Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 599 I don’t trust you (two in one)

Andy Rubin, founder of Android.

He has rich work experience at Zeiss, Apple, Microsoft, and a company called "Danger" before founding Android, and his technical talents are well recognized.

It is worth mentioning that Rubin's "Danger" company developed a T-Mobile Sidekick mobile phone, and it was this geek-style mobile phone that Page, one of the founders of Google, greatly appreciated.

Regarding this person, Fang Zhuo received negative comments such as "technical genius, confident and arrogant, loving robots" and so on.

When Fang Zhuo was walking in the aisle of New York's Madison Square Garden, the home of the Knicks, Xiong Xiaoge and Yu Hong both asked about a feature that Mr. Fang was talking about.

"What does it mean to love robots?" Both of them were surprised.

Fang Zhuo shrugged, looked at the players from both teams warming up in the stadium, and said: "His position at Zeiss is that of a robotics engineer. When he was at Microsoft, he built a walking robot with a camera and a microphone on it. Wander around the company and record your experiences.”

"Later, Microsoft's security personnel discovered that the robot had been hacked. Fortunately, the hacker didn't seem to expect that the thing he hacked would move, but this still angered Microsoft's security department."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "This shouldn't be too surprising. Android means 'robot' in English. The mobile phone system icon they are planning to build is also a green robot."

Both Yu Hong and Xiong Xiaoge found the Rubin mentioned by Mr. Fang very interesting.

The three of them walked to the best seats in the first row to watch the game.

Yu Hong commented: "This is very geeky."

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Well, there is also this evaluation. Rubin is very good at technology, but not so good at business level. Including this Android company, they contacted Samsung, HTC, Google and several venture capital just to seek Funds for company development.”

Xiong Xiaoge heard this and said: "Since they are looking for venture capital, it should not be difficult to invest."

"Two months ago, they had an investment meeting with Google." Fang Zhuo explained. "Although no cooperation was reached, Google's interest must have given Android companies confidence. They are not as eager as before."

Yu Hong guessed: "Maybe Google has made a certain commitment?"

Fang Zhuo nodded first and then shook his head: "The scale of the investment meeting is very small, and there is almost no additional information. Let's assume this for now. Google has strong investment interest, but it still needs time to evaluate."

Xiong Xiaoge analyzed: "The value of Android companies can be large or small, and both parties really need to communicate."

Fang Zhuo said succinctly: "No, what I mean is that Google is probably evaluating whether it has found an entry point into the future mobile era."

Xiong Xiaoge was stunned.

Yu Hong was thoughtful.

Fang Zhuo sat in the first row of seats.

Yu Hong and Xiong Xiaoge both subconsciously wanted to sit next to Mr. Fang.

"Mr. Xiong, sit down." Yu Hong gave in humbly.

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, you sit down, I'll sit over here." Xiong Xiaoge quickly moved to the left-hand seat of Mr. Fang.

Seeing this, Yu Hong sat down.

Xiong Xiaoge sat on the left.

Fang Zhuo asked Lao Xiong calmly: "Do you think Rubin is willing to sit on my lap?"

Xiong Xiaoge was startled, oh yes, the position on the left is reserved for Rubin.

He glared at Mr. Fang, who was unwilling to talk properly, and went to sit in the third seat.

Yu Hong stood up again and gave in.

Xiong Xiaoge insisted.

The two of them were stunned for two minutes just for a seat.

Xiong Xiaoge finally got his wish and stayed away from Mr. Fang. The biggest reason was not that he respected Mr. Yu's achievements in overseas markets, but that when he came, he saw... Mr. Yu was wearing a block on his hand that Mr. Fang had worn on the plane. The exact same Rolex on display.

The couples are already wearing watches, so how could they not be smart enough to grab seats?

Xiong Xiaoge applauded her eyesight in her heart.

After a while, as the number of spectators in the stadium gradually increased, the warm-up of the two teams was basically over.

The three Musketeers and the coach of the Rockets all saw the team owner, whom they hadn't seen for a while, and came over to say hello.

This season, as Nash, Carter, and Yao Ming worked together, the team's record achieved its best ranking in recent years. Carter and Yao Ming continued to be selected as All-Stars, but Nash missed the selection by less than 10,000 votes.

But in fact, under the guidance of coach Nelson, Nash's role in connecting the team is vaguely the most important factor in the Rockets' getting better and better.

"Can we win the championship this year?" Yu Hong waited until the players left and asked the team owner.

"I don't know, but the Spurs are so strong." Fang Zhuo said, "The Spurs have Parker, Ginobili, and Duncan, known as the troika, as well as a group of powerful role players, and their defense is very good. Can the Three Musketeers do it? If we encounter the Troika, I'm afraid it will take seven games to get a result."

The Spurs now rank first in the league.

The Rockets are third, but only 3 games behind the Spurs. They still have a chance to compete for home court advantage in the playoffs before the end of the regular season.

Seeing that the game was about to start, the three of them became a little uneasy as the scheduled Rubin hadn't shown up yet.

"This geek won't give up, right?" Yu Hong frowned.

Xiong Xiaoge frequently looked towards the passage behind.

"There are still three minutes left." Fang Zhuo raised his hand and glanced at his watch.

Yu Hong also looked at her watch subconsciously.

Xiong Xiaoge looked at the watches of the two men. Well, there was indeed still three minutes left, and the time on the two watches was the same.

Finally, when all three people started counting the seconds, Rubin, the founder of Android, arrived at his seat.

"Haha, Mr. Fang, you are younger than I thought." Rubin wore a rather casual white T-shirt.

Fang Zhuo introduced Mr. Yu and Mr. Xiong next to him. In particular, he pointed out Mr. Xiong's name - the president of IDG China.

IDG still has a good reputation in the United States.

Rubin glanced twice at the unattractive Xiong Xiaoge.

The game between the Rockets and the Knicks has begun with Yao Ming's successful jump ball.

Rubin has a certain interest in basketball and occasionally goes to the arena to watch games, but this is the first time he is sitting so close, which is really refreshing.

He watched the players dribbling nearby and casually chatted about this year's league situation.

Fang Zhuo chatted for a while, thinking about how to start a discussion about the Android company.

But after a few words, Rubin took the initiative to talk about the purpose of coming today.

"Mr. Fang, I heard that your team has great hopes this year." Rubin smiled and said, "How much money do you plan to invest?"

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised that the two sentences had nothing to do with each other, and replied: "Do we need to talk about investment figures here? All I can say is that my interest in the Android company is as great as my interest in being a team owner. ."

Rubin laughed. He didn't hear the number and didn't even want to hear it: "But I'm not interested in Yike."

As Knicks player Marbury scored a beautiful goal, the cheers from the arena completely drowned out Fangzhuo's answer.

He had to raise his voice and say it again: "I thought Android was looking for funds for its development instead of carefully identifying where the money came from. Rubin, how much does your company need?"

Rubin replied loudly: "I want money from Samsung or HTC. If that doesn't work, I also want money from Google, but I have no interest in Yike's money."

Fang Zhuo understood the meaning.

Because of the interest from manufacturers and the more powerful Google, Android companies are now not only considering financing, but also considering the help that funds can bring.

Android is a basic mobile phone operating system. For it, the greater the influence of shareholders in the mobile phone field, the more beneficial it is to the prospects of its own system.

At present, the strongest mobile phone manufacturer is undoubtedly Nokia, but Nokia already has a mature Symbian system. Motorola also has many models that are connected to Symbian. For the remaining manufacturers, Samsung and HTC still show outstanding performance after removing various factors. interested.

If the Android company needs 20 million US dollars for further development, then its choice will definitely give priority to Samsung, HTC, and Google, which has had a negotiation.

As long as it can obtain funds for its own development, it does not need to find another 10 or 20 million US dollars in addition to the 20 million US dollars.

As long as the current Android system can continue to be developed smoothly, the additional 10 million or 20 million may become 100 million or 200 million in the future.

Android is short of money, but Rubin is not short of money personally.

"Yike Company is very interested in mobile phones." Fang Zhuo said loudly, "I won't lie to you, it is precisely because of this that I noticed the existence of your Android company."

Rubin laughed loudly: "President Fang, Mr. Fang, I don't believe you."

Xiong Xiaoge, who was trying hard to listen to the exchange between the two, felt ashamed and looked at other people's consciousness.

Rubin stretched out his right hand and raised his little finger: "Yike is just playing with gadgets."

Fang Zhuo remained calm in the face of contempt.

Yu Hong frowned slightly, tilted her upper body slightly, and retorted: "Rubin, if reshaping the music industry is just a small thing, then I don't know what the big thing is."

Rubin shrugged: "Really? I don't like music."

He added: "But if that day comes, Yike can come to me with money again."

Yu Hong wanted to say something more but was afraid of delaying Mr. Fang's train of thought.

"Hey, Rubin, listen, Yike's mobile phone project is serious, but that's not the main reason why I'm looking for you today." Fang Zhuo took out two mobile phones from his pocket, one Nokia and one Motorola. "Rubin, I have two mobile phones. They are both Symbian systems."

Xiong Xiaoge and Yu Hong both stared at the mobile phone Mr. Fang took out. If they remembered correctly, he used two Nokia mobile phones yesterday.

Fang Zhuo picked up the Motorola, poked the Nokia's solid shell with it, and said angrily: "There is a very useful software on Nokia. I want to use it on Motorola too. Guess what?"

"Motorola can't use it. What's funny is that they are obviously Symbian systems."

"That day, I was sitting in the office staring at these two mobile phones and felt that it was time to change."

"Just like Yike's change in music, you can see this more clearly in the next few years. I think Yike and my personal strong desire can support our interest in an open source mobile phone system like Android."

"I hope that one day mobile phone software will be universal across different phone models."

Fang Zhuo's words are very contagious.

Even though Yu Hong and Xiong Xiaoge knew that there were some problems with the basis of his words, they still felt that he was right.

However, Rubin still laughed and shook his head: "Mr. Fang, your little story feels like a celebrity anecdote. If one day, the Android system can be successful, I may be able to talk to reporters about the things I met before and after I developed the system. Interesting story.”

He grinned and said, "But not now."

Fang Zhuo asked patiently: "Do you not trust the funds of Yike Company, or do you not trust our subsequent investment? Or, do you not trust our mobile phone project? Rubin, I think I should talk to you Talking about my search for mobile phone parts in Japan.”

"do you know?"

Suddenly, the stadium erupted in loud cheers for the goal.

Fang Zhuo raised his voice: "Rubin! Did you know? We found Sharp! They are studying capacitive screens!"

The cheers disappeared.

Fang Zhuo's tone also became lighter: "We at Yike want to build the coolest full touch screen mobile phone. Different from the current resistive screen, it is unique!"

Rubin's expression became serious, oh? A full touch screen capacitive screen phone?

"Nokia is complacent on the old Symbian system, and they don't think they have done anything wrong at all." Fang Zhuo took the Motorola in his left hand and smashed the Nokia in his right hand, "Rubin, we Yike will produce a A cell phone that makes them tremble!”

Taking advantage of the Knicks scoring another goal, Fang Zhuo raised his voice to the loudest level and said equally enthusiastically amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the fans: "The phone that makes Nokia tremble! Do you understand!"

Yao Ming served the ball quickly on the court, but Nash did not advance after getting the ball. The top point guard's vision allowed him to keenly discover Carter who went straight into the frontcourt while the Knicks players were celebrating.

A quarterback-style pass across the field.

Carter received the ball comfortably and responded with a tomahawk dunk to the Knicks!

New York's Madison Square Garden was dunked and fell silent.

Fang Zhuo put the phone into his pocket again, pointed at Carter, who was posing coolly, and said: "Just like this, just like Carter's dunk, we are going to make a mobile phone that can make Nokia as quiet as it is now."

After a brief silence, the fans in the arena couldn't help but cheer for Carter, the All-Star vote-winner.

The arena is buzzing again.

Rubin tasted the words from Dongfang CEO and had to admit that they were somewhat heartwarming.

However, after thinking for a few seconds in the commotion, he still shook his head: "I don't trust..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "What do you don't trust? Make it clear."

Rubin raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't trust you."

Fang Zhuo was surprised. He and Rubin had never dealt with each other. How could he have such a prejudice?

"Hyper the image of the team owner, publicize the profits of your private equity fund, and attract everyone to invest money." Rubin curled his lips, "Such a little trick, Mr. Fang, I don't believe you are the kind of person you say."

He didn't believe that Fang was always the kind of person who pursued the most extreme mobile phones and the most cutting-edge technology.

Rubin has friends who have invested money in MIGA funds, and he has always disliked this type of finance.

Fang Zhuo thought, this is to prove that he is the kind of person he said...

There was something funny about him.

Rubin, in turn, stopped staring at the court, looked at the face of Dongfang President, and said: "You want to make a mobile phone, Yike wants to make a mobile phone, it's just for money, for profit. Once the prospects are not good, who do you compare to?" He ran so fast."

Xiong Xiaoge felt that this person was talking about herself.

Yu Hong planned to talk to this geek about the entrepreneurial story that happened in China, which seemed to prove Mr. Fang's difference.

However, Fang Zhuo just kept thinking for two seconds before speaking out.

"Actually, Rubin, you misunderstood me. Maybe I don't pursue the most cutting-edge technology or the most extreme mobile phone you mentioned." Fang Zhuo first followed the other party's words to confirm that this possibility existed, and then said, "Rubin, I believe Compared with what you said, our understanding of 'best' may be different, but I am a person who likes change by nature."

"Change the music, change the mobile phone, change the inherent situation."

"This is my pursuit, my instinct."

He further gave an example: "For example, I am raising a project. I believe it can also change some things on the Internet."

Rubin was confused: "Oh?"

"Google's search is very powerful, but the information found is always very shallow. I want to build a question-and-answer website to help more people and let more people benefit from professional sharing." Fang Zhuo said solemnly. , "For example, I invite a technical genius like you to answer the question - What is it like to develop Android system?"

"Your presence will be the most professional answer to this question."

"The website can invite the most elite people from all walks of life to share their experiences and insights."

“This is an innovative and unique program that will help a lot of people.”

Thanks for the invitation. I'm at the American Arena and I just made up a story. The interests are related, so I won't hide it anymore.

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