Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 493: Watching with eager eyes (two-in-one)

"Hey, look at this guy, do you know him?"

"The owner of the Rockets, the one who talks big, I will watch the Lakers crush the Rockets next season!"

"Tsk, tsk, this year's champion must be the Lakers, the F4 combination is too strong."

In New York in May, the temperature rose, and with the spread of media opinions, the story of the failure of an Oriental who relied on his success in the American market and arrogantly entered the NBA became known to more people.

Several newspapers that are specially subscribed by government departments, such as "Stars and Stripes" and "State Gazette" also ridicule interesting sports stories.

Because I didn’t know what the effect would be, I spent a little more on public relations.

Fang Zhuo has seen his name and photos in the New York Herald Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, which are close to Republican mouthpieces, and the Baltimore Sun and Chicago Sun-Times, which are close to democratic mouthpieces.

In fact, some photos are not very beautiful because I don’t know what angle and time they were taken.

This made Fang Zhuo feel quite dissatisfied.

As long as he is stupid, will it affect the perception of approval if he is handsome or not?

But at this point, some media reports are no longer driven by Goldman Sachs' resources, but spontaneous ridicule.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the vague impression of Eastern countries is still extremely ignorant and backward in the minds of many Americans. The confident and arrogant posture of an Eastern rich man is very different from their imagination of the East.

However, just when Fang Zhuo thought that his personal image had been completely ruined here, he received a request for a visit from Google founder Larry Page in New York, saying that he wanted to learn about Sina's experience.

This made Fang Zhuo extremely shocked and confused.

Not to mention Google.

Larry Page, the founder, is also very powerful. He should be busy with the listing of his company. Why would he suddenly come to talk to me about his Sina experience?

The models of Google and Sina have nothing to do with each other.

To say that he is beginning to consider the Chinese market, it also has nothing to do with Sina.

Fang Zhuo was confused and made an appointment, but found out that the other party was flying from California to New York in an extremely formal manner.

He thought about it, but he didn't call anyone from Sina. He only brought his secretary to meet Larry Page.

At noon on the 10th, Fang Zhuo met Larry, one of the founders of Google.

Very young, with thick eyebrows, and no refined appearance.

Similarly, Larry also felt that the heads of well-known Internet companies in Eastern countries were very young, younger than himself.

The two sides exchanged pleasantries, and Larry first overturned the image of a rich man that he had occasionally heard from the media recently.

After a cup of coffee, Fang Zhuo also learned from the founder of Google the purpose of his visit. He still wanted to talk about China's Internet search market.

Fang Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry, and asked strangely: "Larry, why did you want to find me? Is Google going to build a portal in China?"

Larry shook his head and spoke truthfully about Google's plan: "Fang, we attach great importance to the eastern market. Your country is very big. Sergey and I will feel frustrated when we think of not getting involved in a market with a population of more than one billion. "

"In fact, we have already sent a working group to China to visit your well-known Internet companies, as well as technical experts, political and business scholars."

"This includes Sohu, NetEase, Baidu, etc."

"I saw in the newspaper that you are in New York, so I wanted to talk to you about the survival situation of the Internet in China."

Fang Zhuo asked in surprise: "Are you still going to Baidu?"

Larry emphasized the spirit of his plan: "We are adhering to the principle of mutual benefit and an open and compatible mentality to explore Google's development in China. Baidu is a competitor, but Google may not have no room for cooperation with it."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, knowing that Google was doing this seriously.

In fact, he knows that Google can be used in China now, but it is not smooth. It is said that the server is located in Xiangjiang.

Now it must be that Google is officially going to enter the Chinese market, so let’s find out first.

Just like many Chinese companies do not understand the U.S. business ecosystem, Google does not understand the survival conditions of the Chinese Internet.

Larry was afraid that the representative figure of the Chinese Internet in front of him would not understand his ideas, so he continued: "We have made some attempts in the Chinese market in the past few years. Although the number of people in the working group is not large, we once occupied 25% of the market."

He shrugged: "But the webpage couldn't be accessed the year before last. I bought a bunch of books about China and asked for advice from many people with international experience. But before I finished reading two books, China recovered. Web access."

Larry used one word to describe it, emphatically: "The miraculous restoration of access."

The expression on Fang Zhuo's face was a little strange, and he nodded reluctantly: "Well... I have heard about this matter. In fact, it is very simple for Google to want to market in China. It just needs to comply with our domestic laws and regulations."

Larry asked, "Including data review?"

Fang Zhuo asked affirmatively: "Otherwise?"

There was no surprise on Larry's face, and he had obviously received similar feedback.

However, once again getting the answer from the chairman of a well-known Chinese Internet company, it became more solid.

He was silent for a while, then said thoughtfully: "We respect the laws and customs of different countries, and understand the necessity of this, but..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted with a smile: "Larry, without buts, such a turn means trouble in developing new markets."

Well, it's not just strong, it's indestructible.

Larry further sensed the requirements of the Chinese market, which was the result of mutually confirmed information.

"Fang, I really like your attitude towards your team." Larry took a sip of coffee and tried to relax the atmosphere.

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "Larry, I also like your slightly clumsy compliment."

Larry laughed, feeling that this young rich man was really different from what he appeared in the media.

Fang Zhuo asked: "Can Google go public this year? My fund is still waiting to participate in your road show in New York. Will you be the leader?"

Larry shook his head and gave an accurate time: "It's CEO Schmidt coming to New York. If nothing unexpected happens, we will go public in August."

Three months to go.

Fang Zhuo thought to himself that this is another good business for MIGA Fund, which can bring a lot of help to Bingxin.

"Fang, do you know Li from Baidu?" Although it was the first time for Larry to meet Fang Zhuo, he felt that the communication between the two parties was smooth, so he also mentioned the request between the two before coming.

Fang Zhuo nodded and said with a smile: "The Internet circle in China is not that big yet, so of course we both know each other."

Larry asked casually: "What kind of person do you think Li is? What is his attitude towards the company?"

Fang Zhuo didn't need to listen further, he could already smell the smell of capital.

Well, Google is about to go public, and its current valuation is quite high.

Next, to officially enter the Eastern market, we must consider capital-level means.

Such a method must take into account the company's situation and also weigh the will of the company's founder.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and replied vaguely: "He is an extremely low-key company leader. From what I have seen, he is quite tough."

Larry tasted it for a few seconds and said with a smile: "I wonder if I can ask you to introduce me to me."

"Well." Fang Zhuo hesitated, then asked, "Has Google considered specific cooperation with Baidu?"

Larry said without hesitation: "We are open to cooperation, not limited to acquisitions or shareholdings, and we are not afraid of competition when necessary."

Fang Zhuo wrote down this sentence, and whether it contained any threatening meaning was left to the parties concerned to consider.

He agreed: "Larry, if it were you, the founder, or CEO Schmidt, or founder Sergey, I would be happy to introduce you to have a chat."

Larry smiled and decided that he would take charge of the matter himself, and the time would have to wait a little longer to be determined. If he went to China, he would have to bring his team with formal work content to promote it.

But now we are still focusing on the investigation of China Internet.

The two continued chatting over coffee, and Fang Zhuo also took this opportunity to chat with Larry about his views on the development of the Internet. Simply speaking, there was something gained.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zhuo ended his meeting with Google founder Larry.

On the way back, secretary Zhao Zhishan was sitting in the car and suddenly said worriedly: "Mr. Fang, if Google is going to compete domestically, will Baidu be beaten to death?"

She listened to the entire exchange between the two men and was thinking about it in her mind.

"Google is going to officially launch a Chinese search engine. This will undoubtedly arouse Baidu's sense of competition. As for who will win in the end." Fang Zhuo blinked, "I don't know, let's take a look together."

Zhao Zhishan continues to be worried. She is emotionally on the side of domestic companies.

That night, Fang Zhuo calculated the domestic time and called Li Yanhong directly. Without waiting for the so-called introduction, he talked about the matter in full.

Li Yanhong showed his nervousness just on the phone.

"Mr. Fang, I did hear that Google has a team coming to China. It seems that they are determined to do the Chinese market."

"I'm afraid no one can refuse such a market." Fang Zhuo has different views on the current and future Baidu.

Regarding the business competition between domestic and foreign enterprises, if he has not experienced a period of breaking the lower limit, he may also have illusions, but if the illusion is broken, he will definitely stand on the domestic side in this type of competition.

After all, Google behind the prism was proven to be silently helping certain departments in the United States and Europe illegally collect user information.

It is a false proposition that Google does not do evil.

Not only has it been fined US$500 million for advertising fake medicines, its subsidiary YouTube has also always been wearing tinted glasses.

Of course, this does not mean that the evil behavior of domestic search engines is worthy of forgiveness, but Fang Zhuo knows more clearly that there are always other factors besides business competition.

"Mr. Fang, what kind of competition method do you think Google will adopt?" Li Yanhong asked Mr. Fang, who was far away in New York, with face-to-face contact with competitors.

Fang Zhuo thought for a while: "The attitude they showed is quite serious, but... they don't seem to be very down-to-earth. There will definitely be a level of competition. You can only know how to fight."

Li Yanhong was under great pressure.

He thanked Mr. Fang for informing him about this matter, talked about the development of the domestic Internet, and also extended an invitation to this year's Internet industry conference.

In the first half of last year, Fang Zhuo held this conference in Shanghai as the head of Sina.

This year, Ali's Majesty has already sent out invitations in Lin'an, and a three-day conference will begin later this month.

Because Fang Zhuo was busy with public opinion promotion in the United States, he had decided that Wang Yan would attend the Sina side. However, after talking to Li Yanhong - he talked about another thing on the phone. The foreign e-commerce Amazon was acquiring , it is said that it is almost completed, then...

It is not impossible to go back and attend an industry development conference, which can also boost the morale of the domestic Internet.

Last year, eBay wholly acquired eBay.

This year, Amazon will buy to compete in e-commerce.

This month, Google is building a Chinese search engine and has sent a team to China for research.

The domestic Internet is welcoming the attention of foreign giants.

Fang Zhuo thought about it carefully, and then confirmed the application time for the procurement review with people from PH and Goldman Sachs. It was mid-June, which was more than enough time.

He continued to make several phone calls in the evening to confirm the situation with the country. He did not ask Sina President Wang Yan to withdraw. Instead, he was welcomed by the Internet Industry Development Conference with his face.

Ma Chen was even more happy to show off his hospitality to the landlords in Lin'an this time.

The time has been set, and Fang Zhuo will return to China to participate in the Internet industry development conference on the first day, contribute some of his views and understanding of the industry, and also talk about the competitive situation facing the country.

Foreign public opinion about the rich people in the East has a tendency to spread according to the rules of media broadcast.

Domestic news has finally been exported to domestic sales, and we talked about the ridiculous things that happened after the richest man in the mainland fled to the United States.

To say it is absurd, it is indeed absurd, because it is different from the usual image in China. However, many people think that it is okay. After all, Mr. Fang is young and what he does is limited to the sports circle.

Does this prove that he is unreliable?

No way.

Therefore, Qiu Lanhua from Shanghai City made a special call to Fang Zhuo to inquire about his arrangements for returning to China.

"District Chief, how did you know that I was going back to China?" Fang Zhuo was a little surprised.

"Lin'an has already publicized it. You, the richest man in the mainland, will attend industry conferences. Well, it will be a big publicity." Qiu Di said with a smile, "Lin'an still has hope for your semiconductor project, but Mr. Fang, there really is a second There is a production line, why do you have to come to my place?"

"Well, I'll see, I'm still worrying about the first production line in New York, so I'll just hang up if I don't have anything else to do." Fang Zhuo has a meeting coming up.

"It's a bit of a personal matter. I have a leader's child..." Judy said calmly.

Fang Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you really think of Yike as an employment center? Wasn't there a kid last time?"

"I have a son of an old leader who is younger than you and a very good person." Judy finished the last part of the sentence and said, "How about I introduce you to him?"

Fang Zhuo: "?"

"I've seen that kid, and he looks very good." Judy considered.

"What if I don't want to see you?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"You don't have to meet, but you can also meet by the way. The leader likes you very much. He won't force you or force you." Judy's attitude was also very cautious. He actually didn't want to be a matchmaker and it would hinder his feelings.

"I have the freedom to disappear, are you sure of this?" Fang Zhuo asked again.

Judy quickly said: "Of course, the main reason is that you are old and have time to play basketball recently. I also think you can consider marriage. It is not because you are energetic, so I won't mention it."

Fang Zhuo agreed, and then went on to say: "You give me my kindness as a leader, and I also remember my old leader's love and care for me. It's okay to meet him, but..."

Judy asked, "But what?"

"Girls without business ability are less likely to win my favor," Fang Zhuo said.

Judy silently wrote this down. He didn't just have an old leader.

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