Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 645: Please invite Gao Ming (two-in-one)

Asking for money is normal.

Enterprises need to develop.

But asking for money in such a roundabout way...

That means he wants a lot of money!

That’s why you spoke like this! ! !

Zhang Hongli’s emotions exploded!

fraud! fraud! scam! scam!

Fang Zhuo is making a game! Xiong Xiaoge is making a move!

In fact, I may be the only one in this room who is innocent!

Zhang Hongli looked around and saw that Xu Kaiwei had a weird smile, Connor's eyebrows were hidden, Xiong Xiaoge had a mocking expression, and Fang Zhuo had a teasing look.

These people all want to steal their own money!

Zhang Hongli raised the flag of responsibility in his heart and must resolutely ensure the safety of Deutsche Bank's funds!

And with the inner turmoil of the Deutsche Bank president, the other 2+1 people were suddenly unwilling to accept Mr. Fang's words.

I flew from China to Houston to see you, I tell you that you can do it in terms of the semiconductor industry, I honestly advise you that you can do it, and I have to pay you... No, no, I have so much money in my pocket!

Connor died down.

Xu Kaiwei looked hesitant.

Zhang Hongli felt like facing a formidable enemy.

Xiong Xiaoge looked at Mr. Fang out of the corner of his eye, feeling that his eyes were looking at him as well.

Knowing you is truly a virtue accumulated over eight lifetimes. Even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets!

Xiong Xiaoge tasted the atmosphere in the study room, bit the bullet, broke the silence, and said slowly: "If what Connor said is true, Mr. Fang, SMIC may not have enough energy to promote the development of ice cores."

This was said to Mr. Fang, but actually to others.

He now suspected that Connor was one of his own.

But there may actually be news, and it's normal for the group of people in the study to get exclusive or inside information out of nowhere.

Fang Zhuo said calmly: "Connor, although you vouch for your personality, as far as I know, SMIC's current technology has been imported from Belgium. Even if the reporter wants to take any action, it remains to be seen whether it will be effective. Woolen cloth."

DCM's Kang Qiuen pointed out one point seriously: "Mr. Fang, beware of Taiwan journalists playing the American card!"

Fang Zhuo was thoughtful and nodded slowly. The reporter may not be able to produce any more strong evidence, but he is most afraid of a biased referee.

"Mr. Fang, when we come here today, it would be a lie to say that we don't care about our own shares." Xu Kaiwei also advised, "But it would also be a lie to say that we don't feel sorry for the ice core project."

Xu Kaiwei lied to others, and half of his thoughts in his mind were considering the authenticity of the information provided by Connor. If the prospects of SMIC were to decline, and now something like this happened with Ice Core, it would be detrimental to Goldman Sachs. A good thing.

The left hand used the news of the acquisition of Bingxin to boost SMIC's stock price, allowing Goldman Sachs to arbitrage and leave the market.

The right hand urges Mr. Fang to continue to serve the country, the people and the industry. If Zhongxin falls, Bingxin will become even more valuable.

Xu Kaiwei continued: "Mr. Fang, the development of SMIC does not depend on us to a large extent. If you give the ice core to Zhang Rujing, one day in the future, you will really be implicated in the dispute with the reporter..."

He asked in a shocking tone: "At that time, if you want to save an ice core again, there will be no time and no one to help you. Do you regret it?"

Fang Zhuo was greatly shocked when he was asked this question. He looked at Xu Kaiwei from Goldman Sachs and let out a long breath: "I..."

Xiong Xiaoge felt that he had been convinced very quickly if he was replaced by Mr. Fang. He also added: "Mr. Fang, the engineers at Bingxin did not jump here just to return to SMIC. Mr. Fang, you are not Zhang I, Lao Xiong, don’t admire many people like Sohu in the domestic business community, but you, Mr. Fang..."

He held out his thumb: "This is what you, Mr. Fang, think of in my heart!"

Goldman Sachs Xu Kaiwei, DCM Kang Qiuen, IDG Xiong Xiaoge, the three presidents took turns to fight, moving with emotion and understanding with reason.

Fang Zhuo was sullen and silent, and after a moment he hesitated and said: "The development funds proposed by Mr. Qiu and Professor Hu..."

Xu Kaiwei, Kang Qiuen, and Xiong Xiaoge were all delayed again.

After all, Xu Kaiwei considered the funds that Goldman Sachs could connect with and frowned: "This money..."

He looked around at his colleagues and said softly: "Let's all figure out a solution together."

Fang Zhuo was silent.

Xiong Xiaoge followed up: "The field of wafer foundry does have relatively high financial requirements. This money... depends on the production capacity of ice cores this year, and also depends on the production line construction budget."

The production line is not cheap.

Connor also said: "Just the money issue is easy to negotiate."

DCM is currently the global decision-making center, and he is responsible for the development of the Chinese market and has very high authority.

All three institutions have expressed their opinions, but when it comes to money, everyone suddenly noticed that Zhang Hongli has been strangely silent.

Zhang Hongli met the gazes of the four people, and he was different when he opened his mouth. He pointed at Goldman Sachs Xu Kaiwei first: "Mr. Xu, you are too proactive."

Another comment on IDG Xiong Xiaoge: “Mr. Xiong, Lao Xiong, is indeed Mr. Fang’s long-term partner.”

Finally, he said to DCM Kang Qiuen: "Connor, there is progress."

After Zhang Hongli said this, he looked at Mr. Fang and said calmly: "Mr. Fang, have you never changed from the beginning to now? Have you no intention of leaving the ice core?"

He sarcastically said: "That's a piece of ice core in a jade pot. I don't believe that a person like Mr. Fang will die in the middle of the road like this."

"Mr. Fang, if Bingxin wants to refinance, let's just talk about it. Why bother with this?"

"Take great pains, take great pains, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xiong, Connor, these are all well-known figures. You, oh, you, join forces to lure me into the trap!"

"Am I right?"

Zhang Hongli tore away the fog that shrouded the study room and saw that all four of them were stunned.

Fang Zhuo looked around and said in surprise: "Mr. Zang, why do you say this?"

He continued to ask without waiting for an answer: "What do you mean, do I want to make peace with Mr. Xu, Connor, and Lao Xiongtong first, and then invite you to this bureau?"

Zhang Hongli sneered slightly, everything became clear from the moment he heard about the money.

Xu Kaiwei frowned, Xiong Xiaoge was angry, and Connor was serious.

Fang Zhuo pointed at Zhang Hongli and sighed: "You venture capitalists, when you hear about money, you feel that others are going to cheat you. When you hear about profits, you consciously lower your risks. When you hear about losses, you are afraid that you will not get ahead. .”

"I have never been afraid to judge you based on your most basic character. However, I didn't expect or believe that you, Mr. Zong, would even imagine such a situation."

"Let's just let each other go."

Zhang Hongli didn't want to let it go. Instead, seeing Mr. Fang's plain appearance, he felt even more angry.

He stood up directly and said forcefully: "Mr. Fang, I made a mistake today. You took all the trouble, right? Let each other go, right? OK, OK, since Bingxin has proposed to honor the gambling agreement, then we, Deutsche Bank, will honor the agreement. Got it!"

The president of Deutsche Bank made the decision simply and neatly.

Such an extraordinary gesture shook the judgments of Xu Kaiwei and Connor, and both of them seemed hesitant.

Xiong Xiaoge had something in her mind and wasn't sure whether it was appropriate to speak.

Fang Zhuo glanced slightly and saw that the situation in the study was getting worse with the Zongzong's courage.

He stood up decisively and said with a smile: "Okay, dirty is always interesting. I will let my secretary coordinate and deal with it later. Work as quickly as possible. I will definitely not lose a dime from your Deutsche Bank."

Fang Zhuo's eyes met the eyes of the remaining three people: "This gambling agreement is all about our friendship."

"I, Fang Zhuo, have no shame in my heart!"

"Please hire someone else."

Fang Zhuo walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

The study door opened and closed, leaving only four institutional shareholders.

Xu Kaiwei's thoughts ended with the sound of the door closing. His focus has changed. First, he must determine whether what Connor said is based on evidence, and then the operation of the other party's total ice core.

But this cannot be done without Mr. Fang.

When he thought about it, he recalled Mr. Zang's unfounded accusations against him, and couldn't help but glare at Zhang Hongli.

Seeing that Mr. Fang was about to change his mind, Connor was suddenly disrupted by Mr. Zang, who also glared at Zhang Hongli.

Xiong Xiaoge saw that both colleagues were glaring at Mr. Zang, and he followed the crowd and glared at Zhang Hongli.

The three CEOs glared at Zhang Hongli.

Zhang Hongli stood there, inevitably a little hesitant.

He looked at Xu Kaiwei, Xiong Xiaoge, and Connor, and asked in a deep voice: "You are colluding with Mr. Fang, right? At this point, let's tell the truth, Deutsche Bank will definitely honor the gambling agreement anyway, and it will never Change!"

Xu Kaiwei became even more angry and swore to the sky: "If I had colluded with Mr. Fang before I came here, my grandson would have no skin to swallow!"

After he said that, he turned and left.

Connor said angrily: "I swear to God! Absolutely not!"

He looked at Zhang Hongli: "You, you!"

Then he turned around and left the study.

Zhang Hongli looked at the last Xiong Xiaoge.

Xiong Xiaoge shook his head repeatedly: "You, you..."

Zhang Hongli stretched out his hand to pull Mr. Xiong's arm. Different judgments in his heart were colliding, and he wanted to make it clear to Mr. Xiong.

Xiong Xiaoge shook off Mr. Zang’s hand: “Bah!”

He left quickly.

Only Zhang Hongli from Deutsche Bank was left in the study.

He was a little hesitant. Could it be that he was really overthinking?

Even a person as elegant as Mr. Xu directly provided Pi Yanzi's promise in such a vulgar way. Maybe there is a discrepancy between this matter and his own judgment?

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the ajar door of the study.

Zhao Zhishan, who once served as General Secretary Fang, came back from Washington to report on his work in the past two days, and temporarily assumed the role of secretary again. He asked: "Mr. Zhang? Regarding the implementation of the agreement between Deutsche Bank and Ice Core, Mr. Fang asked me to coordinate and handle it." Hurry up."

Zhang Hongli looked at Mr. Fang's secretary, his expression returned to normal, and he said "hmm": "Contact Zhang Shan to confirm the charter."

He gave the phone number of his assistant for this trip.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." Zhao Zhishan handed over his business card, "If you have anything, you can contact me at any time."

When Zhang Hongli saw the secretary leaving, he first called his assistant Zhang Shan and gave instructions: "Push for the implementation of our betting agreement with Bingxin, but don't follow him immediately. Give it some time."

He put away his phone and walked out of Mr. Fang's study.

Although things may be a little different from what you imagined, you can still use actions to test Mr. Fang's bottom line.

From the bottom of his heart, he still felt that Mr. Fang might not be willing to let go of Bing Xin this time.

But the exact extent of this is not necessarily clear, and it seemed vague for a while.

When Xu Kaiwei left the study, he was going to find Mr. Fang to get the matter back.

However, he couldn't be found after a while, and no one answered the phone. He turned around and saw Connor coming out of the study as well.

"Connor, Connor, what do you think about this?"

Xu Kaiwei took Connor to find a lawn in the shade.

"Mr. Fang is obviously interested. He worked hard to create Bingxin. He always has feelings and ideals, but that Zhang Hongli is so smart!" Connor felt his teeth itch, "As I said, Bingxin cannot live without Fang. Anyway, otherwise the future will be worrying.”

He solemnly said: "Professor Hu Zhengming and Hu, I don't know how Mr. Fang impressed him, but this person may not be willing to be under Zhang Rujing. He is definitely a rare expert, the top level in the world, and an ice cream expert." There is hope for strength in the second half of the core.”

Xu Kaiwei also repeated the previous consensus that "Bingxin cannot live without Mr. Fang." Then he asked: "How did you get the news about SMIC from the Taiwanese reporter?"

Connor frowned and didn't answer.

"Today's incident is all the fault of Zhang Hongli, but your news is true. I will go to Zhang Hongli to convince him." Xu Kaiwei promised.

Connor's DCM originally had the intention of investing in SMIC, but the money was eventually transferred to Bingxin. He didn't care too much about the impact of the news on SMIC. He thought about Mr. Xu's statement for a while and said vaguely: "Deutsche Bank has a position The new legal expert had previously participated in Taiwanese reporters’ operations in the United States and was very close to the top management of Taiwanese reporters, not to mention 100%, but 80%.”

He added: "But it's not clear when the next step will be."

Xu Kaiwei speculated: "Perhaps we are waiting for SMIC to pay all the compensation before taking another bite?"

"That's not certain." Connor said, "No matter what, I don't think Mr. Fang should hand over the ice core. If the core is not good, let alone the others, do you think there is anyone in mainland China who can hand over the ice core?" How about making a core?"

Xu Kaiwei also agrees with this. In fact, it is obvious that if SMIC does not take over, the new major shareholder will most likely be the state-owned group. Due to certain cases, he is much more pessimistic about the latter than the former.

Connor continued: "Even if there is no source of information, Taiwan reporters will not let SMIC go so easily. Zhang Rujing is a talent and has developed SMIC to this point. Taiwan reporters will not sit back and watch being chased. "

Xu Kaiwei lit a cigarette and became more clear about how to deal with this matter.

The current situation is no longer limited to Bingxin. It is necessary to strip off Goldman Sachs' future losses first and even turn them into profits.

Regarding this point, it is not difficult to convince Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank, because Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs are both shareholders of SMIC’s first round of financing.

This news about Connor was a catalyst.

It is not easy to determine 100% truth, but it urges interested parties to avoid risks, and the current ice core incident may even turn risk avoidance into profit pursuit.

Xu Kaiwei did not ask Connor when he got the news. What is important is always the present and the future.

Soon, he and Connor finished communicating, and after adjusting their emotions, he found Zhang Hongli again who had done bad things.

"As for Fang Zhuo, I still have my original opinion."

Zhang Hongli did not change his tune even after the gang fell apart.

However, Xu Kaiwei could hear the softening of his tone and attitude, and said earnestly: "Mr. Zang, sometimes, those in our industry cannot be swayed by temporary personal emotions. You have to listen to the true voice in your heart."

Zhang Hongli listened silently, and every voice echoing in his heart shouted - don't believe Mr. Fang, don't believe Mr. Fang, don't believe Mr. Fang!

Xu Kaiwei observed this person's expression and said patiently: "Mr. Zang, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs both hold shares in SMIC."

Zhang Hongli was suddenly awakened from the other party's general criticism, and was also keenly aware of the profit margins that the two companies, SMIC and Bingxin, could operate. All the cries in his heart were silenced and replaced by the voice of Deutsche Bank. ——Chasing profits, chasing profits, chasing profits!

The sounds vibrate into one word, multiply, multiply, multiply.

Zhang Hongli decided to talk to Connor about this matter again.

It really doesn't work. Putting aside the differences of opinion with Mr. Fang, you can go to Mr. Fang later and apologize to him. After all, the voice just now was indeed a bit loud.

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