Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 39 Making a Game

Fang Zhuo and Yu Hong sat on the steps together, feeling strange.

Vice President Sun is so neat.

The rehearsing situation between the two seemed a bit ridiculous under Vice President Sun's decisiveness. They had previously discussed whether to give money or gifts. For example, use the money to buy two boxes of Maotai...

Speaking of which, I really should stock up on some national wine now, otherwise the price of buying two boxes of these will cost upwards of 30,000 yuan in the future.

Fang Zhuo shook his head, took a breath, and said subtly: "Are you interested in telling me how to send money?"

"Knock on the door, enter the door, and tell me about the supermarket owner's introduction. He said that my brother wants to work in the hospital as an administrative post after graduating from college. I said a little bit about my feelings. I said that I would bring someone to visit the director in two days and say goodbye." Yu Hong described it simply.

In fact, it's that simple.

Fang Zhuo twisted his neck: "Look, it's not difficult to give gifts, right?"

Yu Hong had no interest in agreeing.

"What the hell, you're doing big things and forgetting the details. Now that I've collected the money, no one can stop me!" Fang Zhuo kicked the air and said.

Originally, his words were expected to be bold, high-spirited, vicious, and dark, but at this moment, they sounded soft and weak at all.

Fang Zhuo sat down again, facing the dazzling sunshine: "Made, the process is too fast, and I am too lazy to review it afterwards. Come on, I will take you to eat beef soup and drink milk tea."

"Hey, who are you?" Yu Hong said, but she stood up.

She patted the dust on her clothes, followed Fang Zhuo's example, and cursed: "Made!"

Fang Zhuo turned around and reprimanded: "If you are a good person, you will not learn, and if you are a bad person, if you do this, I won't accompany you to ask for money next time!"

"Ha." Yu Hong was disdainful, thinking that he would still have to ask for money, which boosted his spirits for no reason, "Let's see how I ask for money from him next time! Eat, eat, waste my life!" "

Fang Zhuo walked a few steps and thought to himself, don't let Xiao Yu get into trouble. Next time something like this happens, he should do it himself.

"Oh yes, Xiao Yu, I plan to buy a house full of Maotai when we make money. What do you think?"

Yu Hong pouted: "Why are you hoarding that stuff? Can't you buy it at any time?"

"I want to wait for the appreciation..." Fang Zhuo estimated in his mind.

"Hahahaha, are you just hoarding it instead of waiting for the value to rise? Are you stupid because of Old Sun's stimulation?" Yu Hong laughed loudly and changed the title of Vice President Sun to the more affectionate "Old Sun".

Hearing this laughter, she had recovered from some inexplicable blow.

Fang Zhuo sighed silently. Therefore, it is difficult for people to escape from the times. People like Yu Hong from the University of Science and Technology of China cannot see the treasures everywhere in this era.

"Let's go, let's go. When our small company opens, I will buy a bottle of Moutai as a celebration wine." He made a grand promise.

"Tch, that's how much you drink." Yu Hong boasted boldly. She sat down in the beef restaurant first and boasted, "Drink you up!"

After giving away the money, Yu Hong felt that she was okay again.

On October 11, at nine o'clock in the morning, Sun Xingqun arrived at his office leisurely.

The tea on the table has been brewed, and the newspapers are neatly placed on the shelf. Everything is as usual.

Sun Xingqun put down his briefcase, took a sip of the Yuqian tea at the perfect temperature, and took out a copy of "Jianghuai Morning News" and placed it in front of him.

As a vice president in charge of administrative power, it is necessary to understand the spirit and maintain a certain level of learning. Just like playing cards now, you don’t have to go to the chess and card room, you can just play on the computer.

Sun Xingqun raised his head and glanced at the computer covered with cloth, thinking about a word he had seen often in recent days - informatization.

What exactly is informatization? Will this thing help my progress?

His mind shifted slightly and refocused on the front page of the newspaper. There was a new personnel appointment in the province, and the leader had assumed his new position, which was half a step forward.

Looks like I have to find another chance to sit there on the weekend.

Before he could open the second newspaper, there was a knock on the office door, and a woman who had some memory almost broke in.

It's a bit rude, Sun Xingqun thought in his heart, and saw the person coming and said:

"I found a job for my brother the day before yesterday. He just graduated. Vice President Sun, do you still remember?"

Sun Xingqun was a little displeased, saying that he was "vice" instead of "vice".

He nodded slightly reservedly: "Remember, there will be a meeting in the hospital in a few days to see if there are any suitable positions. Didn't you say you would bring your brother with you last time? Why didn't you bring him with you today? ?”

The woman said directly: "Vice Dean, my brother has found a job in the provincial government, so there is no need for him here."

Sun Xingqun frowned when he heard this. It's another tertiary hospital.

He said "hmm" and said in a tone of voice: "It's not bad to be provincial."

The woman rubbed her hands and said something unexpectedly straightforward: "Vice dean, give me the money I gave you two days ago. I'm not here anymore."

Two thousand yuan, more or less, can buy an area of ​​two or three square meters in Luzhou.

The main problem is that this thing is done too carelessly, too impolitely, and too disrespectful to the dean!

This is like giving a gift to a leader and asking him to write an IOU. It’s rude and ridiculous!

Sun Xingqun's face darkened, and he said coldly: "What are you talking about? From now on, your brother will be in the hospital, and I will take care of him."

He neither agreed nor refused. There was a bit of promise in his words, but more of a threat.

The woman's hair covered less than half of her face, and her clothes were still stained with mud.

She suddenly became excited and shouted as if her brother had died in the hospital: "You didn't do anything for me! Why are you still accepting my money?"

Sun Xingqun suddenly became anxious and roared in a low voice: "What are you yelling about?"

According to past experience, in a hospital, whether it is the administrative status or the intimidation of patients by wearing a white coat, one's own words are very important.

Unfortunately, this time, the experience failed.

For the next two minutes, Sun Xingqun watched as if in a dream that the local woman in front of him opened the door, yelled towards the corridor and into the room, and kept repeating the words asking for money like Xianglin's wife.

"Ask for money", "do things", "give gifts", "vice dean"... and so on.

Sun Xingqun was really panicked.

He seemed to be making sense in a hazy state, and also seemed to be shouting, which was very out of character.

Soon, within two or three minutes, the woman disappeared.

A few people passed by sporadically in the corridor, some ignored them, and some stopped.

Security arrived a few minutes later.

Sun Xingqun drove away the security guard with a dark face. He suddenly felt a little regretful in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he became. Were there other leaders from the hospital in the corridor just now? Is there a department director? Is there a deputy director? Are there any female doctors who like to gossip?

Sun Xingqun felt that he was really so damn wronged!

He can pat his chest and say that he is definitely not the kind of leader who takes money and does nothing. Besides, they are all hospitals on the same line. Why should he be so impatient and unreasonable?

He gritted his teeth and picked up the phone, feeling very determined to let the siblings know what it was like in the hospital!

Call a friend's boss at the provincial hospital and ask him to give you a job as a recently hired employee or contractor.

After the phone call ended, Sun Xingqun felt much relieved.

However, I have no intention of having a meal at noon.

Sun Xingqun sat quietly in the office for a while, and then he began to inspect various tasks in the hospital and severely reprimanded the departments that had flaws.

After half a day, there seemed to be no bad words spread in the hospital, and Sun Xingqun's mood improved a lot.

However, at three o'clock in the afternoon, a polite reporter knocked on the door of the deputy dean's office.

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