Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 366 Confrontation (two in one)

At noon on June 14, the Sina website ushered in the second access paralysis.

Because it was inconvenient to contact the new chairman of Sina, many calls were made to the new president Wang Yan.

Wang Yan said he was under a lot of pressure when he encountered such a big job just after taking office.

However, fortunately, it was only an academic matter, and with instructions from the chairman of Shanghai City, Wang Yan insisted on press freedom and refused to retract the article.

Things got serious.

Since Hanxin was endorsed by an expert group, even though it had no direct administrative relationship, it was still possible to find department leaders directly under Sina and call them to criticize the word "press freedom."

Only talk about press freedom, but not press truth?

How dare you say something like this without any evidence?

Someone at Sina must be responsible for such a serious and bad impact!

This is an administrative opinion that directly turns the estimated risks into reality, and it also brings the pressure directly to our eyes!

In just half a day, Wang Yan was sitting at Sina's Beijing headquarters when the deputy director directly under him came to visit in a hurry - this is why Sina must be in Beijing. If you can't find anyone on the phone, visiting can always control the situation.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Sina made technical adjustments and temporarily removed two reports about "Hanxin". Before Sina's action, NetEase and Sohu had been notified to remove the reprinted news.

However, Sina can still provide normal access and comment functions. Netizens' attention shifted to the comment areas of other news, opening up the debate on remote operations.

The deputy director of Sina headquarters did not leave and directly held a directive meeting. He criticized the new chairman of Sina for being irresponsible and believed that the content of "Hanxin" reported by Fang Zhuo was inaccurate and was a serious incident. News accidents.

The atmosphere of the meeting chaired by the leaders was serious, and all the senior officials carefully understood the opinions of the administrative departments.

Fang Zhuo, the criticized chairman of the board who made the decision at this meeting, has completed the reporting procedures and led people to Jiaotong University without stopping. The afternoon emergency press conference of the Hanxin project team was held on campus.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the small auditorium of the School of Microelectronics of Jiaotong University was already crowded with reporters, teachers and students.

Different from the doubts that are gradually emerging from the outside world, the campus still generally supports the Hanxin project and believes that Sina's inexplicable reports are simply nonsense.

Who on earth could come up with the slanderous idea of ​​erasing the chip logo?

The most ridiculous thing in the world!

Even though Sina has gained a good reputation in recent times, and even though the current chairman of Sina is famous in Jiaotong University because of the Yike product team and the establishment of scholarships, the anger of being slandered for no reason is still filled in the hearts of teachers and students.

Before the protagonist in the small auditorium arrived, Professor Chen Jin was said to be so angry that he even dropped his teacup.

It is also said that Professor Chen said that those who spread rumors must be held accountable!

"This classmate, what do you think of the news published by Sina?"

The reporters set up their cameras and randomly interviewed the students who were sitting down with great interest.

"I think this is a serious act of spreading rumors! This shows that the development of our domestic Internet industry is institutionally imperfect. Sina's report is likely to be subject to administrative regulations." A student was filled with indignation, but he did not forget it. Analyze the Internet.

Seeing the camera and the microphone, the student next to him was not afraid and expressed his thoughts: "It's so funny. Who can believe that? Can just anyone write a paragraph as an insider and be featured on Sina?" So if I write a letter now saying that Yike Land has serious illegal activities, can Sina put it at the top of the page?"

The reporter thought that he might not be able to publish the following words, so he quickly asked a person who looked like a teacher: "Do you think this is groundless?"

"Rumors stop at wise men. Now it seems that Sina's Fang Zhuo is obviously not a wise man. He will take responsibility." The teacher answered affirmatively.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Jin, leader of the "Hanxin" project, Yangtze River scholar, dean of the School of Microelectronics, professor of Jiaotong University, returned doctor, and subject of the Sina news report, arrived at the small auditorium of the college.

As soon as he appeared, reporters immediately gathered around him and asked all kinds of questions.

"Professor Chen, Professor Chen, is there any fraud in the Hanxin project?"

"Professor Chen, what do you think of Sina's news about Hanxin? Is there really a participant who knows the inside story?"

"Dean Chen, do you think this is a smear attack by foreign forces against our country's high-tech projects?"

"Dean Chen, what role do you think Fang Zhuo played in this report? Is he a rumormonger?"

The teachers and students sitting and standing just heard some of the reporters’ questions and found them offensive!

However, Professor Chen Jin is worthy of being a high-end talent who has returned from overseas. His face is calm, showing no trace of the anger or anger in the rumors. He just replied firmly: "Hanxin is China's Hanxin, and it is a project that has been accepted by the expert group. , Sina’s report is seriously inaccurate.”

He paused and then said: "As for Fang Zhuo, I think he is probably unaware of Sina's report. I believe he will react to it soon."

Look, look at the professor's demeanor!

Most of the teachers and students in the audience had similar feelings.

However, there are also a small number of people who think too much. Is Professor Chen afraid of conflict with Fang Zhuo? After all, that guy just took over the property of the former richest man in Shanghai.

Chen Jin signaled the reporters to get out of the way and walked onto the stage of the small auditorium. He held Hanxin's information in his hand, which contained various parameters, and also brought the identification materials of the expert group.

From project establishment to success, Hanxin's procedures were completely trouble-free!

Just as Professor Chen was explaining various complex parameters to reporters with materials, a motorcade led by Yike President Fang Zhuo also quietly arrived at Jiaotong University.

It is not too troublesome for Fang Zhuo to use the iron fist of socialism.

He has a company established in partnership with Chen Jin, and there are various fund transfer records. The foundation of the company's establishment and the text in the contract are based on the Hanxin project. In addition, Fang Zhuo also demonstrated to the economic investigation comrades The third report originally scheduled to be released on Sina.

——"About Chen Jin's falsification of resume and academic qualifications".

This content is relatively detailed. Regardless of whether Hanxin has problems or not, it is indeed easier to verify the problems of Chen Jin.

And if Chen Jin himself has problems, will there be no problems with the breakthrough chip he took the lead in developing?

Economic investigation comrades attach great importance to the report of the richest man in Shanghai.

Of course, the high efficiency of the operation also has something to do with Fang Zhuo's advance contact.

After more than an hour of research and discussion, Pudong New Area dispatched three vehicles and took the person who reported the case to the school, preparing to bring Professor Chen back for investigation.

Whether there is a problem with this professor or not, we can find out through investigation.

After all, even the richest man in Shanghai has to obey the procedures obediently, and the professor is no exception even if he comes back from overseas.

Once the program is started, there must be a result.

However, after all, the influence is relatively large, and the comrades still had some small discussions in the car.

"Mr. Fang, do you think the chip thing is really that clumsily fake? Isn't it too easy to expose?"

"Team Liu, do you understand chips?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"I don't understand." Liu Tiequan shook his head.

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Yeah, I don't understand either. Not to mention the whole country, how many people in this school know about chips? It's because everyone doesn't understand, so clumsy fraud can only work."

Another young comrade asked: "Then experts don't understand?"

Fang Zhuo didn't answer.

The car slowly stopped.

There were many cars parked near the small auditorium, but the police car was still the most conspicuous.

Teachers and students passing by nearby knew that there was a press conference in the small auditorium, and they also knew that there were doubts about the Hanxin project, but they saw the police car still parked in place in shock.

"Let's go. There should be a lot of people inside, including reporters."

"For the sake of the legitimacy of our procedures, I will publish the materials in hand first to avoid criticism."

Fang Zhuo repeated his plan.

"No problem." Comrades don't want to be scolded, and this action will also be under pressure.

But a fraud case is a fraud case, and you cannot stop investigating it just because of who the other party is. This truth has legal effect.

Two comrades were left at the door of the small auditorium.

Fang Zhuo opened the door first and walked in.

Professor Chen Jin on the stage was speaking impassionedly about the significance of the Hanxin project. The teachers and students in the audience were empathizing with the slander from the rumor makers. The reporters in the aisle were carefully recording the clarifications of the parties involved.

Suddenly, the door of the small auditorium was pushed open.

A young CEO who could be said to be the person involved appeared at the door, followed by several uniformed personnel.

The small auditorium fell silent.

Only Chen Jin's voice still echoed. His back was to the door and his reaction was slower.

But following everyone's gaze, the professor also reacted and looked towards the door.

He felt a chill in his heart and was stunned on the spot.

Fang Zhuo scanned the audience and found that the reporter's camera had adjusted quickly, and found that the eyes of teachers and students were filled with complicated emotions.

He took two steps, faced the person involved, and said firmly: "There is fraud in the Hanxin project. Chen Jin, you must be responsible for this."

Chen Jin was furious and slammed the table: "That's nonsense! Mr. Fang, you have been deceived!"

Fang Zhuo almost laughed and took two more steps: "Chen Jin, I once believed deeply in Hanxin and thought it was a major breakthrough in our IC industry. I never expected that you would be so bold and use it to defraud Appropriations.”

This time, Chen Jin's previous statement that "Mr. Fang was unaware" was self-evident. Moreover, Fang Zhuo's own words had a more direct impact. He was probably leading Sina's attack on Hanxin!

The two parties were exposed to the eyes of reporters, teachers and students at the same time.

One is his own professor, with all kinds of aura and publicity, and the other is a business elite, ranked in the top ten of the Forbes rich list in China.

However, they are talking about independently developed chip projects in the IC industry.

No matter how you look at it, you should believe the former more.

However, as Fang Zhuo walked onto the stage of the small auditorium, Chen Jin, who subconsciously stood up, seemed to be frightened and took a step back. This difference in aura made it impossible to have more confidence in the professor.

Perhaps the scene of the rich man intimidating the professor was a bit ugly, and some teachers and students in the audience scolded him.

"Fang Zhuo, this is school, what do you want to do?"

"Fang Zhuo, what do you mean!"

Chen Jin came to his senses when he heard the voices supporting him, and gritted his teeth and yelled angrily: "Fang Zhuo! You are slandering a national scientific researcher and attacking a university teacher! You respect yourself!"

Fang Zhuo remained silent and motioned for the reporter's camera to move closer.

Chen Jin became more and more angry and frightened in his heart. Only now did he see those uniformed comrades standing silently. He could only try to suppress the scene with justice: "Fang Zhuo! Do you know what you are doing? Can rich people collude? An official came to frame a scientific researcher?!"

"Hey, hey, it's passed." Fang Zhuo saw the camera in place, opened the materials in his hand, and asked the professor in front of teachers, students and reporters, "Chen Jin, I have a few questions for you to confirm now. Have you ever You said you are the chip design manager at Motorola Semiconductor Headquarters and also serve as senior chief engineer, right?"

Chen Jin sneered and didn't bother to answer.

Fang Zhuo pulled out an official letter: "Why did Motorola deny your job resume when I asked it? This is a reply letter from Motorola."

He handed a piece of information in his hand to the reporters in the audience.

Chen Jin's expression changed a little.

It was only now that he suddenly realized that the news that came out in the morning was not a momentary move. The other party had prepared a lot of things.

Professor Chen immediately denied angrily: "Fang Zhuo! I don't know what you mean, why would you fake something like this to attack me! My resume is recognized by the school!"

He pretended to step down angrily and leave. It was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

However, uniformed officers silently blocked the way.

The teachers and students in the small auditorium looked at this scene, but their indignation was much less than before, because the reply letter from Motorola had been passed from the reporter to the teachers and students.

Even if the people behind him haven't seen it yet, Fang Zhuo's conclusive attitude has shaken many people.

This is not a technical thing like a chip, it is something that is easy to verify theoretically.

The richest man in Shanghai, would he confront him with something that is easy to expose?

This is easy to figure out.

Fang Zhuo ignored the stopped professor, continued to read the information, and asked the second question: "Why do you advertise that your PhD research direction is chip design, but I can only find your paper on chip testing? Students, please forgive me. I’m going to take the liberty of saying, can I graduate without writing a relevant thesis?”

Chen Jin had a livid face and said forcefully: "Fang, Fang Zhuo, you don't understand academics at all! You, you are very, very impolite!"

Fang Zhuo no longer visited the professor and continued to hand the materials to the reporter, indicating to the latter to circulate them to his classmates after taking the photos.

He continued with the third question: "Chen Jin, you also claim to have IBM work experience, why can't I find it at all? What department do you work in?"

Chen Jin swallowed and was a little speechless.

Only then did Fang Zhuo glance at the professor sideways and said with a smile: "As long as you tell me, I can find someone to ask IBM executives to find out what your PhD does."

"You, I..." Chen Jin took two deep breaths, "You, what do you want to do?"

Fang Zhuo shook the thick material and sighed: "I want to expose your lies that are too easy to expose. Sina can't publish the Hanxin report now. Is this the pressure from you to find people and connections? "

He walked a few steps, arrived in front of the professor, and said regretfully: "So, I have to tell you the content of the third report in front of you. Professor Chen, someone in your laboratory has already preserved the evidence. , be lenient if you confess..."

Fang Zhuo's voice suddenly became severe: "Is Hanxin committing fraud!?"

Preserving evidence is bullshit.

However, no one doubted what the richest man in Shanghai said on this occasion.

The small auditorium had already become an uproar with Fang Zhuo's question. Now it became quiet again after hearing his direct inquiry about the chip. They watched this scene and waited for the professor's answer.

Hanxin's fraud is clumsy and easy to expose. No one understands it better than Chen Jin, the client.

His face slowly turned pale, and he nodded silently and slightly.

"Professor Chen nodded." Fang Zhuo was afraid that this person's movements were too gentle, so he announced loudly, "Professor Chen admitted that Hanxin had faked it!"


There was an uproar!

Did Professor Chen admit that he had fabricated or falsified the information? !

He just admitted it in front of the police?

Have the police gone to fix the evidence?

Could it be that Hanxin really polished off its logo?

How can it be? !

What exactly is going on!

The small auditorium was in an uproar, teachers and students were all stunned, and reporters pressed their shutters one after another.

This will be the most shocking news this year!

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