Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 554 (Two in One)

The level of administration varies from high to low. This is Fang Zhuo's personal experience of meeting leaders of different cities in the past few years.

For example, those who are just average, such as Qiu Lanhua 1.0 from the Lin'an period, liked to compose poems at dinner parties, and almost got together with the Top Group.

It's pretty good, like Qiu Lanhua 2.0 in the New District period, who has suffered ups and downs of beatings and interpersonal relationships, and has made significant progress in her work style and methods.

What was particularly impressive was the big leader of Anhui Province who had previously asked for money, roads, and people. If it weren’t for this person’s sincerity, Bingxin would not have settled in Luzhou.

But then again, there are various factors that affect the level of people, and the overall level of a region is obviously directly proportional to economic development.

Fang Zhuo agrees with both Shencheng and Pengcheng in this regard.

Bing Xin's affairs in Luzhou were certainly smooth, but that was due to the human factor. Shencheng had more advantages here, and the procedures for all matters were significantly simplified and more convenient.

Fang Zhuo held a meeting for most of the day on the 27th and contacted Qiu Ciyun in the evening to inquire about the arrangement of the expert team and whether the work was progressing smoothly.

As a result, I heard the other party’s report on the promotional video.

"What? What bullshit propaganda? Why don't you call me? Where is the person? Let Song Deming answer the phone!"

Fang Zhuo was shocked by the propaganda that came out of nowhere and Qiu Ciyun's handling of it.

"He, he just left with the people from the TV station." After hearing Mr. Fang's reaction, Qiu Ciyun knew something was wrong and reported, "The leader came here very formally with the TV station and administrative staff. After seeing me Talking about the communication with Mr. Fang yesterday...I, I just followed the arrangement in a daze."

Fang Zhuo laughed angrily: "Confused? Old Qiu, Old Qiu, you are really confused!"

He hung up the phone!

Qiu Ciyun was so confident two days ago, why has he become so confused today!

Fang Zhuo held his cell phone and banged his desk.

Needless to say the significance of the assistance from SMIC’s expert team, the difficulty can also be imagined!

How could this be possible?

Bang bang bang bang!

Fang Zhuo resisted the urge to throw the phone away.

After a while, the secretary walked into the office and was shocked when he saw the boss's face.

"Get out." Fang Zhuo didn't yell.

The secretary struggled for two seconds, stubbornly put the document down, and then ran away.

After a while, Vice President Su Wei came over quietly.

"What's going on? Who dares to mess with President Fangda?" Su Wei poured a cup of tea with a smile and said meaningfully, "Make tea with Buddha's hand to moisten your throat and clear away the heat. Come on, Mr. Fang, have a try. "

Fang Zhuo took it and put it on the table, holding back his anger and recounting the incident.

Su Wei pondered for a while and said, "You can't blame Mr. Qiu too much. Let me tell you, Mr. Fang, do you think everyone is like you?"

"You are chatting and laughing with big leaders now and then, leading your team to arrange for leaders from the province to discuss cooperation. But Mr. Qiu is not a talented person in this field."

"Don't treat Song Deming as a cadre."

"The deputy leader of a dignified provincial capital city, whom many people will never come into contact with in their lifetime, leads a TV station to promote the company before the Spring Festival. They also talked about communicating with you, the big boss."

"Don't talk about Mr. Qiu. If it were me, I might be confused. Mr. Qiu is a technical person, not an administrative person."

Su Wei spoke eloquently and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, you don't regard District Chief Qiu as a cadre, but Song Deming is really a solid leader in the local area."

"Now that the matter is over, it's better to arrange the work quickly."

"Mr., the richest man in the Mainland, is this the time to get angry?"

Fang Zhuo breathed out, picked up the tea, took a sip, shook his head and said: "This Song Deming must be very eloquent. I really didn't expect that he would call me first and be able to rely on this the next day." Ice core photography promotion.”

Su Wei nodded. This was a bit like cutting things off first. According to common sense, it is also very common for city leaders to personally lead people to promote companies and give encouraging speeches at the same time.

However, most people communicate their itinerary in advance. Even if they don’t communicate in advance, how can the company refuse?

Take a step back. If you want to refuse, I've been here since I came, and I've taken all the photos. If you don't look up when you look up in Luzhou, why don't you look down because of this little thing?

Maybe people think that you, Bing Xin, should thank him.

Su Wei speculated like this and asked again: "He contacted you yesterday, and it was just a polite greeting?"

"I didn't even mention the promotional video!" Fang Zhuo became angry again after thinking about it. "Not only did we chat and ask about the ice core, but I also felt that the real estate development around the ice core was given to me as extra money."

Su Wei was stunned. If Yongke Real Estate had money, of course it would develop Shencheng. No matter what, it would go to Lin'an. Mr. Fang's relationship with Shencheng was even more profound than the impact of the ice core project in Anhui Province!

Not to mention that Leader Song was not regarded as a cadre, but this man regarded himself too much as a cadre.

In terms of level, Song Deming is really not as good as Judi.

Su Wei looked a little weird.

But how can I put this? It is sometimes difficult to grasp local customs.

Su Wei herself is from Anhui Province, and her best friend Yu Hong's father also works in the following places, so she is more or less aware of the differences in levels there.

When she thought of this, her heart suddenly moved. She counted the time and said, "I think he may have another consideration. There will be many job changes this year."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Xiao Su and said calmly: "Then he has really found the right person."

"Hey, Mr. Fang, why don't you make it a big deal? After all, you are the leader." Su Wei advised.

"What can I do? What do you think I'm going to do? I'm just a business owner. I just want to see the wafers roll off the production line as soon as possible. I just begged my grandpa and grandma to get a group of experts to help." Fang Zhuoyue said more calmly, "I What can you do?”

Su Wei could tell that Mr. Fang was really angry.

She didn't know what Mr. Fang could do, but she knew that Mr. Fang could definitely do something.

Fang Zhuo finished his cup of tea and called Qiu Ciyun feeling calm.

"Mr. Qiu, this is the end of the matter. The remaining 10 days of work of the expert team have been arranged. It won't be easy for anyone to come. I don't think I need to say this. You should be able to understand. Remember, it won't be easy for anyone to come." Fang Zhuo emphasized.

Qiu Ciyun said guiltily: "Mr. Fang, it's my fault. I didn't arrange it well. I thought it was half a day, and thought..."

"Mr. Qiu, I said, the matter is over. I'm done being angry. You should quickly adjust your mentality and finish the task of fighting for the Spring Festival." Fang Zhuo interrupted and comforted the other party.

Qiu Ciyun no longer talked about today's events, but instead talked about the troubleshooting arrangements for the manufacturing process.

Fang Zhuo listened patiently for a while before ending the call.

He looked at Su Wei and said, "Mr. Su, do you still want to see how a man responds to other people's kindness?"

Su Wei blinked and said, "It doesn't hurt to take a look. Anyway, Mr. Fang doesn't have the glory of being the richest man in my heart as he does in other people's hearts."

Fang Zhuoran, that’s okay too.

He picked up the phone and thought about how it could express something about himself.

If Song Deming was still in Bingxin just now, there would be no doubt that he would scold him directly on the phone.

Now that the person has left, Xiao Su has come to persuade him again, and he has drank a cup of tea to relieve his anger, so there is no need to go to him directly so fiercely.

But you can't ignore it, otherwise, if Song Deming comes today, Song De'an will come next time.

No matter what the reason is, whether it is just for publicity, or whether you want to use the ice core as a work performance, please do not add entities unless necessary in the future.

If the ice core is needed, it will naturally be requested.

Fang Zhuo no longer lost his temper with Song Deming, and began to guard against the troubles Song Deming and others might cause in the future.

He called Sina.

"Brother Wang, do me a favor. Sina has a sudden financial news. SMIC is suspected to be in acquisition negotiations with Bingxin. Once the acquisition is completed, the latter may move to Shanghai."

Wang Yan was shocked: "Ah? Mr. Fang, what's going on?"

"Borrow Sina's page for use." Fang Zhuo said calmly.

Wang Yan understood. It was purely suspicious.

He agreed, paid his respects to Mr. Fang, and chatted about Sina's game trials.

Financial news is just a trivial matter. After all, it is just suspicion. This is not considered fake news. What else can be more suspicious than coming from the mouth of the person involved?

Mr. Fang said he wanted to sell ice cores, so calling SMIC for a chat would be an acquisition negotiation, right?

The call is over.

Fang Zhuo turned his head and said to Su Wei: "Sina is the largest portal website in the country. It does a particularly good job in online news and its timeliness is very good. Many leaders like to visit Sina."

Su Wei heard the song and knew its elegant meaning: "Does the big leader in the province also read it?"

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly, did not continue the discussion, and made the second call to Yongke Real Estate.

"Find someone to work overtime to dismantle all the scaffolding and the like that are being built around the ice core, tear down all the slogans, and tear down all the temporary buildings and listen to the noise."

Liu Suyi, the president of Yongke Real Estate, who received the call, could hear the big boss's displeasure and asked: "Mr. Fang, why is this Chinese New Year so grand?"

"It's not anger, it's saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, it's peace and quiet." Fang Zhuo replied.

"Okay, Mr. Fang, received." Liu Suyi didn't ask any more questions and just opened it. He didn't know what Mr. Fang wanted to do, but he wanted to hear the sound. This was too simple.

Fang Zhuo hung up the phone, pondered for a moment, and then contacted Sun Qi, the director in charge of e-commerce warehousing and logistics, and asked him to arrange for a group of trucks to be waiting at the entrance of the ice core factory.

The trucks also all have Shencheng license plates, so they are just showing off.

Su Wei listened and asked, "Mr. Fang, are you really thinking about moving out?"

"Why are we moving? The Spring Festival has not even passed yet. The expert team is still inside, and the risky trial production has not been completed yet." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "But the days are long, and it is not certain where the center of gravity of the ice core will be."

"Actually, it's inappropriate and inappropriate for Song Deming to be alone now," Su Wei said.

Fang Zhuo nodded in agreement: "Yes, so we need to reach a consensus on whether we should develop the project properly. If there is no development, don't let this kind of people get close."

"If I can't control others, how can I not control my own business?"

Fang Zhuo said this and called Qiu Ciyun again, briefly explaining: "Mr. Qiu, you should find someone to take down the sign outside the ice core now."

Qiu Ciyun didn't ask anything and silently found someone to execute it.

Fang Zhuo finally called his close comrade-in-arms Qiu Xiaoguan: "Old leader, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and I have to go to Luzhou soon. It's not convenient to send you anything other than tea. How about this? I'll let Sina interview us. Let me praise the administrative level of the new district."

Huh? Is there such a good thing?

Qiu Xiaoguan agreed immediately.

Sina's news team in Shanghai was immediately booked for an interview in the evening.

"There's no need to go along, it's just a boring interview." Fang Zhuo said to Su Wei before leaving.

Su Wei witnessed several actions of her boss and wondered if the big boss would be alarmed, but she always felt that the little boss would not be able to have a good year.

On the evening of January 27th.

Luo Minghua, the secretary-general of Luzhou, returned home early and planned to spend time with his family in advance. He also had work arrangements to visit retired leaders on New Year's Eve, so he couldn't accompany him that day.

However, before they could talk much, the son who was browsing the computer suddenly spoke up.

"Dad, isn't the ice core the big project in Luzhou that you often talk about?"

Luo Minghua nodded: "Yes, it took a lot of effort to get the ice core to settle here. What happened?"

"There is news on the Internet that it may be acquired and moved."

Luo Minghua was shocked. He quickly went over to take a look and found that it was, which had a close relationship with Mr. Fang. He suddenly felt that there must be something wrong with the ice core.

He immediately took out his cell phone and tried to contact Mr. Fang to ask what was going on.

However, the call went unanswered.

Luo Minghua quickly contacted Mr. Qiu in Luzhou.

Qiu Ciyun had already received the explanation from Mr. Fang and said with a sullen face: "Secretary-General, our technology is not up to standard. SMIC just sent experts to help yesterday. If this still cannot be solved, you may have to consider selling yourself to SMIC. It depends on the specific situation." How can we talk about it over there?"

"How, how can this work?" Luo Minghua was extremely stunned.

While dressing, he stood up to interview Qiu Ciyun.

Qiu Ciyun declined politely: "SMIC gave us 11 days. Today, leader Song Deming came to shoot a promotional video. It has already been used for one day. We have to work overtime. Secretary Luo, please contact Mr. Fang directly. I am not responsible either." content in this regard.”

Luo Minghua still called Mr. Fang and drove to the ice core.

As soon as we arrived at the factory gate, what a surprise! The signs are all gone!

What a big word "ice core"!

He didn't go in to look for Qiu Ciyun, but stood at the door and dialed Mr. Fang's number.

Just as the call was connected, Luo Minghua watched as cars with Shanghai license plates slowly parked on the road outside the ice core factory.

"Hello, hello, Secretary-General Luo? Hello?" Fang Zhuo's voice rang in the receiver of the mobile phone.

Luo Minghua stared at the truck blankly and said blankly: "Mr. Fang, why did it get so bad all of a sudden?"

"No, everything is normal." Fang Zhuo smiled.

Before Luo Minghua could say anything, he saw another group of workers pouring into the opposite construction site that had been suspended due to the upcoming Chinese New Year, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Fang, what's going on? What's going on? It's said in the news that ice cores are going to be sold to SMIC?"

He doesn't understand, very much.

"There are rumors, how is this possible? SMIC did provide emergency assistance to us to pass the technical test, but Bingxin will never sell it. At most, it will accept a partial shareholding from the other party." Fang Zhuoyun said calmly, "Let's look at the technical results before and after the Spring Festival. ,This is very important."

Just as Luo Minghua was about to speak, another cell phone rang in his pocket, and it turned out to be a provincial leader.

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