"Huh? Mr. Fang, what's wrong?"

Su Wei was sitting in the car, feeling that Mr. Fang had been acting strange these past two days.

"It's okay, I'm thinking."

Fang Zhuo turned his eyes.

Su Wei was puzzled. Mr. Fang didn't seem to look like this when he was thinking. His eyes had been strange for the past two days. If he had to say it, it was like the way he looked when he said he wanted to quit smoking but couldn't help but smoke.

She said calmly: "Mr. Fang, smoking is harmful to your health."

"Ah? Bird food, I quit." Fang Zhuo said.

Su Wei smiled softly and prepared to wait and see how Mr. Fang smoked when he arrived at the venue.

Today I am attending the Huaxia International Audio-visual Integrated Equipment and Technology Exhibition held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. There will be different domestic and foreign brand manufacturers, and greetings are inevitable.

"Mr. Ni is here today, right?" Su Wei asked.

"Lao Ni told me that we would have a drink together tonight." Fang Zhuo said cheerfully, "Lao Ni is still very considerate."

Su Wei pursed her lips and smiled: "I must give Mr. Fang face. If anyone doesn't give Mr. Fang face on this occasion, it means not giving Yike face. I'm very narrow-minded."

"Let's talk about this ourselves, but don't say it outside." Fang Zhuo said with emotion, "Now I feel a little bit that I really can't talk nonsense, because you don't know what channel it will reach and who's ears."

Even my own mother can misunderstand her, let alone other people?

So you still have to be careful with your words and actions.

Fang Zhuo learned something about life.

The car stopped slowly and arrived at this time's destination, the Convention and Exhibition Center.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the exhibition is already very busy. Manufacturers and technology suppliers from different technology camps have arranged their booths and products. Many media reporters have also wandered around the venue to record today's technical battle between Epson and Texas Instruments.

There are many brands and they are well-known. The manufacturers of Epson 3LCD technology include Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic, Hitachi and domestic Skyworth. The manufacturers of Texas Instruments DLP technology include InFocus, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Barco, Hisense, TCL, Konka, Changhong, Haier.

In comparison, Epson's manufacturers are mostly foreign brands, while Texas Instruments' manufacturers are more balanced.

However, Fang Zhuo has already communicated with most domestic manufacturers and knows that they do not attach much importance to the technical route of high-end products such as rear-projection TVs, and they have a completely passive attitude.

In his opinion, such a technology exhibition for the sake of publicity cannot prove anything.

But in Texas Instruments' view, this is probably a demonstration to rival Epson.

There are many TV manufacturers, and they are all well-known brands, but there are not many media reporters. This kind of technology exhibition has neither high-level administrative leaders nor earth-shattering technical experts. It is just a dry comparison of technologies and products, and it is not informative at all. What repercussions arose.

However, reporters were in for some incredible surprises when they saw a new guest arrive.

Isn't this Mr. Fang from Yike?

Isn’t this Mr. Fang on the Forbes list?

Different from the boring technical route of rear-projection TV, reporters are aware of the recent excitement in the Internet industry, such as Mr. Li scolding Li Guoqing in the conference room, Penguin attacking Sina's blog position, and the competition between China and foreign countries in the e-commerce market.

Among them, Mr. Fang has been avoiding the media and does not accept interviews at all.

Unexpectedly, this person actually showed up here.

Reporters swarmed up, and the array shocked many brand owners, making everyone wonder who was present.

For example, among the representatives of domestic manufacturers, some of them came in person, and they probably guessed that it was Mr. Fang who had arrived. Some of them sent a director to mean it. They still didn’t know the tool positioning of their own brand in this technology exhibition, let alone Mr. Fang’s presence. Leading role inside.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, what do you think of Penguin launching a blog business? Do you think Penguin can succeed in e-commerce?"

"Mr. Fang, does Sina have any plans to acquire Blog China?"

"Mr. Fang, is your interest in e-commerce limited to investment, or will you try more business?"

Various questions were thrown before us.

Most of the people who came to this kind of technology exhibition today were business media. They were naturally very familiar with Mr. Fang and were unwilling to miss the opportunity.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Teacher Xiao Su and found that she had withdrawn from the circle of reporters and was looking at him with a smile outside, while more manufacturers gradually gathered around to watch the fun.

"I said, shouldn't you ask me what I'm doing here today?" he asked helplessly.

"Oh yes, Mr. Fang, why did you come to attend the China International Audio and Video Conference today..." The reporter stumbled at his name as he asked the question.

Fang Zhuo joked: "Huaxia International Audio-Visual Integrated Equipment and Technology Exhibition, comrade reporter, what's the matter with your remarks? You have to deduct money."

He gave the answer amidst the smiles of a group of reporters: "Because I lack a big TV at home. I heard that Texas Instruments has a 70-inch prototype of the world's largest DLP rear projection here today. I'm going to buy one back if the price is right."

Rick Bai, Asia Business Director of Texas Instruments DLP outside the crowd, smiled, Mr. Fang is really a good partner.

The reporters really took note of Mr. Fang’s answer before asking the question again.

"I discussed the issues in the e-commerce market last time when I was in Lin'an. I personally am more optimistic about domestic companies. This is one of them."

"From the perspective of Yike, we are also observing the competition situation in this market. I think it is quite difficult to do this. There may not be a suitable opportunity to enter the game for a while. We don't have as much traffic as Penguin, and we don't have the same traffic as Penguin." I want to see the development of Paipai.com and learn about the start of this type of project, this is the second one.”

Fang Zhuo took a breath and continued: "In terms of blogging, Penguin is the challenger. I don't have any ideas."

It was the first time for many reporters to meet Mr. Fang in person. When they heard the last words, they couldn't help but praise him in their hearts. It must be Mr. Fang.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Fang, you said earlier that how to deal with Penguin will be a serious issue for the Internet industry. What do you mean?"

Fang Zhuo said concisely and concisely: "Literal meaning."

The reporter was speechless.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that the CEO of Sony Music in China was replaced. Do you have any opinion?" asked another well-informed reporter.

Fang Zhuo asked calmly: "Who said that?"

"Informed people close to Sony Music." The reporter described it this way.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Fake News."

Seeing that the reporter still wanted to ask questions, he raised his wrist to indicate the time and said, "I'll ask you later. I have time today. I have to give a speech to the exhibition. I'll ask later."


The reporters were surprised.

You have no business contacts and you are not a TV manufacturer. How could you be the first to give a speech at a meeting like this?

This is unreasonable!

However, everyone saw with their own eyes that TI's Asia Business Director, Rick Bai, greeted Mr. Fang and walked directly to the stage. He was really the first one to speak on stage.

There must be some exchange of benefits!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to invite Mr. Fang, who has been unwilling to be interviewed recently!

Many people had the same idea in their minds.

On the other side, Huang Hongsheng, the head of Skyworth's Epson 3LCD Technology Alliance, who also attended in person, couldn't help but frowned when he saw Fang Zhuo's posture from entering the door to taking the stage.

Who isn’t a Forbes billionaire?

Moreover, he is still the most professional Forbes billionaire on this occasion.

Huang Hongsheng glanced at the venue, saw Changhong's Ni Runfeng, and turned his eyes disdainfully, not bothering to comment on the head of Changhong who was colluding with Fang Zhuokang.

Now everyone in the industry knows that the old guy and Fang Zhuo are wearing the same pants.

But does it work?

Can it shake the current market structure?

The market speaks with products, and enterprises speak with share. Changhong has fallen, and Skyworth is number one.

Senior Ni, times have changed.

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