is quite famous in the industry. Everyone still remembers what happened last year, and they also admire Fang Zhuo, the head of Sina, for his judgment in the Internet industry.

However, despite the considerable changes in this year's shareholders' meeting, the overall atmosphere was very stable and nothing messy happened.

The new chairman Fang Zhuo and the new president Wang Yan are the two top leaders of the company. In principle, the former is responsible for administrative power control, and the latter is responsible for the company's specific affairs.

There were three changes to the board of directors. Jiang Fengnian, Mao Daolin, and Wu Zheng no longer served as directors. The positions were replaced by company executives, and the shares they held became tradable shares.

It is worth mentioning that another major individual shareholder of the company, Duan Yongji, quietly cleared his shares and disappeared from the list of top ten shareholders announced by Sina, and he was not present this year.

Times change, and a new generation replaces the old.

However, regardless of Duan Yongji's liquidation or the resignation of the three directors, their news did not cause waves in the media. Only Sina's stock price rose again after the shareholders' meeting was reported.

Obviously, Fang Zhuo's taking over as chairman is considered good news by the capital market.

Before leaving Beijing, Fang Zhuo met with two non-Sina business-related leaders, listened humbly to official instructions on medical development, and said that promoting medical convenience for the public should always be the company's policy.

Since he was in a very excited mood and had important matters in Shanghai, Fang Zhuo declined Sohu Zhang Chaoyang's dinner invitation and couldn't wait to fly back to Shanghai.

The public opinion in the media is calm, Professor Chen Jin's whereabouts are confirmed, and all the information is ready. Now all he has to do is choose an auspicious day to launch a shocking scam.

Fang Zhuo is not a superstitious person, but he still looked at the calendar and finally chose June 14th as an auspicious day for Professor Chen.

On this day, it is forbidden to travel and it is suitable for burial.

On June 11, Fang Zhuo was sitting in the CEO office of Hang Lung 23, thinking about the international situation and alien visitors, when a call suddenly came in from the front desk to bring him back to his senses.

"Mr. Fang, there is a reporter named Liang Mu who wants to see you."

"Didn't they all refuse the interview? No, they said I had a meeting scheduled."

Fang Zhuo turned over the news in his mind for a while, but he has not arranged any interviews in the near future. He even declined media cameras when he attended the shareholders' meeting in Beijing, just to consider some desensitization.

"He doesn't want to interview, he wants to write a book for you." The voice at the front desk was a little strange.

"No." Fang Zhuo made his final decision and hung up the phone, feeling very baffled.

However, half a day passed in the morning, and reporter Liang Mu still did not leave. He even found several connections to get someone to call President Yike.

Fang Zhuo received a call from Xu Changlun, the chief writer of Sina. He thought it would be impolite to turn him away directly, so he gave it a try and invited someone in.

Both parties shook hands and the guest of honor took his seat.

"What's the relationship between Reporter Liang and Lao Xu? Why do you have the idea of ​​writing a book for me? I'm not old enough to be published." Fang Zhuo came up and expressed his attitude.

"Xu Changlun is the hometown of my high school classmate. We met for dinner once." Liang Mu showed this relationship very honestly.

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took a sip of tea.

Liang Mu continued to say seriously: "Mr. Fang started from scratch. He first founded the medical department and had a long and difficult road. Unfortunately, he encountered policy changes. Later, he joined CCTV and obtained Yike's starting capital with his outstanding performance. He successfully went overseas with his products. After competition in the legal, environmental and industrial sectors, Yikexin is thriving.”

"Then he won Sina by relying on capital operation and became the most eye-catching leader of China Internet. Now he has entered real estate and successfully won the East Eight Blocks."

"Mr. Fang's experience is worthy of writing a book and a biography."

Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Reporter Liang, there is no need to flatter me. I have no plans for a biography now."

"I'm not flattering." Liang Mu remained serious, "Well, if just telling Mr. Fang's past experience counts as flattery, then I am indeed flattering."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said nothing.

Liang Mu added: "Besides, even if Mr. Fang doesn't have this intention, wouldn't there be no one on the market to write it? Not to mention things like 'Ten Sentences of the Richest Man in Shanghai' and biographies, I heard that there are Making it up."

Fang Zhuo raised his eyebrows.

Liang Mu took out a stack of materials from his briefcase, stood up and handed it to his desk.

Fang Zhuo flipped through it casually and frowned. This was indeed a random fabrication, and it felt like "two or three things that Mr. Fang had to say."

After he finished flipping through it, he suddenly asked: "Is this printed on A4 paper? Isn't it a book? Where did you get it?"

Liang Mu admitted generously: "I printed this out after I finished writing it. I just saw that some people wanted to write it, so I wrote it in advance and showed it to Mr. Fang. If it is not true, the falsehood will spread."

Fang Zhuo held a stack of paper with a strange look on his face. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Reporter Liang? Are you a reporter now?"

"No, I have resigned." Liang Mu replied.

Fang Zhuo was surprised: "You didn't come to me to find a job, right?"

"I can help Mr. Fang to show that he is listening. This is what I am willing to do at this stage." Liang Mu said calmly, "Being a reporter is not interesting. I plan to observe five figures in Huaxia Business every two years. Fang Zhuo This is the first company president I’ve ever met.”

Fang Zhuo thinks this guy is a bit of a boaster. Does this mean he will resign as soon as two years are up?

However, with so many people in China, it is normal to have some unworldly aspirations.

Fang Zhuo hesitated for a few seconds and made a request: "What you finally write must be reviewed by me. Are there any questions?"

"I am willing to discuss the differences with Mr. Fang. I have already decided on the title of the book." Liang Mu said, "It will be called "Yike and Fang Zhuo in My Eyes"."

Fang Zhuo had a disagreement: "Your name doesn't sound good."

Liang Mu: "What does Mr. Fang mean?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and said unwillingly, "Stop it, Fang Zhuo."

Liang Mu chewed the title of the book and replied: "Stop making trouble, Mr. Fang."

"No, as a person who wants to write a biography, haven't you ever read "Stop it, Mr. Feynman"? I don't dare to call you sir, so I'll just use my first name. Isn't this better than the name in your eyes? "Fang Zhuo spoke plausibly.

Liang Mu suddenly felt ashamed. He had never read the book Mr. Fang mentioned.

"If you think it's OK, then you'll join the President's Office today. If you think it's not OK, I'll treat you to a cup of tea. We have a meeting in the afternoon." Fang Zhuo insisted.

Liang Mu had no choice but to agree.

Therefore, Liang Mu, the former reporter of "China Business Daily" who had resigned for several months, successfully re-employed, and that night he carefully wrote down the title of the book - "Stop making trouble, Fang Zhuo".

By the way, write down the draft title of the first chapter - Fang Zhuo's Stubbornness.

His original intention was just to poke fun at Fang Zong's insistence on the title of the book, and it would not really be used as the title of the first chapter. Unexpectedly, it was decided to use it officially a few days later.

On June 14th, Shanghai, it was cloudy to light rain, 24~28℃.

On the third day after Liang Mu quickly joined the company, he came to Hang Lung 23 as usual. Just as he nodded to colleagues he didn't know, he saw many people whispering.

With his former professional sensibilities, he knew immediately that something was wrong.

Because of the relationship between Sina and Yikeqian, everyone at Yike almost always uses Sina to browse news. Therefore, it was not work time this morning. Many employees who arrived early habitually opened Sina and saw a bold news headline at the top. .

——The big lie about Hanxin!


This word couldn't be more familiar. It has been covered in news all over the world recently, not only in newspapers and on the Internet, but also in the official media of CCTV.

Regarding self-developed chips, although everyone does not know how many advanced technologies are incorporated into them, they all know that it is a major breakthrough.

Moreover, Hanxin is located in Shanghai and has always been valued by this city, and the local media has promoted it very vigorously.

Is it a big lie?

Who told the big lie?

Wasn’t it approved by the expert group?

How could something like this be false?

Countless doubts emerged in the minds of people who saw the news. Everyone subconsciously thought it was impossible. How could a project with various honors be faked?

To put it another way, even if it is fake and may involve bragging about technology, it is not a big lie!

However, this top story is from Sina, which is quite outstanding in the field of recent news reporting.

There was a lot of discussion in Yike Company.

Liang Mu pondered the sensitivity of this Sina news and asked his colleagues. He learned that Mr. Fang had already arrived at the President's Office. He thought about it and decided to play his role as a biographer.

Boom, boom, boom.

Liang Mu walked into the CEO's office and saw Mr. Fang smoking.

"Mr. Fang, have you read Sina's news?" he asked.

Fang Zhuo frowned and replied: "I saw it, it's Hanxin's, right?"

Liang Mu used to be a reporter, and his grasp of news content is well-trained. He said: "This content is the tone of a member of the Hanxin project team, but there is no evidence. I'm afraid it's not good for Sina to stick it at the top like this?"

"Yes, there is a risk, that's what they said." Fang Zhuo replied.

Liang Mu was stunned for a moment, then he figured out some meaning and asked, "Who decided to put this up?"

"I made the final decision. Sina received an email last night." Fang Zhuo said with a frown. "It was later forwarded to me. They were hesitant about how to verify it and whether to send it."

Liang Mu waited patiently.

"I said, send it. As for verification, leave it to professionals." Fang Zhuo confided in private, "Because I also have some doubts about this project."

Liang Mu was shocked, what a great guy, a big event happened right after he joined the company.

What did Fang always say just now?

Oh, yes - "If you want to send it, send it to earth-shattering proportions!"

Out of professional ethics, Liang Mu polished the words used by the president a little in his mind, which was almost an objective description of the current situation.

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