Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 541 Hahahaha (two in one)

Yi Ke Fangzhuo was named by Mrs. Huang in front of the media, which made the reporters in Hong Kong feel turbulent.

Why was another rich man who seemed completely unrelated to him mentioned in such a way by Lin Weiping? What grudges are there between the two rich men?

This is something that many tabloids in Hong Kong particularly want to expose.

Many reporters ran quickly, hoping to interview the richest man in the mainland who suddenly surfaced.

But no matter how fast your legs are, your pen is not as fast as yours. Several entertainment tabloids have already begun to speculate and fabricate the situation. Regardless of whether it is correct or not, they will first publish it in the newspapers to attract readers.

Compared with the media and public opinion, people in the industry who have long heard that Mr. Fang was the mastermind behind Mr. Huang’s incident all have a feeling that “it’s true.”

Let's see, let's see, otherwise the gossip is often the most accurate, this Mr. Fang has finally surfaced!

"It is reported that Skyworth has encountered a joint attack by many competitors such as TCL, Konka, and Skyworth, and the mastermind behind it is Yike President Fang Zhuo."

"Lin Weiping said something sad, how could Fang Zhuo bear to do this?"

"This is a wave of internal strife among mainland entrepreneurs!"

"While Skyworth is in crisis, Fang Zhuo's behavior can hardly be called an entrepreneur."

The media in Xiangjiang generally did not have positive comments about Fang Zhuo. This was partly due to Mrs. Huang's public relations, and partly because the wealthy people in Xiangjiang had been frustrated in acquiring land in Shencheng. Naturally, their media would not speak for the young president.

In particular, the Li family's financial journal quickly published an issue of the report with the cover title "The Great Evil Fang Zhuo", which was done in one go and caused widespread repercussions.

For a time, Fang Zhuo was somewhat infamous in Hong Kong public opinion, as if he was the culprit leading the Skyworth crisis.

Lin Weiping got the result she wanted, and was both happy and proud.

Zhang Xuebin felt a little exhausted. On the one hand, he continued to preside over the company's operational affairs, but on the other hand, he received more bad news.

Zhang Miao, a capable man who had been promoted and blocked before, did not respond to his comfort. Instead, he resigned after only one day.

"Zhang Miao, I promise that when this storm is over, I will definitely mention your position even if I go to the board of directors to pound the table."

Zhang Xuebin personally found his old subordinate and wanted to persuade him to leave.

"Mr. Zhang, I am not impulsive. Even if I reluctantly mention it this time, it will probably be like this in the future." Zhang Miao did not hide anything and said directly, "Meiling wants me to be responsible for a considerable part of the channel development work. The position The treatment and treatment are very good.”

"Mr. Zhang, everyone has his own ambitions. I have worked hard in the company and I don't feel sorry for anyone. There is one thing. I feel a little sorry for you, Mr. Zhang."

"Meiling wanted me to bring the team with me, but I refused. Mr. Zhang, that's all I can do."

Zhang Miao is very honest and firm.

Zhang Xuebin was speechless.

As the saying goes, everyone has his or her own ambitions. Even though they both have the surname Zhang, he is not his son, so how can he be forcibly held back from letting him go?

Zhang Miao left.

The time he left was the second day after Lin Weiping was interviewed.

He left quickly, not even asking for his final salary and unpaid bonus.

Lin Weiping, who held the power of personnel, naturally found out about this immediately and went to Zhang Xuebin directly.

"Zhang Miao is surrendering to the enemy! This is surrendering to the enemy! He has no professional ethics at all!" Lin Weiping was extremely angry.

Zhang Xuebin was very tired and spoke very straightforwardly: "Mr. Lin, the promotion promised to him was rejected in public. What do you want him to think?"

Lin Weiping sneered: "He has no professional ethics. If he gets promoted, won't he lead a group of people with him in the future? It would be foresight for such people not to be promoted!"

Zhang Xuebin: "..."

"Mr. Zhang, the lawyer said that Lao Huang will be released on bail in two days. He must ensure that the company does not get into trouble again in the past few days." Lin Weiping said, "Now that the media are all criticizing Fang Zhuo, he must cherish his feathers and wait for Lao Huang to come out. , with the company having a backbone, everything will be fine.”

Zhang Xuebin nodded silently. Although the view given by the Legal Department was not optimistic, the chairman was about to be released on bail, and everything had to wait until he came out.

Lin Weiping left the vice president's office.

Zhang Xuebin leaned on his seat and rubbed his temples, flashing through Zhang Miao's mind, flashing past his competitors, flashing past the "mastermind", and remaining silent in the office alone.

The media in Xiangjiang blows from south to north with the attitude that the wind wants to kill everyone, the rain wants to kill everyone, and the pen wants to kill everyone. However, this momentum diminishes a lot when it enters the mainland.

In comparison, mainland newspapers and periodicals are not as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as Xiangjiang entertainment newspapers, especially when it comes to the richest man in the mainland. If something goes wrong, it will be hard to escape the blame when the time comes.

Do you really think that Yike does not have a public relations department and a legal department?

Therefore, the reporting tone of the mainland media is much more objective and neutral, focusing on introducing the incident without criticizing Fang Zhuo.

The online media, which has always been more radical, is not so radical this time.

Needless to mention Sina, they simply wrote to refute the inexplicable accusations made by the wife of the boss. Other portals such as Sohu, NetEase, Penguin and other portals also mostly waited and watched.

Mr. Fang has a wide network of contacts, and the strong wind and rain in the south are just a gentle breeze and drizzle on the network in the north.

However, Zhang Dazhong was surprised by the number of Xiangjiang reporters wandering around the Dazhong Electrical Appliances Headquarters recently. These reporters and paparazzi have a very keen sense of smell, and they actually came here to guard Mr. Fang.

Zhang Dazhong didn't think some reports could hurt Mr. Fang, but felt that it would arouse the young CEO's anger.

On December 20, Dazhong Electric once again held a round of acquisition negotiations with Yike.

However, Mr. Fang, who had appeared before, did not come this time.

Zhang Dazhong keenly discovered that the acquisition interest of the Yike team seemed to be declining, and the terms of the previous three rounds of penny-pink exchanges were no longer so urgent to argue.

"Why didn't Mr. Fang come?" Zhang Dazhong asked Mr. Fang's whereabouts again after this round of negotiations.

"Hey, to be honest, our acquisition negotiations have lasted for three rounds, and the differences in price and shares are quite large. Mr. Zhang, you are not willing to sell all the shares. As for Mr. Fang, 100% shareholding is his bottom line. "

"Now the media is writing nonsense again. We, Mr. Fang, always cherish our reputation. Before we acquired Dazhong Electrical Appliances, the reporter said that Mr. Fang was targeting Skyworth and instigating channel dealers..."

"So, regarding the future of e-commerce in China, we at Yike may have to invest in Five Star Electric just for financial reasons."

"As for the next round of negotiations on the acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, the negotiations did not go well this time, so we need to put it on hold for the time being. The team has to wait for Mr. Fang's opinion."

The vice president in charge of this round of negotiations at Yike said this - Mr. Fang had to consider canceling the acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances because he was concerned about public opinion and reputation.

Zhang Dazhong was shocked.

There must be an intention to retreat in order to advance in these words, but will Mr. Fang take action because of such factors?

Zhang Dazhong took on the other party's position and felt that reputation was quite important. Not to mention it was the whole factor, it was also a very influential factor.

So what will happen if Mr. Fang really gives up the acquisition...

Dazhong Electrical Appliances has to face fierce competition from all parties again, and it has to face a Five-Star Electrical Appliances that may receive financial support and is closer to being listed overseas.

Best of all, the clatter of cash is gone.

It was fine before the acquisition was discussed, but now after four rounds of acquisition negotiations, the piles of cash that had basically been brought to the front were suddenly moved back. This feeling... is quite strange.

Zhang Dazhong was a little restless, but decided to stop calmly.

At the same time, he suspended the negotiations between Dazhong Electrical Appliances and Changhong on the purchase and sale of LCD TVs in order to express his attitude.

There was no protest from Changhong. Ni Runfeng called personally and expressed that he was looking forward to cooperating with Dazhong Electrical Appliances at any time. Then he went straight to Shanghai to discuss purchase and sales cooperation with Yongle Electrical Appliances.

The price of Changhong’s first batch of LCD TVs to channel dealers is very competitive. Even out of normal business considerations, channel retailers still have room for cooperation.

This continued for two days, and there was no movement in Yike's negotiations. Even the paparazzi reporters stationed at Dazhong Electrical Appliances Headquarters dispersed.

Zhang Dazhong re-considered the development of Dazhong Electric Appliances, the competition in the national chain appliance market, and the acquisition price offered by Yike. He held a high-level meeting again to discuss Yike's acquisition, and finally decided to make concessions after four rounds of negotiations.

On December 23, Zhang Dazhong called Fang Zhuo to discuss the greater possibility of Yike acquiring Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

The two chatted on the phone for a long time, and finally basically reached an intention to acquire the company, and made an appointment for a formal negotiation the next day.

That is to say, after four rounds of negotiations and the exchange of decisive opinions between the chairman of both parties, Yike's acquisition of Dazhong Electrical Appliances has made breakthrough progress.

That night, the Hong Kong paparazzi photographed the controversial Yike Fangzhuo having dinner with friends at a restaurant next to the Workers' Stadium. Unfortunately, the lonely paparazzi failed to interview this elusive young CEO. It is a pity that Missed the news.

The next day, many Xiangjiang paparazzi reporters who learned about the renewed negotiations between Yike and Dazhong were wandering outside the headquarters of Dazhong Electric, like a pack of hyenas looking for prey.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yike's business car arrived as scheduled, and the paparazzi cheered up, thinking that they had caught the real owner this time.

Sure enough, Fang Zhuo, the president of Yike and the richest man in the mainland, appeared in the camera.

Paparazzi reporters gathered around, wanting to interview the person who had been waiting for several days.

"Mr. Fang Zhuo, what explanation do you have for Lin Weiping's accusations against you?"

"Mr. Fang, are you deliberately targeting Skyworth Group?"

"I heard that Mr. Fang and Huang Hongsheng had a grudge for a long time. Is that true?"

“Is Yike’s acquisition of Dazhong an attempt to snipe Skyworth?”

"Mr. Fang Zhuo, are you so silent and silent because you feel guilty?"

Yi Ke's negotiation team temporarily became security, preventing the paparazzi reporters from putting the microphone into their boss's mouth, and there was some pushing and shoving from both sides.

The paparazzi asked questions and took photos.

Fang Zhuo walked in the crowd indifferently.

When he was about to enter the headquarters of Dazhong Electric, various questions were still heard in his ears, some were more aggressive, some were slightly tactful, and some set up sensitive conflict traps.

People from my own company formed the inner circle, and paparazzi reporters from Hong Kong formed the outer circle.

Fang Zhuo stood on the steps and looked down, finding the scene quite interesting.

"Mr. Fang, did you instruct Skyworth's competitors to pursue it?"

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of the cover story of 'The Evil Fang Zhuo'?"

"Mr. Fang, do you think you can bear the title of 'entrepreneur'?"

"Mr. Fang, public opinion is accusing you of attacking Skyworth. Don't you have something to say?"

The paparazzi reporters saw the client approaching the door and about to enter the headquarters of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, and their questions were louder and harsher than before.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the camera and waved his hand.

Just when the paparazzi reporters and Yike's own team felt that Mr. Fang wanted to respond directly...

"Ha ha ha ha."

Fang Zhuo laughed a few times, said nothing, turned around and walked into the headquarters of Dazhong Electric, leaving a free and easy back view for the camera.

The Gouzi reporters were all stunned.

The Yike team filed in.

The security guards of Dazhong Electrical Appliances guarded the door and prevented these people from Xiangjiang from disturbing the normal business activities of Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

——"What does Fang Zhuo's long laugh mean?" 》

——"Ignoring justice is too arrogant!" 》

——"Is this the richest man in the Mainland?" 》

Although the paparazzi reporters only received laughter from the person involved, this did not prevent them from analyzing the young rich man from different angles.

However, on the day that Huang Hongsheng was successfully released on bail, Dazhong Electrical Appliances announced that it had changed owners, and Yike officially acquired this famous domestic electrical appliance chain company. And in the afternoon after the acquisition was completed, Dazhong Electrical Appliances couldn't wait to notify Skyworth, and it ended regretfully. Both sides cooperate.

Later, Changhong announced a large-scale commercial purchase and sale agreement with Dazhong Electrical Appliances.

"Competition exists in business, and this is normal."

"If the opponent is weak, should the competitors sit in a row and wait for this suspended company to be ready in all aspects?"

"Then let the competitors directly send money to it."

"The husband went in and the wife cried. Is this the respect for the rule of law that it claimed in the media conference?"

"Could it be that Fang Zhuo forced the other party to break the law?"

As Changhong's stock price rose in response, Shanghai's "Shencheng Evening News" issued a voice, objecting to the southern media's smear campaign against Yi Ke Fangzhuo. It also listed the difficult entrepreneurial path of the richest man in Shanghai and the competition with foreign companies when going abroad. .

The next day, "Wan Provincial Daily" published a report on the relevant incident. It believed that the competitive behavior of Changhong, Konka and other home appliance companies complied with market rules and should not be attacked wantonly. Some gossipy entertainment reports were even more nonsense.

Print media spoke out, while and other portal websites reviewed the past bad behavior of Hong Kong entertainment newspapers and accused them of being instigated by others for their attacks on well-known figures in the Internet industry.

On December 25, Christmas day, Fang Zhuo was still in the capital. In front of Ni Runfeng, he called Zhang Xuebin, the vice president of Skyworth who was currently in charge of daily business activities, and wanted to talk to him about the shortage that Luzhou Meiling was currently experiencing. general manager position.

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