Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 555 Exchange of opinions (two in one)

Trucks were parked on the roadside one after another.

The workers walked into the construction site one by one.

The moonlight shines on the bare factory exterior walls.

Luo Minghua suddenly felt like he was dreaming, and then he was shocked back to reality by the big leader's number.

Sweat broke out on his back for a moment, and he wanted to directly answer the boss's phone call, and then put this mobile phone together with the one on his hand. Leader Wang had designated that he wanted to ask about the ice core!

Just let the two of you chat directly over the phone!

"Mr. Fang, please wait a moment, I'll take a call."

There was even a hint of pleading in Luo Minghua's voice. He was really stunned by the heavy punch.

"Okay." Fang Zhuo agreed simply.

Luo Minghua took a breath, answered the call of the senior leader, and said in a deep voice: "Hello, Leader Wang."

"Secretary-General Luo, I just received some news about the semiconductor project in our province. Do you know this situation?" The leader Wang Shushan's voice was unhurried and he asked Luo Minghua, who was responsible for the ice core in the city.

Sina's top-ranked financial news has a very broad impact. Reports from the country's number one portal are a window into the Internet age for many leaders, and Sina itself has not relaxed its advantage at this level.

In fact, Wang Shushan not only received reports from his secretary, but also received calls from outside Anhui Province.

In the area of ​​integrated circuits, only SMIC in China had the hope to catch up with the international advanced level.

The barrel effect can be applied to this field. Without the procurement of advanced equipment, it will be difficult to achieve an advanced level based on this. The manufacturing of domestic equipment also has a long way to go, and there is no hope in the short term.

Now there is an additional ice core.

Unlike SMIC, which was sued by Taiwanese reporters, Bingxin seems to be innocent in this regard. If it can reproduce the speed of SMIC's development, integrated circuits will have more possibilities to catch up in the future.

The content of the phone call Wang Shushan received was very subtle.

Not only did they inquire about the specific development situation of Bingxin in Luzhou, Anhui Province, but they also briefly explored and expressed the future plans of Bingxin. If the development is really not good due to geographical relations, then it is better to move to a place with clearer planning and better development. Forget it about Shencheng for a long time.

From the perspective of the Beijing authorities, Shanghai's Zhangjiang High-tech Park is far better equipped than Luzhou to develop integrated circuits.

Wang Shushan expressed dissatisfaction with this.

But when I called Luo Minghua, the secretary-general in charge of the development of ice cores in Luzhou, he didn't mention those levels of communication. He just asked about the situation of the ice cores first.

"It stands to reason that the development of ice core should be within the plan." Luo Minghua did not let the sound of his breathing reach the mobile phone. He stood on the roadside and looked at the outer wall where the two characters "ice core" should have been hung. "I I also contacted Mr. Fang, and he made it clear that SMIC’s acquisition of Bingxin was nonsense.”

Wang Shushan asked: "Why is Sina publishing the 'nonsense' news?"


It is precisely because the publishing entities are different, and it is precisely because it is almost impossible for Sina to publish random news about Mr. Fang, that it attracts attention!

What does Mr. Fang want to do?

What happened to the ice core?

Luo Minghua was silent for three seconds and first reported on the recent development of ice core: "Ice Core has successfully purchased a batch of international advanced equipment and introduced the 130nm process technology of the Belgian Microelectronics Research Center. The goal during this period is to digest and absorb it, try Conduct risk trial production.”

"According to the original plan, Ice Core will have a risk trial production observation event with the city on February 15."

"This is the city's activity schedule. In fact, the trial production plan inside the ice core was originally scheduled for December 2004, but it has now been postponed for more than a month."

“There may be difficulties in assimilating the technology here.”

"I have verified this from Mr. Fang, and SMIC has provided emergency technical assistance."

Luo Minghua reported the situation he had learned, and paused for a moment: "Yesterday, deputy leader Song Deming came to Ice Core to shoot a promotional video, but he didn't hear any news about SMIC's acquisition of Ice Core. I am now at the door of Ice Core's factory. Be prepared to continue to understand the situation.”

Wang Shushan did not comment on the report and simply said: "We will hold an impromptu meeting at ten o'clock."

"Yes, Leader Wang."

It's half past eight, there's still an hour left.

Luo Minghua agreed and ended the call.

Then, he quickly went to get another cell phone that was put in his pocket, and found that Mr. Fang had hung up...

Luo Minghua sighed unconsciously. He originally wanted to use this phone call to express the province's importance to the ice core project, but he didn't expect that Mr. Fang actually hung up. Didn't he say "wait a moment"!

He checked the call time before calling again. He estimated that the last call ended within a few seconds, and he probably didn't hear the call between him and the big boss.

Toot, toot, toot.

Luo Minghua answered the call again with a sigh of relief.

"Wait a minute, Lao Qiu, I'll take another call."

"Why do you have so many calls today?"

Luo Minghua heard the voice on the other end, and then Mr. Fang greeted him.

"Secretary-General Luo, are you done? I'm also a little busy here. I have a joint interview in the new district." Fang Zhuo said cheerfully.

"Mr. Fang, it was Leader Wang who called just now to inquire about the ice core situation." Luo Minghua first laid out a big bargaining chip and then asked, "Both the province and the city are very concerned about Sina's report that SMIC is going to acquire ice cores. .”

Fang Zhuo was surprised and said, "Leader Wang didn't call me or ask me, what could happen to Ice Core? Didn't I just say that there will never be a situation where SMIC acquires Ice Core?" Do not worry."

Luo Minghua endured his temper: "Then why did Sina report it like this?"

"Financial news is so lax, I will criticize them later." Fang Zhuo said lightly.

Luo Minghua: "..."

He asked a little excitedly: "Mr. Fang, we all know the relationship between Sina and you. I don't believe that such news is 'not rigorous'."

"Otherwise? It's just a lack of rigor of a young reporter." Fang Zhuo still said.

"What about Sina putting news at the top?" Luo Minghua pointed out the problem.

"It's just a lack of rigor from a chief editor." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Luo Minghua said seriously: "Mr. Fang, no one can believe this."

Fang Zhuo said helplessly: "I don't believe this, I don't believe that either. Secretary-General Luo, what do you want me to say?"

Luo Minghua was moved: "Mr. Fang, brother Fang, don't say anything else, please remember the pork ribs that I fried with my own hands!"

"Well, those ribs do taste good." Fang Zhuo pondered.

Previously, Luo Minghua, a well-ranked secretary-general in the city, took Fang Zhuo to his home and cooked four dishes himself. Both of them remembered this.

Luo Minghua continued: "Anyway, you have to give me a reason, so I can explain it tonight."

"I've told the truth. If you don't believe it, I can't say that Deputy Chief Song Deming went to the ice core factory and held employees to hold a swearing-in meeting and filmed an inexplicable promotional video, thus delaying the precious time of SMIC's dispatched assistance team. Right?" Fang Zhuo finished speaking in one breath, and then said, "What's the point of having to make up something like this?"

Luo Minghua was stunned.

Although I did learn this news from Qiu Ciyun before, I also keenly felt that there might be something wrong here.

But knowing this from Mr. Fang still made him feel...

That's it? Just because of this?

Is it so much trouble?

Luo Minghua couldn't understand.

He pondered for a few seconds and then said: "Mr. Fang, let me apologize to you on behalf of Song Deming. He is also eager to work and does not consider the normal business activities of the company."

"Oh, you call me Brother Fang, and I call you Brother Luo. This is a private friendship between us. I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously." Fang Zhuo said with a gentle attitude, "Although SMIC's expert team I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma that I had been drinking for three more days to put on this face and not get technical assistance from it, but it really doesn’t mean anything.”

Luo Minghua: "..."

To be honest, Luo Minghua really didn't think there was anything to be angry about when Song Deming, who was in charge of publicity, went to Ice Core to shoot a promotional video. In other words, he did waste a day. He could be angry, but there was no need to be so angry, right?

However, there was a meeting in the evening, and Mr. Fang made this technical assistance so difficult.

Luo Minghua had no choice but to assume that he understood why he was so angry, and then said: "Brother Fang, what do you want to do? This is our private friendship, just chatting."

"I have no problem with the promotional video. I have a problem with the promotional video that comes to the door without saying hello. I have no problem with Song Deming. I have a problem with Song Deming who doesn't interact with us at all but suddenly bypasses Brother Luo." Fang Zhuo said eloquently, "Recently, I have indeed talked a lot with Mr. Zhang from SMIC about corporate development. Whether it is my Yike or his SMIC, we have almost never encountered similar problems."

"Forget it, Brother Luo, so as not to embarrass you, I'll call Leader Wang directly later and tell him what I think."

"Our ice core just needs to pick you up, Song Deming is not needed."

Fang Zhuo said this.

"Brother Fang, please don't hurt me." Luo Minghua said with a bitter smile.

"Oh? I don't know how to deal with twists and turns, will this hurt you?" Fang Zhuo's voice was full of doubts.

Luo Minghua feels that people like Mr. Fang are really difficult to deal with. Let’s talk about his leadership status. The big deal is that he will not develop in Luzhou. Let’s not talk about his leadership status. He will go around and around without digging his heart out.

There was originally a meeting in the evening. If the leader heard what Mr. Fang said, he would immediately feel that it was the work assignment between himself and Song Deming that caused Bing Xin's resentment and backlash. Maybe he felt that Bing Xin was setting up Song Deming because of his relationship with him.

Bingxin is now a treasure of the province, and more than one leader is concerned about it.

Don't mess with it until it turns into yellow mud and falls off your crotch. It will make you depressed for the rest of your life.

"Brother Fang, in this case, for your ice core matter, I have an urgent meeting to attend in the evening." Luo Minghua said thoughtfully, "Because this is the first time that the province and city have approached us about a major semiconductor project like ice core. The understanding of technology development and business requirements is not adequate."

"I will show the ice core situation. Our 130nm process is eagerly waiting for trial production and mass production. Time is precious and we cannot let unnecessary administrative activities affect it."

"Resolutely put an end to the trend of surprise propaganda, meetings, and ribbon-cutting."

"Brother Fang, how are you?"

Luo Minghua asked for advice.

"Brother Luo, I think the success of a project like ice core cannot be separated from the care and love of the leaders." Fang Zhuo expressed his attitude first, and then said, "I am just a business person, and I don't want to offend the leaders. If you do this, the leaders will I don’t know what to think about our ice core.”

"You said at the meeting that our Bingxin asked the leaders not to go to publicity, meetings, or ribbon-cutting. Then I'd better move to Shanghai as soon as possible to avoid being unhappy in the future."

Luo Minghua was puzzled. After thinking for a while, he still found it difficult to understand the purpose of Mr. Fang's rhetoric.

He simply asked directly: "Mr. Fang, as you just said to me, this won't work, that won't work either... You can't let me, a secretary-general, go and seduce someone else's deputy boss and adjust their work, right? I can’t do it either.”

Fang Zhuo was silent.

Luo Minghua was shocked. He couldn't do this, but there was still something he could do... Mr. Fang, this, this...

Fang Zhuo began to resume his formal title: "Secretary-General Luo, SMIC's expert team first said 7 days, then 9 days, and finally 11 days. This time was all picked out from the sky. I drank and vomited. from."

"From the perspective of a business owner, I never want a company like mine to go beyond the rules and talk about administrative style. That is inappropriate and very sensitive to me personally."

"I hope that the administrative level will have an understanding of how to make business activities more convenient, and can learn from the experience of outstanding regions to see who is taking the initiative."

"Secretary-General Luo, what kind of situation do you want me to put in?"

"I was in Shencheng this evening to be interviewed by the leaders of the new district about the evaluation of the administrative level here. It has indeed created a good environment that is more considerate from a business perspective."

Fang Zhuo changed the subject and talked about ice cores: "If this Spring Festival goes well and ice core trial production capacity is achieved, production capacity may be formed in the first half of the year. This will definitely be a new breakthrough."

"I hope that such a breakthrough can bring glory to the city, but I also have to pay attention to the opinions of shareholders and be responsible to them."

Luo Minghua digested the meaning of these words.

First of all, the ice core production capacity results are really coming. This is a very beautiful political achievement, especially since I have been responsible for docking it.

Secondly, Mr. Fang wants Bing Xin to take care of his feathers, or in other words, this is just an excuse, he just doesn’t want to make the big issue he handled like that trivial.

Finally, Mr. Fang’s evening interview can release more of his attitude signals to other leaders who are concerned about ice cores.

Luo Minghua was silent for a while and simplified his actions.

"I will attend the meeting at ten o'clock and will talk about the technological progress of ice cores and SMIC's assistance."

"Tomorrow, I also want to watch Mr. Fang's interview tonight. I believe there will be more discussions tomorrow."

He no longer mentioned any reflections on style and planned to watch the discussion at the meeting.

At the very least, the main character Song Deming has not been singled out, so let’s not talk about that for now.

"SMIC will not acquire ice cores. We are just talking about cooperation." Fang Zhuo once again talked about the reports that have received attention, "I will go to Luzhou in two days to accompany the expert team to overcome the problems."

Luo Minghua guessed that this was a sign of improvement from Mr. Fang, and he made a request.

"Mr. Fang, can you put up the ice core sign first?"

"The original one doesn't look good. We need to change the leader's inscription. Secretary-General Luo, you are too worried." Fang Zhuo replied.

Luo Minghua was not angry even after being declined. He ended the tiring phone call and walked into the ice core factory.

At tonight's meeting, he will give a more detailed docking report, and he should also clearly lay out the technical difficulties faced by the ice core to the leaders.

You can leave aside the work style, but you can’t let the leader feel that he’s not doing enough work.

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