Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 385 Experience (two in one)

Qiu Ciyun has left SMIC!

Qiu Ciyun wants to build a new wafer fab with Fang Zhuo!

China's semiconductor industry was shocked when they heard these two pieces of news!

However, the scale of the mainland's semiconductor industry is actually not that big. There are people who think, "Oh my god", "Qiu Ciyun actually left SMIC", "Isn't Qiu Ciyun Zhang Rujing's right-hand man?", "Qiu Ciyun actually got together with Fang Zhuo", " Words like "Qiu Ciyun's future is gone" are just the reaction of a small circle.

It is difficult for China's semiconductors to make any noise internationally, and it is not closely related to media reports. Even though SMIC is already known as the world's fourth largest foundry, it is only big but not strong.

Of course, SMIC, which currently represents mainland China's semiconductor industry, will become stronger and stronger according to current trends.

Therefore, one thing that people in the industry are confused about is - why?

Why did Qiu Ciyun leave such an SMIC?

Why can Fang Zhuo do a semiconductor project?

What can these two people do together?

A wafer fab cannot be built by just one or two people patting their heads on the head!

Soon, the semiconductor industry in Mainland China faced something even more shocking and concerning to itself - the number of engineers who proposed to resign increased at a strange speed!



As expected, it's not just one or two pats on the forehead, this is poaching on one's own body!

In particular, Huahong Company, which is also located in Shanghai, is the most troubled.

Huahong, established in 1997, is a relatively well-respected semiconductor company in China. However, its development has not been rapid enough for various reasons. When Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. settled in Shanghai, it became even more bleak in the same city.

However, Huahong has help from the country’s “909 Project”, so the scale is still there.

That is, it has quite a few experienced engineers.

Originally, Huahong heard that Qiu Ciyun, the senior vice president of SMIC in the same city, had resigned, and she was still waiting for dinner with the mentality of watching the excitement. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, her own engineers would fly away!

When Huahong Vice President Jiang Qili learned about this situation, he became furious. Fang Zhuo was so brave!

You must know that Huahong's background is not simple. The chairman of the company is a former senior civil servant. The establishment of the company is full of high expectations from the administrative level, and the relationships behind it are even more complicated.

Jiang Qili called Fang Zhuo directly and denounced this shameless practice of poaching people with "double salary"!

"Is it wrong for me to pay more to engineers?"

"Who are you? Do you think you are XXX?"

Jiang Qili was greatly offended by Fang Zhuo's direct response to the call. Of course he was not a big boss, but he also represented part of the authority of the chairman. The poaching had already offended him before, and now, the young richest man in Shanghai had offended him again.

"Fang Zhuo, your behavior of destroying the healthy order of the market will not succeed." Jiang Qili gritted his teeth and issued a written warning.

Fang Zhuo hung up the phone directly.

It’s not like Chairman Huahong called him, what else could a vice president do?

How is it possible to casually give up on improving the salary package of engineers in the industry?

Fang Zhuo is determined to seek benefits for the engineers.

If your project ultimately fails, Chinese semiconductor engineers, don’t forget that it is precisely because of my visit that you received a salary increase!

Fang Zhuo waved the banknotes, carrying his ideals and feelings... but he was still persuaded to stop.

On July 17, Fang Zhuo sat in his office and met with Zhao Suqi, the intern manager of Yike Investment, as his boss.

Before he could inquire about his sister's summer internship, a call came in from Shanghai's deputy leader Zheng Danrui.

After some earnest persuasion from Brother Zheng, Fang Zhuo had no choice but to say that he would slow down the search for semiconductor engineers.

In Shanghai, the water is still deep. Even the richest man can't go sideways. The connections between certain companies are quite powerful.

"Director Zhao, let's continue talking about work. How about you, a top student from Jiaotong University, come to our Yike Investment for a summer internship?" Fang Zhuo ended the call, shook his head, and returned his attention to the present.

Zhao Suqi quickly reported his experience. So far, the experience of more than a month of internship in the summer is-this is different from the book.

She contacted a total of three projects, but she found all kinds of things strange. Some business owners didn't even have the concept of valuation.

"It's normal. In our country, whether it is enterprises or venture capital, the high ones can get high, and the low ones can get low." Fang Zhuo didn't think it was a big deal.

Zhao Suqi heard his brother's words, thought for two seconds, and asked with a smile: "Brother, the lowest point you have ever encountered is to carry gasoline to find your venture capital?"

Why do people keep mentioning some small things from the past?

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "That is actually a case of adapting to local conditions. If you encounter a company that has locked up your funds, do you have to use documents such as contract law to popularize knowledge to the other party? The best thing is to get money. .”

Zhao Suqi, an academic, received the most direct teaching from the practical school, and he believed in it deeply.

She thought about the case for a while and asked: "Brother, your semiconductor project has made great progress recently. Are the venture capital investors willing to sit down and talk after seeing Qiu Ciyun joining?"

Fang Zhuo taught his sister everything he had, and said with a smile: "If you want to invest in a company, who do you regard yourself as? The funder? The boss? The person behind it? No, Qi Qi, he is a partner."

"Normally speaking, the investment cycle of venture capital is not short. What companies want is partners who can grow together. An excellent venture capital must meet this demand, so that the relationship can last longer."

"It wasn't Qiu Ciyun's joining that made the organization willing to sit down and talk, but the organization and I both believed that Qiu Ciyun was needed for this project, so he joined."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and revealed the inside story that is difficult for outsiders to know: "The people at DCM are more disciplined and want to see Qiu Ciyun enter before continuing the discussion, but Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank and I can talk better."

"He's a real investor."

"He agreed with my judgment and ideas about the project, and also believed that Qiu Ciyun's participation was a minimum guarantee. Therefore, I discussed with him and let him come forward to reveal this matter to Zhang Rujing."

"As for Qiu Ciyun, he has feelings for SMIC. The issue of whether to stay or leave is actually a bit complicated. It's hard for me to come forward. Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank has no problem."

"Although Zhang Hongli hasn't invested in me yet, his needs are close to mine, so he called Zhang Rujing."

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "That's the news you heard - Qiu Ciyun and I are cooperating, do you understand? A venture capital investor must think what its partners think and worry about its partners' concerns. This is a good venture capital investment."

Zhao Suqi was a little stunned when he heard this. This backhand knife and that backhand knife. It is very likely that the person involved did not know where the knife came from!

She murmured to herself: "It's so difficult to dig someone out..."

Fang Zhuo then sighed: "Who says it's not the case? However, even if I feel sorry in my heart, I still have to unswervingly use different methods to attract talents, because I also have to be responsible to the venture capital partners and make the project move forward. "

Zhao Suqi didn't know if this was her brother's true feelings, but she really learned a lot from the spiritual level.

Now that Fang Zhuo talked about the project he was working on, he continued to talk more.

“Actually, although I am the one who often comes into contact with venture capital, in the current ‘Ice Drink Project’, a considerable part of my role is that of venture capital.”

"The semiconductor industry has very high technical requirements, which I don't have."

"But since I want to do it and don't know the technology, I have to understand money and people. I can't just take advantage of everything."

Fang Zhuo didn't mention "understanding money", but talked about the latter factors: "How do you understand people? I often think from that person's perspective, such as Qiu Ciyun and Zhang Rujing. They are both technical tycoons and have sufficient resources." Our experience in building factories has been immersed in semiconductors for twenty years.”

"In my opinion, it's up to me." He emphasized, "If Zhang Rujing has 8 points for the spirit of revitalizing the industry and 2 points for personal considerations, then Qiu Ciyun has 4 points for the semiconductor industry, 3 points for revitalizing the industry, and 3 points for revitalizing the industry. The score of 3 is a personal consideration."

Fang Zhuo said: "There is a relatively large proportion of people who want to make a career, and I can provide him with a platform to display his 3 points of personal considerations. Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank took the initiative to put pressure on this 3 points of tendency." On my side.”

"Mr. Zhang Rujing is actually really good. Even though he knew clearly that Qiu Ciyun was leaving and that he wanted to work on this project with me, he did not slander him with his shareholder Deutsche Bank."

Zhao Suqi nodded silently.

After a while, she asked a question: "Brother, what about you? What score do you have?"

Fang Zhuo was not fooled, and after thinking carefully, he said: "It's easy to look at others, but it's hard to know yourself. I don't know what I am like. If I have to say it, it's a personal consideration."

Zhao Suqi: "?"

She got an extremely unexpected answer.

Fang Zhuo laughed and used 10 points of personal considerations to promote 90 points of revitalizing the industry.

The richest man in Shanghai explained the inside story and thoughts to his sister in the Yike President Office. Qiu Ciyun, who had really determined the trend, took the lead in the implementation of the "Ice Drink Plan" immediately after handling the SMIC affairs.

On July 18, Qiu Ciyun led a 31-person technical team from SMIC to Luzhou. He wanted to conduct an on-site inspection of where the project might be implemented.

For the former SMIC senior vice president who often travels between Shanghai and Beijing, it is the first time that the gap between cities is so uncomfortable.

Just because of such a factor, the number of technical team members directly changed from 31 to 26 people. Those five people could not accept such a large urban gap and gave up following up on the "ice drink plan".

Qiu Ciyun said nothing, but continued to confirm the conditions for project cooperation with the Luzhou government.

He soon felt the great enthusiasm described by Mr. Fang, and his mood improved a lot.

Qiu Ciyun is an expert in the industry, and he is naturally familiar with the voices in the industry. Working with Fang Zhuo has already made him feel more like proving himself.

Another day passed and 2 members of the team once again chose to quit after careful consideration.

Qiu Ciyun held a small meeting this time and used jokes to stabilize the morale of the soldiers.

"Two more friends have quit, which is good news. Boss Fang has proven with facts that his money can slow down the rate of attrition of our team."

Qiu Ciyun didn't give much reaction to the last wave of five people quitting, but Fang Zhuo of Shencheng knew about it from a distance. He was very distressed and expressed the further increase in salary and the setting of options through Qiu Ciyun.

Generally speaking, the current 24-person team has received two salary increases before work started. Fang Zhuo proved in the most sincere way that he really wants to improve the salary environment for engineers in the industry.

Apart from money, it was difficult for him to convince these engineers with other reasons, so he just went straight to the point.

There is a slight situation on the Luzhou side, but the Shencheng side is making good progress.

As Qiu Ciyun quickly put into work, several venture capital institutions were willing to sit down and have a serious talk about the "Ice Drink Plan" initiated by the richest man in Shanghai.

However, just two days before the meeting date, Fang Zhuo suddenly received headhunting news. TSMC Liang Mengsong, who had been named as his focus, was about to arrive in Shanghai to attend an international industry conference.

Liang Mengsong?

Fang Zhuo was a little caught off guard. He had been waiting for the University of Science and Technology of China to report back about Hu Zhengming's contact. Unexpectedly, there was no news there yet, and he actually had the opportunity to contact another technology tycoon that he had longed for.

However, this person is currently very proud and has received annual awards at TSMC, so it is very difficult to lure him.

Fang Zhuo considered this and still made an appointment to meet.

This aspect was fruitless as he expected, and the atmosphere was quite embarrassing.

Fang Zhuo was looking for connections to meet Liang Mengsong, but after he announced his identity and showed a hint of poaching, the TSMC general casually asked a few technical questions.

Technical questions from technical experts...

Of course Fang Zhuo couldn't answer, he was just thinking about how to show sincerity.

"You don't know such a simple thing, why come to me?" Liang Mengsong was extremely direct and refused, "Mr. Fang, do you think you can let me play house with you?"

"I don't understand technology, and I definitely don't shy away from this. But in fact, from a business perspective, isn't it an advantage for an investor who doesn't understand technology? He can trust his partners wholeheartedly." Fang Zhuo changed his perspective. .

Liang Mengsong had the arrogance of a technical boss. He just said "ha" and didn't even want to answer.

"Mr. Liang, I am extremely sincere. If one day, you no longer want to be at TSMC, I will definitely treat you here." Fang Zhuo does not engage in ineffective or even side-effect communication, and now he only has a face-to-face meeting.

Liang Mengsong thought it was ridiculous and said in turn: "If one day Mr. Fang's project can no longer be completed, you are welcome to invest in TSMC."

Fang Zhuo is not angry. It is normal for a technical person to have a temper and arrogance.

He shook hands with the technical boss, who was not very particular about dealing with tact, and then politely left.

Liang Mengsong felt a little embarrassed when he looked at the figure who came suddenly and left decisively. He said to Fang Zhuo who was about to open the door, "You can give me a business card."

Fang Zhuo turned around, gave his business card, and said with a smile: "If one day I go to TSMC to invest, Mr. Liang must put in a good word for me. I heard that President Zhang Zhongmou of TSMC is not easy to talk to."

Liang Mengsong's mouth moved faster than his heart and said, "Mr. Zhang's skin is not that thick."

After handing over the business card, Fang Zhuo shook hands politely again and said, "Mr. Liang, don't underestimate Mr. Zhang's face. He and I can only compete as equals."

The young president left gracefully.

Liang Mengsong glanced at his back, then looked down at his business card. Hey, if nothing else, this young man has a great attitude.

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