Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 365 Fermentation (two-in-one)

Sina released a news release.

In other words, a piece of news.

The entire Internet is in a frenzy.

Thanks to the leadership's emphasis on high technology, the publicity for breakthroughs in chips has been overwhelming. Some elderly and illiterate people can hear the word "Hanxin" on TV, let alone those who read newspapers and surf the Internet. .

This word has a good meaning and makes a deep impression on people when they hear it. The words "Chinese Heart" were also used in large-scale publicity this year, which greatly boosted national confidence.

It is worth mentioning that Yike’s competition abroad has a vaguely similar tone, but it is far from comparable to Hanxin.

The Sina portal published "The Big Lie About Hanxin" on time at eight o'clock. In just fifteen minutes, many forums raised questions about the content of Sina's article.

Compared with a result that has been recognized by the expert group, everyone first feels that the revelation is a smear. Secondly, the method used to smear it seems to be very low-level.

Look how Sina discredited it!



Can this kind of fraud be hidden from experts?

That's ridiculous!


Because Sina itself has a comment and post function, in just half an hour, netizens from all over the country commented one after another, and even typed the words "low-level black" without any teacher.

“Shocked, doesn’t Sina review the content before publishing news?”

"It's so funny to remove the logo. How do you remove it? Don't tell me you use sandpaper!!"

"Finally, we have achieved results. Who is Sina on?"

"This is like saying that Fang Zhuo has no inside story. Is it possible? It's simply impossible!"

Netizens' comments were almost one-sided, and the trend was surprisingly consistent.

And because of this trend, colleagues did not reprint the news.

Sohu and NetEase are both confused as to how this purely "revealing" content was decided to be at the top of the list. There is no verification at all in the entire news, just a vague statement from a project member...

This kind of listing comes with a lot of risk!

What if it's a prank?

What if it’s just making it up to create a sense of existence?

What if hostile forces deliberately smear it?

With just the number of views on Sina, its influence will spread exponentially throughout the entire network!

Who bears this risk? !

"Actually, I can understand netizens' comments, because the method of fraud described in this revelation is too clumsy."

Fang Zhuo was sitting in the CEO's office, browsing the comments under Sina News, and said to the biographer Liang Mu with emotion.

Liang Mu had already smoked two cigarettes with Mr. Fang. When he heard this sigh, he thought about it and said: "Mr. Fang, I still think that Sina is a bit hasty in doing this. If it is not faked, someone must be held responsible for this kind of news. Yes, there is something wrong with your news decision-making process."

"Is someone responsible? Just read my name, it was my decision. Who else could be responsible?" Fang Zhuo smiled, "But what if it's not published? Maybe it's a whistleblower who silently abets the evildoers from now on. Have you ever thought about how much honor Hanxin will get based on current public opinion?"

Liang Mu put forward the opinion of a former journalist: "You can carefully verify the matter first, or you can leave this matter to the government to handle it in a low-key manner."

"Yes, let's first assume that this is true and fake, then there are three ways to handle it, high-profile handling, low-key handling." Fang Zhuo said, "Let the official deal with it, and it must be low-key to eliminate the impact. The problem is that this has been overwhelmingly publicized Can the impact be eliminated by handling the result in this way?”

"I think the higher the profile, the better. The higher the profile, the more severe punishments can give practitioners confidence in the industry environment, and the less it will affect the reputation of other similar projects, what do you think?"

Liang Mu fell into deep thought and realized that what Mr. Fang said was really possible.

He came back to his senses and jotted down a few sentences with a pen. Suddenly he felt something was wrong and asked, "Mr. Fang, didn't you say three ways to deal with it? That's just two ways."

"The third way is to let it go, punish yourself with three cups, and do nothing to deal with it." Fang Zhuo shrugged.

Liang Mu laughed, Mr. Fang was quite fond of joking, how could that be possible?

Just when he wanted to speak, the phone ringing that both of them expected finally rang in the president's office.

The time happened to be exactly nine o'clock in the morning, and it had been an hour since Sina published the revelation.

The first call came from Jiaotong University, but it was not the Hanxin project team, but the vice president.

"Mr. Fang Zhuofang? What's going on with Sina? Do you know that your website is seriously slandering scientific research projects?"

The vice-chancellor was displeased and directly criticized Sina's young president.

Fang Zhuo was shocked: "Really? Is this happening?"

He said seriously: "Okay, Principal Liu, let me take a look at the situation and ask what's going on. There must be no adverse effects."

The vice-principal scolded him again and reluctantly hung up the phone.

Just as Fang Zhuo put down the phone, the cell phone on the table rang again, as if they had made an appointment to put pressure on each other at the hour.

Compared with the school, the identity brought in has a somewhat different flavor.

"President Fang, is there a report on Sina called "The Big Lie About Hanxin" that is true?" The director came up and didn't even ask the president whether he knew the situation, but asked about the content of the report.

Fang Zhuo still pretended to be stupid: "What? Hanxin's big lie? What's going on?"

"Mr. Fang can turn on the computer and check Sina now. If you are not sure that the content is true, it is best to cancel the news immediately." The director was very patient, "Look now, I'm waiting for you, don't hang up the phone."

The director is not as easy to fool as the vice principal.

Fang Zhuo had no choice but to say that he couldn't see the computer. He took a few sips of tea and said calmly: "Yeah, Director Chen, I saw the news. Do you think there is really something wrong with this Hanxin?"

"I'm not sure it's not there. Are you sure it's there?" the director asked.

Fang Zhuo denied: "I'm not sure."

"Then you ask Sina to remove the news first, and wait for us to investigate the situation before deciding whether to continue reporting. Is there any problem?" The director's thinking was very clear. He wanted to reduce the impact first and then talk about other things.

Reasonable and convincing.

The most important thing is that Fang Zhuo is a reasonable person and it is difficult to refuse reasonable procedural requests.

He thought for two seconds and asked tentatively: "Hello? Hello? Director Chen? Have you spoken? Can you hear me?"

"Mr. Fang, don't do this with me." The director's voice became stern, "Don't force me to alert the boss again, don't let me go to your company to find you!"

Fang Zhuo patted the phone receiver and said innocently: "Hello? Is your signal not good?"

The director said angrily: "Fang Zhuo!"

"That's weird. Could it be that my signal is not working?" Fang Zhuo said to himself, and hung up the phone after saying "hello" twice more.

Liang Mu, who was standing next to him, looked at this scene and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Fang, you are hiding your ears and stealing the bell like this..."

"Hey, I'm trying to buy time for the news to ferment before it spreads. Don't worry." Fang Zhuo turned off his cell phone. He had two cell phones, and more people knew this number.

Liang Mu felt a little strange, and vaguely felt that Mr. Fang's attitude seemed quite firm.

He wrote down his feelings with a pen, thinking that the boss might have more precise information that he had not released yet.

However, Liang Mu didn't ask. Anyway, depending on this posture, he would have to release it sooner or later. He had the patience to wait for the follow-up.

Two more calls came to the landline in the CEO's office, but Fang Zhuo fooled them both. One didn't know where he was from, but his tone was serious anyway.

However, what does the news published by Sina have to do with President Yike?

The most basic thing is to give the president time to understand the situation.

Fang Zhuo delayed like this for half an hour.

Then the phone he had on received a call.

"Mr. Fang, what are you doing?" Judy said directly, "Don't say you don't know. I've received two phone calls. Do you want to be punished? This project is valued by the leaders, so don't Fooling around.”

Fang Zhuo considered for a moment whether he should pretend not to hear.

Judy added: "Also, why is that attitude? Don't think that the director is not a cadre. He is not just idle and gossiping. He has other people's intentions behind him."

"This matter is a bit complicated. I suspect there is a problem with the Hanxin project." Fang Zhuo finally said what he meant.

"If there is any problem, let's wait for the expert's conclusion. What kind of chips do you know?" Qiu Di wondered, "Fang Zhuo, are you distracted? Stop talking nonsense and withdraw the news immediately."

Fang Zhuo remained silent. This was a request from the old leader.

But...when the old leader is right, he is the old leader, and when the old leader is wrong...this Lao Qiu, who is talking nonsense?

Judy didn't hear the response and asked: "Do you have any other evidence? If you have it, take it out and kill the person directly. If not, stop as soon as possible. If you do it like this, the big boss will have to do it himself." Ask."

Who said Lao Qiu was just an orchid district chief?

People are also very sensitive in their hearts!

Fang Zhuo took a breath and said, "There is no evidence, just suspicion."

Judy almost lost her breath and said angrily: "You do this without evidence? Do you really think that the weapon of public opinion is your own? Your behavior can easily be used as an excuse. Don't you know it?"

"Are you talking about freedom of the press?" Fang Zhuo's voice suddenly rose, "Just because Sina is not my own Sina, it is Sina's Sina, so I can't interfere. News can be released as soon as I say it? District Chief, do you really think Sina Is it my Yiyantang?"

Judy was stunned and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Fang Zhuo said resolutely, "Sina has its own set of judgment standards. It is said that there are new situations over there. District Chief, don't you still believe me?"

Judy's voice became softer: "Compared to you who are engaged in business, of course I trust PhD professors in the field of scientific research more. Isn't that right?"

"It's not your jurisdiction anyway, so just pretend you can't see it. If someone comes to you, you just say you can't get through. This matter is Sina's business, not Yike's. Sina must pay attention to press freedom." Fang Zhuo insisted.

Judy was quiet for a few seconds, and the speculation in his heart became more because of this attitude. He really didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Then turn off your mobile phone, otherwise, Lao Zheng will have to call later. Whether he believes you or not, he has to fight.”

"Then district chief, please do me another favor." Fang Zhuo said aggressively.

"Bah." Judy ended the call.

However, just when Fang Zhuo was about to turn off his phone, a message came from Judi's number, which was an unfamiliar number.

Fang Zhuo knew it in his mind, so he wrote down the number with a note and turned off the phone.

"Mr. Fang, Sina can't get in." Liang Mu suddenly said.

Fang Zhuo was shocked and quickly refreshed Sina's web page and found that the page was not displayed.

He called immediately and learned that it was Sina's server overload and it was being repaired urgently, and it was not due to administrative factors.

"Mr. Fang, Sina is so paralyzed, it must be fermentation that is very effective." Liang Mu sighed, this may be the power of new online media. I don't know whether it is right or not, the influence is really great.

If the results this time do not go as expected, Sina is likely to encounter bad news that will plunge its stock price, which is as incredible as Hanxin's chip logo being worn off.

Fang always takes responsibility, but he is by no means alone.

Liang Mu made this judgment in his heart.

The phone in the CEO's office still rang from time to time. Fang Zhuo's response automatically changed according to the identity of the other party, but no matter what his tone was, he just refused to take down the news.

Just when Fang Zhuo was insisting on not withdrawing the news, some small and medium-sized portal websites and major BBS forums suddenly changed the direction of the news and began to discuss whether there would be any problems with the Hanxin project.

All this happened because Sina pinned the second report in the series, which was a summary of Hanxin project leader Chen Jin’s public appearances.

Apply for projects, speak, attend events, be interviewed...

An accurate timeline of busy public events.

Then... what about the time left for scientific research?

The second relevant content on Sina intercepted Chen Jin's whereabouts over a period of time, and also included some media reports to prove the authenticity.

Teachers and students in some schools verified the times of certain activities and found that they were indeed in line with what they knew.

This is a bit subtle.

The leader of a key project, a doctor who returned from overseas, spends his time on these things... Even if he has to socialize, this whereabouts doesn't look right.

Not to say there must be something wrong with it, but at the very least it makes people feel that they don’t care much about scientific research.

If domestic teachers and students alone can solve the problem of independent chip research and development, then why should this doctor come back?

Just letting him socialize outside can help the domestic team break through?

Something is wrong.

What breakthroughs are needed in the field of cutting-edge technology?

Not to mention the perception of professionals, the public perception is that it requires hard work, selfless dedication, and strong will... This is somewhat inconsistent with Chen Jin's activities.

At 10:30 in the morning, Sina released the second news article, and NetEase and Sohu seemed to smell it and began to reprint it.

More netizens have seen relevant content, more people have heard about the project, and more departments have accepted analysis reports.

At noon on June 14, in just half a day, voices of doubt and support gradually came and went. The calls to Sina and Yike became more and more intensive, and the level specifications gradually became a little overwhelming.

Under this situation, the Hanxin project team finally bravely faced the doubts, contacted the media, and announced that it would hold an emergency press conference in the afternoon to clarify the attacks and slanders it had encountered.

After hearing the news, Fang Zhuo judged the situation and decided to go to the new district with the prepared contracts, financial transactions and other materials to report the case to the relevant departments.

The night is long and there are many dreams, and the sharp knife cuts through the mess.

Professor Chen will definitely attend the press conference in the afternoon.

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