Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 405 Red Man (two in one)

In late September, as Bingxin CSMC’s first round of financing was nearing completion, the ripples it caused in the domestic semiconductor industry gradually subsided.

Because all the well-known domestic semiconductor companies have been plowed by headhunters hired by Bingxin, the entire industry has developed a lot of sound resignation mechanisms, and the headhunters, driven by salaries, have shifted their focus abroad.

This situation, in turn, drives headhunters to upgrade, to learn some semiconductor knowledge, to be able to communicate fluently, and to understand the other party's culture...

According to Qiu Ciyun, senior vice president of Bingxin, the 12-inch production line planned to be built in Luzhou requires at least 500 engineers. Currently, not even half of them have arrived, and continued efforts are still needed.

However, the construction period of the entire production line is as long as 18 months. From this perspective, the recruitment progress of Bingxin is not bad.

The next focus of the entire project is the procurement of equipment and the placement of talents. The former has been determined to be run by Qiu Ciyun first, while the latter requires Fang Zhuo to go to Luzhou to promote the construction of hard conditions.

However, Fang Zhuo still had to sort out his family's situation before applying.

On the one hand, he was waiting for the IDG work team to come over, and on the other hand, he went to inspect the development progress of the "East Five Blocks".

Although "Yongke Real Estate" also has the word "Ke" in it, in addition to investment and equity control, Keyike Group's specific business is handed over to local real estate developers in Shanghai. Fang Zhuo does not pay much attention to this field. .

During this inspection, he called Mr. Liu Suyi from Yonghe Real Estate, intending to hammer it down to avoid any trouble.


Although Liu Suyi is involved in big projects that he competed for from Li Jiacheng, he is not at all arrogant.

Along the way, I accompanied Mr. Xiao Fang during the inspection. He asked for attitude, project status, demolition and resettlement. The answers were comprehensive, and it was clear that he was really paying close attention to the project.

Fang Zhuo didn't find anything wrong, and the people from the third-party real estate company he borrowed didn't find anything wrong either.

"Mr. Liu..."

Fang Zhuo stood on the construction site wearing a safety helmet and watched the first phase of construction in full swing. After a while, he suppressed a compliment: "Mr. Liu, good job."

Liu Suyi finally heard a word of approval from the richest man in Shanghai, and his face almost burst into laughter: "Mr. Fang is leading us all, and we must work hard on this land. Mr. Fang asked questions in the previous meeting. Always in our hearts.”

Fang Zhuo asked helplessly: "What's the problem?"

"At that meeting, Mr. Fang asked us if we could build a house. This question made several of our companies try hard to prove that we not only could build a house, but we could also build it well, and we could also make it permanent. Let Ke Real Estate become bigger and stronger!" Liu Suyi was high-spirited and excited.

Fang Zhuo rubbed his right hand: "Make it bigger and stronger, make it bigger and stronger, um, good."

He didn't want to get involved in real estate earlier, but now he's not too repelled, but he doesn't want to be too proactive about it.

Fang Zhuo looked at the various steel bars and cement in the first phase of the project, and said again: "Mr. Liu, remember, there are many people watching this project. Don't make any problems, don't ask for success, but ask for nothing." Pass."

"President Fang, don't worry, we only have four words tattooed on our bodies - behave ourselves." Liu Suyi said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo was speechless for a long time. He finally looked at the construction site, turned around and said, "Let's go back to the company."

"Mr. Fang, it's almost noon, and the restaurant has been reserved. I called Mr. Huang and the others, and we'll go back after eating." Liu Suyi hurriedly followed him, enthusiastically urging him to stay.

"No, there are still meetings to be held, please pay more attention to this project." Fang Zhuo couldn't fault it, so he had to encourage him gently.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will definitely strive to become bigger and stronger." Liu Suyi felt that with Mr. Fang's protection, the entire real estate market in Shanghai was going great, and he also agreed with other directors, and everyone followed. Xiao Fang always just drinks soup.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand feebly, got into the car, and lowered the window: "Tell Mr. Huang and the others that I have something else to do, and I'll treat you next time."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Fang." Liu Suyi smiled broadly, "Whatever we do next time, Mr. Fang will give us some ventilation and make preparations in advance."

Fang Zhuo smiled, said nothing, nodded to Mr. Liu, and slowly raised the car window.

Where does the next action come from? I still want to ask you to give me some ventilation.

Speaking of which, I haven't visited Qiu Lanhua and Brother Zheng recently, so I can go to Lishen to keep in touch with them.

Fang Zhuo's efforts were fruitless, and he only saw prosperity. But on second thought, it was better than seeing a mess. It was always good news.

On September 24th, there will be two sessions in the first half of the day, first the easy subject and then the medical subject.

Shencheng Yike's listing actions are currently focused on the financial aspect. People from Goldman Sachs need to achieve results that are more in line with the preferences of Nasdaq and investors, which can be accomplished through formal financial means.

In addition, Yike internally also provides different stock subscription rewards for employees at different levels, which is the proper way to make everyone rich.

As for medicine, in addition to the development of regular business, Fang Zhuo focuses a little on food safety investigations. He feels that the linkage between the company and Sina is not deep enough and further actions can be taken.

Another day later, Fang Zhuo made an appointment with Luzhou, but when he received the news that Xiong Xiaoge would arrive in Shanghai in the afternoon, he simply made arrangements to take the IDG people to Luzhou for a visit. Conduct project site visits.

Therefore, Luzhou, Anhui Province welcomed the working teams of Ice Core CSMC and IDG China and the United States on the 26th.

Fang Zhuo brought more people with him this time, nearly 40 people, almost all of whom were administrative staff transferred from Yike and Medical Department. They will be responsible for the administrative work of the construction of the ice core production line in Lu.

Xiong Xiaoge, who was traveling with him, was very critical of this point. Before getting off the plane, he even talked about this point: "Mr. Fang, I heard that not all of the people in your group are elite soldiers? The starting point of this ice core is no better than what you had before. Are all the projects big?”

The implication is that elite talents must be mobilized to form the ice core.

"If you can't become a talent here, you might be able to become one there." Fang Zhuo explained a little more for the sake of the spiritual director, "Almost half of them are registered personnel who were willing to transfer to Yike after they had to streamline their staff. of."

"Yike has developed very quickly, so you probably didn't treat them badly at the beginning, right?" Xiong Xiaoge said.

"At that time, the registration network was in turmoil, there were policy changes, there were venture capitalists from outside, and there were rumors inside. Under these circumstances, I was willing to come to Yike, which had an uncertain future. They had a lot of trust in me." Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "I think we both have gone through extraordinary tests. This is not your conventional elite soldier, but I think we can continue to develop."

Xiong Xiaoge nodded and said sincerely: "Mr. Fang still has a certain human touch. Apart from not treating venture capital as a human being, he is really good in other aspects."

"Let's just joke in private. Every time I look for investment, I come with the intention of making money together. Old Xiong, can you tell me with your conscience? Is this true? It's just that the changes in things are not based on my will. "When you arrive in Luzhou these days, don't talk nonsense in front of the leaders." Fang Zhuo said seriously.

Xiong Xiaoge expressed his investment on the phone and was willing to communicate with China and the United States of IDG and fly to Shanghai. He had convinced himself to look at the ice core project from a rational perspective.

"Well, just kidding, Mr. Fang is far-sighted and leads everyone to move forward bravely." Xiong Xiaoge joked, finally showing a positive side, "This time, there is support from the ministries and committees above, and efforts from below. With abundant funds and a harmonious relationship between the king and his ministers, what else can change?”

Fang Zhuo nodded with deep approval.

The flight landed.

The airport still cannot be compared with Shanghai, and Fang Zhuo has accepted this.

Xiong Xiaoge clicked his tongue slightly, but did not regard this as a factor in the success or failure of the project. However, to his surprise, the person who came to pick him up was the secretary-general of Luzhou City, and he also brought the cameras of the news media.

"What's going on?" Xiong Xiaoge asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. I mentioned that IDG's investment institutions would come with us. Maybe I want you to invest in local projects?" Fang Zhuo guessed casually. He saw Secretary-General Luo Minghua striding over and hurriedly greeted him.

The two sides shook hands, and Fang Zhuo introduced the identity of Xiong Xiaoge and Brown, a foreign friend representing IDG America.

The reporter used the camera to record several people shaking hands, talking and laughing.

"Secretary-General Luo, what are we filming? With the camera around, I'm a little nervous." Fang Zhuo asked with a smile.

Luo Minghua replied: "This is because "Wan Provincial Daily" needs to report on our project, and the TV station also wants to record our growth together, so I took a photo, Mr. Fang, it's okay. You will be on camera without any problem. Everything can be edited. ,Do not worry."

"Okay, just make Mr. Xiong a little thinner. He cares more about his personal image." Fang Zhuo joked.

Xiong Xiaoge coughed and glared at Fang Zhuo. This guy told him not to talk nonsense on the plane, but when he got off the plane, he talked nonsense when he saw the leader.

"Mr. Fang, let's go to the hotel first and let the reporter interview you for a while. Then I will pick you up at noon. If there is anything you need to do, you can tell me at any time." Luo Minghua has no airs at all and has long been aware of the ice core project. With his status in the province and city, he also knew that the young man in front of him was very energetic.

"Secretary-General Luo is so polite. What should I pay attention to in this interview?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Luo Minghua pondered: "The main thing is to ask about the project, there is nothing to pay attention to."

"That's okay." Fang Zhuo maintained respect when he came to Luzhou. He was not proud of big projects. What he wanted to do was to make good ice cores.

A group of people got into the car, and because there were a lot of people, the convoy drove out of the airport in a mighty manner.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the team that originally focused on administration settled down. Fang Zhuo, chairman of Bingxin CSMC, and Xiong Xiaoge, China president of investor IDG, accepted an exclusive interview with "Wan Provincial Daily".

"Mr. Fang, why did you choose Luzhou for the ice core?"

Sun Huade, a senior reporter from "Wan Provincial Daily", took time to ask a question.

"Luzhou gave us a lot of money and sincerity, so we came." Fang Zhuo replied immediately.

Sun Huade almost choked and his eyes wandered for two seconds. The second question was assigned to Xiong Xiaoge: "Mr. Xiong, what are your prospects for the combination of ice core and Luzhou?"

"Luzhou has great potential for economic development, and the University of Science and Technology of China is a first-class university in China. The ice core settled in Luzhou this time is not only impressed by the industrial layout of Anhui Province and Luzhou, but also because of the technical assistance that the University of Science and Technology of China can provide. In the future, we will definitely make good ice cores based on the needs of market development, starting from technical feasibility, and comparing the development process of overseas advanced semiconductors."

Sun Huade breathed a sigh of relief, that's right, that's right, young people are a bit difficult to deal with.

Fang Zhuo looked sideways, Lao Xiong was doing the same thing.

"What do you two think of the repercussions caused by ice cores in China?" Sun Huade asked the third question this time without naming anyone.

Xiong Xiaoge indicated that Fang Zhuo would answer.

"As for the response, there is indeed one, but everyone is more interested in the scale of investment. They are interested as soon as they hear tens of billions, but they don't pay enough attention to the semiconductor industry." Fang Zhuo said, "The significance of the development of this industry is still It’s more important, and I hope everyone’s focus can be on this aspect.”

Xiong Xiaoge nodded in agreement.

Sun Huade felt that this answer was particularly candid. He motioned to the camera for a close-up and then asked: "Mr. Fang, are you confident in the development of ice core? What do you expect it to achieve?"

Fang Zhuo spread his hands: "If you ask me this, how can I answer? Of course I have confidence. To a certain extent, I hope it can punch SMIC and kick TSMC to become the world's number one."

Xiong Xiaoge laughed.

Sun Huade felt a headache, Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you are going astray again.

As a senior reporter for the official newspaper of the Provincial Party Committee of Anhui Province, he had a bad feeling that he would have to deal with Mr. Fang a lot in the future. This distinctive style was really a bit uncomfortable.

The exclusive interview lasted for an hour. When the reporter announced that it was over, the three people breathed a sigh of relief.

Anhui Province is not as open as Shanghai City. The reporters are more old-school, Xiong Xiaoge is more cautious, Fang Zhuo is more casual, and the three of them are not awkward together.

The reporter shook hands and said goodbye. He opened the door with his camera and was surprised to see Luo Minghua waiting outside. He once again had a deeper understanding of the "popular man" status of Shanghai's richest man in Anhui.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Xiong, let's go. The restaurant is ready. Mr. Fang will try his hometown cuisine, and Mr. Xiong will try our Anhui cuisine." Luo Minghua said gently.

"I'm home now. Mr. Xiong really wants to try more." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Xiong Xiaoge said yes.

Several people took a few steps.

Luo Minghua said casually: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Qiu has chosen several pieces of land and has not yet decided on them. Will you decide on this this time?"

Fang Zhuo replied: "Yes, I am here to confirm this matter."

Luo Minghua added: "Mr. Fang, you have to do us one more favor. When you, Yongke Real Estate, are building the factory, help us with the land next to it."

Fang Zhuo: "Yongke Real Estate?"

Luo Minghua nodded and said matter-of-factly: "Yes, Mr. Fang's Yongke Real Estate is very famous in Shanghai. We in Luzhou must also learn from advanced experience. Isn't this a win-win situation that kills two birds with one stone?"

Fang Zhuo swore that he had never mentioned Yongke Real Estate in Luzhou, nor had he ever expressed similar intentions.

But if you want to say win-win, well, it’s really hard to refuse.

A win-win situation, a win-win situation, Fang Zhuo thought so, and nodded slightly, unable to resist the kindness.

Luo Minghua immediately smiled, brushed aside this trivial matter, and continued to introduce the characteristics of Anhui cuisine to Mr. Xiong.

Xiong Xiaoge listened carefully and felt that he had just eaten a mouthful of semiconductor stewed real estate. It was full of heat, tender and fragrant.

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