Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 596 Dongzi is online (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo's learning journey is not over, but after meeting Lao Jia, he was somewhat uninterested.

So, facing the next Tudou Wang Wei...

He briefly asked questions from aspects such as model, profit, team, and funding.

Wang Wei, who was previously the CEO of Bertelsmann China, was sweating from the questions before he could recover from seeing Mr. Fang in the IDG office.

Finally, Fang Zhuo asked a question: "What Tudou wants to do is for users to produce and share content. Can I directly understand that Tudou is a video version of Sina Blog?"

Sina blog is typical user-generated content, also known as UGC, but it is a text version.

He continued to ask: "If Sina wants to create a Sina Podcast, how will Tudou face this fierce competitor?"

Wang Wei was stunned.

When it comes to users, Sina is definitely at the top of the list in China.

When it comes to content, the vocabulary blog led by Sina Blog is the most popular word nowadays.

When it comes to production, Sina’s user experience on the blog must be very sophisticated.

How can Tudou compete with such a hypothetical opponent?

Take money?

Not to mention Sina's own funds, look at Mr. Fang sitting in the IDG office and calling Mr. Xiong brothers. Is it possible that it is short of money?

Wang Wei felt worried, but she felt that Mr. Fang's choice of words was so good, so menacing...

He didn't answer a word.

This problem is not within the expected scope, and it is indeed chilling.

Fang Zhuo felt that Wang Wei wouldn't be able to come up with any response, so he waited a little longer.

There was an unspeakable silence in the office for a while.

Fang Zhuo had no choice but to end the question himself: "Tudou's model is really interesting. I look forward to your achievements."

Wang Wei had no choice but to shake hands with Mr. Fang, somewhat regretting not saying anything.

Xiong Xiaoge in the office watched Mr. Fang kill Mr. Wang and retreated. He didn't know why this man's murderous intent became so strong again.

He brought the mood back and asked some easy-to-answer questions.

Xiong Xiaoge actually feels that there is no example of Tudou like Wang Wei envisioning it in the world, and it is understandable and tolerable for some situations where there is insufficient preparation.

Wang Wei's emotions gradually calmed down. After all, he had been responsible for many different work contents. Although the entrepreneurial field this time was unfamiliar and innovative, he could still speak meaningfully.

Lunch was still as planned with Wang Wei eating and chatting together.

However, this one is always a little restless.

By the end of lunch, both Xiong Xiaoge and Fang Zhuo knew the reason for Wang Wei's question before leaving.

He mustered up the courage to ask: "Mr. Fang, will Sina do podcasts?"

Fang Zhuo didn't expect that this person was still thinking about this issue, and replied seriously: "I have not received any news from Sina's management on this aspect, and I have no thoughts on this aspect for the time being. In my foreseeable time, maybe It will only be driven by investment needs.”

Wang Wei did not hide his relief. The other party thanked Mr. Xiong and said goodbye to Mr. Xiong.

Xiong Xiaoge accused: "Look at you, you scare people so much."

"Now I can understand some of Mr. Wang's feelings." Fang Zhuo said thoughtfully, "He excitedly came to seek investment with the idea of ​​​​video UGC, and suddenly bumped into me in the office. Maybe he thought that Sina had already Have a plan."

Xiong Xiaoge asked with great interest: "If you were to answer that question, how would you answer it?"

"I never thought about it." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

Xiong Xiaoge said disdainfully: "Then what answer do you want to hear from Wang Wei?"

"I just wanted to hear it, but...he didn't give an answer." Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly.

"Then think about it now." Xiong Xiaoge demanded, "If you are an entrepreneur now and want to do, how will you face the giants entering the market?"

He was excited: "Come on, come on, Mr. Fang, can you still eat?"

Fang Zhuo took out his cigarette and lighter.

Xiong Xiaoge said seriously: "Please give investors a good impression. You are answering a very important question now."

Fang Zhuo ignored him, lit the cigarette, took two puffs, thought for a few seconds, and said, "If I were Wang Wei, and hearing this question just now, the first thing I would say is, is Sina Blog profitable?"

Xiong Xiaoge simulated the answer for Mr. Fang: "No."

"Sina's blog, which it has put a lot of effort into, is not even profitable. How much energy can it put into new fields? Especially, this new field is also a project that is not easy to see profits. How can Sina mobilize elites in today's situation? ?”

Fang Zhuo started talking and said, "Second, from text to video is not a simple superposition. If the change of content methods could be completed so easily, so many giant companies in the world would not decline. In a new field, , Tudou and Sina are just standing on the same starting line."

"In fact, because it is not constrained by the original model, it does not have to bear the pressure of senior management and stock price pressure, and Tudou, which has no ideological limitations, can draw on white paper."

Xiong Xiaoge nodded slightly, saying that large companies would stifle creativity.

Fang Zhuo finally said: "Third, regarding funds, Tudou lacks funds, while Sina is richer than Tudou. However, if even Sina wants to expand into new areas, then at least it proves that it is quite feasible."

"Sina has money, but you VCs don't have money? VCs, do you make money by investing in a company like Sina, or do you make more money by investing in a small company like Tudou?"

"There are high profits from entrepreneurial projects, and there are giant companies that endorse the feasibility, Lao Xiong, why don't you invest?"

Xiong Xiaoge touched her palms and praised: "Mr. Fang is good at cooking. I'm so lucky."

It was the investors who asked the question, and what they wanted to win was investment rather than how to defeat the simulated competitors. Mr. Fang had already logically closed the loop around asking for money after two puffs of cigarettes.

It can only be said that Mr. Fang is really talented when it comes to asking for money.

Xiong Xiaoge took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "'s model is interesting. Should I invest in it?"

Fang Zhuo said matter-of-factly: "I won't vote."

"Cough, cough, cough." Xiong Xiaoge choked on her tea.

"You can invest, but Yike Investment will not invest." Fang Zhuo is more rigorous in this decision, "For Yike Investment, since there is someone to do video UGC, if there is a future, the follow-up will definitely not only be this one, but also Observe again.”

He added another patch: "Also, Yike Investment is not sure about the parent company's intentions. Funds are tight these days, so money needs to be spent wisely."

Both Yikou and Bingxin are big spenders, and Yiko also has a newly established mobile phone project. Healthy funds can avoid a lot of troubles.

Xiong Xiaoge savored the meaning in these words and asked, "How long is the foreseeable time you and Wang Wei talked about?"

"Two years? Three years? Four years? Who knows." Fang Zhuo said.

Xiong Xiaoge said doubtfully: "I always feel that you are hinting at me not to invest in potatoes."

Fang Zhuo flicked the ashes from his cigarette, making sure he didn't mean it.

Xiong Xiaoge did not go into details and said his decision: "IDG will follow up and see. There may indeed be similar projects on the market."

Fang Zhuo felt that Lao Xiong's tendency was very wise.

Tudou Internet Cafe was delayed on the eve of its listing because its founder, Wang Wei, was pursued by his ex-wife for property division. The final stock market performance was far inferior to that of Youku, which was listed earlier.

Of course, venture capital investors will definitely make money by investing now.

When Fang Zhuo knew that there was such a thing, he could still intervene in a small way to prevent from delaying the battle, but... they have no friendship with each other, and considerations in this field will be discussed later, so there is no need to rush.

LeTV and Tudou were both established very early, but in the end what remained were Ai, You and Teng supported by three BAT capital companies.

As long as Fang Zhuo's capital continues to expand, he will have a lot of room for choice in this regard.

This is a different position between myself and the investor Lao Xiong.

"When are you going to the United States? Wait until your BOE meeting is over?" Xiong Xiaoge put the matter in her heart and asked about the project that made Mr. Fang's eyes light up when he mentioned it.

"I will not attend the meeting between BOE and the TV company. However, I have to meet Mr. Wang from BOE tonight." Fang Zhuo calculated the time, "If there is nothing unexpected tomorrow, we will fly directly from Beijing to New York the day after tomorrow. .”

Xiong Xiaoge also figured out the arrangements, nodded and said: "Then I have to organize meetings for two projects."

The two of them contacted their secretaries respectively. Fang Zhuo wanted to send the Android company's information to IDG, while Xiong Xiaoge adjusted the work content and squeezed out time.

After two cigarettes, Fang Zhuo suddenly realized that he had free time in the afternoon.

He was thinking about Jia Yueting and Wang Wei he had met in the morning, thinking about their LeTV and Tudou, and said to Xiong Xiaoge: "Old Xiong, I have been here to support your IDG for a long time. If you have nothing to do, why don't you join in the fun with me? ”

"What's the excitement?" Xiong Xiaoge asked.

"Invest." Fang Zhuo smiled.

Xiong Xiaoge saw that he had given up and didn't continue to talk, so he didn't ask further. He just packed up the fax and planned to see what was going on with this American Android company on the road.

Just as the two were about to leave the office, Vice President Wu Xingyi walked into the office.

"Mr. Xiong, Mr. Xiong, the two project meetings the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow have been postponed?" Wu Xingyi came to see what was going on after getting the news.

"Yes." Xiong Xiaoge confirmed, "Mr. Fang will take me to the United States to make a fortune, and I will push forward those two projects."

Wu Xingyi did not ask about the American project and watched Mr. Xiong and Mr. Fang leave the office together.

After a while, someone came to ask about the reason for the project delay.

Wu Xingyi shook his head and said: "Mr. Xiong was abducted by Mr. Fang to the United States. Push it away and wait until they come back."


Mr. Xiong was abducted by Mr. Fang again?


Maybe Mr. Xiong will switch jobs to Mr. Fang before us?

"The man surnamed Fang is not a human being. The richest man comes here to hunt for food! Really, if he stands in front of me now, I wish I could punch him twice!"

The smoke in the office was choking, and a hoarse voice filled with anxiety echoed in the small space.

However, the other two department managers didn't answer at all.

At this time, the landline phone rang.

Liu Qiangdong grabbed the phone and listened to the somewhat excited voice at the front desk: "The man named Fang is here, uh, Mr. Fang is here, looking for you."

He froze in place.

Recently, the only person who has been talked about in as "surnamed Fang" is Fang Zhuo, the chairman of Tesco. However, how could he come here?

The clouds and mud are different and have no intersection.

Liu Qiangdong said subconsciously: "Ask Mr. Fang to come to the reception room and pour him tea."

"Already gone," the front desk said.

"Okay, I'll come." Liu Qiangdong hung up the phone.

The two department managers looked at the boss with a sudden expression in confusion, watching him carefully adjust his somewhat sloppy clothes.

"Mr. Liu? Let's restart offline business." The department manager said with complaint, "I told you not to be so radical..."

At the end of last year, Liu Qiangdong made a radical and bold decision to close physical stores and make a desperate move into e-commerce because he enjoyed the benefits online.

Only two department managers agreed with this decision, and the remaining four department managers all opposed it.

Because Jingdong Multimedia's 12 chain stores account for 90% of the company's sales and 95% of its profits. As long as it continues, it is almost certain that more chain stores will be opened.

It is simply retrograde to cut down the physical stores and go all e-commerce!

However, Liu Qiangdong still persuaded everyone forcefully.

As chain stores gradually closed and online sales gradually increased, suddenly a Tesco emerged that had the same business but provided better services.

At this time, Jingdong Mall was dumbfounded.

Tesco's offline channel, Dazhong Electrical Appliances, is a chain store developed with Beijing as its core. It exerts both online and offline efforts. Coupled with the price competition spread across the Internet by Tesco and Dangdang, Jingdong's orders immediately became malaise.

Hold on, doesn't seem to see a future.

Going forward,’s chain stores have all been closed...

Liu Qiangdong was in a dilemma, and as the situation worsened, the department managers' words from time to time and their eyes made people feel even more depressed.

Ding dong...A richest man fell from the sky.

Liu Qiangdong was sitting in the reception room, listening to the acquisition intention from the other party, his heart was beating fast, don't let the man named Fang get away!

He suppressed his emotions and asked still reservedly: "Mr. Fang, why do you want to acquire our Is it because of the threat brings to Tesco?"

Xiong Xiaoge, who came with him, was almost amused, hey, this guy is interesting.

"Dong, cough, President Dong, did you come to the West Lake Conference last year? I remember seeing you." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Liu Qiangdong nodded in surprise. He didn't expect that Mr. Fang actually knew about this and knew him.

"E-commerce wants to be the Amazon of the East. B2C is difficult and there is a shortage of talents. We have a relationship near the West Lake. This time I saw a report from the company and mentioned that there is such a store in Beijing. I just have time to come today. Take a look." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "If you are willing to sell, then someone will continue to talk to you. If not, it doesn't matter."

Liu Qiangdong took a deep breath: "I may need to think about it."

"Okay." Fang Zhuo stood up, left his business card on the table, and said, "You can call me."

The group of four was about to leave the reception room.

"Mr. Fang..." Liu Qiangdong suddenly called out to Mr. Fang.

"Say." Fang Zhuo turned around.

"Do our company's employees arrange work?" Liu Qiangdong asked.

"Of course the acquisition is done together with the company and its people." Fang Zhuo blinked, "We are all brothers here."

Although Liu Qiangdong knew that this was a courtesy and no company boss and employee were brothers, he still felt that he was respected and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Fang, I am willing to sell"

"Okay, Mr. Dong, someone will continue to talk to you in two days." Fang Zhuo nodded and still said nothing. He left as quickly as he came.

Liu Qiangdong sat on the sofa in a daze. Mr. Fang was indeed an extraordinary person. In addition to being rich and powerful, he also had a unique way of addressing people.

This was the first time someone called him Mr. Dong.

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