Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 654 Alternation of Power (Two in One)

Fang Zhuo is very pleased that BOE has settled in Luzhou.

He remembered that he and Mr. Wang Dongsheng had talked about choosing a city from an objective perspective. Even so, Luzhou still became the final choice, which shows that the passionate group is still full of enthusiasm.

Although the province wants to recycle money from itself, but if it doesn’t also take money from Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, who doesn’t have a difficult time?

The friendship between hometown and resolving difficulties is a must.

Fang Zhuo continued to stay in New York for three days. On the one hand, he wanted to understand the development of the US market in more detail. On the other hand, he also clarified the status of the technology department established by Yike in Silicon Valley. This is a new department involved in the development of the Android system and will work with Domestic technical teams share information.

By the first weekend of July, Fangzhuo flew from New York to Idaho to attend the Sun Valley Summit that Stringer had previously invited.

This is a summer party that invites influential guests from different industries and fields. It requires guests not to bring electronic devices to avoid recording, and also refuses any media visits.

To put it bluntly, a gathering of big shots.

Fang Zhuo met Microsoft's Gates here and invited many big names, including him, to try out his toy website, the Quora Q\u0026A community.

In addition, he also exchanged some opinions with some politically influential MPs.

However, this trip was mainly to witness Stringer attending a meeting as a parent of Sony for the first time and communicating with Gates on technical standards.

Stringer's conversation with Gates was not in public view, but took place in a separate room for a long time.

Judging from the behavior of the two people walking out of the room, Gates was quite angry and Stringer was frowning. They basically broke down.

Fang Zhuo is an external director of Sony. He inevitably chatted with Stringer about the situation in the evening, and the latter's answer confirmed his guess during the day.

"Microsoft is unwilling to support our Blu-ray DVD as the standard format for next-generation DVDs."

"Gates insists on using software as the core to deliver various entertainment contents to devices in the home."

"He can't stop me."

Stringer still gets annoyed talking about it.

"Then you have to pay attention to Microsoft's actions." Fang Zhuo reminded, "Since you can't reach a consensus, Gates will never hesitate to take action."

Stringer agrees with this assessment.

But he was not too worried, just a little angry: "Gates thought Sony was in a bad situation now, so he thought he could force me to make concessions, but Universal, Fox, Warner, Paramount, Samsung, Sharp, Apple, and Yike... Even Microsoft’s largest customers, Dell and HP, support us.”

"Sony's Blu-ray DVD has gained widespread support."

"Gates and Intel think they have the power to change Toshiba's HD-DVD weakness, so let them try this useless effort."

Stringer, Sony's new parent, did a lot of work after returning to the United States, aiming to establish a pan-Blu-ray DVD alliance, with great results.

He is confident that he can win this battle that reflects his own value.

After listening to this information, Fang Zhuo also felt that he could win. The entertainment giant would definitely be willing to support Sony Blu-ray with stricter anti-theft measures. However, whether a victory in a battle can revive Sony's strategy is probably worth debating.

Even though Microsoft and Intel don't have many allies, they have strong influence.

Stringer and Sony will probably be involved in a lot of energy.

Fang Zhuo did not express this judgment. Stringer's enthusiasm for taking office will inevitably be spurred by his will. If Sony does not see the recovery effect, it will team up with Yike to invest in the shares of Android Company and it will become a very big deal. Nice gift.

It’s okay if the old Jazz’s strategy fails. I’ll prepare a way out for him.

Quora has gained a lot of big-name users, and accordingly it has gradually become more famous. After all, many people this time are the focus of media attention.

On July 11, Fang Zhuo returned to New York and hosted the last Yike meeting before returning to China.

What made him a little dumbfounded was that Xiao Yu had previously said that she would no longer keep the president's office, but she actually moved her own office next door.

After the meeting, Fang Zhuo sat in Vice President Xiao Yu's office and asked her: "You occupied my office. I have to have a place when I come. I will use your room if I need anything. What do you think?" Do you want to be farther away from me or closer?"

Yu Hong tried her best to reject the temptation from Mr. Fang and refused to answer the question at all.

"Okay, since you are still at Yike, our normal work communication should not be affected. When Lao Xiong comes, I will go to the airport with him." Fang Zhuo said.

"Does Mr. Fang have anything else to explain?" Yu Hong asked from a work perspective.

"I've said everything that needs to be said." Fang Zhuo glanced at the time, thought for a moment, stood up and said, "Mr. Yu is our co-founder of Yike. I'll write an inscription for you before I leave."

Yu Hong pouted: "Who cares?"

As they were talking, Xiong Xiaoge arrived at the office.

Seeing Mr. Fang's attitude, he smiled and put the Coke he bought on the table: "Mr. Fang is having fun today. Come on, I know you have the habit of drinking Coke, so I bought a bottle when I came up."

Yu Hong raised her eyebrows. She didn't know that this person also liked to drink Coke.

Fang Zhuo ignored Lao Xiong and concentrated on studying ink.

Xiong Xiaoge was wandering around, chatting with Mr. Yu about the rare state of Mr. Fang last time.

"Shut up, please, see if my writing has deteriorated?" Fang Zhuo couldn't help shouting to Lao Xiong, and then he wrote five words with a splash of ink.


Xiong Xiaoge looked at it at the side and nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Fang's calligraphy is really beautiful. It's for Mr. Yu. It's okay to frame it properly."

Yu Hong said disdainfully: "Should I frame his handwriting?"

Fang Zhuo put down his pen happily and commented on his handwriting: "I'm still unfamiliar with it, I need to practice it."

"No, Mr. Yu? Then I'll take it away. I'll cut it into two parts, frame the last three words and put them in my office." Xiong Xiaoge said as he reached for the words.

"Mr. Xiong, I find that you and Mr. Fang have known each other for a long time. It's really... those who are close to each other are evil." Yu Hong criticized.

Xiong Xiaoge glanced at Mr. Fang, looked at the words, and then looked at Mr. Yu, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not what he imagined.

"Mr. Yu is angry that I interrupted her review of documents." Fang Zhuo said, "Let's go to the airport."

"Mr. Xiong, I won't send you off." Yu Hong paused and said, "Mr. Fang, you are safe."

Xiong Xiaoge muttered: "I also want to stay safe..."

The two presidents left the office and rushed to the international airport with their assistants.

Yu Hong read the documents in the office for a while, then stared at the words a few times. She got up angrily, crumpled the rice paper into a ball, and threw it into the trash can.

Then, she called her secretary on the intercom: "The trash can and the ink, paper and inkstone have been cleaned."

The secretary was stunned for a moment and then started to work silently.

Seeing that she was about to leave the office, Yu Hong called to her secretary again: "There is a message in the trash can. Scan it and print it on the business card."

The secretary was stunned again and still didn't say anything.

Yu Hong sat back in the office that originally belonged to the president and continued to review documents.

People are shameless, but words are innocent.

Direct transoceanic flights from New York to Shanghai.

Xiong Xiaoge played with the gift given to him by President Fang, Yike's new MP4.

He studied the functions for a while and asked casually: "Mr. Fang, do you know about the retirement of Taiji Boss?"

"Yeah." Fang Zhuo responded, "I know."

Just at the beginning of this month, Taiwan Journalist Zhang Zhongmou officially announced his retirement and handed over the CEO position to his successor Cai Lixing.

This seems to mean that Taiji has started the alternation of rights.

Because Jiang Shangyi, vice president of R\u0026D, is also 60 years old, and it is said that retirement plans are also on the agenda.

According to the current situation of Taiwanese reporters, it is generally believed that the person who will take over Jiang Shangyi's position is Liang Mengsong or Sun Yuancheng, both of whom have very strong technical capabilities.

Fang Zhuo got the news about Zhang Zhongmou immediately, but he knew that his retirement was only temporary, and Cai Lixing might have some trouble in the future that would cause Taiji to welcome back the founder again.

However, the alternation between Zhang and Cai is not the focus of his attention. The focus is on the movements of Professor Hu Zhengming's favorite disciple Liang Mengsong.

If the wings of butterflies had not affected this aspect, Liang Mengsong, who was considered a candidate to take over at this time, might soon face a cold reception. This would be a good opportunity for ice core contact.

Fang Zhuo had contacted Liang Mengsong once and extended an invitation, but was simply rejected by this technical genius.

This time, that time.

Now that Bingxin has a certain technical foundation and funds, and Liang Mengsong's mentor has successfully joined the company after ending the non-compete agreement, the conditions are different.

Fang Zhuo is full of expectations for the internal changes in Taiwan Records.

"Mr. Fang, can't you breathe a sigh of relief when Zhang Zhongmou retires?" Xiong Xiaoge said with a smile when he saw Mr. Fang's lackluster reaction.

"SMIC will probably be relieved. I have never met Zhang Zhongmou, but Zhang Rujing and Mr. Zhang suffered a lot at his hands." Fang Zhuo turned over a page of documents.

Xiong Xiaoge laughed and said with emotion: "Mr. Fang, do you know why I, um, and Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xu are willing to invest in ice cores?"

"Because you love me." Fang Zhuo said lightly.

Xiong Xiaoge: "?"

But after a second thought, he really nodded and said, "Who doesn't love Mr. Xiao Fang?"

Xiong Xiaoge gave the answer seriously: "A very important reason is that you are young. Look at Taiwanese reporters. Zhang Zhongmou retired before you even started. When Zhang Rujing of SMIC also retires, won't Bingxin be invincible?"

Age is an advantage.

And at such an age, Mr. Xiao Fang has always been tenacious. As long as he survives his peers, with his methods, Bing Xin will have a bright future.

If you can't defeat Zhang Zhongmou, how can you kill Cai Lixing?

Fang Zhuo closed the document and said with a smile: "If we succeed according to time, you will have to wait for a long time for the money."

"This is a long-term goal." Xiong Xiaoge said, "I believe that such semiconductor companies will have to go public and raise funds sooner or later. Our money alone is not enough for Bingxin to develop faster."

Fang Zhuo asked with interest: "A founder like Zhang Zhongmou has always had a strong personality, so he is destined not to lose his influence when he retires. What if Cai Lixing's actions after taking over are not as he expected, and this person comes back?"

Zhang Zhongmou in Taiwan Records...

Xiong Xiaoge thought about that person's reputation and hesitated: "I've already retreated. Let's not make any assumptions."

"It's okay, I won't be afraid even if he comes back. I am..." Fang Zhuo smiled and boasted, "I will become stronger when I encounter strength."

So far, Bing Xin has not had any conflict with the reporter, but probably because Professor Hu Zhengming handled it in a low-key manner, the reporter will have a grudge sooner or later because of this matter.

He chatted for a while and continued: "Zhang Zhongmou's retirement and the new arrival of Cai Lixing may not be very good news for SMIC."

Xiong Xiaoge was surprised: "Mr. Fang thinks highly of Cai Lixing?"

He knew that Mr. Fang had the habit of understanding his opponents and he was often very accurate in reading people.

"It's not an evaluation of him." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I heard that Cai Lixing was personally responsible for the Taiwan reporter's attack on SMIC. Now that he has come to power, based on what I know about his behavior, China's I’m afraid Xin, a thorn in his side, won’t stop if he still has the energy to catch up.”

Xiong Xiaoge was even more surprised: "How does Cai Lixing perform the surgery himself?"

Fang Zhuo gave an example: "For example, Cai Lixing brought Jiang Shangyi to the United States and went to Texas Instruments in person to compare the chips and fix the evidence."

"This..." Xiong Xiaoge looked at the big picture from the small, and felt a murderous aura, "Is this true?"

"The two families have now reconciled. After some of the original circumstances were revealed, there should be no fraud." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "I think the people in Deyi probably have no motivation to mislead me. They just use it as conversation material."

Xiong Xiaoge asked: "Have you talked to Mr. Zhang?"

"With regard to the departure of Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, Mr. Zhang and I talked on the phone a few times about the changes in the station." Fang Zhuo frowned, "However, I feel that Mr. Zhang may not be as vigilant as me. "

After all, the two parties reached a settlement agreement with a compensation amount of US$175 million.

This has been a severe bloodletting.

Xiong Xiaoge was silent.

Indeed, Fang is always a very... vigilant person.

He seems less trusting of others, preferring to trust his own judgment and intuition.

"It's good for the ice core." Xiong Xiaoge shook his head and gave a hypothesis about the positive effects.

However, there was no smile on his face, and he quickly said four more words: "Unfortunate fate."

It seems to be talking about SMIC, and it also seems to be talking about the domestic semiconductor industry.

Fang Zhuo was not so emotional and joked: "Don't panic, I'm here."

Xiong Xiaoge knew that this person was a real person who did things, and said, "Mr. Fang, I must say that your ambition is one of the few that I have ever seen."

Therefore, he was very impressed when he saw Mr. Fang drinking Coke last time.

After he praised him seriously, he smiled and said, "Is there any secret to cultivating one's mind?"

Fang Zhuo patted the document and said, "Yes."

Xiong Xiaoge looked at the document: "What is this?"

"The recent situation of domestic e-commerce." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "Semiconductors are weak. This is something I cannot change, and it cannot be reversed in a short time. Therefore, my secret is..."

"Find other easy bullies to bully. Once you are in a good mood, you will be motivated to continue investing in semiconductors."

Xiong Xiaoge took the document, which contained the offline competition encountered by Tesco.

He flipped through it carefully, looking left and right, and found that only five words were written.

Mr. Fang is back.

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