Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 437 Yike goes public

Many related parties are paying close attention to Yike's listing, hoping to make a fortune.

Although there are few in China, there are still some people who have been watching the listing time and evaluating whether Yike's stock has investment value.

Among them, Shen Nanpeng is the most steadfast.

Unlike others, Shen Nanpeng has unique channels to learn more news because Goldman Sachs is the underwriter of its own Ctrip listing.

From the success of Yi Ke's first road show in Hong Kong, the popularity of the second road show in Singapore, and subsequent road shows in major cities in the United States and strong media reports, he knew the situation immediately.

What's this?

This is inside information!

Therefore, after collecting information, studying the prospectus, and Yike's operating conditions, Shen Nanpeng unswervingly came to a conclusion - buy.

IDG invested US$1.5 million in the ice core project, which is basically half of the current net worth. After excluding some planned expenses, we can still piece together another US$1 million, which can be used to hedge the ice core investment.

Shen Nanpeng made preparations in advance, and considering that Xu Xiaoping had the same experience as him, he told him the analysis and road show of Yike. At that time, the two of them pooled together US$3 million to borrow IDG to invest in Bingxin. , Xu Xiaoping was also trapped for US$1.5 million.

As a result, Xu Xiaoping decided to buy Yike's shares after only ten minutes of listening.

Even though, even though, this buying suggestion came from himself, Xu Xiaoping’s time to make a decision was too short, and he was too emotional when it came to investing!

Shen Nanpeng heard Xu Xiaoping talk about his last phone call with Fang Zhuo. It is said that Fang Zhuo declined Xu Xiaoping's investment intention on the phone and suggested that Xu Xiaoping make more money in his own position...

Now it seems that what Fang Zhuo said is not unreasonable. He has been studying Yike stock since the first road show, and Xu Xiaoping only listened to it for ten minutes!

Of course, his decision was right.

There is a problem with the process, but there is no problem with the result.

Xu Xiaoping should really thank himself.

Shen Nanpeng sat in the office and stared at the computer screen. As the last cigarette in his hand burned out, he was excited to see Mr. Yi Kefang appear on the Fox TV Business News Channel.

Mr. Fang and Mr. Yu from Yike and Mr. Xiong from IDG.

The three people seemed to have some slight differences because of their positions. Soon, Mr. Fang stood in the middle and smiled at the camera.

9:30 a.m. ET.

Yike is on the market!


On the second-floor observation deck of the Nasdaq Exchange, as Yike President Fang Zhuo pressed the bell button, the bell rang throughout the trading hall.

On January 1, 2004, Nasdaq handed over the listing bell on the first day of the Gregorian New Year to a Chinese company.

The bells and applause in the exchange mixed together, representing that another stock with the code "YIKE" has officially entered the market.

In front of the observation deck, Fang Zhuo, Xiong Xiaoge, and Yu Hong kept smiling for a long time in front of the cameras of various TV stations and media. They all knew that this picture would reach the eyes of many people.

"I always thought that ringing the bell was really ringing the bell..."

When a reporter came forward, Yu Hong breathed a sigh of relief and expressed surprise in a low voice.

Ring the bell, ring the bell. In fact, Nasdaq has already changed to an electronic clock. Every time it is listed, the company's representatives must obey the instructions of the on-site director, press the button in their hands, and then follow the instructions to look at the camera, smile, Wave your hands to meet the TV station’s broadcast needs.

Fang Zhuo heard the voice from the marketing director, but he still kept smiling and listened to the orders in the earphones for about ten seconds.

"Okay, okay, Fang, accept the interview."

Finally, the voice in the headset indicated it was time to end the smiles and waves.

Fang Zhuo had no time to adjust his mood before he immediately faced an interview with Fox TV.

"Mr. Fang, how are you feeling at this moment?"

Very common question.

Fang Zhuo took a breath and replied steadily: "I am very happy and can't wait to go back and open the champagne in the evening."

The reporter smiled and said: "What changes will happen before and after Yike goes public?"

"The listing will provide us with more sufficient funds. The Asian and European markets are definitely worth looking forward to. Our iMusic will also make further moves. The combination of the Internet and music is the trend of the times. It is an honor for Yike to lead this trend. It's a trend." Fang Zhuo talked eloquently.

The reporter asked the last question: "As the first Chinese company listed in the United States in 2004, what do you want to say?"

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while: "Economic globalization is a major development trend. Both China and domestic enterprises are striving to integrate into the global economic system. I believe that the listing of Yike is just the beginning, and there will be more in the future." There will be better things to come.”

The Fox TV reporter nodded, shook hands in a friendly manner, and signaled that the interview would end at the end.

Fang Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that the reporters who had just set up their cameras were leaving one after another. Within a few seconds, the staff of the Nasdaq Exchange also came over to clean up the observation deck.

At this moment, he felt anxious that the Yike listing experience card would be over.

In fact, the emergence of a new company is certainly something worthy of applause on the exchange, but that's it. Nasdaq has companies from all over the world, and the one-hour trading volume far exceeds the market value of Yike's company.

But soon, reporters from China added the feeling of experience card.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, how are you feeling at this moment?" The reporter from "China Securities News" looked more excited than Fang Zhuo himself. They had just taken photos nearby, but because there was no live broadcast in the country, they were afraid of disturbing them. To get order, it was only now that we got together.

Fang Zhuo relaxed a lot when facing his own people and laughed: "I am very happy now. I not only hope that the era of electronic consumer goods will become more and more prosperous, but also hope that this symbolizes the arrival of the era of Chinese manufacturing."

"What are your expectations for Yike's market value?" the reporter continued to ask excitedly.

Fang Zhuo calmed down his smile slightly when he heard this question and said seriously: "Stocks and market value are not the focus of Yike. I don't know much about the capital market myself. I just have a simple idea, that is, to sell the company's products Do a good job and serve consumers sincerely.”

He paused and smiled again: "Oh, yes, I have to be responsible for all the investors who bought Yike shares. It has just been listed and I am not used to it yet."

The president laughed, and so did the reporters.

At this time, Xiong Xiaoge happily walked closer and pointed to the trading hall on the first floor: "The stock price has gone up, it has gone up!"

The issue price of Yike was US$25. At this moment, its price has quickly climbed to US$26.2, and it seems to be quite popular in the secondary market.

The reporter from "China Securities News" quickly directed her colleagues to go downstairs to take photos of the screen. She herself was excited to ask Mr. Fang about his feelings about the appreciation.

However, Fang Zhuo just smiled and waved his hand, signaling the end of the interview.

He knows that the performance of the secondary market has only just begun, and it is better to wait for the dust to settle before answering questions in this regard.

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