Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 456: Soldiers first, courtesy second (two-in-one thanks to the leader who “dominates the wor

According to the information collected in advance and the situation when I came to the meeting today, if nothing unexpected happens, it is President Zhao Yong who should be the person in charge of Changhong after Ni Runfeng.

Because of this judgment first, Fang Zhuo paid special attention to Zhao Yong's information.

Zhao Yong had served as general manager for ten months in 2000. At that time, he proposed the strategic slogan of technology-led.

This is not unusual, especially for a leader with a technical background.

However, the train runs fast only because of the headband.

If the front of the car is driven in the wrong direction... looking at the "front" from the "back", Changhong has indeed taken a fork in the road after Ni Runfeng.

One person never stumbles on the same stone twice, but two people can stumble on the same stone twice.

Fang Zhuo believes that for a type like Zhao Yong, as long as his technical confidence is broken, he can win this competition.

Unfortunately, this person’s technical insistence is really wrong.

The battle between plasma and liquid crystal is obviously the victory of liquid crystal. The former is PDP and the latter is LCD.

Fang Zhuo is not familiar with the abbreviations of these two technologies, but he is familiar with LED. It has been widely used in later generations. Even the billboards in the streets and alleys have LED. This is the so-called full-line product production chain advantage.

There are enough reasons to believe that after LCD defeated PDP in the market, it received feedback and underwent further technological upgrades to become a more widely used LED.

This is the conclusion that Fang Zhuo drew from the supplementary information and memories.

"Changhong is a domestic color TV company with quite strong technology, but the more difficult it is internally and externally, the more attention it needs to pay attention to the direction of technological upgrading."

“You can’t be superstitious about technology just because you’re a technical person.”

"Everyone, I don't know if you have paid attention to the restless trends in the entire industry around the world."

"Korean companies are ready to make moves. Panasonic relies on its own technology, and the battle between plasma and LCD is approaching."

"Among them, Panasonic and Changhong are somewhat similar."

Fang Zhuo stopped naming names. He glanced at the people in the conference room who were listening attentively. When he saw the smile of Vice Director Mu Wenrui, he said: "Panasonic is also losing money."

Mu Wenrui: "..."

"Panasonic, which is losing money, has a similar idea to dominate the TV industry with plasma." Fang Zhuo continued, "But it is destined to be unable to complete, and it is also destined to be isolated and helpless."

"Japanese companies have been in decline for the past two years. Another TV giant, Sony, has suffered much more serious losses than Panasonic."

"Based on my understanding and contact with Sony, I can conclude that Sony is eager to restore its declining momentum and cannot stick to plasma. Once LCD gains momentum, it will immediately switch to LCD technology with greater upside expectations."

"Manufacturer alliances, production costs, and broad prospects are all advantages of liquid crystal technology."

"Everyone, you must observe the place of death and life and the path of survival."

Fang Zhuo made some judgments and admonitions in front of a group of TV professionals, completing his aggressive and heartfelt expression.

However, this group of insiders may not necessarily pay attention to the development of the industry from a global perspective. After all, Changhong is located in the southwest, and the information exchange and business environment are inferior. Now is not an era for casual talk about "empowerment, connection, and precipitation."

This is true even for people like Zhao Yong who are confident that they want to be a leader in listed companies, let alone others.

A speech from the richest man in the country allowed everyone to savor the insights inside.

Ni Runfeng, the current head of Changhong who had already been led to discuss the candidate for the crown prince, slowly spoke at this time and expressed his agreement: "Mr. Fang's words really woke people up from their dreams."

He continued: "We cannot cling to plasma technology like a life-saving straw at a loss."

"As for the upgrading of plasma and liquid crystal, we need to pay more attention to the international situation and never make the mistake of color tube CRT again. Comrades, that was a heartbreaking mistake."

Ni Runfeng was heartbroken. The CPT was the first strategic setback that Changhong encountered. It was a node where Changhong turned from prosperity to decline. Now, it seems that it has reached another node where Changhong has gone from decline to decline.

Fang Zhuo observed the situation in the conference room and saw Mu Wenrui looking at him, so he said: "I am not an expert, and I am just talking in general terms today, but Mr. Xu from Goldman Sachs is definitely an expert. It is necessary to let him go again." Tell us."

He took the lead in applauding to express his welcome to Goldman Sachs Xu Chunde's speech.

There was hesitant applause in the conference room, which soon became enthusiastic. This was the first applause since the board meeting today.

The scene seemed to have turned into an industry seminar for a while. Whether it was Mr. Fang’s speech based on a global perspective or Goldman Sachs’ glittering identity, this made a group of people start to think about more possibilities.

Xu Chunde has no stage fright. He is responsible for industrial research. Compared with Mr. Fang’s outline, it is more supported by data.

Goldman Sachs' industry experts carefully introduced the situation to Changhong executives.

Deputy Director Mu Wenrui took this opportunity to come over and communicate in a low voice with Mr. Fang, wanting to know the identities of the six people standing behind him.

Soon, under the expert's voice, the number of seats on Fang Zhuo's side slowly increased, and several executives at the end of the conference table had to stand up to listen to the lecture.

Mu Wenrui had only thought that this was the bodyguard or company assistant of the richest man Fang, but he didn't expect that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers in it, not only a vice president of Goldman Sachs, but also a supervisor from Sony who switched jobs to Yike. The most important thing is... there is also a... Associate Director of Supply Chain at Walmart.

They really brought a team of experts to visit Changhong!

When Xu Chunde finished his speech amidst the applause of the crowd, Mu Wenrui immediately smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Xu, for giving us Changhong's guidance. We don't know this until we talk about it. Only after talking about it can we see that industrial change is right in front of us."

"We, Changhong, used to be the color TV kings that drove out foreign color TVs, but now we can't let ourselves down!"

He looked at Fang, the richest man, and suggested: "Mr. Fang, we have suffered losses in overseas channels before. How about asking Mr. Li from Wal-Mart to give us a lecture?"

Fang Zhuo is self-confident. Although in his opinion, technical orientation is more important than overseas channels, he is also happy to further demonstrate his authority.

Li Shaobo, deputy director of supply chain in New York State from Walmart, stood up. Walmart’s supply chain is not the United States but the best in the world.

However, the content of his speech was quite harsh, and he criticized Changhong's after-sales service for its products in the United States. He believed that if this continues, Changhong's products will soon be kicked out of Wal-Mart's U.S. supply.

This situation has something to do with APEX. After Changhong clearly filed a lawsuit against APEX, the company basically turned its back on it. If Yike hadn’t used its own system to urgently take over part of it, Changhong’s products might have been kicked out. out.

As of now, the book value of APEX's goods in U.S. warehouses is still over one billion, but it can neither open up other channels in the U.S. nor improve its position in Wal-Mart's supply chain. In addition, it has a lot of bad debts. , Jilongfen Xiangjiang GEM Company is on the verge of delisting...

Without Yike's help, Changhong's products would only be sold at a low price, and the money would not flow back into the country.

Li Shaobo finished his speech.

"Mr. Fang, can you tell us more?" Deputy Director Mu Wenrui said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly. He had said everything he should say, but his own people could still express their opinions.

He looked sideways and called by name: "Lawyer Zhou, please tell us about our business transfer contract with APEX in the United States, so that the leaders will not have any doubts."

A lawyer from the cadwalader law firm stood up to explain the contract and legal issues, and also talked about Changhong's lawsuit against APEX. This is all the business of his own law firm, and there is nothing bad to say.

When the lawyer finished speaking, Fang Zhuo did not intend to continue speaking for the convenience.

From industry development and technical direction to Changhong's overseas supply and legal procedures, everything that needs to be said is enough for the leaders to weigh.

Seeing this, Lu Jingmin, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau, smiled and said: "Mr. Fang, if you ask me, really, you are here, so don't leave. You will personally lead our Changhong. Everyone is convinced. I believe in Mr. Mu." No problem."

Deputy Director Mu Wenrui also joked: "It makes sense. I applaud it with both hands. If Mr. Fang comes to Changhong, I am very relieved."

The leaders all laughed, and everyone else in the conference room laughed too. However, some people really couldn't laugh, so there was no way to force them.

"I am a loyal user of our Changhong, otherwise I would not have a close relationship with Mr. Ni." Fang Zhuo responded with a smile, "This time, I came abruptly and I was anxious. If I offend you in any way, please forgive me."

There was a buzz of greetings in the conference room, and the leaders were all very personable.

Now it is clear that soldiers should be soldiers before courtesy, but it seems natural that "people like Mr. Fang are like this, what else do you want from him?"

The leaders never mentioned the discussion of the prince's position. The reason why they valued Zhao Yong before was that he had a very strong technical background.

However, in today's meeting, Zhao Yong did not come up with a convincing enough point of view in the technical field. There will definitely be internal research on the direction of Changhong's technology upgrade, but the weight of Zhao Yong's opinions will be a question mark.

The leaders didn't mention it, and Zhao Yong himself didn't speak out. People in Zhao Yong's group were dazzled by Goldman Sachs, Sony, law firms, and overseas, and they didn't dare to raise any objections.

Changhong's intention to replace the board of directors of the listed company's top leaders is nearing completion.

"Mr. Fang, you came all the way here, and we have to help you clean up your business tonight." Deputy Director Mu Wenrui said, "We have to have a good talk about corporate development."

"No, no, I told Mr. Ni to eat at his house when I came here. I've been drinking all kinds of drinks lately, and my stomach is a little uncomfortable." Fang Zhuo declined, "I'm here to help maintain Changhong's overseas channels. In the future, we I’m still here, let me take a break today, and I’ll apologize to the leaders tomorrow.”

"Oh, Mr. Fang, you are out of line when you say this. You are our overseas partner of Changhong. Why can't you tell the truth for the sake of corporate development?"

Mu Wenrui tried to persuade him a few more times, but seeing that Fang Zhuo really insisted, he had no choice but to give up.

The board ended in an unexpected way.

Changhong's middle and senior management left the meeting one after another. There was too much discussion about today's meeting and they needed to be analyzed and studied in twos and threes later.

Fang Zhuo shook hands with the four leaders one by one, and the last one was Lu Jingmin, deputy director of state-owned assets.

"Mr. Fang, you've had a hard time coming here."

"Ju Bureau Lu, I will definitely treat you to dinner tomorrow." Fang Zhuo invited this person, "Ju Bureau Lu has to be in charge of the overall situation today. After meeting Bureau Lu, I feel at ease."

Lu Jingmin smiled, shook hands a little harder, and said nothing.

The leaders have no intention of leaving immediately, and the same goes for Zhao Yong's group. It seems that there will be some private communication. After all, today's plan has been reversed.

Fang Zhuoyang and Ni Runfeng walked out of the conference room first, went downstairs, and walked to the door of the hotel.

Fang Zhuo arranged for his people to go back to the hotel, and then said to Ni Runfeng in an angry tone: "Old Ni, old Ni, it's time to fight. We are all here, why are you still hesitating?"

He was talking about Ni Runfeng's hesitation when deputy director Mu Wenrui proposed that Zhao Yong be the general manager. He was very dissatisfied at that moment.

Ni Runfeng smiled bitterly: "Mr. Fang, that was the suggestion I personally made in the conference room before you arrived, saying that Zhao Yong should come to the company to adapt first. When you come, Mr. Mu will use this to block me."

Fang Zhuo suddenly realized that this was the case.

The two exchanged a few words and then walked and talked, preparing to take a car to Ni Runfeng's house to chat again.

Fang Zhuo walked a few steps, stopped and waited for the car to adjust its position and drive closer.

Suddenly, he heard the chirping of birds next to him, turned his head and glanced sideways, casually waving to the tree, and several birds circled and flew away.

"Are there magpies? Are there magpies at night?" Fang Zhuo sat in the car and said with a smile, "Is it going to rain? When I came, the weather for this flight was not consistent with the forecast."

The car drove away slowly.

Zhao Yong and his party, who had just come out of the hotel, saw this scene and said nothing.

Southwest Region Director Zhong Jiexin glanced at Deputy Zhao quietly, and what he just wanted to say was swallowed silently.

The magpie came, but the magpie was driven away again.

A meeting in Changhong ended, and many people who participated felt that it symbolized something important.

The four leaders who attended today's meeting started making phone calls on their way home. They all had the same meaning, serious and urgent.

"Tomorrow, just tomorrow, don't forget to ask your nephew to buy Changhong's stocks. You call him now and say it was me who said so."

"Before is before! I wanted to sell before, but now I want to buy. What do you know!"

"I can buy it with my spare money. What can go wrong with my vision?"

Listed company Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. is experiencing good news, which is the most symbolic thing.

Regardless of the medium and long term, the news that the country's richest man and Changhong have reached an overseas cooperation can stimulate the stock price in a short period of time!

The country's richest man, Yi Keben, who has just been listed in the United States, has done well overseas. This is a well-known fact. Now that he has taken over Changhong's overseas stall and uses the strong to support the weak, why doesn't the stock price rise?

Leaders are still confident in their vision.

When you are a leader, you sell what you need to sell, buy what you need to buy, and exchange when you need to redeem. If you can't handle this kind of thing well, how can you be a leader?

As for other things, Changhong's technological upgrading direction needs to be carefully discussed. Changhong's overseas sales seem to have new growth possibilities in boosting GDP.

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