Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 492 Public Opinion (Two in One)

After the Rockets completed the first half of the schedule, Fang Zhuo relied on sports to break out and accepted interviews from major media. This was something he had decided before coming to the United States.

Because they had enough time to operate, Goldman Sachs arranged almost all the media resources at hand, and must cooperate with the procurement approval plan given by PH Company to create an image of an Oriental rich man who is eager to devote himself to American basketball sports.

Sports activities have always played a role in digestion, not to mention that an NBA team requires a huge investment of real money.

Even Goldman Sachs and PH felt that Fang Zhuo himself had a deep interest in basketball, which is why the current public opinion plan was made.

"Mr. Fang, how do you want me to call you?"

"Boss Fang of the Rockets? Mr. Fang of Yike? Or Mr. Fang of China?"

Emma, ​​a blonde reporter from Time Magazine, adjusts her sitting posture to make sure her expression is in the perfect state, and she can also inadvertently use her sitting posture to show off her graceful curves.

Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "The richest man in China is Mr. Li Jiacheng. If one day my assets exceed his, I will like others to call me that, whether it is Mr. Fang or Boss Fang. In fact, it will all work, but in our Chinese, Boss Fang is more It’s down-to-earth, it’s been less than a month since I bought the Rockets, and this title really makes me feel fresher.”

Emma made a pun: "You are the boss."

--You decide.

She continued: "Boss Fang, have you ever thought that your confidence in the Rockets would make so many people criticize you? Have you ever thought that in less than a month, you made..."

Emma organized her words: "You did something that seems ridiculous in your Eastern culture?"

"I have something to say about the Rockets. Let's start with this lineup. Francis is a very capable player..." Fang Zhuo heard this question and immediately talked endlessly about the lineups of the Rockets and Lakers. Contrast to show your passion for the game of basketball.

When Emma felt a little bored, Fang Zhuo smiled heartily and said: "As for the bet, to be honest, it was Barkley who inspired me. I don't think it's ridiculous. I have confidence and the determination to fulfill my bet." .”

"This year's Rockets have shown their good form, and I believe they can be even better next year."

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly again and said: "Of course, if there is no change next year, I will have to consider bringing Dayao together to do something to make the fans happy."

Emma felt that this oriental rich man was a little different from what she imagined. At the very least, he laughed loudly and frequently. Well, he also seemed very excited when talking about the team.

She decided to ask about her career: "Boss Fang, you have achieved dazzling business achievements now, and you are so young. What kind of thoughts do you have on business projects?"

Fang Zhuo immediately said: "Business success is not mine alone. In fact, I want to thank our American team at Yike Company. They have abilities that amaze me. Without them, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I have now."

"From my personal experience, many times, success does require some luck. Our products are at the stage where consumers are changing their consumption concepts."

"Standing on the wind, even a pig can fly."

Fang Zhuo took out this sentence and immediately vividly amused reporter Emma, ​​making her determined to put this sentence intact in the report.

This report was originally put together with the Rockets' bet to get out of the circle. The young rich man said, "Pigs can fly." What kind of comedic metaphor is this?

Fang Zhuo hasn't finished speaking yet. He feels that he has interviewed all of them anyway, so he will just click on some of his friends.

"Our success at Yike also depends on the slow response of competitors, such as Sony."

"As a Boss, I deeply understand one thing. The biggest cost of a commercial project is not human and material resources, but the cost of high-level decision-making."

"Sony's slowness has given us an opportunity to develop. As more and more Yike products are put into the hands of consumers, it will be difficult for it to regain the situation."

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but want to be more logical. Suddenly he saw Emma's expression of listening carefully, and immediately raised his voice and laughed heartily: "Hahaha, my idea is recognized by our company's management. Many times, I have to restrain myself. My interference with them.”

Emma nodded slightly, but said: "The clear responsibilities of the board of directors and management are also a distinctive feature of modern enterprises."

"Qingshi, the business system of American companies has many advantages. Before I came to the United States, I went to Tokyo. Even Sony, the most famous company there, felt that there were many shortcomings." Fang Zhuo took Sony out again. .

Before reaping the benefits of Sony Music and Sony, he always wanted to take it out and play with it. He never got tired of it, especially not getting tired of it.

"Sony Group's current situation is not good." Emma agreed.

Fang Zhuo couldn't let the reporter shoot at his friend: "No, it should be said that Sony's electronic product business is not good. In fact, Sony's entertainment business is quite outstanding. I had the illusion even in New York that Sony (USA) and Sony The group is almost like two companies.”

Emma thought for a while and agreed with this statement. Sony (USA) is a company led by Americans and is certainly better than Sony Group. Facts have proved this.

Fang Zhuo continued to talk about his views on Japan's closed concept of business, and also boasted more bluntly about Boslinger's contribution to Sony's entertainment business.

Due to the identity of the interviewee and the vague hints from her boss, Emma stayed with her to chat about Japanese business for a long time.

However, it is not that there is no content to write about. Just write about this Chinese tycoon who praises Western companies and denounces Japanese business models. After polishing, it will also have a good publication effect.

Seeing that the interview time was coming to an end, Emma asked the young rich man about his personal issues, including his hobbies, views on marriage, etc.

Fang Zhuo ignored all of this.

However, when he ended the interview and stood up to shake hands with the blonde female reporter, he felt his palms were quietly scratched by the other's fingers.

Emma showed a charming smile and winked at the young rich man from the East before leaving the conference room.

Fang Zhuo smiled back and sent the media team to the door without saying anything.

Time was tight and the interview schedule was intensive.

The morning half day is divided into two parts, "Times" is the first half, and "The New York Times" is the second half.

At ten o'clock, Fang Zhuo rushed to the second conference room and saw the interview lineup of the New York Times.

Oh ho, another blonde sweetheart.

Compared to the previous one, this one’s neckline is lower.

Fang Zhuo shook hands with a smile, sat down, accepted the interview, and welcomed the teasing.

During the three days of flying from Houston to New York, President Yi Ke and the Rockets boss accepted twelve interviews intensively, as if they had held twelve consecutive meetings.

This cliff is the busiest record since he started his business.

In addition, according to incomplete statistics, the palms were scratched 4 times, the eyes hinted 6 times, numbers were exchanged 9 times, and the other party called 8 times after the interview.

Fang Zhuo once thought that blond hair was standard for female reporters, and he also thought that they might just work part-time as reporters.

"Xiao Yu, what kind of face do I have?"

Fang Zhuo inevitably complained about this experience to Director Xiao Yu.

"Mr. Fang, your work in the Rockets makes people think you are stupid, but you are also very rich, plus you are very young. In this case, it no longer matters what you look like." Yu Hong said lightly. Express an opinion.

"Really? Take a good look at me. When you were dragged into starting a business by me, weren't you convinced by my face?" Fang Zhuo recalled the past.

Yu Hong made a sound.

Fang Zhuo said to himself: "Anyway, when I saw your legs and your legs straddling the motorcycle, I felt that the team really needs such a person."

Yu Hong: "?"

"Free manned motorcycles, very convenient." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Before Yu Hong could show disdain, there was a knock on the office door, and secretary Zhao Zhishan walked in after getting the promise.

She took the document and asked her boss: "Mr. Fang, the contact from Houston has been responded to. Colangelo of the Suns is willing to jump ship and come to the Rockets as general manager, but he must give the Suns compensation for early termination of the contract."

"Yeah." Fang Zhuo nodded.

Zhao Zhishan was puzzled: "Then..."

"You first inform the Rockets that our cooperation with Dawson, the team's general manager, is over." Fang Zhuo said simply, "Then let's talk to the Suns about Colon Lolo's termination of contract and job change."

Zhao Zhishan nodded, turned to the next page of the document, and reported: "We had illegal contact with Nash, the starting point guard of the Dallas Mavericks, but his agent said that he would first wait for the Mavericks' intention to renew his contract."

Fang Zhuo was startled, hey, do the Mavericks still have the intention to renew the contract?

He thought for a while and said: "Leave this matter to Colon Lolo after he becomes the general manager. I want Nash to come to the team."

Zhao Zhishan made the third report: "Regarding Francis' trade value, the Rockets now believe that... he should not be traded."

"This also leaves it to our incoming team general manager to look at the team's salary. When the trade day opens in July, see if Francis and other players can be exchanged for Vince Carter from the Raptors. "Fang Zhuo called his name.

Yu Hong next to her couldn't help but ask: "You want to trade Francis for Carter? Can you get it? He is this year's All-Star vote winner."

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "I heard that he was unhappy with the Raptors. Maybe the Raptors are willing to change him. Our Francis is not bad either. He has been an All-Star three times in a row."

Yu Hong is skeptical.

Zhao Zhishan recorded the boss's order and reported several team matters.

She initially became a temporary secretary as a Japanese translator. After arriving in the United States, she helped the boss with team matters.

After the secretary left, Yu Hong became interested in discussing the team's lineup: "Is Nash old? What do you want him to do? He's not very good at defense either."

"I think he has MVP-level strength. If Carter can really be traded, it will be a combination of Nash + Carter + Yao Ming." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "If we add defensive role players during the trading period, next year's Rockets will still have a lot to do. Oh, yes, I also need to change a coach, I have to look for one.”

"Then do you think the Rockets can fulfill the confidence you expressed in the media this year next year? Western Conference Finals?" Yu Hong thought about the lineup for a while and asked.

"Let's guarantee the Western Conference finals. As a boss, I can't continue to be stupid." Fang Zhuo shrugged.

"When will the equipment procurement review in the United States start?" Yu Hong immediately thought of business.

"Wait for the media to spread the public opinion and let me, an Oriental, have some fame." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "The MIGA fund will also promote it. The Rockets' purchase funds will have a very good effect and should be able to absorb a lot. Client Funds.”

Yu Hong pondered.

Fang Zhuo looked at Xiao Yu and thought deeply.

Yu Hong raised her head, met the boss's eyes, and said seriously: "I hope the approval will go smoothly. You are a semiconductor that takes too much effort."

"I also hope. It is said that there are people in several departments who are basketball fans. I hope I can meet them during the approval process." Fang Zhuo crossed himself and did as the Romans do.

Yu Hong saw her boss's rare uneasiness, but she didn't smile in her heart. She just felt that the semiconductor project was too difficult, and the equipment procurement alone required her boss to do a lot of tricks. In fact, the road was quite tortuous.

"I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight."

Fang Zhuo didn't feel that much emotion at this moment. He was already doing whatever was difficult or not.

It was difficult to raise funds, but now it has been trapped. There is a talent gap. Now there is a former CTO of TSMC in HKUST. It is difficult to purchase equipment. Media and public opinion has almost reached the desks of key department personnel.

I am never afraid of the difficulty of an expedition, and I just wait and see when there are thousands of rivers and mountains.

Yu Hong looked at the boss's smile and felt that the light was shining on his face.

On April 27, the last April issue of Time Magazine in the United States featured a young rich man from the East as its cover.

The cover picture of this issue has three main features. One is Fang Zhuo’s bright smile in the middle, the other is the donkey he is holding in his left hand, and the third is the player he is holding in his right hand.

On the lower left side of the cover is an English sentence from Fang Zhuo, "Standing on the wind, even a pig can fly."

——"Mr. Fang Zhuo devoted himself to basketball and became the new owner of the NBA Rockets after becoming the chairman of Sina Corporation and running Yike IPO."

"His sports journey was not smooth. The Rockets ended the 2003-2004 season in the first round this year."

"However, the team's failure forced this young rich man from the East to fulfill his ridiculous promises, and he himself became the most watched owner in the league at a speed that has almost never been seen in the NBA."

"Compared to his respected business achievements, the Rockets' experience is hardly a success."

"Arrogant, funny, and impulsive, these are the impressions he has given fans in a short period of time, but in addition, enthusiasm and straightforwardness are also the perceptions that employees of listed companies have about their boss."

"He is like a cowboy from the East, joining the NBA with a reckless and eager attitude."

"At the end of the interview, Mr. Fang Zhuo still believes that the Rockets will win the championship soon."

"Just like he believes that Yike's products will be more widespread in the U.S. market in the future."

Time's cover story managed to send shares of Nasdaq-listed company Yike down slightly.

But with the reports of this media, public opinion seemed to have sounded the trumpet. Reports about Oriental Rich, Rockets, and Yike one after another tried to push the image of a young president to the public.

And, it was gradually pushed to the administrative staff of several departments.

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