Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 646 Dialogue

Late June in Houston is already quite hot, with temperatures averaging 21-32 degrees.

However, it is quite pleasant and cool to sit on a high place and enjoy the breeze at night.

After Fang Zhuo left the study, he went to the coolest place outside the villa - the helipad on the roof.

The lights in this area were not turned on. When looking down from above, each other's field of vision was different. Fang Zhuo could clearly see Goldman Xu Kaiwei holding DCM Kang Qiu'en talking, and he could also see Xu Kaiwei leaving. After a moment, you De The appearance of Yin Zhang Hongli.

After a long time, both Zhang Hongli and Kang Qiuen left, and the poorly lit location became a chat place for Xu Kaiwei and Xiong Xiaoge.

After another while, Kang Qiuen, Xu Kaiwei, and Xiong Xiaoge formed a three-person negotiation team.

In this case, Fang Zhuo looked at the minds of these people while waiting for someone he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Hey, it's quite cool here, and you can see the stars clearly." Yu Hong walked onto the tarmac.

She walked a few more steps and arrived next to Mr. Fang. She found that she had an unobstructed view of the villa, and added: "It will be clearer if you look down."

"I just saw the old bear laughing very happily. I don't know why he was laughing. Next time this happens again, I will just find a bug and put it on him." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Yu Hong has been uncharacteristically not communicating with Mr. Fang recently. She even declined several Rockets game invitations. She only made routine reports at work.

However, as the shares in my hands were cleared and as I considered some things, my thoughts gradually became clearer, and I became free and easy.

"I heard Weiwei talking about the domestic panel dispute, saying that the cooperation between BOE and Samsung is about to be implemented." Although Yu Hong didn't know what happened here today, she knew which field it was just by looking at the staffing. " But I didn’t expect you to be busy watching the game in Houston.”

"I quite like the idea of ​​having a chat at the stadium. Compared with the past small balls pushing big balls, this is just a small business trick." Fang Zhuo saw the figures below disappeared and didn't know whether to call it a day or go to the room. Conspiracy, he motioned Xiao Yu to sit on the chair behind.

Yu Hong picked a deck chair, leaned back and looked at the stars in the night sky, and said with a smile: "It would be interesting to blow in the wind and listen to Mr. Fang talk about his little tricks."

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and did not refuse Xiaoyu's little gossip. He briefly described what was happening in the villa with emphasis on the key points.

Yu Hong didn't ask any more questions, only asked one question: "Zhang Hongli's Deutsche Bank took advantage of the situation and proposed to honor the gambling agreement. If he really insists on it, what will you do? What if he leads DCM to honor it too?"

"I can't find a reason for Zhang Hongli to honor the gambling agreement. The reason he expressed his tough stance tonight is that I didn't really leave the ice core, so he wanted to honor the gambling agreement." Fang Zhuo spread his hands, "Look, this What's the reason? According to him, I didn't really want to leave, I wanted to stay, but he honored it."

“That’s not to say that how much confidence I have in ice core will definitely mean what I can do, but according to the current situation and policies, it is possible to push it to the market.”

"The only legitimate reason for Zhang Hongli's behavior is that he was angry. He was angry that I had conspired to deceive him."

"Zhang Hongli will calm down. Personal emotions should not affect business cooperation."

"Even if he can't calm down, Mr. Xu and Connor will persuade him."

Fang Zhuo brought the topic back to the original question: "Ten thousand steps back, Zhang Hongli has really withdrawn his shares, so just withdraw. He has made money, and I used his money to start the ice core project at a low cost." I won’t lose money even if I use the funds to take back the shares.”

"But it will indeed put pressure on my capital flow, and if it affects DCM..."

Yu Hong turned her head and looked at Mr. Fang's expression under the dim light.

"Then I can only go to Weiwei. She also has shares in Yike." Fang Zhuo continued, "This is not my battle alone. I have never been alone."

Yu Hong withdrew her gaze and sighed: "Yes, you are never alone."

Fang Zhuo: "Well..."

He said: "I am talking to you."

"Me too." Yu Hong raised her voice a little, "And what's your opinion? You have to face up to your identity and talk to me. I'm your creditor."

Fang Zhuo raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "Don't talk about debts when looking at the stars."

Yu Hong stopped talking and blew the evening breeze in silence.

There was silence between the two of them for a while.

Fang Zhuo turned his head and said: "Hey, Xiao Yu, our Questyle mobile phone hasn't come out yet. You don't really want to leave Yike, do you?"

"Do you want me to leave?" Yu Hong asked.

Fang Zhuo replied without hesitation: "No."

Yu Hong asked again: "The way you show that you don't want it is to transfer Pan Ben back from Europe, right?"

Pan Ben is the vice president hired from IDG. He first worked in the US market and then went to Europe to develop. He has experience and ability and is trusted by the chairman.

Fang Zhuo's tone became stiffer and he asked: "Then what do you want me to do? Do you think that the chairman of a company will ignore the impact when facing an important partner's separation and not worry about what will happen next?" Are you prepared for the situation?"

Instead, Yu Hong smiled: "Yes, this is me...the Mr. Fang I know."

"Business belongs to business, and personal belongs to individuals." Fang Zhuo said lightly.

He said this forcefully and regretted it three seconds later. It was all due to the impact of the negotiation in the study room tonight. He is usually a gentle person in business, not to mention this when he was facing Xiao Yu.

Fang Zhuo looked at the stars for a few seconds and suddenly said: "I won't pay you back."

"What?" Yu Hong was stunned.

"Didn't you ask me to face up to your identity as a creditor? Then you can be a creditor for the rest of your life." Fang Zhuo exhaled.

Just when Yu Hong was about to say something, they both heard footsteps on the stairs at the same time.

The visitor's steps changed from blurry to clear, and then stopped quickly. He hesitated and asked, "Is this Mr. Fang?"

Fang Zhuo heard the voice and said in surprise: "Mr. Wu? How did you know I was here?"

The visitor was Wu Hongquan from Luzhou SDIC. He was surprised and delighted: "Mr. Fang, I didn't know you were here. I just wanted to blow some air and smoke a cigarette."

"Come and sit down. Mr. Wu has had a hard time flying here from China." Fang Zhuo greeted.

Yu Hong stood up: "You guys chat, see you tomorrow."

The creditor went downstairs.

Fang Zhuo sighed unconsciously.

Wu Hongquan and Mr. Fang were alone, and asked nervously and courageously: "Can you not leave?"

"What's the reason?" Fang Zhuo sighed again.

Wu Hongquan was startled and replied: "Because, because it is very important."

"What important method?" Fang Zhuo asked casually.

"This...Mr. Fang, you are the beginning of all this. All semiconductors in Luzhou are driven by Mr. Fang." After Wu Hongquan said this, he sincerely apologized, "Mr. Fang, I can't help but thank you in the study. …Don’t take it seriously…”

Fang Zhuo suddenly came back to his senses and couldn't laugh or cry: "Mr. Wu, did you tell me not to take your gratitude seriously?"

"No, no, no." Wu Hongquan realized that he had said the wrong thing and decided to tell the truth, "Mr. Fang, I really thank you. What I said in the study was all from the bottom of my heart. However, when I went back to the room and called China, the leader scolded me. After all, I can't represent Luzhou at all, and I can't say anything like 'Mr. Zhang or Mr. Qiu'...I..."

He stammered anxiously: "I, I..."

"I understand, Mr. Wu, don't worry. As I said before, Luzhou and I will be fine in the future." Fang Zhuo comforted.

Wu Hongquan breathed a sigh of relief: "My leader asked me to listen more and speak less, but I didn't do it well."

"No, you did a good job." Fang Zhuo thought about the scene in the study and smiled, "Mr. Wu, don't think too much, just treat it as a trip this time."

Wu Hongquan felt that Mr. Fang was really a good person. He chatted for a few more words, but seeing that Mr. Fang was not in high spirits, he stood up and left.

After taking two steps, he suddenly asked: "Mr. Fang, do you want me to call Mr. Yu up?"

"Listen more and talk less." Fang Zhuo reminded.

Wu Hongquan almost gave himself a slap in the face and silently disappeared from the tarmac.

However, Wu Hongquan left. I wonder if the news below leaked, and Xu Kaiwei of Goldman Sachs got involved.

"Mr. Xu, why are you here?" Fang Zhuo was funny.

"Mr. Fang's phone number was blocked. I was afraid that it would be irreversible, so I searched around and wanted to criticize Mr. Fang." Xu Kaiwei also laughed, "I also wanted to criticize myself in front of Mr. Fang."

Before Fang Zhuo could say anything, there were footsteps approaching again.

From far to near, stop quickly.

Xiong Xiaoge said humbly: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Xu is here too, oh, you go first, you go first, I'll be up later."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

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