Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 378 City Business Card (2-in-1)

Just when Fang Zhuo and his team flew to Yangcheng to secretly contact the local government to discuss project investment, his actions became less secret and gradually spread among small circles.

The Pudong New Area held a meeting and reported it to the city to discuss the project proposal of the richest man in Shanghai and formulate a series of preferential policies.

Yike Group contacted the person in charge of DCM China, a well-known venture capital company, and made an appointment for an interview when the boss flew back from Yangcheng.

Zhang Rujing, the president of SMIC, also found out that Fang Zhuo, the richest man in Shanghai whom he met last time, was really working on his own wafer fab project because of inquiries from people in Lin'an.

Zhang Rujing didn't say anything about Lin'an's entrusted relationship. He only talked about the general situation of the industry. Semiconductor projects are destined to require funds, technology, and talents, and about the future success or failure of Shanghai's richest man...

Although he was not optimistic in his heart, he did not give any judgment on his face.

But privately, Zhang Rujing sighed repeatedly.

"Where does this Fang Zhuo get his courage?"

"Young man, you are so brave."

"It's a lot of money, it's a pity."

"It's really hard work. The last time we came back to SMIC, he must have made up his mind."

Zhang Rujing chatted about this matter in the office and was not very optimistic about the future of this project.

"Young people are very enterprising. If I were at his age..." Qiu Ciyun, vice president of SMIC, recalled briefly, "I might still be doing hard work behind my mentor. How dare I think about a wafer factory."

When Zhang Rujing heard this, it was the same.

He shook his head slightly and stopped talking about it: "As for our new production line, I think it is still necessary."

When Qiu Ciyun heard what was going on, he reiterated his objection: "Mr. Zhang, I think our pace is fast enough. We need to seek stability now."

Another vice president disapproved: “We can expand even faster.”

There was a sound of argument in the office.

This is not the first time. There have been such disputes of opinion recently.

July 8, Luzhou, Anhui Province.

Wang Shushan walked into the office, picked up a copy of internal medicine, sat on his seat, flipped through the pages and drank tea.

After a while, the secretary came in, put down a pile of materials, and went to change the water for the leader's tea.

"Pony, there's no need to change, I just drank it, it's just right." Wang Shushan waved his hand, turned over a page of internal reference, and asked casually, "What's new recently?"

Secretary Ma is young and smart, and can often talk about new things, which is very popular with leaders.

He thought for a while and told an interesting story: "I heard something the day before yesterday. There is an industrial project that has received investment from many companies. I heard from a friend that the number of CEOs alone is estimated to be nearly ten."

Wang Shushan smiled and said: "Hey, who has such a big reputation? And he still has to gather so many people to do things together?"

Secretary Ma let it slip: "The people in our province are taking the lead. They do have some respect in the Internet industry, but the money these companies are willing to invest is only a small sum."

Wang Shushan was a little confused.

"I asked about it from a friend, and they said that they are going to build a semiconductor project in Lin'an, and the overall project budget exceeds 10 billion." Secretary Ma showed off a little, and then said, "This person is Fang Zhuo, the boss of Yike."

Wang Shushan nodded slowly. He knew this man, the richest man in Shanghai from Wan Province.

He put down the internal reference, picked up the newspaper, and asked: "Lin'an is going to do a semiconductor project? I remember that SMIC has done a good job in Shanghai. Has Lin'an already finalized it?"

Secretary Ma thought for a while and replied uncertainly: "Probably not. It may be soon. I heard it happened recently."

Wang Shushan's eyes were fixed on the newspaper, and after a few seconds he said: "Call."

Secretary Ma didn't react: "Huh?"

"I usually praise you for your cleverness." Wang Shushan shook his head slightly, "Contact Fang Zhuo and say that on behalf of the province, I welcome him to return to his hometown for inspection. If there is a project, our province is willing to fully support it."

Secretary Ma subconsciously agreed, but there was a trace of hesitation on the expression on his face. Luzhou and Lin'an are different. Although they are both provincial capitals, they are at least two levels behind. For such a big project...

Wang Shushan took out a cigarette and saw the secretary's lack of confidence. He reprimanded: "Why do you think a poor boy can't pursue the girl he likes? Xiaoma, I'm not telling you what a rotten thought."

"It's your kind of thinking that's why you haven't started a family yet!"

"We must have the courage and initiative to build a new world together."

"When you contact him, just tell him what I said. If he dares to come, we will dare to agree to any conditions. Don't be afraid that it is difficult to talk to Lin'an. I will help him tell him anything."

Wang Shushan's eyes and tone were sharp, and his attitude was decisive.

It’s hard to imagine that he just heard about the project.

The young secretary nodded, took out his mobile phone and went out to contact people. The boss wanted to poach the neighbor next door. Is this okay?

Good, very good, can it be successful?

What better conditions can Luzhou offer than Lin'an?

If that Fang Zhuo was willing to come back and develop, he wouldn't be the richest man in Shanghai.

For about half an hour, Secretary Ma confirmed through various parties that there was indeed a semiconductor project with an investment budget of over 10 billion. He had indeed negotiated with Lin'an, but he had already gone to Yangcheng to continue negotiating terms...

Yangcheng...the capital of Guangdong of the most economically developed cities in the country!

This poaching is even more difficult!

There is no comparison between Luzhou and Yangcheng!

Secretary Ma had this clear understanding in his heart, and finally dialed the number of the party involved, Fang Zhuo.

The first time I called, I was hung up on.

I called the second time, but no one answered.

The third time, I finally got through.

He quickly asked kindly: "Hello, hello, hello, is this Mr. Fang? I'm Ma Mingshuo from the Secretariat."

Ma Mingshuo is just an ordinary deputy chief clerk in the third department of the Secretariat. He has recently been valued by the leadership and is responsible for some daily material work.

Now that he was asked by his leader to convey his attitude, he was still a little nervous.

In particular, I know the work is more difficult than expected in the office.

"I'm Fang Zhuo, please say."

The voice on the phone receiver was young and his words were gentle.

Ma Mingshuo quickly and concisely expressed Anhui Province's welcome to Fang Zhuo, its welcome to investment, and its welcome to semiconductor projects. Finally, he restored the leader's original words in a serious tone - as long as Mr. Fang dares to come, we will agree to any conditions. .

A laugh sounded from the receiver of the mobile phone, followed by a polite reply from the other party.

"Thank you, Secretary Ma. I will also convey my gratitude to the leader. I am willing to seriously consider it, but I cannot make the decision on the project alone, so I have to weigh many parties."

Ma Mingshuo said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Then, he reviewed the entire conversation by himself and made a basic judgment before returning to the office to make a report.

"Is he refusing politely?"

"Well, do you think he can decide on this project?"

Wang Shushan smoked a cigarette and said slowly after listening to the report.

"It's a polite refusal." Ma Mingshuo first answered what he was sure of, and then thought about it for a few seconds, "I think Fang Zhuo can play a big role in the settlement decision of this project."

Unlike the leader who only knew Fang Zhuo a little bit, Ma Mingshuo knew the richest man in Shanghai very well. Especially the confusing things that happened in Shanghai a while ago made people unable to resist gossiping.

Judging from various things, Fang Zhuo is a person with a strong desire for control and control.

For such a person, I dare not say whether he can make the final decision. At the very least, he must be very influential on the project.

Wang Shushan smoked half a cigarette and assigned a task to the young secretary: "Xiao Ma, collect information about this project, and then collect the conditions provided by different places for the project."

There are only two places known now, Lin'an and Yangcheng, but the richest man in Shanghai will definitely have contact with Shanghai. These are three cities.

One municipality and two sub-provincial cities.

This is a competitor that Luzhou needs to face head-on.

A lot of pressure.

However, when it comes to a project that even the city wants, it would be a pity not to even fight for it.

"Xiao Ma, please ask Secretary-General Chen to come over again." Wang Shushan said again.

Ma Mingshuo nodded, knowing that someone with a higher position was needed to contact Fang Zhuo. He alone as a small secretary could not show his weight and sincerity, so he could only stand in front of him.

Ten billion projects, tens of billions projects.

This project is huge!

Ma Mingshuo quickly focused on his work and began to collect conditions from different places through his connections.

There is no news from Shencheng for the time being, while Lin'an and Yangcheng have some clues.

Lin'an offers a series of preferential conditions such as an investment of 800 million, 4+4 taxation, free land rent, and talent placement.

Yangcheng has an investment of 1.3 billion, a 5+5 tax rate, and other conditions are even better than Lin'an.

Ma Mingshuo even heard that a leader in Yangcheng had said - "Let this project become the core of Yangcheng."

As a result, the pressure on Luzhou will become even greater.

Ma Mingshuo silently summarized the collected information and reported it to the leader, which also relieved the pressure.

He didn't know if the leader would insist on the invitation anymore, but he felt that the possibility of building a new world together was indeed slim.

On July 12, Fang Zhuo led the project team back to Shanghai from Yangcheng.

He stayed in Yangcheng for two days longer than planned, and therefore achieved relatively satisfactory results through consultations.

Yangcheng is indeed one of the most economically developed cities in China, and the conditions given are much more generous.

Compared with Lin'an's caution, Yangcheng's starting price was 900 million, and it soon increased to 1.3 billion every day. This generosity is really addictive.

On the way back to the company from the airport, the entire project team was beaming with joy.

Although it is still not as good as the conditions that Shanghai gave to SMIC, it is not too different, which is very satisfactory.

"Mr. Fang, I guess it's hard for Shencheng to bid higher than Yangcheng." Liu Yangyang said with a smile while sitting in the car.

According to the arrangement, when returning to Shanghai this time, I have to compare the policies given by the local Pudong. In this way, even after completing the first round of inspections, the second round of inspections of the city will become easier.

"I had a phone call with District Chief Qiu last night. Pudong is probably similar to Lin'an. This has been something the District Chief has fought for." Fang Zhuo said, "It's not easy. I have to treat him to a meal."

Liu Yangyang said with a smile: "As long as you don't give him any more orchids."

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

The number above has been saved and is from Luzhou.

He answered the phone and said with a smile: "Hello, Secretary Chen... Oh, hello, boss!"

The number was from two days ago, but the voice speaking was not mine.

Even though Fang Zhuo had met many leaders in the past few days, he was still a little flattered.

However, when it comes to investment, projects, and fabs, he is unwilling to act out of emotion.

The call lasted only two minutes. The leader on the phone sincerely and warmly invited me to go to Luzhou for inspection, and also mentioned the word "face" with a Jianghu flavor.

Fang Zhuo held his cell phone, thought about it, and gave the order to turn around and go back to the airport.

"Let's go, work overtime, and go to Luzhou first. It's hard to refuse the leader's hospitality."

The project team thought that the first round of work had been completed, but unexpectedly, a Luzhou that was far inferior to Lin'an and Yangcheng suddenly appeared.

Of course we have to listen to the boss's decision. However, when it comes to the target city to fly to, no one thinks there is anything to compare it to.

Anhui Province, Luzhou.

Lin'an, Zhejiang Province.

Guangdong Province, Yangcheng.

Directly under the jurisdiction of Shencheng.

No matter how you choose, you can't choose Luzhou.

Even Fudan associate professor Yu Jun couldn't help but said on the flight: "Mr. Fang, even if Luzhou can invest as much money as Yangcheng, from the perspective of the city's long-term development, it still cannot be settled in Anhui Province. "

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Yes, that's the truth."

This is true, but the leader must be given face.

After all, this is my first hometown, and it would be too impersonal if I didn’t even show any affection for my hometown.

Fang Zhuo thought this way and didn't think Luzhou could put forward conditions that would make him shake.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the flight slowly landed at Luogang Airport in Luzhou.

Compared with Xinqiao International Airport, which Fang Zhuo was more familiar with in later generations, the current city still uses this airport that was opened in 1977.

The group of people got off the plane and felt a chill in their hearts when they saw the scene in front of them.

It’s not that I dislike it too much. Well, I do dislike it a little bit. Mainly because I have just experienced the comparison between Yangcheng and Shanghai airports. The gap is indeed relatively large.

"Hello, hello, Mr. Fang, I am the secretary Ma Mingshuo who contacted you before." Secretary Ma, who came to pick up the plane, came out with someone, introduced himself, and shook hands, "Come on, Mr. Fang, let's get in the car quickly, Mr. On the way."

Fang Zhuo shook hands politely and asked in surprise: "On the way?"

"Well, let's get in the car, meet the leader on the way, and take his special car." Ma Mingshuo only talked about the arrangements, but didn't say much.

With doubts, Fang Zhuo led the project team on the pick-up convoy.

The group left the airport.

Halfway through the motorcade, Fang Zhuozhen saw the leader in the special car and got into his car after greeting him.

"Leader, what are you doing?"

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but wonder after exchanging pleasantries.

"Today, Mr. Fang is here to inspect the project. Let's not mention our hometown, Anhui Province, or Luzhou." Wang Shushan said with a smile, "Let's just talk about this semiconductor project."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised. This was different from what he expected, and the leader didn't answer his doubts.

However, the doubts were soon cleared.

The black special car arrived in Luzhou, a business card that must be mentioned every time when facing the outside world - the University of Science and Technology of China.

Both of them got out of the car and stood on the campus.

Wang Shushan waved his hand and solemnly promised: "Mr. Fang, as long as you are willing to settle the project in Luzhou, our University of Science and Technology is willing to fully support it!"

“Relevant talents, technical research, equipment procurement, and professional establishment, what HKUST can provide will never blink an eye!”

"Teachers and students don't want to stay. The principal does the work himself, and I do the work myself. There are absolutely no lies!"

Wang Shushan was categorical.

Fang Zhuo was silent.

Wang Shushan asked: "Mr. Fang, if you have any concerns, just say so. Today is our normal project discussion."

"UST is very good, there is no doubt about it." Fang Zhuo said cautiously, "But..."

He thought for a while and told the truth: "But as long as we are willing to pay, the talents will come. It does not depend on settling in the local area. Of course, there will be more technical conveniences in the local area, but this factor..."

Fang Zhuo continued: "Moreover, the project is now in the stage of raising funds, and the funding requirements are relatively high."

Wang Shushan nodded and said without saying a word: "Let's go, Mr. Fang, let's remember that HKUST is a condition given by our Luzhou."

Fang Zhuo got back into the car and considered how to politely reject this decisive leader.

Not long after, the special car drove out of the campus and drove for a while before stopping.

There is no village in the front and no store in the back.

"Mr. Fang, go down and take a look." Wang Shushan said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo got out of the car inexplicably.

Wang Shushan also got out of the car and pointed forward: "Mr. Fang, we will give you as much as Yangcheng gives."

"This road will not be repaired! I will give you project investment!"

"We in Luzhou have no money, so we exchange sincerity for money."

"Whatever you want, just say it. We still have a long way to go."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

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