Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 539 The iron-clad boss and the smooth executive (two-in-one)

Fly from Pengcheng to Xiangjiang and then to Beijing.

This is the schedule of Skyworth Vice President Lin Dongjun within two days, which can be said to be quite busy.

But despite the long journey, the unpalatable food on the plane, and the extra meetings, he was still in good spirits. After all, the overall strategic direction had been determined, and the leaders of the four domestic electrical appliance retailers had stated that they would sign purchase and sales agreements.

All that's left to do now is the legwork.

However, when Lin Dongjun arrived at the headquarters of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, he received an unexpected reply.

"Our chairman is on a business trip and we are not yet sure when he will come back."

Lin Dongjun was shocked: "What about the contract with our Skyworth?"

"Of course he has to nod in person to confirm. Mr. Lin, as you know, all major decisions of our Dazhong Electric Appliances must be approved by the chairman." The manager in charge of the reception came up with the usual routine.

"This, this..." Lin Dongjun was a little confused.

He tried to call Zhang Dazhong, chairman of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, but no one answered. He then reported the situation to his sister in Xiangjiang, and finally reported to Zhang Xuebin, vice president of Skyworth.

After all the phone calls were made, the vice president said he would find a way to communicate.

Lin Dongjun had no choice but to lead his team back to the hotel in dismay.

And just when Lin Dongjun and his party left the headquarters of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, there were eyes looking at their somewhat dejected figures upstairs.

"That's Lin Dongjun, the vice president and deputy general manager of marketing at Skyworth."

"His sister is Mr. Huang's wife. Mr. Huang's wife Lin Weiping is in charge of procurement and administrative personnel in the company."

Fang Zhuo turned around and smiled at Zhang Dazhong, who walked up to him and helped him identify the person: "Mr. Zhang is familiar with them?"

"You have to deal with brands from time to time, and you will get familiar with them after going back and forth." Zhang Dazhong also lit a cigarette when he saw the people below getting into the car.

The two people stood by the window and communicated in a relatively low voice. In the conference room, IDG, Yike and Dazhong Electrical Appliances teams were discussing the acquisition price.

"Mr. Fang, actually I don't understand why you are suddenly so interested in chain appliances?" Zhang Dazhong's introduction was just a vague expression of attitude, and he didn't say much gossip, "I heard that Mr. Fang has always been in the Internet industry. "

Fang Zhuo took a drag on his cigarette and asked, "Does Mr. Zhang of Yongke Real Estate in Shanghai know?"

Then, he said with certainty: "Mr. Zhang must know."

Zhang Dazhong nodded silently. This was not because he knew about it in advance, but because Yongke Real Estate had invited domestic chain electrical appliance brands to settle in the commercial real estate they were about to develop.

"Yongke Real Estate has nothing to do with the Internet. Mr. Bingxin must have heard of it. The same is true. As for the market of this chain of electrical appliances, with all due respect, the competition is fierce. I have said before that even if Mr. Zhang agreed to the acquisition, and the management rights are still yours." Fang Zhuo reiterated his position.

Of course he can't bother to manage Dazhong Electrical Appliances, and founders like Zhang Dazhong will not be able to let go of it completely after taking the money.

Business leaders in their 60s often have similar traits, which can also be seen in Ni Runfeng. They are more persistent in their companies than professional managers.

Fang Zhuo continued: "Of course, Mr. Zhang is right. I came here not because of my interest in chain appliances, but because of the development of the new era of the Internet. E-commerce is a very good proposition."

"Chain electrical appliances is a fiercely competitive market, but online commerce has a bright future."

"Mr. Zhang, if you have felt pressure from brands such as Gome, Suning, Five Star, Yongle, etc. in recent years, you might as well look away from this market and try emerging industries."

Zhang Dazhong once again felt heartbroken when he heard these names on Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

He felt that Mr. Fang must have done his homework well.

Regional electrical appliance chains and national electrical appliance chains, this is a market where competition has gone from fierce to brutal in recent years.

As the head of Dazhong Electrical Appliances who is deeply aware of this, Zhang Dazhong could talk about this all day and all night. Of course, he cannot talk in front of Mr. Fang who intends to acquire his company now, otherwise he will kill himself.

He could only put a smile on his face, neither admitting nor denying it, just like - ah, yes, yes, it does happen, but it's not that serious.

As for e-commerce, Zhang Dazhong really didn't know much about it, and he only had some general rumors, so he couldn't talk about it in front of influential people on the Internet, otherwise he would only show his timidity.

Just smile.

Zhang Dazhong smiled and looked down at the scenery below the headquarters.

"Oh, Mr. Ni is here too. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Ni's Changhong products are also of very good quality. Anyway, they are all purchased and sold. It's not the same as who signed it." Fang Zhuo saw a few more cars parked downstairs and saw The head of a brother company.

Zhang Dazhong did not refuse, but just smiled and said: "Let's talk about it, Mr. Fang, you shouldn't be anxious about this kind of thing."

"We need to be cautious, but Mr. Zhang, you also need to see our sincerity." Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, "Including this purchase and sales cooperation, we can give what Skyworth can give, and we can give what Skyworth cannot give."

Zhang Dazhong nodded first, and then asked: "Can you give me what I can't give?"

"Yes, its leader can't come to see Mr. Zhang in person, but we can." Fang Zhuo smiled.

Zhang Dazhong smiled.

Changhong, led by Ni Runfeng, was different from the Skyworth team who left sadly. They met Mr. Zhang and Mr. Fang without any hindrance and wanted to negotiate a large-scale commercial purchase and sale agreement.

Changhong's first batch of LCD TV products that changed from plasma to plasma have been rolled off the production line. The market feedback of this batch of products will determine the support Ni Runfeng can get for his subsequent work. In a larger sense, it is also the first step to whether the company's strategic shift can go well. step.

As the saying goes, a good start is half the battle.

Ni Runfeng came to Dazhong Electric with excitement.

First, we are excited about the channel expansion of Changhong products.

The second is to be excited about poaching the corners of your peers.

Both gave him a greater sense of accomplishment.

However, I met Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhang. The cooperation negotiations between Changhong and Dazhong were in the conference room next door and were not mixed with the acquisition.

By noon, when several parties joined together, the dinner and wine party became particularly lively, and the smile on Zhang Dazhong's face was quite obvious.

The acquisition intention came suddenly, and the other party came even more quickly, but the price was real.

2.4 billion in pure cash is money that the entire family can spend endlessly, and it can also free Zhang Dazhong from the pressure of fierce market competition.

According to the current development of the situation, next year or even the year after, the previous mergers and acquisitions of major brands will be completed, and Dazhong Electrical Appliances will not be able to escape the fate of being acquired if it does not go public.

Zhang Dazhong felt that if he were 40 years old, he would never think of selling and would fight his way out.

But I am already 59 this year, how many more years can I continue to compete in the market?

The atmosphere was very good at noon, especially with Wang Fengyi, the socialite of the bar, everyone was having a good time drinking.

After three drinks, Fang Zhuo and Lao Xiong changed places and sat next to Ni Runfeng.

"How was the contact with the headhunter? How was the contact with you?" He asked about the recruitment situation.

"I personally called three executives, and the response was average." Ni Runfeng frowned and said, "Now that Skyworth is like this, they all think it is too ugly to leave at this time, and the reputation is not good."

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Indeed, reputation is very important."

Ni Runfeng glanced at Mr. Fang quietly.

"But, Lao Ni, have you broken this matter into pieces and made it clear to them?" Fang Zhuo changed the subject, "Talent is the foundation of an enterprise. We are not asking them to abandon their responsibilities and run away immediately. We will welcome their arrival in the next one or two years, when the impact of this matter in the industry has subsided and there will be no rumors of betrayal."

"Well, I mentioned it, maybe it's a bit minor." Ni Runfeng told the truth.

"Then let's work harder. There is still a problem in this regard." Fang Zhuo gave another suggestion, "When communicating, it is best to talk about whether the company is family-managed or whether it relies on professional managers."

Ni Runfeng was thoughtful, and suddenly felt something he really hadn't noticed.

"Before you came today, Mr. Huang's brother-in-law came to Dazhong on behalf of the company to sign a purchase and sale agreement that was supposed to be a sure thing. This can be considered a meritorious service on the surface. If it were me, I would not let a person of this status do it at a time like this. Come out and make meritorious deeds." Fang Zhuo said eloquently, "This time, Mr. Huang's brother was also involved in the incident. It involves the entire Huang family. According to Xiangjiang law, it is impossible for them to hold the position of director in the future."

"In this current situation, the family management that originally controlled Skyworth collapsed unexpectedly. The senior executives will definitely take over, but how long can this kind of ascendancy last?"

"The equity is there, Mr. Huang is the founder, and his wife's family has no legal problems. Now they are showing up. Do you think this family-owned company can trust professional managers for a long time?"

At this time of crisis, professional managers must be used or not. But after this critical moment, will the family that has always controlled the power of the company continue to transfer management rights?

Ninety percent of the time not.

Can family businesses trust professional managers?

Make do with trust.

But in other words, can professional managers be trusted?

Hey, it's just a coincidence.

However, in fact, this kind of thing is not either/or. Checks and balances and development are normal, but it also depends on the situation.

Enterprises have two very important powers, finance and personnel.

There was no need for Zhang Dazhong to introduce him before. Fang Zhuo also knew that Mr. Huang's wife Lin Weiping controlled the latter. At this time, would she let go of the power she originally held?

If executives can't get these two items, it will be difficult for them to make any big moves. And the Huang family, which is involved in the incident, probably don't want the company to make any big moves at this stage. They just want to survive smoothly and wait for their power to return.

So what does this mean for executives with business ambitions?

A tough boss and a smooth executive.

It's just sooner or later.

Fang Zhuo feels that if he wants to poach senior executives, he must analyze the situation clearly and let them see the foreseeable future. The senior executives who have daily contact with Skyworth know better than anyone whether Skyworth is a family management.

As for whether the Huang family will seek to return to power after this turmoil, the executives who work with them also know better than anyone.

After listening to Mr. Fang's detailed analysis, Ni Runfeng felt a chill from his tail bone shoot up to the sky...

"Let's see, it's not convenient for you to change the position of general manager of Luzhou Meiling. I'll come to the leader to do the work. If I need to take drastic measures, I'll take drastic measures. That's a family business there, but not here. It also has relatively independent autonomy." Fang Zhuo drank a glass of wine and took a job.

Ni Runfeng took a deep breath and nodded.

He thought for a while: "This kind of poaching is very attractive. In the future, there is even hope to poach Zhang Xuebin, who is currently in charge of Skyworth affairs."

Fang Zhuo put down his wine glass: "Zhang Xuebin? He is under much greater pressure from public opinion. After all, it seems that the Huang family is going to hand over the burden to him first."

"Yes, Zhang Xuebin was ordered to do so in a critical situation." Ni Runfeng said.

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and asked, "Did you even come into contact with him?"

Ni Runfeng replied: "I thought I would contact him anyway, so I would ask him, but he refused firmly."

"Well, people are like this. Even if you talk to Zhang Xuebin about the family business, he will definitely just listen and feel a chill in his heart. He just can't tell whether the company has a surname or not." Fang Zhuo said slowly, " Zhang Xuebin can't see clearly, please help him and them take a look."

"First spend a lot of money to buy horse bones and dig out a middle-level and senior-level person who is directly related to Zhang Xuebin, and then let your personal contact with Zhang Xuebin and other executives go public."

"In this case, he may not be able to do what he wants under the constraints of Lin Weiping."

Listening to Mr. Fang's light tone, Ni Runfeng felt the cold air from Tianling Gai rush back down again.

Lin Weiping holds the power of personnel, and the trust between the family and professional managers is probably very fragile in today's situation. Being disrupted by Mr. Fang...

Even if Zhang Xuebin endures it with the overall situation in mind, what about the other people?

Everyone can see it!

! ! !

Ni Runfeng filled himself up with wine, silently clinked glasses with Mr. Fang, and drank the whole drink.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Ni, what are you going to teach Mr. Fang?" Xiong Xiaoge communicated with entrepreneurs like Zhang Dazhong, who had not had much contact with them before, and when they came back, they saw Mr. Ni and Mr. Fang clinking glasses and drinking.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Ni, don't teach him. Mr. Fang is very arrogant. If you tell him about the ups and downs of the business world, he may realize some sinister truth in the future."

Ni Runfeng:?

"Mr. Xiong is an old friend, and Mr. Ni, Sister Xin, and Brother Wang are also old friends. We rarely have the chance to get together. Today I made a new friend, Mr. Zhang. I feel so happy." Fang Zhuo said happily. Cup, "Come on, everyone, just feel free to drink and drink to your heart's content. I have something else to do in the afternoon."

Xiong Xiaoge also raised his glass: "Whatever you want, I have to meet Wu in the afternoon, cough, Mr. Fang, to be honest, the Maotai you Yike stored is really good."

Five-star Electrical Appliances, which plans to go public overseas, has no plans to meet in the afternoon.

Wang Fengyi was stunned for a moment before he realized that Xiong Xiaoge answered Mr. Fang's "I still have something to do in the afternoon" smoothly. He was really a bitch.

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "I'm in a hurry this time, so I'd better bring the wine with me next time. Mr. Zhang, if you have time to go to Shanghai, you must come to my place and try the wine I have."

Zhang Dazhong smiled and raised his glass, with no strange expression on his face.

Everyone drank a glass of wine together, and the atmosphere was still harmonious.

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