Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 438 Don’t panic

Yike is on the market!

The stock price continued to rise after 9:30!

Goldman Sachs rates "YIKE" stock a Buy!

Major investment banks are also generally optimistic about this new stock!

TV stations, newspapers, and online forums all have analyzes on "YIKE". Experts talk about the future of the industry, the target Apple business, the advantages and disadvantages of the competition between YIKE and Apple, and whether investors should buy it!

Should you buy it?

Of course it should!

Chasing the rise!

Nasdaq's winter trading hours are 9:30-16:00.

By convention, large institutions usually enter the market 15 minutes after the market opens in the morning. It is during this time that Yike's stock price quickly reaches $26 and continues to swing upward.

For half a day in the morning, Yike's stock hovered below $27, always shyly stopping at the last moment.

In the afternoon, after the customary 13:30, institutional investors entered the market, and Yike's stock quickly broke through 27, 28, and 29 US dollars. Finally, it lingered for about an hour, and it reached the 30 US dollar mark near the closing time. the heel.

On January 1, at 4 p.m. Eastern Time, Yike's closing price was US$30.520, an increase of more than 22% on the first day of listing. This price also means that Yike's market value has reached US$8.58 billion.

At the same time, rival Apple's stock price also surged 8% in one day, with its market value soaring to US$24.8 billion.

Everyone at Yike was very happy, because this meant that many millionaires and multi-millionaires were born from Yike.

Since the stock trend has been improving in the morning, preparations have been made for YIKE's celebration banquet in New York. By evening, the atmosphere of the celebration banquet has become in full swing. Even Xiong Xiaoge, who knew that YIKE had institutions raising prices, smiled and looked gentle to everyone. Have a little chat.

Compared with ordinary investors, the initial investment cost for institutions during the road show was around US$22. They have already made a lot of money and praised Mr. Fang and Yike.

Under such a flourishing situation, the famous Wall Street investment bank Jefferies Group boldly set the target share price of Yike at US$50.

In other words, Jefferies Group believes that the market value of Yike should be around US$14 billion, which is based on the strong development expectations of the industry in the next few years.

Fang Zhuo heard the news from Lao Xiong after the champagne was opened at the celebration banquet, but he only sighed slightly and did not comment.

At the celebration banquet on the night of the 1st, Ni Runfeng, the head of Changhong, also came to have a glass of wedding wine and say congratulations.

However, Ni Runfeng quickly bid farewell to the busy Mr. Xiao Fang.

Not only is he leaving the celebration banquet, he is also about to leave the United States and return to China within a week.

"Old Ni, are you in such a hurry?" Although Fang Zhuo received a steady stream of calls, he still held a glass of wine to bid farewell to this senior entrepreneur.

"What Mr. Fang and Mr. Xiong said makes sense. I still have to work hard in Changhong. I don't even understand English in New York's legal proceedings against APEX, so I can't help at all. It's better to go back and visit the leaders in Chengdu. ." Ni Runfeng said calmly, "I am still happy to see Yike listed this time, and I am really grateful to Mr. Fang for his help."

Fang Zhuo and Ni Runfeng clinked their wine glasses: "In any case, since you think so, I won't stay. I will return to China after handling the matters here. Let's keep in touch. Is there anything I can do to help here? I will also try my best to help, don’t worry about that.”

Ni Runfeng is indeed relieved, Xiao Fang is always warm-hearted, I believe this is true.

Fang Zhuo warned again: "Really, keep in touch. If anything happens to Changhong, remember to tell me. Maybe I can give you some advice. After all, I am also the chairman of two listed companies."

Ni Runfeng showed a rare smile when he came to New York, shook hands with the chairman of two listed companies, and left the lively celebration banquet of Yike.

Fang Zhuo silently wished Changhong a smooth situation in his heart and never hindered his production capacity planning.

Halfway through the celebration party, President Yike unexpectedly received an unfamiliar number from China.

"Hey, hello, who are you?"

"Ah? Ctrip Shen Nanpeng? Oh, Mr. Shen, hello, hello, thank you, thank you."

Fang Zhuo received congratulations from Shen Nanpeng and Xu Xiaoping on the phone. He felt that these two people were indeed worthy of being famous investors in the future. They were so broad-minded. If he had money to invest in ice cores, he would not complain, anyway. I won’t find the number like this and congratulate immediately.

How much did these two people invest through IDG?

Fang Zhuo chatted with Shen Nanpeng on the phone, thinking that this person would have something else to do, but it turned out that he didn't. It seemed that he was just happy for himself, without even mentioning a word about the ice core project.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zhuo asked Xiong Xiaoge specifically, and then he learned that the two people had invested a total of US$3 million.

"Tsk, you have money, you really dare to invest." Fang Zhuo was surprised.

"Is it really okay for you to sigh like this in front of an institutional shareholder?" Even though Xiong Xiaoge complained, he still had a smile on his face.

"Hey, I'm just lamenting the social capital." Fang Zhuo smiled, looking at the never-ending smile on Lao Xiong's face, and reminded, "The market value may fall, don't be happy so early."

"I know, I know, but I can't go back anywhere." Xiong Xiaoge said in judgment.

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to speak, he received another call from China. This time it was Qiu Lanhua from Shanghai. The other party congratulated him and said with a smile that this time he had secured his position as the richest person in Forbes.

This phone call didn't last long, and just after hanging up, the next call was placed in Fang Zhuo's ear like a baton.

"Mr. Fang, congratulations. Our Forbes list has basically been collected. You are the richest man in mainland China in 2003."

This is a notice from Forbes in China. The previously prepared list ranked NetEase Ding Lei at the first place and Sina Fangzhuo at the second place. Unexpectedly, Yike's popular listing resulted in a jaw-dropping market value.

The positions of first and second were immediately reversed, but they are still entrepreneurs in the Internet industry.

Last year, there was only one Internet person named Fang Zhuo in the entire list. This year, the number has increased rapidly and ranked among the top.

The Forbes rich list will be announced at the end of January, and now it is time to notify the parties in advance.

Fang Zhuo expressed his gratitude calmly. He had thanked too many callers tonight, and the original private number seemed to have become no longer private overnight.

When the celebration banquet ended in a lively manner, Fang Zhuo did not make any more speeches. Instead, he asked Marketing Director Yu Hong to give a brief speech, reminding everyone that there is still strong business competition in the industry, and the opponents' strength and market value are greater than Yi's. Keqiang, we still have a long way to go.

Everyone said yes, and the smiles on their faces showed that the joy was destined not to disappear anytime soon.

On January 2, Yike's stock price was still attracting attention, but domestic news reports had come out, saying that the first stock listed in the United States in 2004 performed well and that Yike was globally competitive.

For half of this trading day, YIKE's stock price continued to surge upwards, once approaching $35.

Just as U.S. investors continued to chase the rise, there was a slight change in the afternoon of the 2nd trading day, and YIKE's stock price fell back to $32.

Of course, this price is still very profitable compared to the issue price, and investors who enter the market at the first and second time will make profits.

Domestic Shen Napeng and Xu Xiaoping were also very calm when they saw this decline. In particular, Shen Napeng had read the analysis of many Wall Street investment banks and believed that Yike's room for growth was still sufficient.

"Don't panic, it's just a technical adjustment. Yike has many institutions."

Shen Nanpeng said this to Xu Xiaoping on the phone.

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