Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 665 The wind also persuades me, and the rain also persuades me (two in one)

Regarding the rumors, Fang Zhuo was puzzled.

If I want to take some action against Mr. Dahuang personally, that is the last choice. I have neither done it nor said anything, so why should I say so or not, and still "say that".

On the first day of August, Fang Zhuo still couldn't help but think about this matter in the president's office of Hang Lung 23.

Who is hiding evil intentions behind this?

To tarnish one's reputation in such a sinister way is really alarming.

Fang Zhuo even vaguely suspected that this was a rumor put out by Mr. Dahuang himself, which was either a trick or a fish in troubled waters.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Fang Zhuo decided to put this matter behind him for the time being. The rumors stopped among the wise. No matter what, the development of Tesco was the top priority.

However, before I could read a few pages of the document, my phone rang.

Fang Zhuo took a look and saw that the name of the caller was Yao Wenchen.

He wasn't very familiar with him, he was a man they met and exchanged numbers during a meeting of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, but Fang Zhuo still had a deep impression on him.

Because he created a poker brand called "Yao Ji Poker".

"Mr. Fang, I'm Yao Wenchen, old Yao." Yao Wenchen said cheerfully after the call was connected.

"Good morning, Mr. Yao." Fang Zhuo greeted him as usual. He didn't know the purpose of the visit, but guessed it was related to the Chamber of Commerce.

"I heard that Mr. Fang returned to Shanghai. I thought that since I met Mr. Fang at the Chamber of Commerce last year, I haven't had a chance to ask him about the company." Yao Wenchen is more than twice the age of Mr. Fang, but his speaking posture is very low, "No I know if Mr. Fang has time recently, he also gives lessons to his friends from the Chamber of Commerce."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "No, no, not in class, but if Mr. Yao invites me to play poker, he really has to squeeze in time even if he doesn't have time."

Yao Wenchen said happily: "Mr. Fang, when do you have time? I don't want to say anything else. I have enough poker. Let's play poker while Mr. Fang gives you some advice."

He added: "By the way, our factory will soon produce a batch of commemorative poker cards. Once the design is completed, we will send a car to Yike as soon as possible."

Fang Zhuo laughed.

Yao Wenchen laughed along, and after a while he got down to business: "Mr. Fang, I'm still unsure about something. After much deliberation, I made this call and asked Mr. Fang to teach me."

"You're welcome, Mr. Yao." Fang Zhuo adjusted his sitting posture, knowing that the main course was coming.

"Having come to Shanghai to work hard for so long, I was thinking about setting up a hometown chamber of commerce in Shanghai to gather friends from my hometown who are doing business here." Yao Wenchen said seriously, "Mr. Fang, these fellows from our hometown in Shanghai, If you don’t admire anything else, I admire Mr. Fang. In the past few days, I want Mr. Fang to come to the Chamber of Commerce and become the honorary president.”

Fang Zhuo's heart moved, and his face became lighter: "Well..."

"Mr. Fang, really, not only me, but all the fashion businessmen here in Shanghai are looking forward to the opportunity to listen to Mr. Fang's lectures and talk about the philosophy of doing business." Yao Wenchen said sincerely, "What we fashion businessmen love most is to make friends. , Mr. Fang is the friend we most want to make, no, not only a friend, but also a teacher."

Fang Zhuo remained silent, he already understood.

I also understand why I received a call from the Penguin Leader yesterday.

Rhubarb always comes from a trendy business background, and so does Pony Ma.

Yao Wenchen, who called now, said he wanted to form the Shencheng Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce. His purpose was the same as Pony Ma yesterday, and he wanted to mediate the conflict between himself and Mr. Dahuang.

The problem is that up to now, the competition between itself and Dahuang has been between enterprises, and Tesco is still at a disadvantage.

From this tone and gesture, it seemed that he was the one bullying others.

"So Yao is always from Chaoshan?" Fang Zhuo asked.

Yao Wenchen replied: "Yes, a native of Chaoyang has been in Shencheng for more than ten years in the blink of an eye."

He continued: "I run a small business like poker, and I don't have the ability to do big business. The person I admire the most in Shanghai over the years is Mr. Fang. I met Mr. Fang at the Chamber of Commerce last year. After I went back, I often told my fellow villagers that Mr. Fang Impressive."

"This time, because of the feelings of fellow villagers, I want Mr. Fang to give us lessons."

The words are quite tactful.

But the sentence "thinking of the feelings of my fellow countrymen" still has the right meaning.

When Fang Zhuo heard this, he said directly: "Mr. Yao, do you have any misunderstandings about me? Just tell me what you have to say. I'm not a bully. Why can't I even listen to you?"

"Mr. Fang, I just want you to eat, chat, teach our fellow villagers experience, and make friends." Yao Wenchen said this, and he could only do this.

Although the trendy businessmen were in a group, he was a poker player and barely knew Mr. Fang because of the Chamber of Commerce. How else could he persuade him.

The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy, but when the intention is reached, the boss will come forward.

Yao Wenchen grasps his own speed.

Fang Zhuo was silent for a while and said: "Mr. Yao, I also like to make friends. In this way, whenever I have time, I will invite Mr. Yao to play poker at Hang Lung."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Fang." Yao Wenchen heard Mr. Fang's intention to end the call and no longer insisted on making further requests.

call ended.

Fang Zhuo pressed his phone on the desk and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

What's going on!

What can I say about this?

Could it be that he really wanted to engage Mr. Dahuang, but he hadn't had time to do it yet?

Otherwise, just say it’s all rumors. Don’t believe it. Mr. Dahuang and I have a good relationship. Tesco and Gome are in normal competition. We, Tesco, were not pinned to the ground and beaten by Gome.

Then Mr. Dahuang asked his suppliers to cut off supply to Tesco, so he just put on a low profile and allowed others to laugh at him?

Fang Zhuo frowned and thought, considering whether there was a way to get in the middle.

How to center it?

How can people believe that their opinions on Mr. Dahuang are just due to the competition between the two companies? How can people believe that they are not the type to go after people?

Before he could think of a way, the phone rang again.

This time it was an unknown number.

But Fang Zhuo suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

Rumors are out.

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

I should have thought of this yesterday. Pony Madu made a special call. Not only did this rumor spread throughout the business world, at least a group of trendy businessmen heard about it.

As for why they seemed a little nervous when they heard this...

Maybe I think Gome is going too far.

Fang Zhuo answered the phone.

"Is this Mr. Fang Zhuofang?" The caller introduced himself, "I am Zhu Mengyi from Hopson Development."

Fang Zhuo raised his brows. Not only did he not expect it to be a trendy businessman, but he also unexpectedly found it to be this one.

Zhu Mengyi, the chairman of Hopson Development, was ranked 10th on the Forbes rich list last year. He is indeed a real estate tycoon.

Taking into account this year's performance, if we are ranked again in 2005, we will most likely be able to enter the top three.

Moreover, Zhu Mengyi ranks second, with the eldest brother Zhu Layi in front and the third brother Zhu Qingyi behind him.

The three brothers are all characters, each creating their own creation and complementing each other.

In particular, Zhu Mengyi is now regarded as the leader of South China real estate.

"Mr. Zhu, it's me." Fang Zhuo thought about the situation of this big boss whom he had only heard about but never met, and said unhurriedly, "What caused Mr. Zhu to call me? Could it be that Hopson Development was applying for the application?" Is the city going to do something big?"

Although I don’t pay attention to real estate matters, the most basic things are still clear.

Hopson's main territory is the south, and it is also listed in Xiangjiang. It only has some small projects in Shanghai.

Zhu Mengyi was different from Yao Wenchen's roundabout way, and spoke more directly: "Mr. Fang, I have long wanted to meet you, this influential figure, but I have always regretted that I did not have the chance. I would have made the call today or not, but I think it’s a blessing to get to know Mr. Fang through such an opportunity.”

"I heard that Mr. Fang and Mr. Huang from Gome were not having a good time. I wonder if Mr. Fang could give me a favor. I asked Mr. Huang, and we will drink and eat together. If there is any misunderstanding, we can clear it up."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised by this person's directness, but he was not surprised by the purpose.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Zhu, you came up and said that Mr. Huang and I were not happy. The problem is that it was Mr. Huang who made me unhappy."

Zhu Mengyi said in a deep voice: "Mr. Fang, as the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. To be honest, I don't know anything about electrical appliance retail, nor do I know anything about the Internet. This time I just heard that there was some unhappiness between Mr. Fang and Mr. Huang. I haven't been there for a few days." Sleep well."

"You and Mr. Huang are both top leaders in the country."

“Every move is noticed by everyone.”

"It really makes the situation embarrassing. This is not only a loss for you, but also a loss for our domestic business community."

After hearing these words, Fang Zhuo felt a little regretful and had to clarify himself: "Mr. Zhu, my Tesco and Mr. Huang's Gome are just competing normally, there are not so many complicated things."

He paused for two seconds and continued: "To be honest, Mr. Huang started it first. I was forced to defend, not even a counterattack."

"I'm very grateful to Mr. Zhu for this call today, but Mr. Zhu may have heard some rumors and misunderstood me. Of course I don't mind sitting down and chatting, but I'm afraid that Mr. Huang doesn't think so. He now regards e-commerce as It’s a thorn in the side.”

Zhu Mengyi denied: "I didn't hear any rumors. To put it bluntly, I have been crazy for many years, but I feel sad to see this situation. I believe that as long as Mr. Fang and Mr. Huang sit down and have a chat, they will definitely become friends."

"This month's schedule is already full. Next month, Mr. Zhu, you come to Shanghai and I will be the host." Fang Zhuo is not an unreasonable person. Let alone the rumors that are difficult to explain. We can talk things through. solve.

In fact, this was also done in the beginning, but it was a pity that Mr. Dahuang had a unique personality and wanted to forcefully suppress Tesco.

Set aside a month now. It doesn't matter if you meet or have a meal. What matters is the actual actions.

No matter what you say, other suppliers are still promoting "choose one from two".

"Okay, Mr. Fang, I'll take care of Mr. Huang. If that doesn't work, I'll fly to the capital to find him myself." Zhu Mengyi gave a practical attitude.

Fang Zhuo felt a little weird. Is it because Dahuang hasn't communicated with him yet? He wouldn't be so anxious to find himself.

Another phone call ended.

Fang Zhuo put down his phone and closed his eyes to rest.

Five minutes later, when Su Wei just walked into the office, the phone on the table vibrated again.

Fang Zhuo took a breath and saw the phone. This time it finally didn't belong to an outsider.

It is Kong Gasoline and Kong Yu, who is in charge of the MIGA fund overseas.

"Mr. Kong, what do you say? Did you make a lot of money again or something?"

Fang Zhuo asked with a smile.

The income of the MIGA fund is quite good, and it is already well-known among serious overseas Chinese circles.

Kong Yu briefly reported on his work and mentioned the purpose of this call: "Mr. Fang, there is something I need to report specifically. Yesterday, there was a big client in New York. He is a rich Australian Chinese named Zhou Zerong. I don't know. Mr. Fang, do you know?"

"He wants me to introduce him and invite Mr. Fang to dinner in Shencheng when he returns to China."

Fang Zhuo knew that this Australian Chinese also had real estate business in China and was also active in the south.

He asked calmly: "Where is Zhou Zerong's ancestral home? Is it in Chaoshan?"

Kong Yu was a little confused: "Well, I don't know about this. He had invested 26 million US dollars in the fund one after another before, and he had to invest another 10 million US dollars during dinner yesterday. If he hadn't come forward, I wouldn't have known what was behind the previous funds. It's him."

"I thought about such a customer and had investments in the mainland, so I agreed without permission."

He suddenly felt a little uneasy: "Mr. Fang, are there any articles?"

"It's okay. Just agree. Since you are a client, it doesn't hurt to meet. Next time, just ask him to call me. I will be with you at any time in Shanghai in September." Fang Zhuo replied.

Kong Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The third call ends.

Fang Zhuo put down his mobile phone and briefly checked the situation of his fund client Zhou Zerong. As expected, he was originally from Chaonan.

One morning, three phone calls.

Some of them have met in Shanghai, some of them are at the top of the wealth rankings in the mainland, and some of them have business relationships with them overseas.

And, there is a trendy business label behind it.

Plus there was a penguin leader last night.

Fang Zhuo shook his head slightly and told Su Wei about the phone call he received.

Su Wei was greatly surprised: "Is the relationship between Chao Shang and Chao Shang so close? Mr. Huang hasn't done anything yet, and they have called me."

Fang Zhuo said: "I feel the same way. I haven't done anything yet. I seem to be afraid that I will kill Mr. Dahuang. What do you think of me? I am a serious businessman!"

Su Wei pondered: "This may be really because of the reputation."

Fang Zhuo glared at Su Wei.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the office door, and Liu Suyi of Yongke Real Estate, who had made an appointment in advance, arrived at the office of Hang Lung 23. He was here to report to Mr. Fang today.

"Hi, Mr. Su is here. Mr. Fang, I'll bring you some tea."

Liu Suyi greeted him with a smile, showing his value.

He chatted for a few words and found that Mr. Fang was in a normal mood, so he tentatively inquired about the situation.

Since the rumors started, there was nothing to hide.

Fang Zhuo briefly talked about the rumor that he wanted to recruit Mr. Dahuang.

"Who wants to spread such words?" Su Wei considered today's new situation, rethinking this matter and the possible changes.

"Yes, who is it? At this moment." Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea.

Liu Suyi was a little surprised when he heard this. Someone had sinister intentions.

He poured himself a cup of tea and fell into deep thought, trying to offer his advice.

Who is it?

Who on earth wants to mess with Mr. Fang at this time?

Liu Suyi thought angrily.

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