Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 386 Investment Conference (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo felt a little regretful about meeting Liang Mengsong.

This kind of emotion is not that he did not meet his expectations. In fact, he did not set any goals for this meeting, but... he saw such an outstanding technical leader sitting in front of him alive...

Fang Zhuo could somewhat understand the joy that was written in the book, "The heroes of the world have come to my rescue."

It must be an emotion that comes from the heart.

However, a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move.

As long as you stay concerned and prepare early, you will be able to make use of it when the opportunity comes.

Besides, if you can’t find a disciple, then don’t you still have a master?

Wait for the news from the University of Science and Technology of China.

On July 20, a global semiconductor industry conference was held in Shanghai. Many well-known manufacturers were present, involving upstream and downstream industry chains such as IC design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, and host manufacturers. The momentum was quite strong.

In such a scene, Fang Zhuo, a layman who is still in the planning stage, has no sense of existence and only silently participates, listens, and observes. However, Liang Mengsong of TSMC, who he took advantage of this meeting to contact, is different and has attracted much attention at home and abroad. .

As an expert who led a team to defeat Intel head-on, his speech on the future technology prospects of semiconductors won unanimous applause from everyone.

This meeting was held for three days. Fang Zhuo attended the first day. In the next two days, Qiu Ciyun, who returned from Luzhou, led people to more purposefully contact some foreign manufacturers in different fields.

Although the project funds and project location have not yet been completely determined, Qiu Ciyun, who left SMIC, burst out with more enthusiasm for work, deservedly took over the project promotion work, and began to consider the purchase of equipment.

Contrary to what Fang Zhuo thought, SMIC also purchased a lot of second-hand equipment. What Qiu Ciyun has to do now is not only to find cost-effective equipment, but also to take into account the technical upgrade needs.

Fang Zhuoyou and Qiu Ciyun discussed the development plan and both believed that Luzhou's production line must be stable and stable, and cannot blindly seek replication and expansion.

This is actually the strategy advocated by Qiu Ciyun at SMIC. In addition to agreeing with this expert partner who is currently the most reliable, Fang Zhuo also considers the possible impact of SMIC's suspected situation and whether... there will be a better one. partner.

However, no matter what the future holds, playing it safe and sound is the best option at the moment.

After the three-day meeting, Qiu Ciyun came up with a long purchase list, but this was only part of what was needed for the production line.

And on the closing day of the semiconductor industry conference, Fang Zhuo, who was still in the project planning stage and had no sense of existence, was vaguely named.

Huahong Vice President Jiang Qili, as a local semiconductor company in Shanghai, also took the stage to give a closing speech. He talked about a real problem that happened in China. This part was summarized in a headline by the local media.

——"Is the salary increase of engineers with capital support conducive to the healthy development of the industry?" 》

This is a question from the vice president of Huahong.

Since Qiu Ciyun resigned, a total of 31 engineers and technicians from SMIC chose to follow him, and 24 were finally confirmed.

This is Qiu Ciyun’s team and the technical backbone of SMIC.

However, this momentum is far less than Zhang Rujing's initial rally in Baodao. In addition to Zhang Rujing's own higher reputation, the three years of hard work in Shanghai are also important factors that most people need to consider.

Many people have already married, had children, and settled down in Shanghai. Under such circumstances, it is unrealistic to choose to follow Qiu Ciyun in a project with an uncertain future.

However, although Qiu Ciyun only had 24 capable men, he had already foreseen this and was not too disappointed.

Unexpectedly... Fang Zhuo quickly expanded the number to 92 people while waving banknotes!

In other words, there are 68 engineers recruited solely by Fang Zhuo, which is nearly three times the number of his own team!

Qiu Ciyun watched the camp grow rapidly, and had only one emotion for a moment... Is this the behavior of the richest man in Shanghai? This is what it feels like to be rich!

These 68 people came from major domestic companies. Although they are not as good as the talents Zhang Rujing brought back, they are indeed among the best in the country. Huahong, SMIC, and Huajing (acquired by China Resources) have all suffered greatly.

This wave of poaching and job-hopping is done through headhunting, and it stands to reason that salaries and benefits should also be kept confidential.

However, Qiu Ciyun himself was very curious and took the opportunity to ask a senior engineer from Huahong. The answer he got was "start with 2 times the price and start talking." That is, as soon as people come, it will be doubled immediately, according to different levels and standards. There is still room for exploration.

No wonder Hua Hong and the others were anxious.

Even after the intervention of administrative relations, Fang Zhuo slowed down his actions, Huahong Vice President Jiang Qili was still upset, so he made a speech at the closing ceremony and denounced the bad behavior.

Qiu Ciyun heard the content at the scene, but he didn't react at the time. When he was reminded by someone the next day and saw the report, he suddenly felt like "Oh, yes, I am not from SMIC, I am the one being criticized."

Because he had to attend a meeting of an investment institution, he did not return to Luzhou immediately, so he took the opportunity to chat with Fang Zhuo about this matter.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised: "What's going on?"

"The industry evaluation may not be... not very good." It was the first time Qiu Ciyun worked with Fang Zhuo and he spoke more cautiously, "Hua Hong's relationship is relatively difficult."

"We and Huahong are competitors." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "How to interpret this? Will the speech of a vice president of Huahong affect our equipment procurement or what?"

He continued: "Don't over-interpret it. Whether the relationship is strong or not is not used here. Just treat it as an ordinary public opinion attack by peers. Don't worry, I will let others handle this matter."

Qiu Ciyun was a little curious about what Mr. Fang's response would be.

Soon, Sina website published an editorial written by chief writer Xu Changlun.

——"Why are semiconductor companies with state-owned assets unable to succeed at this stage?" 》


There are complex factors here.

One of the most important ones is that a strong state-owned background will make it difficult to purchase foreign equipment.

However, it is not just that. Enterprises led by state-owned assets habitually suffer from both the shortcomings of the planned economy and the shortcomings of the market economy. In addition, there are some identity recognition issues at the personnel level...

Therefore, this attempt led by state-owned assets can be said to have failed.

So what should I do?

According to Sina’s chief writer Xu Changlun’s interview with Mr. Fang, who was reluctant to remain anonymous in the semiconductor industry, “We must not only have policy guidance, but also actively develop industrial supporting facilities. We must improve the industrial development environment, and we must also have an international vision and market-oriented operations. .”

The editorial not only quoted this sentence, but also Mr. Fang’s evaluation of domestic companies, “Let’s talk about Shanghai Huahong. It is simply ridiculous. It relies on domestic support and attempts to get sincere technical help from foreign investors. This is it possible?"

"The joint venture between Huahong and Japan's NEC, if I don't ask anything else, how many patented technologies has it had in recent years?"

"First it is a joint venture, then it is introduced, then it is put into production, and finally it falls behind when it is put into production. It is so naive and cute for you, a person who wants to revitalize his own country's industry, to give the right to speak to foreign companies."

Mr. Fang’s criticism was merciless.

Different from the reports of Shanghai Huahong newspaper, Sina, a leader in the portal industry that represents the development of the Internet era, has many extraordinary Internet users.

This editorial from Sina not only makes some people feel sad, but also makes some people sweat.

In fact, Fang Zhuo's words are not particularly spicy, he just tells some facts, but these facts themselves are thought-provoking.

The full name of Huahong in Shanghai is Huahong NEC. It is one of the joint ventures between Huahong and Japan's NEC. It has introduced production lines, but Japan has very strict control over patented technology.

It is said that Huahong has cooperated with NEC for nearly ten years. Shanghai Huahong NEC has 0 patents, Beijing Huahong NEC has 0 patents, and only Shougang NEC has 4 patents.

Such a situation was not written directly in the editorial. The lead writer Xu Changlun only thoughtfully put the situation of the company named by Mr. Fang in the remarks.

Qiu Ciyun saw this response posted on Sina almost immediately, and silently guessed how Huahong's leader would feel after seeing this content. There was probably only two words - embarrassing.

The editorials are eloquent, and Sina has the leading comments from netizens on the entire network.

Because Sina had its own designation of where the webpage would be exposed, this editorial aroused a great response.

Regarding the news that Qiu Ciyun heard from his friends, Huahong was in disgrace. The vice president who addressed the industry conference was chased and intercepted by reporters from several media, trying to get him to give a tit-for-tat response.

However, how can Vice President Jiang Qili respond?

He could also find connections to find Zheng Danrui, but this response would not help. Huahong NEC could not pat its chest and clearly explain the patented technology that Fang Zhuo questioned.

Jiang Qili regretted it. He regretted it when he saw the Sina editorial.

Anyway, Hua Hong's people have been poached, and Fang Zhuo has also slowed down his actions. Why should he bother?

Jiang Qili's regret prevented him from continuing to provide the media with ammunition for reporting. He avoided the media for two days and chose to deal with the matter coldly. However, there was another "Huahong joke" in the industry.

Qiu Ciyun was in Shanghai and witnessed the whole process of this incident, and was quite stunned.

On July 27, the "Ice Drink Plan" held an investment meeting, attended by representatives from Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, DCM China, Luzhou State Investment, Yike Group, MIGA Private Equity Fund, China Entrepreneur Industrial Investment Foundation and project team.

Qiu Ciyun arrived early at the Yike conference room at Hang Lung 23. He was excited about this meeting to promote fund raising.

Soon, Qiu Ciyun met Fang Zhuo and asked about the public response.

"Oh, it's not a big deal." Fang Zhuo didn't take it seriously. "The people in Huahong are not comfortable with themselves. People like them who think they are close to power are arrogant. It's just poaching two people. What excitement."

Only then did Qiu Ciyun remember that, yes, the culprit was the person in front of him who worked hard to poach people.

"Speaking of this, Mr. Qiu, there is already a shortage of talents in this field in China, and it cannot be found simply with money. Headhunters have discovered a problem. Higher-level engineers have to consider many factors, and family influence is great."

"You make a list for me, which talents our project needs more, and I will let people contact foreign countries to supplement the personnel."

Fang Zhuo is very concerned about the team's combat effectiveness, which requires both technical leaders and backbones.

"Will our employment costs be a bit high?" Qiu Ciyun asked cautiously.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Mr. Qiu, don't think about this kind of thing. Just like Hua Hong's public opinion, you leave it to me, I will find people, you employ people, we have a clear division of labor."

Qiu Ciyun didn't know what to say, so he could only shake the hand of the young CEO in front of him. The man in front of him seemed more and more reliable.

As Fang Zhuo said, Hua Hong's public opinion was just a trivial matter in his mind. If Qiu Ciyun hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have talked about it anymore. Instead, today's investment meeting made him somewhat nervous.

Semiconductors indeed require both capital and technology. The total amount of this first round of financing is aimed at US$1 billion, and the targets are also top international institutions.

Fang Zhuo has never handled such a large amount of financing.

A little nervous, a little fresh, and a little...inexplicable confidence.

Especially, when he was sitting in the conference room and saw Xiong Xiaoge pushing in the door, and seeing his bear face, he suddenly became more confident.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Connor, Mr. Qiu." Xiong Xiaoge greeted the people who were already present familiarly, and finally shook hands with Fang Zhuo, "Mr. Fang, your style is still the same, your Sina can really do it."

He smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, you worked so hard to get Sina. Isn't that why you came here?"

"The role of the main writer has nothing to do with the president." Fang Zhuo shook hands vigorously and said enthusiastically, "Old Xiong, seeing you today, I feel that our project will definitely succeed. After all, you, Old Xiong, have never failed with me."

Xiong Xiaoge was a little confused, but that didn't stop him from counterattacking casually: "What are you talking about? It's obvious that your boss has never failed at my place, and I still admire him very much."

Xiong Xiaoge came to the meeting this time in a relaxed mood, because he came on behalf of the China Entrepreneur Industrial Investment Foundation, and in a sense, he was just a trustee.

IDG Huaxia participated in the "Ice Drink Plan" in disguised form by taking shares in Chinese enterprises, basically to the extent of giving Fang Zhuo some face.

Therefore, Xiong Xiaoge can sit on the sidelines today and see what is going on that has caused several institutions to follow suit.

At nine o'clock in the morning, people from various institutions arrived.

Fang Zhuo did not speak first, but handed the opening to Qiu Ciyun, former senior vice president of SMIC, asking this technical expert to introduce the industry situation and project prospects.

Only in this way can such experts speak convincingly.

After Qiu Ciyun finished speaking with passion for work, Fang Zhuo spoke as the project initiator and largest investor.

He smiled and said: "Some people here know it, and some people don't know. My relationship with semiconductors comes from a Shanghai chip incident some time ago, so I have some unexpected understanding of the industry."

“A project like this is new and challenging for me.”

“It’s quite interesting for me to use ‘Hanxin’ as the starting point for the origin of the project.”

Yes, it is extremely strange even for Fang Zhuo to start the semiconductor industry with a historical scam like Hanxin.

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