Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 610 Google’s actions (two-in-one)

Fang Zhuo and Google didn't meet for long, but whether it was the other party's strong interest in Android or Google's new competition filing, or even their proposed cooperation in carrying systems, these were all expected.

However, one of the manufacturers registered with Google was Texas Instruments, which had already developed a fairly mature system, which surprised him.

TI's mobile operating platform integrates a group of upstream and downstream parts manufacturers, and a giant like it always has standards for how it behaves. Google wants to convince it to compete with open source Android according to its own wishes, which is bound to be troublesome and laborious.

But there is also a big advantage in that Deyi's system is very effective.

Fang Zhuo didn’t know how determined Larry and Sergey were to register. He could only evaluate and guess from his own perspective. He believed that Google and TI would still have a long period of time before the ownership of Android Company settled. distance.

Because there is also an issue of voice in the cooperation between these two companies.

Is TI willing to give up its voice in the system it has developed by itself?

Even if it is not Deyi, if it is changed to Fayi, Yingyi, Sunyi or whatever it is, they will have such a similar problem.

However, even with the cooperation commitment from Google, he could not agree immediately.

Why does a four-company alliance that is on the verge of collapse gain the respect of Google?

Only an unbreakable alliance can squeeze the most favorable terms from Google.

Of course, Fang Zhuo and Google's Larry and Sergey could see that there were cracks in the alliance, so he had to patch things up as much as possible to prevent the alliance from being able to maintain its combat effectiveness until he achieved satisfactory conditions.

Regarding this, Sony Group, which is willing to license Sony Ericsson mobile phone patents, has to play some role.

That evening, Stringer came to discuss the situation with Mr. Fang as scheduled.

When he walked into the hotel suite, took the tea from Mr. Fang, saw the documents being opened on the table, and asked, "What are you studying?"

"Report on games launched by domestic companies." Fang Zhuo himself sat down with a cup of tea, closed the online game performance previously reported by Sina, took a sip of tea, and said, "Today the two founders of Google, Larry and Xie Ergai is looking for me, they want to acquire Android."

An unbreakable alliance requires openness and honesty.

Stringer smiled and said: "Larry and Sergey are very powerful young people. Just before coming here, Larry also called me and made an appointment to meet and discuss cooperation."

The head of Sony is equally open and honest.

As for whether this "openness and honesty" is due to Fang Zhuo's honesty, it is not worth worrying about.

Fang Zhuo nodded, briefly recounted what happened this afternoon, and mentioned the conditions for the first model to be equipped with Android system.

In fact, we really can’t blame him for walking away with half-truths and half-truths. What kind of conditions did Larry propose?

Will the first mobile phone equipped with Android be successful?

The Android system is not well-known overseas, and installing it can guarantee sales.

On the contrary, the first one may be a guinea pig that becomes a stepping stone.

This is out of the perspective of measuring conditions. Of course, Fang Zhuo still wants Yike's mobile phone to be equipped with Android as soon as possible, but when he talks about this now, his tone is very normal and disapproving.

The same goes for Stringer.

He even said sarcastically: "What Android needs is the vigorous promotion of our mobile phone manufacturers, rather than being put on the table as a condition for negotiation."

Compared to Mr. Fang, he was less interested in meeting tomorrow and only agreed politely.

What Sony Group needs now is not Android or a mobile phone equipped with the system, but beautiful financial statements.

Regarding this point, Stringer was most impressed by Yi Ke's cooperation with an additional formality.

The head of Sony continued: "Even if Google develops its own mobile operating system, they must take into account the attitude of our hardware manufacturers. If Android is sufficient, how can we carry their stuff?"

"This is exactly why Larry wants to see you. His priority is to convince you or Sandel or Li Jitai." Fang Zhuo commented, "If he convinces one of them, the remaining three will be more passive. ."

Stringer understood that he wanted to hear his clear attitude.

He smiled and said: "Fang, the cooperation between Sony and Yike is still sweet. Maybe you should talk to Samsung and Motorola."

"In addition, you don't have to worry too much, Google has no achievements in the field of mobile phone systems."

"I don't think anyone at Android is going to give up our help and go to Google."

Fang Zhuo's words "Google is rich" lingered in his throat for a while but he still didn't say it out. He could understand Stringer's rather relaxed attitude. It was a matter of the importance they attached to each other.

He communicated with Stringer for a while and unified their understanding.

Later, Fang Zhuo informed Li Jitai and Sandel on the phone, telling them that Google's interest in Android system has not declined.

Finally, he contacted Rubin from Android Company and talked about his contact with Google this afternoon, analyzing the perfect match between hardware manufacturers and operating systems, which Google could not match.

Now, unless Nokia abandons Symbian and makes Android under Google's persuasion, the cooperation prospects of the four alliances have been maximized.

The only problem is that the acquisition price needs to be negotiated and the bids of Motorola and Samsung must be implemented. Only in this way can it bring greater sincerity to Android companies and present a greater threat to Google.

The next morning, Google's Larry met with Stringer, the new head of Sony.

He also analyzed the many conflicts and interest disputes among the four alliances, and sincerely stated that Google is looking for hardware partners to jointly promote the development of the Android system.

Unfortunately, because he did not do his homework properly, Larry never mentioned any cooperation methods that would make Sony's accounts more beautiful.

Stringer's almost blunt rejection of Larry's lobbying on the spot cemented the alliance's unbreakability.

That afternoon, Larry and Sergey experienced another setback for Sony and met with Motorola CEO Sandel.

As it turned out, Sandel was even more explicit than Stringer.

"Do you want Google to build a mobile phone system too?"

"Why do you, Google, build a mobile phone system?"

"How competitive can you be?"

"I don't think such a crossover is beneficial."

"You have to be responsible to Google's shareholders, instead of trying to acquire a small company and enter the mobile operating platform."

"Larry, Sergey, you must carefully consider your plans for the future development of the company."

Sandor's rather arrogant words directly angered Sergey.

Sergey retorted: "You don't need to point out this point. Google has always been responsible to shareholders. At the same time, we have to be responsible to a broader user group."

"If you continue to insist on acquiring Android companies or developing your own mobile phone system, then you must inform me again." Sandel was very calm in the face of the anger of the Google founder.

Sergey asked doubtfully: "Why?"

Sandel replied calmly: "Because, I want to sell the Google stocks I hold."

Sergey: "..."

The two Google founders were somewhat speechless.

But they were not hit by Sandel and still met with Lee Ki-tae, the president of Samsung Electronics.

Li Jitai has learned about the situation of the other three companies and knows that they have all rejected Google's solicitation.

So, he showed the same gesture.

First, Mr. Fang walked away, then Jazz bluntly refused, then the CEO criticized his shareholding, and finally the president politely declined.

Google's Larry and Sergey got four negative answers in a short period of time.

This will inevitably make people frustrated, and at the same time, they will also wonder whether there are any problems with the previous judgments of these four alliances.

On the one hand, Larry raised the offer for Google to $85 million, and on the other hand, he put his contacts with four hardware vendors on the table.

Google's Vice President Anderson expressed his opinion: "The relationship between Yike and Sony is obviously closer than the other two."

"Yike and Sony not only have in-depth cooperation in music, they jointly lead Sony Bertelsmann Music Company. This approach has transformed Yike from Sony's competitor to a collaborator after Walkman's defeat."

"At the same time, Fang Zhuo himself became a non-executive director of Sony Group this year."

"Obviously he and Stringer have a good personal relationship."

"I think that played a big role in the intent of this acquisition of Android."

Anderson saw many colleagues nodding in agreement with his point of view, and continued: "Raising the acquisition price of Android Company is a way to express our attitude. It is to tell Rubin and the four alliances that we have not given up yet, but in the future High premiums will also hurt Android’s cooperation ecological prospects.”

"Motorola and Sony are both showing signs of recovery, Samsung maintains growth, and Yike has healthy cash flow. This is a goal worthy of our joint unity."

"If Fang Zhuo can be dealt with, this alliance may be able to collapse in an instant."

"Sander is too arrogant and Lee Ki-tae seems to be following the lead of his partners."

"Can we find Deyi's people first and use this kind of action to put pressure on them?"

Larry nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Whether it's Deyi's registration or our own research and development, I'm afraid it won't pose much of a threat to Fang Zhuo, but may stimulate his fighting spirit."

Sergei agreed: "We still have to start from within them."

At this time, another vice president said: "I found that the four of them are different. Motorola, Sony, and Yike are all CEOs and chairman of the board who can best determine the development of the company, but Samsung Electronics only has the president. .”

He continued: "Samsung Electronics is just a subsidiary of Samsung, and President Lee Kit Tae is just the president of the subsidiary. The person who can best decide Samsung's actions is Lee Kun-hee. Can we have room for negotiation in this regard?"

As soon as this was said, everyone else at Google felt like they could give it a try.

Although Samsung Electronics is one of the pillars of the Samsung Group, and Lee Ki-tae is a high-ranking executive of Samsung, the greatest will of Samsung comes from Chairman Lee Kun-hee.

Lee Ki-tae declined the kindness of Internet giant Google. Is this the case for Lee Kun-hee?

The meeting continued to discuss the acquisition of Android systems and competition with the four alliances.

Larry, who works very efficiently, got the number of Lee Kun-hee, the head of South Korea's Samsung Group, immediately after the meeting.

The overseas call was connected without much waiting.

Larry has already talked about the Android system with four alliances respectively. This call with Li Jianxi can be said to be perfect with practice. He described Google's neutral support position in the Android ecosystem and promised to provide preferential conditions for Samsung mobile phone products...

Li Jianxi was a little surprised by this call from the founder of Google.

However, after listening to Larry's lobbying in detail, he did not show a refusal attitude, but rather ambiguously expressed that he would consider it carefully.

This response surprised high-profile, small-scale Google executives.

Seeing that Larry was still focusing on Fang Zhuo after the phone call, Vice President Anderson raised his own question: "Since Lee Kun-hee is likely to change Samsung Electronics' attitude from a higher level, we might as well directly cooperate with Samsung. No need. Then focus your energy on Fang Zhuo."

Several others had similar intentions.

However, Sergey, who had met Fang Zhuo, expressed the same feeling as Larry: "We want to acquire Android, but our purpose is not only to win the acquisition, but also to make Android a good mobile operating system. "

"Samsung Electronics has its own R\u0026D team, and it's hard to say how much energy and promotion it can put into Android."

"the most important point is……"

Sergey looked at Larry.

Larry continued: "The most important thing is that I think the ecological development of the Android system needs partners who are challenging. If I were to choose between Samsung Lee Kun-hee and Yi Ke Fangzhuo, I would The choice is the latter.”

Both he and Sergey were deeply impressed by the meeting in the coffee shop that day. Unlike Li Jianxi, who is old and old, Fang always regards difficulties as challenges. He has a strong interest in the open source of Android, which is very important. Make people appreciate it.

End of small specs discussion for Samsung.

"The changes in Samsung alone may not be enough to defeat Fang Zhuo. Perhaps, we should still find people from Deyi." Sergey changed a small idea before leaving.

Larry smiled slightly: "No, it's not just Samsung. I also have news about Motorola. I believe this will make Mr. Fang realize how unstable his four alliances are."

Sergey was a little confused: "What is it?"

"Yike's biggest rival is not us, nor is it Motorola, Samsung, or Sony." Larry said, "Its rival in the market is Apple. I just got the news that Apple and Motorola have a mobile phone equipped with iTunes. It will be released in the fall, do you think Sandel will leak such news to Mr. Fang?"

Sergey was surprised. He knew that the fierce competition between iTunes and iMusic was no less than the tit-for-tat competition in the mobile phone market.

Larry smiled and said, "What would Mr. Fang think if he knew that the partner he had worked so hard to protect had already united with his biggest competitor to attack Yike's market?"

"Coupled with Samsung's vacillation, what will happen to him?"

"Android needs hardware partners, and Yike and Sony are good partners."

"If you want to defeat Fang Zhuo, you must first use his collaborators to break his will."

Larry smiled a determined smile.

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