Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 653: When people unite, Mount Tai can move (two-in-one)

Luo Jianhua, the new president of Infineon's memory business group, was quite surprised by the request for a meeting from the chairman of Bingxin.

However, when he actually met the chairman in person, the surprise when he received the call faded a lot. A business leader who is so young and has achieved great success must have his own strengths, and it is normal for him to have a keen sense of smell. .

The meeting location was Infineon's corporate conference room in New York. Bingxin came with the chairman and five shareholders, which was basically the entire board of directors.

This formation made Luo Jianhua both moved and funny. Those who didn't know better thought that these people were coming to Infineon to hold a shareholders' meeting.

"Mr. Fang, we do plan to find more partners around the world."

"However, how this plan will be implemented remains to be discussed. After all, I have only just taken office not long ago."

Luo Jianhua gave such an attitude after exchanging pleasantries.

It's part of the truth.

He took office not long ago, and the previous president of the memory business group did not leave normally. He was forced to leave due to suspicion of receiving kickbacks in sports activities sponsored by Infineon. Therefore, he arrived in a hurry and had to deal with restructuring matters. This workload is both heavy and difficult. Very big.

However, Infineon has clearly proposed a restructuring plan in its quarterly financial report, and the general direction has been set.

If there are no accidents, Luo Jianhua's own consideration is the partners that Infineon has already cooperated with, including Baodao's two Nanya Branches and Huaya Branches.

To put this kind of consideration into practice at work is to visit Baodao within half a month to a month.

When a new official takes office, he also needs support from his partners.

"Mr. Luo, we are here with sincerity." Today, Fang Zhuo was sitting in the conference room without the lack of interest that Xiong Xiaoge had seen last night. Instead, he was in a very full spirit. , "I heard that Infineon had a restructuring plan. Once several shareholders and I discussed it, we quickly decided to talk to Mr. Luo in person."

Although this was not the case at all, Xu Kaiwei, Zhang Hongli, Xiong Xiaoge, Connor, and Wu Hong all nodded silently.

Four well-known venture capital companies plus one mainland representative, the consensus revealed by this unanimous action is very useful.

Fang Zhuo continued: "In fact, as a new company in the industry, we at Bingxin are eager to cooperate with major international manufacturers, and we have been paying attention to Infineon's developments for a long time, including the fact that Infineon's China headquarters has changed from Xiangjiang moved to Shanghai and established a scientific research system that cooperates with universities. These are places worth learning from."

"Many of the new employees who have joined Bingxin in the past two years are from universities such as Tongji and Xidian. They all mentioned the cooperation with Infineon under the leadership of Mr. Luo."

“This has benefited universities, students, and businesses a lot.”

"From this point of view, our ice core should also say thank you to Mr. Luo."

Luo Jianhua had white hair, and his face lit up when he heard these words.

Mr. Fang not only showed his sincerity in bringing people here, but also made a lot of preparations.

The words may seem flattering, but they are true!

Infineon has strengthened its scientific research cooperation with universities since relocating its headquarters in China. Tsinghua University has established laboratories, Xidian and XJTU have established integrated circuit design and R\u0026D centers, and Tongji has established an automotive electronics laboratory.

Almost every project of Infineon in China is related to universities.

This is exactly the Chinese strategy led by Luo Jianhua to promote the localization of Infineon and gain more opportunities and shares in the development of related industries in China.

"Mr. Fang is too polite." Luo Jianhua said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo was very serious: "No, Mr. Luo, you may think this is flattery. In fact, as the chairman of Bingxin, I have no industry background, so I am more willing to listen to the opinions of experts and pay attention to the opinions of major international manufacturers." view."

"Like Mr. Luo, I learned a lot from your views on Huaxia Semiconductor, 'Being lagging behind is an opportunity to achieve leapfrog development and avoid the detours of pioneers.'"

“That’s one of my sources of courage and motivation.”

Fang Zhuo never goes into an unprepared battle. Even though there was no expectation of substantive cooperation in this meeting, he still made preparations. He said it was a friendly and sincere contact, so it must be both friendly and sincere!

While Luo Jianhua was modest, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Four of the five shareholders who were watching were invariably thinking, why do such disgusting words seem so offensive to a young man?

And, has the smile on Mr. Luo’s face ever appeared on his own face?

Worth pondering.

A friendly and sincere exchange.

Luo Jianhua felt that it should be more realistic. After all, this young man said so many good things.

"Mr. Fang, Infineon or..." He paused, "Qimonda, we are open to cooperation."

Fang Zhuo felt that the name "Qimonda" was somewhat familiar: "Will this be the new name of the memory business group in the future?"

Luo Jianhua didn't think there was anything to hide, and said with a smile: "I'm not sure whether I will use this name yet."

He took the initiative to explain: "Qimonda, Qi stands for Qi, which is breathing and flowing energy. Monda means world in Latin. Our hope for Qimonda is to make it the key to the world. Key to the World.”

Fang Zhuo praised: "It's a good name, and the Chinese name is also very charming. The wonderful dream will finally arrive."

Luo Jianhua laughed: "But Mr. Fang, our cooperation with SMIC has been very good in the past, and they have also maintained a high technical level. The next step for Qimonda is to continue to lead the industry's advanced level. Regarding this, it is our choice to cooperate. A necessary condition for a partner.”

Fang Zhuo understood what this meant.

Qimonda wants to increase the construction of its memory business and is willing to expand partners, but it must have strength.

"Professor Hu Zhengming and Hu are our chief technology officer at Bing Xin." Fang Zhuo took out the technology card in his hand.

Luo Jianhua was a little surprised and his smile faded, and he leaned his upper body forward: "I heard that Professor Hu has returned to teach at the University of California. The chief technology officer..."

"He has suspended teaching in California and officially joined Ice Core to lead our technical team towards the 90nm process goal." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "First, it is not long ago, and second, we are handling this matter seriously. It’s relatively low-key.”

Luo Jianhua understands the answer.

Professor Hu Zhengming is both outstanding and well-known in the industry. He was previously the chief technology officer of Taiwan Journal, a position created by Taiwan Journal after he joined.

Luo Jianhua has no doubts about the professor's technical strength, and considering his resume, ice core may indeed have a period of rapid technological development.

The level of the 90nm process meets the cooperation requirements of Infineon/Qimonda.

In particular, it will take time for Qimonda to truly start cooperation, which will most likely take a year and a half.

This time should be more than enough for the ice core technology team led by Professor Hu.

Luo Jianhua changed his mind slightly and smiled again: "Professor Hu is willing to join Bingxin. It is really Bingxin's luck."

Even though the investment in the ice core project is worth tens of billions, in his opinion, people like Professor Hu are the ones who can really make funds shine.

Fang Zhuo nodded and said seriously: "Yes, Bingxin can achieve its current situation only because of Mr. Qiu Ciyun and Professor Hu Zhengming."

Luo Jianhua nodded somewhat relaxedly and asked another question: "The ice core has just been put into mass production, so the investment in the construction of the production line..."

Fang Zhuo was very casual about this issue.

He turned to look at his shareholders, and first asked Xu Kaiwei of Goldman Sachs: "Does Goldman Sachs have any money?"

Xu Kaiwei slandered and replied without hesitation: "If you have money, as long as the ice core is needed."

Fang Zhuo asked Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank again: "Does Deutsche Bank have any money?"

Zhang Hongli replied resolutely: "I have money."

Fang Zhuo looked at IDG.

Xiong Xiaoge simply replied: "Yes."

Then there is DCM.

Connor nodded directly.

Fang Zhuo finally smiled at Wu Hongquan of Luzhou SDIC and didn't plan to ask him any more.

Wu Hongquan replied excitedly: "We have them in Luzhou too!"

Fang Zhuo thinks that this person is really not suitable to come from Luzhou next time. Can't he always remember "listen more and talk less"?

He said to Luo Jianhua again: "It is because I am afraid that Mr. Luo will have doubts about our financial strength that our shareholders are excited to come together. To be honest, ice core is not my only project, but when it comes to the unity of people's hearts..."

Fang Zhuo gave a thumbs up: "That's it!"

Xu Kaiwei, Zhang Hongli, Xiong Xiaoge, and Connor all cursed in their hearts.

Wu Hongquan was excited. He knew there were some twists and turns, but the result was that everyone was able to seek common ground while reserving differences. This was really exciting!

Mr. Luo Jianhua, president of Infineon's memory business group, was shocked by Bingxin's collective efforts.

When people unite, Mount Tai will move!

There are people in Ice Core who have money and technology, and the future may really be limitless!

Luo Jianhua gave an unfettered final statement: "Mr. Fang, as long as you can meet the requirements before Qimonda starts OEM cooperation, I personally will be happy to cooperate."

Fang Zhuo did not give any further guarantees on the technical progress, because Qimonda's time was still uncertain. He only stood up and shook hands and said four words: "It's a deal."

Mr. Fang’s words were beautiful and Mr. Fang’s handshake was very strong.

And, Luo Jianhua quickly realized how considerate Mr. Fang's concern was.

After the interview in the conference room ended, Fang Zhuo provided a small help.

"Mr. Luo, it seems that Infineon's divestment of Qimonda is a foregone conclusion. By then it will probably seek to go public to raise funds, but I don't know whether it will be in Frankfurt or New York?"

Frankfurt is the German stock exchange, and Infineon is a listed company there.

Fang Zhuo walked a few steps and dragged Xu Kaiwei from Goldman Sachs: "If you want to list in New York, Goldman Sachs is a very good choice."

This is indeed a problem Qimonda needs to face.

Luo Jianhua was previously the president of the Asia-Pacific region, and his job content had nothing to do with finance. Now having a reliable contact channel is naturally a good choice.

He smiled and shook hands with Mr. Xu and chatted about some undecided but predictable things.

Xu Kaiwei was a little helpless. Even if Qimonda went public in the United States, he, as the president of the Asia-Pacific region, would not be as good as he was. He would have to provide advice from the side. But having said that, he had to help.

From this meeting, both parties gained a lot of confidence and laid a good foundation for possible constructive cooperation in the future.

At the luncheon at noon, Luo Jianhua and Fang Zhuo both intentionally chatted about less serious and interesting things, further drawing closer to each other's personal relationship.

Fang Zhuo felt that Luo Jianhua would be very useful and invited him to meet again when he was in Shanghai. Infineon's Chinese headquarters was there. Although Luo Jianhua was transferred to a new position, most of the global memory partners were in the Asia-Pacific. , he must work there.

As for Luo Jianhua, he didn't say anything. Just seeing how Mr. Fang could impress all the big guys in the organization and how happy he was to get along with them, he knew that Mr. Fang was a worthy person to associate with.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Bingxin ended its visit to Infineon's top management.

Basically, the journey of Bingxin shareholders has reached its end.

Everyone is very busy, and it is not easy to spare so much time. Xu Kaiwei and Zhang Hongli briefly communicated with Mr. Fang that the ice core news was a positive stimulus to SMIC, and there was no obstacle to this matter.

As far as Fang Zhuo is concerned, he has talked with Mr. Zhang Rujing of SMIC for a long time. The good news depends largely on whether SMIC will clarify it. If Mr. Zhang is willing to sell well, then sell well. .

"Mr. Fang, I have learned a lot from this trip. No matter what you think of us, we all hope that the development of ice core will get better and better."

Zhang Hongli of Deutsche Bank expressed his thoughts on this journey on behalf of everyone.

"Mr. Zang, this is wrong. You are all shareholders of Bingxin. Just like today, in Luo Jianhua's eyes, we are all one. There is no 'you' or 'us', it's our Bingxin." Fang Zhuo also sighed with emotion. "Originally, I didn't have enough confidence in taking charge of the ice core. If it weren't for your encouragement and support this time, I might really have to leave."

Zhang Hongli saw that Mr. Fang was still stubborn about this, and he didn't know whether to be funny or angry, so he could only shake hands with him firmly.

Xu Kaiwei, Zhang Hongli, and Connor all took the same flight back. I wonder if there will be any more communication during this process.

Everyone shook hands with Fang Zhuo and said goodbye.

As for Wu Hongquan of Luzhou SDIC, he was obviously not on the same page as these people. He had a plane ticket in the early morning.

Fang Zhuo asked someone to upgrade the simple Mr. Wu. He didn't talk about us or not with him. He simply mentioned that he would talk to the leader about his excellent performance on this trip.

In the evening, all friends have left.

Xiong Xiaoge made an additional arrangement to visit the head of IDG Group, and he had time to have two more drinks with Mr. Fang in the evening.

In the middle of drinking, Mr. Xiong Xiaoge Jianfang answered the phone and quickly mentioned something like a banner.

He waited until the call was over and asked, "What kind of banners are we going to arrange? Isn't it for Mr. Zong and the others?"

"Oh, no, it's not wrong. BOE in China has basically decided on the city to locate its production line in Luzhou." Fang Zhuo replied, "This matter has a preliminary result. I will ask someone to send them an enthusiastic The banner of "Advanced Collective for Fire Protection Public Welfare".

Xiong Xiaoge was stunned: "An advanced collective that is enthusiastic about fire protection and public welfare?"

"Well, BOE's existence can effectively prevent fires in friendly factories. It is enthusiastic about firefighting and advanced in public welfare. It is worth celebrating." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Xiong Xiaoge: "..."

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