Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 463 How to Become a Millionaire

The investment duo Shen Nanpeng and Xu Xiaoping came to apply, and they really had no other purpose than to simply pay a visit to President Yike.

Incidentally, I also felt that a total of tens of millions of dollars had been trapped inexplicably, and the owner didn't even look at it. It was really hard to let go.

They are all people who pay attention to industry information. The first and second place on the Forbes rich list in 2003 were both presidents of Internet companies, which caused a lot of discussion.

NetEase Ding Lei, who ranks second, has received many relevant interviews, while Yike Fangzhuo has not mentioned much about these.

Recently, there are rumors that Fang Zhuo is competing with others in Sichuan.

The specific situation is unclear, but from the fact that famous Sichuan and Sichuan companies went to Luzhou, it seems that the newly crowned richest man in the country had the last laugh again.

Just because of hearing this news, after the successful listing, Shen Nanpeng was temporarily moved to see who Fang Zhuo was. He took Xu Xiaoping, who had a similar experience, to the mountain on Sunday with the intention of giving it a try.

From this look, he is indeed young and seems to be very dignified.

Shen Nanpeng did not dare to make mistakes. Unlike Xu Xiaoping, who dared to invest after five minutes of listening, he was meticulous in his work, especially after he was tricked, he considered the entire story of the newly crowned richest man in the country.

From the road show to the listing of Yike, major institutions have taken the stand one after another, and Nasdaq has gone on a market value roller coaster. This must be the result of Mr. Fang and Capital joining forces to cut off the leeks.

Yike is entrenched in Shanghai, and there were rumors that he had strong connections here before Mr. Fang even appeared on the Forbes list. This rumor is very credible and has been proven by examples. Even the Li family has suffered defeat.

Although the rumors in the past half month are only scratched and it is difficult to get a full picture, there are still comments that "Mr. Fang has means" flowing out from Southwest Sichuan.

Playing with capital, having connections, and using tricks...

Shen Nanpeng couldn't help but be careless in front of such a person. He couldn't treat him as a friend, but he must not become an enemy.

Xu Xiaoping, on the other hand, became restrained after a few glasses of wine. He complained and regretted slightly in his words, but he also thought it was his own problem and did not listen to Mr. Fang's advice.

Fang Zhuo listened with a smile and didn't say much. When Mr. Xu called him, his tone was very rude and he didn't want him to vote.

Generally speaking, this small banquet for four people was not bad. Although they met for the first time, there were quite a lot of topics to talk about. Xu and Shen were indeed interested in investment and each had an extremely successful entrepreneurial history. There was a lot to talk about.

When it was over, Fang Zhuo thought about it again and again and sincerely suggested: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Shen, let's not talk about Bingxin's investment. That is a matter between IDG and me. As for the Yike stock you bought, I think it can win." As a long-term holder, I am quite confident in the development of Yike, not only because of the company, but also because the future era is the rise of the consumer electronics industry."

Xu Xiaoping laughed half drunkenly: "Mr. Fang, you have already taught us a lesson, why are you still here? I have discussed it with Mr. Shen, and we will take action when it exceeds 10%. I don't believe it, Yike The stock price is not going up.”

Shen Nanpeng glanced at Xu Xiaoping blankly and said nothing.

Fang Zhuo pretended that he had never said the words "medium and long-term" and waved goodbye to the two CEOs who got in the car and left.

Shen Nanpeng complained to Xu Xiaoping in the car: "Mr. Xu, what are you talking about about selling stocks in front of others?"

"I think Mr. Fang is a nice person and very easy-going." Xu Xiaoping said nonchalantly.

"After all, this is our first time meeting." Shen Nanpeng shook his head, with the latest judgment in his heart that he didn't say out loud.

Now that I have met Mr. Fang, I can’t raise the price by 10% because of his magnanimity, at least 15%!

Monday working day.

Fang Zhuo confirmed various tasks and schedules at Hang Lung 23. Near noon, he was urged by his subordinates at Sina to eat a work meal while thinking about how to support the opposite work.

Since the end of the Lunar New Year, Sina has taken frequent actions, the most important of which is to launch an attack on the blog China that claims to catch up with Sina.

Blog China originally finalized an investment intention a year ago, but was disrupted by Fang Zhuo. They could only urgently recruit new blood with more shareholdings and lower valuations, and carry out various publicity work.

Sina's blog business line is different from that of its rivals. Although the chairman personally recognized the idea of ​​​​the rival president and bluntly said that the people should become the main body of the Internet, this sentence is an outline strategy.

To really implement the strategy into work, you cannot do it like Blog China. You must have a traffic product that can attract attention, and then you have a model that can absorb the traffic.

Blogs, a form of creation and sharing, are suitable at the current stage of the Internet. Blog China has been at 1 since the project was established, and Sina is at 2 with the traffic of celebrities.

At this stage of 1, quite a few netizens know what blogs are about.

At this stage 2, more netizens should be attracted to the blog and participate in creation and sharing.

In order to quickly expand this business, almost every employee of Sina has been assigned the task of recruiting people to join the company, and there are also stepped target rewards. When 5, 10, 15, and 20 people are recruited, their performance will be different. At the same time, there will be There is a rough factor calculation because of the influence of the pulled target.

Fang Zhuo was one of the people who was roped in.

Originally, no one targeted the chairman, but from time to time there were discussions on the Internet about the Forbes rich list. If the project director were to sum it up, singers and actors were the traffic, and those in other fields could also be used.

For someone like Mr. Fang, the richest man in the country, what he says will definitely interest many people.

So, at noon on the last day of February, Fang Zhuo sat in his office, facing the computer screen and meditating hard.

When he was given a microphone and stood on the stage, he really opened his mouth to talk about industry development and company planning. These things were always in his mind, and he could say whatever he wanted.

But now in front of netizens, what do you say?

How to design people to buy stocks?

How to urge venture capital investors to implement investments?

How do you say that you can backhand the institutions and stabilize the market value?

This is inappropriate!

Fang Zhuo hesitated, looking through some comments involving himself, and finally, he typed a title.

——How to become a millionaire?

He thought of a good friend he hadn't seen for a long time and wrote down the content.

——Yesterday, my good friend Xiong Xiaoge, the president of IDG, came to chat with me and said that many of his friends are struggling with a question, how to become a millionaire?

——I said: Just be like you.

——Xiong Xiaoge said happily: Do you mean to work hard like me, pay close attention to industry development, and actively explore projects with promising prospects?

——I said: No, just invest 9 million of your tens of millions of assets in me like you, and you will become a millionaire.

——Xiong Xiaoge:o(╥﹏╥)o

Fang Zhuo looked at what he had written and thought about it. It seemed not good. It’s not that it’s bad to tease Lao Xiong. It’s that netizens may not know the investor. Someone with no reputation or appearance like Lao Xiong is not conducive to attracting attention. .

However, he then thought about it, he was either doing this specifically, or he was supporting his own company's work just for fun.

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