Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 40 Outsider

"Hello, Dean Sun, I am Fan Rong, the reporter of the people's livelihood column of "Luzhou Evening News"."

The reporter who knocked on the door looked young, with a press card hanging around her neck and a smile on her face.

Sun Xingqun also had a smile on his face, and he unconsciously compared it with the woman he met in the morning. If she was not a reporter, she would speak well.

"Hello, hello." The deputy dean was very kind, "What's the matter?"

Fan Rong nodded lightly: "Dean Sun, some people reported to our column that some doctors in our First Affiliated Hospital collect red envelopes. Do you understand?"

Sun Xingqun's mood suddenly hit rock bottom. Although he said he was a "doctor" in his words, he had some doubts that it was directed at him.

The wisdom in the deputy dean's mind was spinning rapidly.

Two seconds later, he denied it flatly: "As far as I know, there is no such situation in our courtyard. Little comrade, don't listen to the wind or the rain."

Sun Xingqun leaned forward, deliberately looked at Fan Rong's press card, as if remembering the information, and then sat upright again: "Are you from the "Luzhou Evening News"? The president of your newspaper is Comrade Li Xing, right?"

Fan Rong said affirmatively: "Yes, it's President Li. President Sun, can I ask you another question?"

Sun Xingqun felt that the reporter opposite him already knew how powerful he was, so he said a little bit calmly: "Well, just ask."

"I heard that there is a rumor circulating in the hospital that a vice president has several villas in his home. Do you know anything about this situation?" Fan Rong's eyes were sharp.

Sun Xingqun was shocked and angry. He stood up and refuted: "Nonsense! Rumors are all rumors. How many villas do I have? I just... I was a guest at a friend's house and I only saw a villa once."

He had already determined that the reporter came with bad intentions, and said with a cold face: "Please get out. The hospital has not received an interview appointment. If you have anything to ask, let your president come and ask."

Fan Rong didn't bother, she came politely and left politely, it only took a few minutes.

However, Sun Xingqun's mood was worse than in the morning.

It's really crazy today!

Could it be that someone is trying to harm me?

Sun Xingqun carefully recalled the first time he took money from the woman. He remembered that he was introduced to him by his nephew from the supermarket downstairs.

He picked up the landline in the office and dialed the numbers one by one, preparing to use his connections to calm down any possible troubles.

At the same time, people in the corner of the hospital began to talk about a certain money-demanding incident they heard or saw in the morning.

"Take this bag and go to the bathroom in front to change clothes, wash your face, and tie your hair up."

"Take a taxi home directly after you come out. Don't forget to tear up the dean's information and throw it away when you get home."

"Don't panic, don't be impatient. I can't find you, either by calculation or not, but please stop hanging around the hospital recently. I'll check here first to see if there are any problems."

Outside the side entrance of the First Affiliated Hospital, Fang Zhuo gave concise and experienced instructions to a hurried perpetrator, and did not return to the hospital until her figure disappeared from the street corner.

His mission today is to keep an eye on him here.

I bought a few newspapers and sat on the steps to read them. I had a packed lunch for lunch. Everything was fine except for the security guards coming in and out.

When he saw a reporter in professional attire again in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo didn't go up to say hello. This was because Teacher Xiao Su was at school, and he didn't need to show up.

Moreover, this interview is not a formal interview, it is just a sideshow for the people's livelihood column.

According to Teacher Xiao Su, it would only take two or three sentences and would not go too far.

A whole afternoon later, when the hospital was off duty, Fang Zhuo saw Vice President Sun Xingqun, who showed no signs of anything unusual, appearing.

He noticed a detail. The deputy dean did not go home in his Mercedes-Benz. Instead, he left the First Affiliated Hospital on a bicycle with his briefcase under his arm.

Fang Zhuo didn't panic and finished dinner on the steps.

He boringly flipped through the newspaper he had read several times, and waited until it got dark before he got up and went to the ward to see his aunt and sister.

When he returned to the dormitory in the evening, Fang Zhuo did not contact Teacher Xiao Su or Yu Hong immediately. Instead, at 11 o'clock at night, his mobile phone suddenly received a call from Yu Hong's home number.

Even through the phone, it was difficult to conceal the nervous and excited voice of this first-time offender.

"Xiao Fang, are you okay?"

Fang Zhuo said: "It's nothing. It should be fine. Well, I just didn't drive today. I rode a bicycle back. I guess I'll lose two ounces of meat when I get home in the evening."

Yu Hong asked excitedly: "Did you ask the reporter about the interview process?"

Fang Zhuo replied solemnly, "We all contacted him in advance. We have to wait and ask again afterwards. However, it doesn't make any difference whether we ask or not. Things have already happened. When we look at the final result, it will be a sneak attack after all." Old man, I don’t really want to know about this process.”

Yu Hong said yes, but couldn't help but share her mood when taking action and how restless she felt when she returned home.

All the chattering cost a lot of money on the phone.

That night, Fang Zhuo fell asleep thinking about the company's development as usual, but on the same night, Lao Sun and Xiao Yu both tossed and turned and barely slept.

Yu Hong completed the whole thing as if she were acting, looking forward to the result but also a little scared.

Lao Sun was suspicious. He didn't know if he was being maliciously caused trouble or if he was just unlucky. Moreover, reporters' interviews are sometimes harmless, and sometimes they are very sensitive.

Seeing that the dean was retiring in a year, at this juncture, he had to think a lot, wondering whether the other vice dean, who was originally harmless, might have a big bad wolf hidden in his heart.

The next day, Fang Zhuo got up early as usual. He did not go to see Teacher Xiao Su and Yu Hong. He went to see Zhou Xin as planned to find a suitable place to store the server.

The two walked around and chatted for a while. Fang Zhuo saw that the technical director had something to say to him, but he just waited patiently.

"Brother Fang, I'm sorry to tell you something." Zhou Xin said with some difficulty.

"What are you embarrassed about? We are all our own people." Fang Zhuo said, thinking to himself, you are embarrassed to see Yu Hong, it's not like you have become a senior movie fan after acting.

Zhou Xin said a little shyly: "I asked my tutor to help me pay attention to this position. Well, he also asked me about the project I was working on. I heard that it was a company and my classmate Song Rong was a partner. He said he would try his best to help I apply for the title of an alumni enterprise."

"Well, you hold the majority of the shares in the company. I, I couldn't say anything in front of my mentor, so I didn't refuse."

Huh? Is there such a good thing?

Fang Zhuoxi smiled and said: "This is a good thing. The name of the University of Science and Technology of China is still very useful, which is good. I am not the only one who has shares. A company with alumni participation is an alumni enterprise."

Well, it's even more bluffing.

Zhou Xin became happy: "Brother Fang, as long as you don't mind."

He took out another exquisite newspaper: "This is the "China Science and Technology Daily" that I interviewed during the last National Day holiday, and it has just been printed now."

"By the way, Brother Fang and Wei Zhen are the reporters who interviewed us. They asked you when they gave me the newspaper. They said they would treat us to dinner and ask about the company and the Internet when they had time."

"Oh, she, let's talk about it." Fang Zhuo flipped through the school newspaper without any emotion and said, "Get a few more copies of this newspaper. It will be useful when we meet people later."

Zhou Xin asked in surprise: "Meeting someone? Who are you meeting?"

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "Of course he is a good person who can officially connect us to the hospital's resources. We must give full play to our simple and progressive side. Well, you can help me borrow some of your school's cultural shirts and other clothes, and then get a student certificate."

"Okay." Zhou Xin agreed.

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