Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 600 I have a dream (two in one)

Players on the court whizzed past, slapping basketballs.

The audience outside the field waved their hands and was in great excitement.

Rubin, the founder of Android Company, looked at Dongfang President next to him and had to admit that although the product manager was annoying most of the time, he was by no means unable to say anything new.

"You're more like a product manager at Apple than a team owner at Rockets."

Rubin said this.

Yu Hong corrected her: "You can think of him as the product manager of Yike Company. Whether you admit the impact of Yike on the music industry or not, the music player proposed by Mr. Fang is subtly changing the music industry of this era. Music Mode.”

Rubin shrugged and reiterated, "I don't like music."

He thought for a while, looked at Mr. Fang, and said a little doubtfully: "You didn't come up with an idea to lie to me, right?"

Yu Hong and Xiong Xiaoge suddenly said in their hearts that they were definitely lying to you.

Fang Zhuo shook his head: "How is that possible? I am very cautious about projects. The president of IDG China can testify to me that the name of this project is Quora, which is the letter in front of question or answer."

He waved his hand to the right and said to Old Xiong: "Come on, Mr. Xiong, swear to God in front of Rubin, are you going to invest a million dollars?"

Xiong Xiaoge said "uh" in her heart, and helplessly met Rubin's eyes, nodded and said: "Yes, I want to invest one million US dollars in Mr. Fang's project."

Rubin was doubtful and felt that these people must be in the same group.

Fang Zhuo smiled calmly: "Rubin, today we are going to talk about the Android company. What's so confusing about Quora? Even if a question and answer community is novel enough, its value is far less than that of the Android system."

Rubin is a confident man. He said seriously: "I am interested in new and novel things."

Fang Zhuo had no choice but to briefly talk about Quora's model. It was actually not complicated. In the early stage, elite celebrities from all walks of life were invited to provide high-quality industry answers. This aspect was not difficult for a rich man like him.

Even starting from this, Fang Zhuo said with a smile: "For example, in the music industry that Yike is involved in, Sony Bertelsmann Music Company has a large number of celebrities that are attractive enough, not only in front of the stage, but also in the music industry behind the scenes. The experience may help more people who are interested in this industry.”

"Oh, yes, I am also an external director of Sony Group. Stringer, the current chairman of Sony, is a good friend of mine. Sony Entertainment can invite more people."

"Even Steve Jobs and I have met Apple, Yike's competitor. Maybe he is interested in talking about his views on technology companies in such a Q\u0026A community."

Rubin once worked at Apple and admired Jobs quite a bit.

He was aroused and became more interested, and said with some enthusiasm: "If there is such a community website, I will never talk about the mobile phone system, I can talk about my robots."

"The forefront of the industry, future trends, and past experiences can all be shared, and they are different from the search answers brought by Google today." Fang Zhuo thought for a few seconds, "The website must first use the invitation system, and it must be Only elites will receive invitations, and once the atmosphere of the website is established, your robot may gain a lot of recognition and communication.”

Rubin had a cranial orgasm imagining sharing the robot's thoughts.

Yu Hong and Xiong Xiaoge both murmured in their hearts, why is this becoming more true the more they say it?

However, the two people's judgments of the situation differed here.

Yu Hong still felt that Fang always acted as a contingency.

Xiong Xiaoge thought carefully about this novel Q\u0026A community according to Mr. Fang's description. It has deep content, industry elites, invitation system, and fission to attract people... It seems that it is not impossible to do it?

Quora? Didn’t you even think of a name?

Xiong Xiaoge suddenly felt that Mr. Fang had a plan in his heart, but he didn't know how long he had hidden this plan.

This Internet project is no more reliable than the Android system that tries to connect mobile phone manufacturers?

Xiong Xiaoge also started to have internal thoughts based on the investor's stance.

Fang Zhuo chatted with the enthusiastic Rubin about business operations, which he was obviously not good at, pointed out several clear fallacies in his assumptions, and tried to change the topic back to the Android system.

But Rubin, who had rented a place specifically to share fresh ideas with friends, seemed to be ignited.

He began to teach Dongfang CEO about robot design.

Fang Zhuo listened for a while and found that this person really wanted to teach him.

Although Rao had already had psychological expectations, he was still a little bit dumbfounded. Could this be attributed to the thinking of a geek or the indifference of a technical genius at certain moments?

"Hey, Rubin, that's a small project of mine. What's ahead is the real business." Fang Zhuo forcibly reversed the direction.

Rubin said with a little puzzlement: "This is really interesting."

"It's interesting, but wouldn't the Android system bring greater changes?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Rubin lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said slightly confused: "Mr. Fang, your enthusiasm for Android makes me have a very strange feeling. There is Nokia in front of you."

He believes that the Android system will be very good from a technical point of view, but to what extent can this "good" be achieved?

So what if Yike really comes up with a phone that makes Nokia tremble?

That's Nokia!

Fang Zhuo can understand the thoughts of the Android company founder. Technology does not mean everything. To spread the Android system in the mobile phone market requires the efforts of dozens of hardware manufacturers, software developers and telecom operators.

This was by no means something Rubin could have predicted at this moment.

Google acquired Android and formed the Open Handset Alliance OHA, and then established the Android open source project community AOSP. This led to the final launch of the Android system a few years later.

Android is only beginning to take shape now.

"Rubin, I have a dream for Quora." Fang Zhuo said to Rubin seriously, "I dream that industry experts and elders in life can share their thoughts and teach experience in such a community."

He continued: "Believe it or not, I started the mobile phone project because I really wanted to use one software on two phones under the same system and couldn't."

"I like change, and Android allows me to see the hope of change."

"That's why I'm sitting here talking to you today."

Fang Zhuo stared into Rubin's eyes.

Rubin's head was dizzy.

With the referee's emergency whistle, a group of people gathered around. Just now, Marbury made a mistake in passing the ball and accidentally hit the basketball on Rubin's head.

"Damn, are you okay?"

"How are you? Are you awake? What time is this?"

"Do you want a stretcher?"

Rubin was supported, rubbed his head, shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's okay."

The players apologized, and the referees and staff dispersed when they saw that everyone was fine. The game continued, and the Knicks were already twelve points behind.

Rubin took a few sips of water, and the other party always said: "Your website is interesting, I will also invest some money."

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, his brain must have been damaged by the basketball...

He declined politely: "Rubin, I don't want to build a website that attracts investment like this."

Rubin asked: "They IDG only invested 1 million, and I invested 200,000. Can't I just be a small shareholder?"

Fang Zhuo smiled and shook his head.

Rubin added: "If you don't let others be a small shareholder of your company, how can you want to be a small shareholder of someone else's company?"

Fang Zhuo gave the answer: "Perhaps, if I become the major shareholder of Android Company, I can avoid such conflicts?"

"We are just looking for investment, not acquisition." Rubin said firmly.

Obviously, a person will always believe something at a stage.

Fang Zhuo stressed: "Rubin, business, business, Android!"

Rubin insisted: "This is business!"

Fang Zhuo was amused.

There's a psycho here, and I won't say who it is.

He smiled and said: "Have you ever invested? Investment is risky, so be careful when spending money."

Rubin said proudly: "Of course I have invested, and I have made four or five times the money. Not only that, I have also taken a company public."

Yes, he is still a comprehensive talent.

Fang Zhuo’s Quora idea was purely for temporary use, and it’s only now that I’m rushing to say it…

Thoughts raced through his mind, contemplating how to continue to reject Rubin politely.

At this time, Xiong Xiaoge interjected: "Then just invest in it, one more is not too much, one less is not a lot."

Fang Zhuo glared at the president of IDG China.

There are two lunatics here, I won’t say who they are.

Xiong Xiaoge added: "But I'm afraid it will take time to start the project. Yike's current focus is to build an excellent mobile phone. Mr. Fang is usually very busy."

Rubin shrugged: "I believe Mr. Fang, a wealthy man like Mr. Fang who bought the team, can spare the time."

"As for Yike and I's interest in Android, Rubin, it's just like your interest in Quora at this time." Fang Zhuo still made an analogy, "I believe that Yike and Android can win-win."

Rubin thought about it seriously for a while. Both the Android system and the Yike mobile phone require time to develop and develop...

He said: "I still need to go back to the company to communicate about this matter. It cannot be decided by me alone. Mr. Fang, there is a gap in weight between Yike and Samsung, HTC and Google."

Fang Zhuo picked a point he guessed and asked: "That's true, but can Samsung and HTC be as interested in Android as Yike?"

Brand manufacturers like Samsung are now beginning to enter wafer foundry. It is difficult not to think of Samsung's tendency to develop its own mobile operating systems.

Sure enough, Rubin hesitated.

This hesitation alone was already the answer.

Fang Zhuo knew what was going on.

He said: "Even if Samsung and HTC have 1,000 yuan, they may only be willing to spend 1 yuan for Android. Yike may not be able to compare with them. We only have 100 yuan, but we are willing to spend 10 yuan."

"This is just the beginning."

Fang Zhuo said kindly: "Rubin, you should make this clear to the people in the company."

Rubin nodded slightly, acknowledging this.

When looking for potential hardware partners, Samsung almost reached an agreement. However, the final change may be because the Android system has not yet been proven, and Samsung has more than 300 employees developing mobile operating systems alone.

"Android companies will not easily introduce partners. Perhaps you can come and talk with us about the Yike mobile phone project." Rubin paused, "Next time, when the Rockets visit San Francisco for a game, we can Let’s discuss this together.”

Almost a week later.

When Fang Zhuo agreed, he didn't expect to be able to settle the matter in one go. Having an intention to contact him was a good start.

During the rest of the game, Fang Zhuo introduced to Rubin the mobile phone hardware suppliers that Yike is currently looking for, mainly Japanese R\u0026D and manufacturing.

Rubin can build robots and is aware of the industry's hardware standards, but he is less clear about some cutting-edge conditions in the laboratory. After all, his main focus is still on the development of the Android system.

The seriousness shown by Fang Zhuo gave Rubin further understanding.

As the referee's whistle announced the end of the game, Fang Zhuo extended an invitation to Rubin, who was getting more and more interactive: "Maybe we can have something to eat and continue chatting."

"No, I still have a date with my girlfriend." Rubin simply refused.

Fang Zhuo had no choice but to finally confirm the time for the next meeting, when he would move to San Francisco with more specific project information and investment budget.

The Rockets won the game.

Rubin was turned around.

"I thought we could at least chat for another night." Fang Zhuo sighed with emotion, "This person's thinking is different from normal people."

"As the founder, he has a positive attitude, and the next communication will definitely be much better." Xiong Xiaoge judged.

Fang Zhuo nodded and had a similar view.

"Go back. Although today's process was a bit unexpected, fortunately the result was okay."

Xiong Xiaoge walked next to Mr. Fang and said as he walked: "When will Quora be launched?"

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "What's wrong with you? I was just talking nonsense."

"You are not talking nonsense." Xiong Xiaoge insisted on his judgment, "I think you are well prepared."

"Believe it or not." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

Xiong Xiaoge took advantage of the situation and said: "I think your idea for this project is more reliable than investing in an Android company. How about giving it a try? I think such a Q\u0026A community can be invested."

Fang Zhuo said in surprise: "Old Xiong, what are you thinking about?"

"Invest." Xiong Xiaoge said naturally.

"How much?" Fang Zhuo first asked about the budget.

"One million." Xiong Xiaoge replied.

"You didn't hear what I just said to Rubin. Investments are risky, so you need to be careful when spending money." Fang Zhuo criticized, "I really don't know how you invest in China. In just one game, you I just want to pay.”

Xiong Xiaoge retorted: "It's not about the length of time, it's about whether the project logic is correct. Q\u0026A community, I think it will work!"

"Where's Android?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Xiong Xiaoge remained silent this time, which also represented his tendency.

The Android system is too difficult. Judging from the current information, he is not optimistic about it. On the contrary, if a genius like Mr. Fang who is good at the Internet engages in Internet projects, it will be like meeting a close friend.

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