Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 540 One after another (two in one)

"That Lin Dongjun who flew from Xiangjiang actually left like that?"

"My own company is facing difficulties. I flew here specially to sign a purchase and sale contract, but I was sent away so easily?"

"Mr. Wang, can you do such a thing?"

After lunch, Fang Zhuo and his party said goodbye to Dazhong Electrical Appliances, and made an appointment to continue the meeting the next day. Then they stayed at the hotel and briefly reviewed the situation.

Xiong Xiaoge was in a good mood today and drank a lot. It was incredible to hear from Mr. Fang that the Skyworth team came and left.

Now is not another moment, you can at least sit at the door and wait for a long time. It is a good idea. People are just sending them away, and you have to say a few words and leave silently like a big girl?

Are you here to do something?

Wang Fengyi was not angry when his name was called. He shook his head and said: "The people over there didn't know that Mr. Fang was here. I thought it was a sure thing, but I didn't expect there would be changes."

Xu Xin also commented: "Normally, it is not shown when the flowers are in bloom. It is only at critical moments that personal abilities are revealed. It is not just ability, but also character. Lin Dongjun is obviously not the one who can turn the tide."

Variables, variables, there are variables that fly overnight from Shanghai to Beijing. Even if someone with a strong character comes, can they really stop Mr. Fang's situation?

Xiong Xiaoge thought about it and forgave Lin Dongjun.

"What are you looking at me for?" Fang Zhuo listened to the three people chatting, blowing the tea leaves in the cup, and suddenly realized that they were looking at him.

"I want to see what other tricks Mr. Fang has against Skyworth." Xu Xin said.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "You guys, you are just thinking too much. The Tesco team is coming from Shanghai. I am afraid that this trip to acquire Dazhong Electrical Appliances will take several rounds of negotiations. I am full of thoughts about the future development of B2C. You and I It’s the same, it’s just gossip.”

He smiled and said, "Can I really keep trying to tease people?"

Wang Fengyi heard this and adjusted his sitting posture slightly.

Xiong Xiaoge laughed: "Mr. Fang, I believe it, I believe it, I believe it. Oh yes, where is Mr. Ni? Mr. Ni won't come over to chat in the afternoon."

"Mr. Ni has something to do." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "Changhong's LCD TV is offline. This is the top priority."

Xiong Xiaoge nodded repeatedly and said "hmm" twice.

It's not good for everyone to get to know each other. The old Xiong was so majestic and heroic back then, but why has he turned into such a strange and heroic Xiong now.

Fang Zhuo sighed inwardly and said: "I came in a hurry yesterday, drank a lot at noon, and rested in the afternoon. I have to talk to the team from Tesco in Beijing in the evening, and we will continue with Dazhong Electrical Appliances tomorrow. talk."

Xiong Xiaoge and Xu Xin had no objection. They were indeed very tired from yesterday to today.

Wang Fengyi did not leave immediately. After the two venture capitalists left, he apologized to Mr. Fang seriously: "Mr. Fang, there is something I have to tell you."

"Brother Wang, huh?" Fang Zhuo threw a cigarette and lit one himself.

"I took matters into my own hands. Thinking about what Dazhong Electric said, and thinking that Skyworth Lin Dongjun would be blocked from coming here, I called Yongle Electric in Shanghai." Wang Fengyi rubbed his hands, " I told him to see if we could delay the purchase and sales cooperation between Yongle Electric and Skyworth."

Fang Zhuo was startled: "Do you know Chen Xiao from Yongle?"

"I drank twice at the wine table." Wang Fengyi shook his head, "He has a good drinking capacity. Hey, hey, Mr. Fang, I didn't miss your business."

This tone of voice is clearly not conscious of causing trouble, but seeking praise.

Fang Zhuo sighed slightly: "Brother Wang, you did a good job, but don't do this next time."

Wang Fengyi's smile was slightly withdrawn as soon as it appeared.

"This time we are negotiating the acquisition with Dazhong Electrical Appliances, not for Skyworth, but for Tesco B2C." Fang Zhuo said, "Who in Shanghai doesn't know about the relationship between you, Mr. Wang, and me, Fang Zhuo? If you say that, then Chen Xiao also It just felt like I was the one who spoke.”

"Both Mr. Huang and I just have a little unhappiness. We won't let everyone think that I will retaliate."

Wang Fengyi immediately said seriously: "Mr. Fang, I didn't think enough about it."

"Sometimes some inexplicable words are said to me without knowing why. Oh, let's just leave it like that. Brother Wang, you should also take a rest." Fang Zhuo stubbed out half of his cigarette.

"Okay, Mr. Fang." Wang Fengyi stood up and left Mr. Fang with space to think alone. Well, Mr. Fang didn't say to call Yongle again to explain, so let's leave it at that.

Fang Zhuo sat on the sofa, playing with half a cigarette in his hand. His thoughts only turned to Skyworth for a few seconds before jumping to the development of Tesco.

Compared with the original plan, it is very likely that it will be supplemented by Dazhong Electrical Appliances, so its launch time can be slightly earlier.

Lin Dongjun's planned smooth signing unexpectedly failed.

This surprised Skyworth's senior executives.

At present, Skyworth's leadership is temporarily divided into two parts. One is Zhang Xuebin, who is responsible for daily operations, and the other is Lin Weiping, who holds the power of personnel, representing the opinions of the board of directors. The two of them also received Lin Dongjun's report immediately.

Zhang Xuebin was puzzled by the emergence of this situation. After all, the previous communication and statements came from Zhang Dazhong, the head of Dazhong Electrical Appliances. How could his attitude suddenly change?

He called twice. The first time he didn't get through, but the second time he got through and heard the other party's explanation.

"Mr. Zhang, it's not that I'm going to change my mind. I absolutely support Skyworth. However, Dazhong Electrical Appliances has just been involved in some equity changes recently, so it's hard to make big moves right away."

"As you know, with Suning and Gome going public, we, Dazhong Electric, are facing a lot of pressure. We have to be cautious when talking about cooperation with financial parties this time."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. After this period, I will come to Xiangjiang to talk to you personally."

Zhang Dazhong described the reasons very sincerely.

For major matters involving equity or even sales, it is indeed inconvenient to sign a contract unexpectedly.

As for who is the funder, there is no need to disclose the little business secrets.

Zhang Xuebin had to accept this explanation regardless of whether he believed it or not.

After he finished the call, he thought about it and felt that there was no reason for Dazhong Electric to suddenly "betray". Therefore, when asked by Mr. Huang's wife Lin Weiping, he gave this analysis.

However, that night, news suddenly came from Shencheng.

Chen Xiao, the head of Yongle Electric, suddenly also postponed the signing of the purchase and sales contract.

Two of the four major electrical appliance retailers that had expressed their opinions the day before changed their minds overnight, which made both Zhang Xuebin and Lin Weiping suspicious.

Zhang Xuebin contacted Chen Xiao as soon as he received the news.

"Mr. Zhang, this is mainly due to market considerations. Oh, it's not that I won't cooperate with Skyworth. I'll go back to Shanghai to talk in person in a few days." The head of Yongle Electric explained.

Zhang Xuebin couldn't accept it easily this time.

He talked about the good cooperation between the two parties, and also talked about Skyworth's sincerity to its partners at the critical moment of life and death. In this purchase and sale agreement, Skyworth gave up a lot of profits.

Zhang Xuebin's words were sincere and he was ready to fly to Shanghai immediately to see Chen Xiao.

Forced by this situation, Chen Xiao said helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, it's not that I have a problem with you, it's not that I don't want to help."

Zhang Xuebin heard the hidden meaning and asked: "Mr. Chen, what's the situation? You said, I will solve it and I will never let Mr. Chen get into trouble."

"Well, well, Mr. Fang from Yike has said hello. We are both in Shencheng, so I am not very merciful." Chen Xiao told the reason.

Zhang Xuebin was surprised.

Mr. Fang from Yike?

Which Yike? Which Mr. Fang?

Could it be Mr. Fang from another Yike!

He hung up the phone in a daze, puzzled. He never expected that Mr. Fang was causing trouble.

Zhang Xuebin has never met Mr. Yi Kefang, but the influence of the Forbes rich list is very high. He is involved in many major events in the Internet industry. Also, the changes in Changhong are said to be related to Mr. Fang...

However, what's going on between Skyworth and Fang?

Never heard of it at all!

Why does Mr. Fang want to add insult to injury?

Zhang Xuebin thought of Changhong Ni Runfeng's contact with him, and felt that it was totally unnecessary.

He thought for a long time and didn't think he had the dignity to make peace with Mr. Fang, so he reported the situation to Lin Weiping.

"It's actually him, Yongle, Yongle, so it could be him who is the funder of Dazhong Electrical Appliances?" Lin Weiping was also surprised, but there was a hint of surprise in her tone.

Zhang Xuebin heard the smell and asked about the situation.

Lin Weiping hesitated and talked about what she knew. When Ice Core purchased equipment, she asked Skyworth for help, but her husband Huang Hongsheng refused. Then, before the accident, they seemed to have met at a technology exhibition in Shanghai.

As for whether there were any other unpleasantness, she didn't know.

Zhang Xuebin asked in confusion: "There is no market for rear-projection TVs, and the technical routes of Epson and TI don't matter to us. Why should we reject them?"

The two technical routes of rear projection TV are not important at all. You can also know it from the attitudes of other TV brands.

He felt that Mr. Huang's previous rejection must have deep-seated reasons and conflicts.

"Well, you have to ask Lao Huang." Lin Weiping couldn't answer. She only knew that this was the case, "How about asking a lawyer to ask him."

"Okay, Mr. Fang from Yike is interfering at this juncture, and we have to pay attention." Zhang Xuebin's tone was solemn.

Lin Weiping also became nervous and discussed countermeasures.

Zhang Xuebin communicated for a while, hesitated, and did not tell him the invitation from Changhong Ni Runfeng. The current atmosphere of the call was not suitable.

call ended.

Zhang Xuebin held his mobile phone and thought of Mr. Yi Kefang and the deeds he had heard, and a shadow fell on his heart.

To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be tied, but the person who tied the bell cannot come out now.

Based on the rumored arrogant character of the other party, he suspected that his call might have the opposite effect.

Zhang Xuebin had a lot of work on his hands, so he could only temporarily suppress his uneasiness and inquire about the progress of other channels.

Fortunately, both Suning and Gome were doing fine, and there were no fluctuations.

In the evening, the situation of Dazhong Electrical Appliances and Yongle Electrical Appliances spread to a small extent within Skyworth, but it was suppressed by the news about Suning and Gome announced by Zhang Xuebin.

However, at seven o'clock, he received another piece of bad news.

Konka TV started channel promotions in advance.

It is expected that competitors would release pressure at this time, but the impact of this pressure still makes people feel nervous.

However, just an hour later, another large-scale promotion news from TCL was confirmed by the channel provider.

TCL has also taken action.

Zhang Xuebin held a meeting according to the scheduled plan to discuss the actions of his competitors.

In fact, there should be a third piece of bad news.

He believed that Changhong would definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

Sure enough, halfway through the meeting, the channel confirmed that Changhong would launch the first batch of LCD TVs, and the pricing was also quite competitive.

The continuous news from competitors caused a buzz of discussion in the conference room.

The main reason is that the current time point is not good. It is approaching the end of December and the peak period of home appliance consumption around the Spring Festival. The warm-up and development of channels will determine the performance of the company's important performance.

In particular, the launch of LCD TVs is critical for TV brands.

Second- and third-tier brands want to turn around with new LCD products, while first-tier brands want to continue their market leadership. This is destined to be a fierce competition.

Everyone in the conference room understood this and inevitably began to worry.

Zhang Xuebin is very calm. External competition will come sooner or later. The confirmation of the news makes his heart drop. The reason why Skyworth can now compete for the top position in TV is its strong channel system.

This is a very resilient bargaining chip, a competitiveness that will not be disturbed for a while.

He calmed down the atmosphere of the meeting and announced the promotion of seven middle- and senior-level positions in one breath. This was an adjustment discussed with the board of directors and was used to deal with the competition before the Spring Festival.

However, what made Zhang Xuebin incredible was that two of the seven appointments were rejected by Lin Weiping at 11 o'clock in the night.

"What! Why?" Zhang Xuebin was dissatisfied.

"Mr. Zhang, does Changhong want to poach you?" Lin Weiping was also very dissatisfied.

Zhang Xuebin didn't know where the wife of the boss heard the news, but after a second thought, he guessed that it might be Changhong's handiwork, and quickly calmed down: "I think, I'm afraid it's not just Changhong who thinks about it now, TCL and Konka also think about it, now Do you still doubt this?"

"I'm not doubting, Mr. Zhang, I think the more times like this, the more we should ventilate each other." Lin Weiping softened her tone, "I discussed the appointment of Zhang Miao and Zhou Qian with the directors, but it still doesn't make sense. , put this aside for now, didn’t those five people pass?”

"Both Zhang Miao and Zhou Qian have done very well with their channels. I believe they can better help the company at this juncture." Zhang Xuebin argued with reason.

"Mr. Zhang, put it aside. Even for the other five, I helped you decide under pressure. They will talk about it later, and I will fight for it." Lin Weiping said seriously.

Zhang Xuebin reluctantly agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he considered how to communicate with his two old subordinates to appease their mood.

He stayed up until midnight reviewing and approving documents with worries.

When he woke up in the morning and made several phone calls to arrange a meeting time, Zhang Xuebin suddenly received another piece of news that made him anxious.

The wife of the boss took her children to an interview with the media, accusing a certain wealthy man named Fang of targeting the company at this difficult time.

Suddenly, the media was in an uproar.

They were not in an uproar about the Skyworth situation, but they were in an uproar because there was violent news to write.

Zhang Xuebin could probably guess what the head's wife was thinking. He just thought that this could gain sympathy from the public, create pressure from public opinion for Mr. Fang, and make him stop for a moment due to scruples.

But, can this be useful?

He kills people without blinking an eye, but you still think about whether his eyes are dry or not.

Now we just have to gather our morale and confront him head-on!

His advantage is not in the television industry. We are the leader in this industry, so why show weakness to the enemy?

Moreover, didn’t you say that we should ventilate each other!

Zhang Xuebin felt that the situation was gradually out of control.

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