Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 532 The strange yin and yang

"Hello everyone, my name is Fang Zhuo."

Fang Zhuo took the stage and delivered a speech for the China International Audiovisual Integrated Equipment and Technology Exhibition.

He smiled and gave the media a few seconds to take pictures before continuing.

"I stand here today to participate in the exhibition as an ordinary consumer."

"You must be laughing. How can Fang Zhuo represent consumers?"

Fang Zhuo suddenly lowered his voice, as if complaining: "He is so rich."

Everyone in the audience laughed, feeling that this young rich man had a clear conscience.

Fang Zhuo also laughed and flattered: "But even if I am so rich, I am only a fan of famous brands."

He clapped his fingers and gave an example: "Look at the brand manufacturers coming today, including Sony, Changhong, Hisense, TCL, Konka, Haier, Sanyo, Panasonic, Hitachi, etc. Today is a feast of technology and product exhibitions."

Skyworth Huang Hongsheng in the audience was expressionless. Skyworth was not unusual in "Waiting".

"Faced with brands like yours, of course I am an ordinary consumer. After all, even if I have money to buy many TV products, I only watch one at a time, and I can only pick out a product that is more eye-catching."

"I will pay attention to factors such as size, thickness, and clarity, just like consumers."

"From this perspective, I think it is okay for me as a consumer representative to browse the products I like."

"Consumers are always willing to see better products, lower prices, and better services. I think this is one of the meanings of this exhibition."

"The development of product technology is one stage after another. The cost of the technology we see today is still very high. In two years, the cost reduction will cover more consumer groups."

"The products at the exhibition now may be the prototype of a classic product a few years later. I am very excited when I think about this. There is nothing more exciting than witnessing a classic that consumers love."

“Which trends are more accepted by consumers, which technologies are more favored by consumers, and which upgrades are more valued by consumers, these are the reasons why everyone is gathered here today.”

"Times are developing and technology is upgrading. On this occasion, it is necessary to use products to explain the understanding of each manufacturer."

“I am very happy that I can participate in the exhibition as a consumer.”

"Everyone is more professional than me. All I can say is, never forget consumers. Consumers like me may be the most serious factor in the changing times."

Fang Zhuo smiled and put the microphone back and ended his speech.

He did not support Texas Instruments products as he did before, but stood more objectively from the perspective of consumers. After all, this exhibition is not TI International Audio-Visual XXXX, but also Epson and its technology alliance.

There are quite a few people who believe this, and there are also a few who don’t.

Huang Hongsheng knows that Fang Zhuo is collaborating with domestic manufacturers. The reason why TI DLP has such a big momentum in Shanghai this time is because he is causing trouble.

For example, Ni Runfeng knew that Mr. Fang judged the trend of product technology from the perspective of business logic. That time in Chengdu, the core of his words was almost completely different from what he said today.

After the speech, the leader of the organizer's association simply did not speak anymore and directly let the manufacturer representatives take the stage to introduce products and technologies.

Fang Zhuo walked down happily and communicated with TI's Asia Business Director Bai Ruike for a while.

This trip to participate in this exhibition was an invitation from Deyi. In fact, it was okay not to come, but considering the leap in front of the ice core threshold and the fact that Tesco would have to deal with domestic home appliance companies in the future, he still came in person.

Although Rick is an American, he speaks Chinese well. He thanked Mr. Fang for his help and talked about his future cooperation space with Mr. Fang.

Of course this was a polite statement.

Fang Zhuo just listened and exchanged contact information with this person. He nodded slightly to the camera that was always pointed at him, but had no intention of continuing to be interviewed.

He walked to Changhong's booth and saw the rear-projection TV on display. He said to Ni Runfeng with some surprise: "Deyi has really worked hard on this. This TV looks decent."

Although Mr. Fang’s voice was not loud and there were no people around him, Ni Runfeng still coughed: “Mr. Fang, these are real products and they are ready to go online.”

Fang Zhuo touched the big TV with his hand and said with a smile: "But the cost is too high, right?"

"Who are you selling tens of thousands of yuan to?" Ni Runfeng shook his head slightly, "Mr. Fang, you just said it on the stage. Now you are just shouting. When the cost is low, we will talk about it. This year, our domestic market for this stuff will I estimate that the sales volume is only 40,000 to 50,000 units. There are more in Europe and the United States, but it does not exceed 2 million units. It is too high-end."

Fang Zhuo nodded and turned sideways to look at the 70-inch big guy displayed by Deyi. It looked very beautiful.

Ni Runfeng explained from the side: "The 70-inch sample of TI is said to be able to output high-definition images in the 1920×1080P format. I will power it on later and see the effect. Mr. Fang, you can install one at home. "

Fang Zhuo simulated it in his imagination and said, "Forget it, I don't have enough living room at home, so I don't need such a big one."

Ni Runfeng glanced at Mr. Fang and stopped talking.

Su Wei, who was browsing the manufacturer's products on the other side, came back. She knew the relationship between Mr. Ni and Mr. Fang, so she greeted them politely.

After a while, Konka's head Chen Weirong also came around with his vice president. He has a high-definition color TV production base in Anhui Province and often interacts with local administrative leaders. Recently, I heard that Mr. Fang is a guest of the leaders of Anhui Province. .

Changhong's booth soon became lively, and other domestic manufacturers that support DLP technology also came over to chat and form a small circle.

Although the market is full of competitors, today it feels pretty good to be a mere outsider competing for hegemony between the two giants, Epson and TI.

Chen Weirong also made a bet with Ni Runfeng, saying that domestic sales of rear-projection TVs would not exceed 100,000 units next year.

The problem is that Ni Runfeng also holds this view.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo, a wealthy man, had no choice but to act as the party with the opposite opinion, and the bet was a drinking party.

Fang Zhuo listened to Chen Weirong's hearty laughter and murmured in his heart. He was said to have a stubborn personality before, but now he is quite kind after close contact.

The rumors in the world cannot be believed at all.

A circle of domestic TV manufacturers gathered here in Changhong, and it was very lively. They only had a plate of melon seeds to crack and chat. Huang Hongsheng on the other side felt uncomfortable. He finally looked at the opportunity and walked closer with Epson's Asia Vice President.

"Mr. Fang, I have long admired your name." Huang Hongsheng walked over, "I am Huang Hongsheng from Skyworth."

"Hello, Mr. Huang." Fang Zhuo responded normally to normal greetings.

Huang Hongsheng nodded, glanced at Ni Runfeng, and said with a smile: "It's the first time I met the richest man in Forbes. I was really nervous. Before I came, I was wondering whether Fang would come. After all, you have also worked hard for the exhibition. Well."

Ni Runfeng was a little surprised.

Chen Weirong pricked up his ears.

Su Wei stared at it.

Huang Hongsheng's expression remained unchanged: "Haha, just kidding, Mr. Fang won't be angry."

Fang Zhuo is the most annoyed person in his life.

His expression didn't change at all, and he said in a strange way: "It's okay, I just like to make friends. Why should Mr. Huang be nervous? You are also ranked in Forbes. Besides, it's just a list, you Do you think it can reflect the real difference between us?"

"Haha, just kidding, it's almost 2005, and the list is about to be announced again. I don't have much room for improvement, but Mr. Huang still has a lot of room for improvement."

Fang Zhuo smiled warmly.

Huang Hongsheng would not show his anger on his face.

He chuckled twice, glanced at the people in front of him, and said hello to the senior Ni Runfeng: "Mr. Ni, long time no see, I said I would definitely see you wherever Mr. Fang is, and it's true."

"We, Skyworth, developed by learning from Changhong. It's not easy to survive the CPT competition until now. We have to continue to learn from our seniors."

CPT competition.

When this word was mentioned, not only Ni Runfeng, but also several people including Chen Weirong's expressions changed slightly, and the lively chat atmosphere just now disappeared.

Ni Runfeng frowned and felt that he was wronged. He was obviously here for Mr. Fang. What could he do to stimulate this semi-retired old man?

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