Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 455 You don’t understand business

Following Fang Zhuo's disapproval, everyone in the conference room felt their hearts skip a beat.

Even Ni Runfeng is the same. He is still hesitant, but he is somewhat inclined to agree. In the past few decades of Changhong's career, the delusion of MBO acquisition has been shattered. Retiring for two more years in a decent way is also a good ending.

The head of Changhong glanced at Mr. Xiao Fang.

Fang Zhuo did not go to see Ni Runfeng. He came here not for the dignity of being a mentor. Zhao Yong was appointed as the general manager, and he took over Ni Runfeng's job after half a year or eight months.

What will happen when the ice core production capacity runs out? What to do with the terminal industry plan based on this?

The corporate position of general manager has great power. Zhao Yong became the general manager three years ago. According to the current situation, when Chairman Ni Runfeng and General Manager Zhao Yong coexist, it is not necessarily who can speak more effectively.

If that's the case, what's the use of going back and forth?

"Mr. Fang, after all, this involves the future management plan of Changhong Company. We definitely respect Mr. Fang's opinion, but this is really not a punishment for Mr. Ni. I have known Mr. Ni for so many years, and of course I look forward to his health." Okay." Deputy Director Mu Wenrui said sincerely.

This is really an internal matter of Changhong!

Even though you are the richest man, you have really interfered... The worst thing you can do is take a step back!

Why not let Zhao Yong be the general manager instead of the deputy general manager?

Mu Wenrui had already thought about the degree of compromise and gave Lu Jingmin, deputy director of state-owned assets, a wink.

In his opinion, business is the art of compromise. It is impossible for Mr. Fang to not understand this. No matter what purpose he has today, Changhong takes one step back, two steps back, good, good, three steps back at most. That is enough sincerity. !

"Mr. Mu, I'm not an unreasonable person." Facing persuasion, Fang Zhuo slowly said, "If I hadn't had a relationship with Mr. Ni, I wouldn't have come into troubled waters. Now that I'm here, I'll put my My opinions are expressed clearly, and whether you listen or not is up to you.”

He continued: "I am willing to negotiate business transfer with APEX, and I am also willing to provide some channel support for Yike in the future. These can be negotiated, but today Changhong has to choose a successor for Ni Runfeng, but I am not satisfied with Zhao Yong, Mr. Zhao. There is some doubt about this choice.”

Zhao Yong immediately called his name and asked calmly: "I wonder where I offended Mr. Fang and made Mr. Fang have doubts about me?"

"We have never met each other before. I couldn't even recognize people before I walked into this conference room today. What can I not offend?" Fang Zhuo was also very calm, different from his previous arrogance. He just stated his own point of view, "I just simply think Mr. Zhao is not a good successor or leader for Changhong."

Fang Zhuo met Zhao Yong's gaze again and repeated his point of view: "I don't think you can be a good general manager of such a company."

If anyone in this conference room had said such words, it would be impossible to convince everyone.

However, Fang Zhuo controlled Sina and increased its market value dozens of times. With the help of Yike, which he built, he went public in the United States and became the richest person in the mainland.

When such a rich man gave a judgment similar to his career in front of so many people, many people murmured inwardly, but many others felt that this was nonsense after a conflict between the two parties.

Zhao Yong noticed the different looks in the conference room. He didn't care about it. However, after seeing some changes in the looks of the four leaders, he still felt that he had to argue.

"Mr. Fang, you are very good at running a business and doing projects, but your business doesn't seem to have ever involved color TVs." Zhao Yong said this and found it funny.

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Almost three years ago, when I was doing Yike, I was not involved in this player business."

He said with slight emotion: "The rise and fall of a company often occurs at one or two key nodes. Sony was three years ago, and Changhong is right in front of us."

Zhao Yong knew about Mr. Fang's judgment on Sony. Hearing this, he just said: "Mr. Fang, there is no need to be alarmist. You don't understand the technology of color TVs at all."

"Perhaps it's alarmism. I'm a person who often worries unfoundedly." Fang Zhuo reached out to take the information from the assistant, looked at it twice, and asked, "Mr. Zhao, I have a question and I want to hear what you mean."

Is this an on-site exam?

Zhao Yong said calmly: "Mr. Fang, please ask."

"The current mainstream of color TVs is picture tubes. In which direction do you think they should be upgraded in the future? Plasma? Liquid crystal?" Fang Zhuo asked a question in one direction. Judging from the information he collected, he was very optimistic about the development of plasma.

Zhao Yong chewed on this question over and over again, not feeling any traps, and said confidently: "Of course it's plasma. Its screen response speed is fast, and its clarity, viewing angle, color, and contrast are all better than those of LCD TVs."

He said with great certainty: "Plasma has advantages over liquid crystal, whether it is high-end or low-end. There is no doubt about this."

As a talent who was born in Tsinghua University and has been working in the enterprise for several years, Zhao Yong has absolute confidence in this. If the richest man dares to call a deer a horse, he can immediately contact the school professors and experts to confirm the authenticity in public.

"Yike is listed. The current market value is less than 7 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 50 billion in Chinese currency." Fang Zhuo changed the topic after hearing Zhao Yong's words and talked about his own company, "In just three years, Yike With the current situation, is it considered a success?"

Vice Director Mu Wenrui didn't know what Mr. Fang was going to say, so he smiled and said, "Of course it's successful, it's very successful."

"One thing I have learned about the success of a business is that we should not let technical talents easily make decisions for the market. That will deviate from the strategic direction of the entire company." Fang Zhuo said firmly, "Many times, your technology cannot support you. Market ambitions.”

He saw that Zhao Yong was about to speak, and motioned to this person to listen to him: "Plasma is indeed better than liquid crystal. I don't deny this, but it is limited to the technical level."

"The former has very high technical requirements, which means that there will be fewer manufacturers upgrading from picture tubes to plasma, and most of them will adopt liquid crystal technology. As far as I know, Japan's Panasonic is still blocking plasma technology, which is doomed to the decline of plasma TVs. The ecosystem is not expanding as fast as LCD TVs, which is critical to the early market layout."

Fang Zhuo said slowly: "Second, the application scope of plasma technology is not as good as that of liquid crystal. The former is only suitable for TV products, while the latter can be used for TVs, monitors, laptops, mobile phones and other products."

“If you were a panel manufacturer, would you rather develop LCD or plasma, which are widely used?”

"Plasma can be used to make large TVs, and LCD can be used to make a full range of products."

"This is the prospect of the production chain upstream and downstream of technology."

Fang Zhuo looked around the conference room: "The opening and growth of the ecosystem, the improvement of the production chain and feedback, these two items have destined that plasma will be suppressed by liquid crystal. Remember what I said today, this is the rise and fall of Changhong." key."

Finally, he looked at Zhao Yong and said seriously: "Mr. Zhao, I don't understand technology, but you don't understand business either."

Zhao Yong frowned, thinking that he could still argue.

Fang Zhuo turned aside and introduced the members behind him: "This is Xu Chunde, Senior Vice President of Operations at Goldman Sachs America. He happened to be in charge of research on the television industry a while ago, so I invited him over to avoid being thought. If you don’t understand technology, you can’t speak.”

Xu Chunde smiled and nodded: "Yes, according to our research at Goldman Sachs, Panasonic has very good plasma technology, but Korean companies have fully deployed liquid crystal technology, and other Japanese manufacturers cannot obtain Panasonic's authorization. Panasonic faces It will be an alliance of TV manufacturers."

"From a normal point of view, it is difficult for Panasonic to resist so many manufacturers, and the direction of the entire market is more towards liquid crystal LCD."

Zhao Yong's throat slid up and down without speaking.

Vice Director Mu Wenrui was taken aback and quickly stood up to say hello: "Mr. Xu, please sit down. Please sit down. Oh, Mr. Fang, you really didn't say a word and let Mr. Xu stand for a long time."

Seats were moved out.

Mu Wenrui asked the executives from Goldman Sachs to sit down, and Xu Chunde took his seat as he deserved.

Just when Mu Wenrui wanted to continue listening to the conversation between Fang Shougong and Zhao Yong, he suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at the other people standing behind the rich man... The one who came out was the vice president of Goldman Sachs... What about the others?

Before Mu Wenrui could say anything, Zhao Yong suddenly wiped the sweat from his forehead and insisted: "If we, Changhong, take the lead in controlling the upstream plasma technology, the TV business of other companies will be controlled by Changhong!"

"Mr. Zhao, the plasma TV business of other companies may be controlled by Changhong, but other companies turn around and invest in LCD. What should you do? Is all technology research and development in vain?" Fang Zhuo shook his head, "You are the one who said this. I still insist in my heart that consumers will choose plasma.”

"No, Mr. Zhao, it is not consumer choice, but the ecosystem and production chain that shape consumer choice."

"What Changhong wants to do is mass consumer goods."

"The products they provide are cheaper, and the quality may only be 70 points, but after occupying the market, they will inevitably bring about further quality upgrades. This is a healthy business cycle."

“Such a business perspective should be the perspective of business leaders.”

"Mr. Zhao, you don't understand business."

Fang Zhuo once again judged Zhao Yong, who had a technical background, and then stopped looking at the pale former general manager.

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