Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 664 Who is slandering me (two in one)

Tesco's supplier meeting went well.

In addition to explaining his own brand cooperation plan and talking about the payment cycle problem in the retail industry, Fang Zhuo also shared his views on domestic e-commerce.

The people in the conference hall from various brands were quite confused, including high-level and middle-level people, as well as front-line business personnel. Because of the gossipy nature of the competition between Tesco and Gome, there were some buzzing discussions in low voices from time to time.

However, when Mr. Fang on the stage began to talk about his prospects for e-commerce, the "buzzing" sound like a background sound suddenly disappeared, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Who is this person talking about?

This is a BOSS-level figure who inspired many practitioners by writing an open letter to the entire industry: "The spring of the Internet is coming", talking about the prospects and development of the industry he is good at.

Today, his enthusiasm when talking about e-commerce infected almost everyone present.

"The Internet will definitely change social life in a profound way that no one can predict."

“E-commerce is a top priority and a development within development.”

“If I were to define it, I would call the next ten years the golden decade of e-commerce.”

"Everyone here, whether you are willing to cooperate with Tesco or not, I think you all need to seriously think about how your brand treats the Internet and e-commerce."

"If you miss this e-commerce, if you look back ten years later, believe me, you will regret missing an era."

The words coming out of Fang Zhuo's mouth were extremely serious and firm, and coupled with his status, they undoubtedly amplified their impact on everyone.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the supplier meeting ended. Many people were still thinking about the fairness of Mr. Fang's prediction, and many people shyly wanted to step forward to take a group photo.

Fang Zhuo doesn't refuse anyone who comes.

Even after taking a group photo, they continued to talk about the payment cycle of the retail industry in a casual manner.

Compared with the speeches at the meeting, there were really many people at this time.

"If Gome didn't have a large market share, who would be willing to go? It eats its own meat, and we just drink the soup. The soup is getting less and less."

"After the past two years, our brand's profit is almost the same as before it was connected to Gome."

"But it's also very helpless. Now that I'm tied to Gome, it's even less profitable to disconnect."

"Gree is still very courageous."

A washing machine supplier poured out his frustrations, which attracted Mr. Fang's frequent nods.

He gave Mr. Fang a cigarette and noticed an unattractive middle-aged man next to Mr. Fang, who also handed him a flower.

Fang Zhuo sighed and said, "Yes, it's not easy."

"Gome's work is becoming less and less authentic. In fact, it is very simple." Another supplier said, "Its channels help us sell goods, and they keep the profits they deserve and give us what they deserve. We don't Don't hold back on the money and goods, they have a big business, we can only bite the bullet and get by."

Fang Zhuo nodded appreciatively: "That's well said. This matter is not complicated. You should sell things and give money when you should. There are not so many reasons."

"The store owner is bullying customers." Sun Xiaopeng from TCL came over and commented.

"I'm trying to build Tesco. I don't say it will be more or less good, but at least it will give everyone one more choice." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Come on, let's take a photo. I should go to the east to eat, but I have to pay for it." If you are not in the mood to eat, you can go have supper alone early in the morning."

Mr. Fang's mouth was a bit rude, but it was quite effective in bringing the distance closer.

A small group of suppliers took a photo with Mr. Fang, and the middle-aged man who had been listening quietly walked out of the camera.

It ended at seven o'clock and the conversation continued until nine o'clock. Fang Zhuo was already dry and his mouth was dry before he could finish today's work.

"Zhao Si, look and listen to the voice of the masses. This is an unhealthy industry problem."

It was late, but we still had to eat, so we took this opportunity to discuss the situation alone with the leader.

Zhao Yajiang is a deputy director who has dealt with him before, and this trip is considered a research trip.

But he knew in his heart what Mr. Fang wanted to do.

When Fang Zhuo saw that Zhao Si didn't speak, he continued: "I'm not talking about Gome. This is indeed an industry issue. There are Suning and Five-Star, but Gome is more prominent in this aspect, so I can only kill my relatives out of justice."

Zhao Yajiang laughed.

"Are you killing your relatives out of righteousness?"

The second half of the sentence, "Fake public benefit for personal gain" was not said out loud.

Fang Zhuo nodded and said, "Yes, I can't just turn a blind eye to the industry situation just because Tesco is competing with Gome, right?"

Zhao Yajiang also nodded, scolding and praising: "Yes, Mr. Fang, you are such a person."

Now that we've talked about it, we can be more direct.

He continued: "I have seen some of the situation, but you suppliers have not given any official explanation. There will definitely be no movement in the short term."

"Zhao Si really has a keen eye. Gome is so powerful that no one dares to formally oppose it." Fang Zhuo praised.

Zhao Yajiang: "..."

That’s fine, it’s fine for reading comprehension.

"Si Zhao, that's what I think. Industry problems are widespread, and they will definitely continue to exist without administrative intervention. This is wrong." Fang Zhuo talked eloquently, "Also, even the industry boss is doing this. What will happen to those of us who come after us?”

"We, Tesco, should delay the payment cycle. We will regret it in our conscience."

"Let's not delay. We can't compete with Gome in terms of use of funds."

"This is Tesco, and that's me. If it's another store, it's not Tesco, it's Haogou, Kuaigou or something like that. Who can they ask to reason with?"

"Can they find a wise leader? Can they have the money to carry it on?"

Zhao Yajiang nodded, and couldn't help but complain: "Mr. Fang, just say what you say, the richest man in the mainland."

"Mr. Huang is ranked second, and it doesn't stop him from delaying other people's payment." Fang Zhuo spread his hands.

"Okay, I understand everything I need to know about the situation." Zhao Yajiang only said this.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of the soup: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, we at Tesco still have some money, let's try not to die."

Zhao Yajiang sighed: "Mr. Fang, don't cry so miserably. There must be a process for everything."

That’s all, I won’t go any further!

"Si Zhao, I have patience." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "Si Zhao, I'd like to give you soup instead of wine."

"You're too miserable to drink, right?" Zhao Yajiang shook his head and took a sip of soup.

Regardless, there are indeed some issues in the industry that need to be addressed.

It seems relatively obvious, and there is no need to even discuss what is right or wrong.

There is only one thing to consider now.

"Mr. Fang, you keep blaming Gome, so what do you, Tesco, plan to do?" Zhao Yajiang asked.

"Actually, I am concerned about industry issues not only because of Tesco, but also because I am a supplier. For example, the payment cycle of our overseas products at Kroger and Walmart is usually two weeks. ." Fang Zhuo replied seriously, "Considering the service time before and after e-commerce, this is different from offline Gome, so Tesco plans to take 1-1.5 months."

Zhao Yajiang was a little surprised. He thought it would take at least 3 months to start.

"On the one hand, Tesco is small in size. Of course, we must be excellent in every aspect. The industry's excellence level is not the bottom line of the industry." Fang Zhuo explained, "On the other hand, I think this is an advanced experience worth learning by enterprises. , if you want to become bigger and stronger, you still need to follow more standards, um..."

Zhao Yajiang heard the unfinished meaning and signaled Fang Zhuo to finish.

Fang Zhuo shrugged: "Tesco is too lazy to make money from poor suppliers in this link."

He said proudly: "If I am really short of money, someone will give it to me."

Zhao Yajiang finally heard the courage from the richest man.

Okay, Mr. Fang, you finally look like the richest man!

Tesco’s supplier meeting lasted only one day, but the next two days included a visit to Warehouse 1 in Kunshan to continue explaining the company’s development prospects and cooperation policies.

Because it was a relatively procedural matter and because Fang Zhuo did not participate, some suppliers ended their e-commerce journey.

Anyway, the meaning is pretty much the same, that is, Tesco has prospects, is willing to invest, and has better policies than the country. The actual choice of suppliers depends on their own circumstances.

Fang Zhuo is patient about this, just as he is stimulating the two fields of policy and banking, and is not eager to achieve immediate results.

No matter what happens to Gome in the end, Tesco must strengthen itself. Even if the electrical appliance retail business competes in an orderly manner, there will still be natural pressure from Suning and Five Star. This is a matter of mutual interest.

On the last day of July, Fang Zhuo planned his schedule for next month.

In addition to meeting the "TV Eight" on the 2nd, the main task in August is to inspect the progress of each first-level warehousing center of Tesco. This is an important part of the B2C supply chain and is bound to run through the development of Tesco before and after.

However, this night, things seemed to take a strange turn.

After Fang Zhuo finished working overtime, he was still leisurely teaching Su Wei calligraphy in the study, when a call suddenly came in on his mobile phone.

"Eh? Pony's horse?"

Fang Zhuo put down his brush and took his cell phone. Strangely, it was a call from the head of Penguin.

Thoughts were racing in his mind, considering the intention of the call.

Is it the competition of portal websites or the competition of blogs and space?

It shouldn’t be an e-commerce company. Penguin’s is engaged in C2C, focusing on eBay and Taobao.

Fang Zhuo pressed the voice button.

"Hey, Mr. Fang." Ma Huateng's voice sounded, "It's me."

"Pony, it's so late, what's going on?" Fang Zhuo glanced at the time. The call at ten o'clock in the evening was quite unusual, so he got straight to the point.

"It's nothing. I heard that Mr. Fang has returned to China and Tesco is in full swing. I want to learn from the experience of e-commerce." Ma Huateng said with a smile.

Fang Zhuo felt a little weird, so he patiently said with a smile: "You want me to learn from my experience? I understand, okay, come to Shanghai, I will personally drive you to Lin'an, find Ali, and see how they do C2C of."

Ma Huateng couldn't laugh or cry.

"Taobao is really good. This year's C2C market is going to completely defeat eBay." Fang Zhuo said with emotion, "It's not easy, it's amazing. Really. I plan to visit Lin'an in the near future."

"We can hold an e-commerce conference in China." Ma Huateng suggested, "Without Amazon and eBay, several domestic e-commerce companies, regardless of size, can sit together."

Fang Zhuo felt that this was probably what the Penguin leader wanted to say, so he readily agreed.

Ma Huateng joked again: "I just don't know if it's inconvenient for Dangdang Fang to come. Mr. Fang, you won't start a fight with Mr. Li."

"Hey, let's talk about it. Qingzi and I have a good relationship in private. You see, I said I wanted to sell Dangdang shares, but I haven't sold them yet. I am still a shareholder of Dangdang." Fang Zhuo said, "A market maker A little thing, it’s long gone.”

Ma Huateng said immediately: "Yes, Mr. Fang, I know that you are always broad-minded and you definitely don't care about small things like market competition."

Fang Zhuo frowned.

Ma Huateng added: "I think the competition between Tesco and Gome has been fierce recently. Mr. Huang has a better personality, but it doesn't matter if he really talks about it. Mr. Fang, if you are free next month, let's sit down together."

Fang Zhuo was surprised.

He immediately understood that this was the purpose of Pony Ma's call, not an e-commerce meeting.

But then I became confused again. What did the Penguin Leader want to do?

Help Tesco and Gome become lobbyists? I haven't expressed this intention myself, and I haven't looked for him.

Fang Zhuo pondered for a while and declined politely: "The arrangements for next month are quite tight."

"You can do it whenever you have free time. It's not easy for us to live in the business." Ma Huateng said with a smile, "Being harmonious with each other makes money and competes. We don't have to go to the sword to make it really popular."

Fang Zhuo thought this was even more strange.

He was a little unclear about this person's position and said vaguely: "The competition is indeed fierce. I'll see when I have time after I've been busy for a while."

"Okay, okay." Ma Huateng said in a friendly tone, "Mr. Fang, our e-commerce business will communicate more and cooperate more. Harmony will make money, and harmony will make money."

The Penguin Leader ended the call.

Fang Zhuo put down his cell phone, rubbed his chin, and said to Su Wei, "What do you mean by Ma Huateng? You are thinking about our friendship with me, and you know Mr. Dahuang, so why don't you do Tesco a favor?"

Su Wei frowned and had a vague guess. Just as she was about to speak, President Fang's phone rang again.

This time it’s Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Technology.

Fang Zhuo hasn't met Wang Fengyi in person since he returned to Shanghai. They called him twice, but he has no interest in participating in the wine party.

He pressed the voice button again.

"Brother Wang, Mr. Wang, don't tell me that you asked me to go out drinking so late." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

Wang Fengyi's loud voice rang from the mobile phone: "If you want to drink, you can do it at noon or in the evening. If you are not drinking, I just heard that you are going to mess with Mr. Huang. Let's see how you can be so grand."

Fang Zhuo was startled: "I want to get Mr. Huang?? Who said that??"

"That's what they said." Wang Fengyi said, "You said you were going to mess with Mr. Huang of Gome."

Fang Zhuo was stunned again: "'Du'?"

His tone became a little bad: "Did I say something?"

Wang Fengyi asked strangely: "No? Isn't there something going on with Tesco and Gome?"

"Rumors are all rumors. If there's nothing wrong, go ahead and have a drink. Don't just believe everything. You even called me specifically." Fang Zhuo said rudely.

Wang Fengyi was a little embarrassed and suspicious: "Really?"

"Really, hung up."

Fang Zhuo ended the call.

He and Su Wei looked at each other and both understood the purpose of the previous call from Ma Huateng. It was not to intercede for Tesco, but to intercede for Mr. Dahuang.

The Penguin leader also heard the rumor from some source!

Fang Zhuo and Su Wei both frowned and thought.

a long time.

Su Wei shook her head gently: "Who leaked the news?"

Fang Zhuo looked at Su Wei, took a deep breath, and corrected angrily: "It's not a leak, who is slandering me?"

I haven't started yet!

Who, who, who is slandering me!

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