Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 406 Brewing (two in one)

Compared with other cities in China, Luzhou is Fang Zhuo’s hometown.

Therefore, it is a matter of course for him to return to his hometown for construction, and he always has a very simple mood. Of course, there may be various reasons, such as 1.3 billion, university talents, government sincerity and other objective conditions in this process. was lifted up.

But there is no way. This is not Fang Zhuo's project alone. He must be responsible for Qiu Ciyun, various venture capital investors, and the talents who have changed jobs. He must really do his own business, not to mention asking for money, even if he gives money from his pocket. Okay.

In the same way, considering the future of the project, I had never thought about getting involved in local real estate before being handed over, so it can be considered as a whole.

Bingxin’s first round of financing is as high as one billion US dollars. The purpose is to build a sufficiently advanced 12-inch production line. This is to try to keep up with the development from the beginning. For example, SMIC has now built a 12-inch one in Beijing, and the others are 8-inch. inch production line.

Although Fang Zhuo and Qiu Ciyun share the common intention of playing it safe and not imitating SMIC's rapid expansion, even so, SMIC's subsequent investment must be considered.

Qiu Ciyun had an outlook, and Fang Zhuo had memories and confirmations. They all agreed that the technology of wafer fabs would develop rapidly for a long time in the future, and the research investment based on this situation must be staggering.

After considering this, Fang Zhuo has many plans to make money and invest, but he doesn't mind one more way.

This is called using real estate to empower semiconductors, allowing the two to achieve in-depth co-construction.

Of course, if we think about it from another perspective, starting from Luzhou, they are probably still afraid that they will be dissatisfied, afraid that they will run away, and that they will have a shift in focus in the future. After all, many production lines after the second round of city inspections Rhetoric is not a confidential matter.

Fang Zhuo felt that this was too much to worry about. This was the fate of his hometown and himself.

But it doesn't matter. Once you get there, you'll be at peace with it, and you'll see people's hearts over time.

At the reception banquet at noon, not only the secretary-general Luo Minghua showed up, but also the two deputy heads in charge of different directions in Luzhou. In addition, the leaders of the district and relevant departments expressed their importance as always.

Fang Zhuo felt as comfortable as returning home, while Xiong Xiaoge was a little reserved.

I didn’t drink too much at the reception banquet. I mainly had to inspect the factory site in the afternoon. According to the leader, I could drink more and inspect again tomorrow. But Fang Zhuo said this twice, so no one dissuaded him.

Fang Zhuo happily saved contact information with every leader, knowing that he would have to deal with them in the future.

In the afternoon, after taking a short rest and waiting for all the three-point drunkenness to subside, Secretary-General Luo Minghua brought several factory sites that Qiu Ciyun had inspected to discuss the itinerary with Fang Zhuo.

All the land provided by Luzhou is rent-free, it just depends on where the ice core wants to be built.

Qiu Ciyun selected six addresses in four directions: southeast, northwest, and the final decision was left to his boss, because Luzhou had no shortage of stable water supply and power supply, so he could choose any location.

Fang Zhuo looked at the map of Luzhou city and actually had no hesitation in his heart.

The Ice Core factory can be built anywhere. Now we just need to consider the future of the employees in this city. We can't just pick a place where the future housing prices will be relatively low.

In this case, exclude the east, west, and north, and only choose the south.

Fang Zhuo was still very impressed with Luzhou's future urban planning. He looked at Qiu Ciyun's two sites in the south, turned to Luo Minghua and asked: "Secretary-General, the lotus leaf land on the map is for excavation of the lake. right?"

"Well, yes, we are planning to build a big lake here, called Swan Lake." Luo Minghua nodded and said, "There are plans to develop this area in the future, but it doesn't look very nice now."

Fang Zhuo determined one point and asked: "Does HKUST have a campus plan in the south?"

Luo Minghua was stunned and said, "I'll call and ask."

While the secretary-general was on the phone, Xiong Xiaoge smiled and said, "You're not going to let USTC build a new campus for Bingxin, are you?"

"HKUST is developing very fast, and the original campus is not enough." Fang Zhuo shrugged, "There will definitely be a new campus, and the south side is spacious. I think it is possible."

Soon, Luo Minghua came back and said that the school had indeed discussed it, but the project had not been established yet.

Xiong Xiaoge was amazed.

Fang Zhuo confirmed the general idea of ​​HKUST, and thus determined the two points on the map. Without any further hesitation, he mentally pointed out the high-speed rail south station after Luzhou after briefly looking at the map.

From the Swan Lake, the South Campus of the University of Science and Technology of China, and the Luzhou High-speed Railway Station, a factory site that takes into account the future interests of Ice Core employees can be selected from the triangular area formed by these three locations.

Not only can you go to the business district, but there are also convenient elevated and high-speed railways. It can also be linked with the University of Science and Technology for research. The future housing prices for settling here are also higher than the city average, so it should be considered ideal.

Fang Zhuo tries his best to think from the perspective of ordinary employees, but he can’t just think about the future, he must also consider the present.

Urban construction can be tolerated for a while, and big changes can occur in a year or two. However, the health of the elderly at home and the education of children must be on the agenda now.

"Let's go take a look around here first."

Fang Zhuo drew a small circle on the map to indicate Secretary-General Luo's choice.

Luo Minghua is right. The south is indeed the focus of Luzhou's future development, because there are reservoirs in the north, mountains in the west, and old industrial areas in the east. Only the south has vast space for vigorous development.

He praised Mr. Xiao Fang's choice in his heart and felt that this person's vision was indeed good.

The afternoon inspection did not require so many people. There were six people in two cars. In addition to Fang Zhuo, Luo Minghua, and Xiong Xiaoge, there was also a deputy director of Bingxin, a middle-level leader of the Bureau of Land and Resources, and Brown of IDG America. Everyone traveled lightly. , go straight to the destination.

The six people stopped and walked, looking at the unfinished Swan Lake and the suburbs that were yet to be developed.

"There is no problem in building a factory here, but the kindergarten and primary school here must be built from now on. There are also some fitness facilities and entertainment venues that employees need to play basketball and badminton."

While repeating the request, Fang Zhuo explained: "Because we have to recruit people from abroad. These are learning from SMIC's experience. They provide these to their own employees. Luzhou is not as good as Shanghai in urban development. These things You have to work harder.”

"For the fab's production line to be able to operate, it must have three foundations: water, electricity, and people. These are the most basic."

Fang Zhuo observed Luo Minghua's expression to see if he could admit such a thing from his heart.

Luo Minghua didn't hesitate: "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, we have talked about this with Mr. Qiu before, including the planning of the hospital's new area. Our area is not far away. Mr. Qiu said that the kindergarten at SMIC is owned by SMIC itself. Our main consideration here is the educational resources for primary schools and junior high schools.”

Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly, pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "The employees' accommodation must also satisfy them."

"Staff dormitories are included in the supporting facilities at the factory site, and the surrounding land development is at the best price." Luo Minghua expressed his attitude on behalf of the Luzhou local government, which had coordinated in all aspects.

Again, as long as you want it, as long as I have it.

Fang Zhuo also took it seriously and basically learned from SMIC's high standards of material conditions.

Today, SMIC has more than 8,000 employees spread across its fabs in different cities, and Shanghai alone has more than 6,000 employees. The lives of these employees are an issue that cannot be ignored.

Fang Zhuo is determined to provide the best treatment within his capabilities.

Happily, this kind of treatment can be accomplished with money.

What is the US$750 million that has been raised in the first round used for? These things are just a drop in the bucket.

That afternoon, Fang Zhuo and Luo Minghua discussed many specific issues around a triangular area, and both seriously stated repeatedly that talent is the key factor in the success or failure of ice cores, and that such ordinary substances must not be used to make people feel sad. thing.

Luo Minghua once again promised to provide the best treatment.

In the evening, there was another reception banquet with a higher standard for the leaders to attend. This time, a lot of wine was inevitably required. It was also considered a traditional item to connect people.

However, Fang Zhuo was still sober when he finished the meal, and he held a small meeting with others to brainstorm the problems that needed to be solved for the construction of ice cores in Luzhou.

After Xiong Xiaoge vomited, she held a teacup and listened to the content while she drank up her hangover.

At 10:30 in the evening, the small meeting ended, and Fang Zhuo made two phone calls to basically end the day's work.

Oh no, there is one last job.

"Old Xiong, how are IDG's considerations? Do you want to invest or not? You represent the top level of domestic venture capital, and you came to this small place from a big city. You have to let others see your work efficiency." Fang Zhuo Habitual urging.

Xiong Xiaoge took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Fang, you are really efficient. After shopping around for a long time, you decided on the factory location. Qiu Ciyun should have called you to Luzhou a long time ago."

"Don't forget, I am from Anhui Province and I studied here." Fang Zhuo reminded.

Xiong Xiaoge suddenly realized that he had really forgotten the second half of the sentence.

Fang Zhuo urged him no more, but instead talked about today's impression: "Old Xiong, you are a person who can't express your emotions and anger."

Xiong Xiaoge asked curiously: "How do you say that?"

"From Beijing to Shencheng, and from Shencheng to Luzhou, you didn't frown at this kind of urban disparity. In the afternoon, you went to the suburbs to see the factory site, and your expression didn't change. Last time I brought people to inspect, all those people were... Very disappointed." Fang Zhuo compared.

Xiong Xiaoge laughed: "What's so disappointing about this? What do you think SMIC was like back then? I actually went to Zhangjiang, and when SMIC got there it was also deserted, not much different from Luzhou. These are never critical factors in the success or failure of a project.”

"Then, what do our ice cores need to show to the president of IDG to get him to pay quickly?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Xiong Xiaoge was pushed around again, shook his head and nodded: "Mr. Fang, to be honest, it's almost the same. IDG is going to invest in this project, but I don't know if this is a repeat of the same mistakes of our IDG in the registration network. A wonderful cooperation with Yike Technology?”

Fang Zhuo responded to Lao Xiong's last temptation with one sentence: "Drink too much, the future is bright."

The future is bright, but the road will be as twists and turns as possible.

Just when Fang Zhuo, the president of Bingxin CSMC, led his team to Luzhou to focus on solving a series of problems in the project, a media report on Sichuan Gao Guanhong gradually attracted the attention of public opinion.

——"Looking at Ni Runfeng, is he a hero of Changhong or a sinner? 》

In the first half of this year, there had been a wave of domestic reports on Changhong's situation, mentioning the possible hidden dangers of APEX. There was a reply from Changhong at that time, but it did not cause any waves later.

But this time the title of the report from "China Securities Journal" was very shocking, and it directly targeted Ni Runfeng, who was the chairman of Changhong at the time.

The title is shocking, but the content is very logical and talks about Changhong's business conditions.

Starting from the analysis of the annual reports of the past two years and the interim report of this year, some financial methods were mentioned in detail, the industry reputation of the American distribution company APEX was mentioned, but more importantly, the establishment of a large number of Changhong's subsidiaries was mentioned.

Changhong has hundreds of subsidiaries in China. The abnormal establishment and collapse of some subsidiaries were hypothetically analyzed in this report, and the asset transfer methods involved were outlined bit by bit.

In addition, Changhong’s external entrusted financial management did not escape the analysis of this report. From the kickbacks of entrusted financial management to the occupation of operating funds, such gray areas were clearly displayed in the media.

"Following the wrong start of the CPT war, Ni Runfeng has now brought Changhong to the fork of history. Whether this nationally proud brand will continue to decline or regain its glory depends on Chairman Ni's thoughts."

The bold report of "China Securities Journal" quickly swept the industry. It was reprinted by many newspapers and was also pushed by major portals with even more shocking headlines.

Judging from this report, regarding Changhong’s restructuring, the “clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, separation of government and enterprises, and scientific management” proposed by Ni Runfeng are probably just selfish fakes.

This may even involve illegal conduct that must be pursued.

Soon, Changhong's public relations department made a public statement, severely reprimanding the media for their malicious speculation about the company, and claimed that it would pursue legal liability for false reports.

However, such a statement obviously cannot silence the media, and a bigger public opinion storm seems to be coming.

Shencheng Yike, as Liang Mu, who is both secretary and biographer, he immediately noticed the "China Securities News" report on Changhong.

However, while he was paying attention to public opinion, he felt a little weird.

This report criticizing Ni Runfeng is so sharp, so appropriate, worthy of being suspected of being the boss's method...

Although Fang always went to Luzhou to do some work, and although this report was published in a newspaper, his familiarity and analysis of Ni Runfeng's intentions, methods, and actions...

Liang Mu specifically searched through his notes when he accompanied Mr. Fang to the capital, and vaguely noticed traces of Mr. Fang's actions.

Even if not, Mr. Fang probably won't miss this opportunity. All he has to do is to use both soft and hard tactics.

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