Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 810 Stab (two in one)

Shorting Lehman is a famous example.

After the Spring Festival, as Xiong Xiaoge’s short-selling profits on Zhihu Live came to an end, Mr. Fang Zhuo, the richest man in the Mainland, announced a new short-selling plan to build on the past and forge ahead.

Six months ago, Lehman's stock price was $81.06.

A month ago, Lehman's stock price was $80.32.

However, in the past month, Lehman's stock price has continued to fall. As of February 21, its stock price was US$72.56, a drop of 10.5%.

Judging from the final result, this 5+1 change is not undramatic.

Although Lehman is not in the minority in the decline of U.S. stock prices, it is falling, which is allowing a short-selling behavior that has attracted the attention of many people in China to reap benefits.

As the most influential person in multiple live broadcasts, Xiong Xiaoge spent all his net worth of 100,000 yuan on the project and attracted much attention. After deducting bank fees, he made a total profit of 9,156 yuan.

In other words, following Fang Zhuo’s shorting of Lehman, the annualized return would be 18.3%.

The short-selling fund has allocated a total of 300 million Chinese coins in the mainland. Based on this profit, the final result including principal and interest is 354.9 million.

The majority of financial managers made a total of 54.9 million Chinese dollars from Lehman, which is equivalent to 7.03 million US dollars.

The most important thing is that this is a risk-free return backed by Fang’s total capital.

Neither the bank nor Fang Zhuo disclosed the number of people who were short-selling together. However, someone performed simple mathematical calculations in the comment area of ​​Xiong Xiaoge’s last live broadcast.

"I went to the bank and asked that there is a limit for short selling this time. A single person can only invest a maximum of 300,000. Based on the capital scale of 300 million, the number of people in China who short Lehman with Mr. Fang is at least 1,000!"

"Considering that there are many people like Mr. Xiong who simply invest a sum of money for fun, it is estimated that the number of people participating in short selling international investment banks this time will be over 3,000."

"This is not only a victory for Mr. Fang, but also a victory for us guys!"

In addition to comments that estimated the scale of the battle, many people expressed regret after seeing the final result.

"I thought it was troublesome at the time. I should have known this was the case... I was so stupid, really! I only knew that Lehman was an international giant, but I didn't expect that Mr. Fang was the giant killer!"

"I am calling with my real name, hoping that Mr. Fang will cancel the investment limit! Mr. Fang wants to use small leverage, and I have no way to repay it. I can only sell my house and take a gamble to see whether I will wear leather shoes or straw sandals!"

"I'm not selling the house anymore. I'm going to sell the car I just bought last year to give it a try. I'll see if I can exchange it for two cars in half a year."

"Mr. Xiong, let Mr. Fang lead the brothers to charge again! This time I will definitely follow!"

"Mr. Xiong, you must really spend all your wealth this time! This opportunity cannot be missed, it will never come again!"

Xiong Xiaoge's live post became particularly lively because of Fang Zhuo's updated trends. Similarly, Fang Zhuo's updates even caused Zhihu's server to freeze for a time, and the website's registration volume also had a strange growth curve.

"Mr. Fang obviously can play Rayman alone, but he still brings us to play together. Whoever attacks Mr. Fang in the future must get past me first!"

"Mr. Fang, I haven't gotten on the bus yet, I haven't got on the bus yet, hurry up, the fund is here!"

"Use one word to describe Mr. Fang, fierce! Use two words, mighty! Use three words, I love you!"

When Fang Zhuo had time to look at his comment section, there were already a lot of people dancing in it, and everyone was very excited.

He read it for a long time and really didn't know how to reply to those "shows of love", "praise" and "appeal". In the end, he could only give a modest reminder - financial management is risky and investment should be cautious.

After the short-selling fund begins to increase leverage, this time the risk is not entirely borne by him personally.

However, having said that, considering the continuous situation that follows, there should be no problem with the second wave of large-scale short-selling performance art performances.

At the same time, Fang Zhuo does not plan to disclose the size of his short-selling funds this time, so that he can have a good explanation of the funds in the future.

On February 22, the enthusiasm for shorting Lehman filled the Internet for the second time. Compared with the doubts and wait-and-see last time, this time the views are generally biased.

——"There are two groups in China shorting Lehman"

——"Mr. Fang, love me again"

——"Mainland's richest man eyes international investment banks"

Perhaps because the acquisition deal between Penguin and is about to be concluded, even Penguin’s portal website commented on the short-selling incident of Mr. Fang at Lehman. The article said with praise, “Mr. Fang once again proved how far-sighted he is.” Keen", "This is the reason why Mr. Fang is Mr. Fang", "Let's see what happens next"...

That afternoon,, which worked overtime for the delivery, had basically completed the procedures. According to the agreement, Penguin would pay the transaction consideration in one lump sum within 5 days after the delivery date.

Perhaps no one wanted to delay. Just two days later, Penguin happily paid 1.55 billion in acquisition funds.

With Penguin's announcement on the Hong Kong stock market that it has officially acquired, its stock price rose by 5% in one day, which is considered a good start to the new year.

That is to say, on the evening of this day, Sina held a conference call to fully discuss the prospects and development of the new project Weibo, and it was determined that Wang Xing, the former president of, and Wang Gaofei, vice president of Sina, would jointly develop the controlled subsidiary Weibo. Bo’s new social platform business.

Finally, everyone is still hesitant about one thing: when will Weibo, which is ready for everything, go online.

Fang Zhuo delegated the power to discuss and decided that any time would be appropriate.

Wang Yan learned from Mr. Fang’s management style of the company. After all, the subsidiary Weibo will have a large degree of independence.

When will it be launched on Weibo?

In the end, it was the new president Wang Xing who made the final decision: "It's tomorrow, it's tomorrow!"

He couldn't wait, he couldn't wait to go online tonight!

No one objected and all passed.

Then, Weibo, which is committed to building a new social platform in China, will be launched for internal testing at 3 p.m. on February 23.

At 9:30 in the evening, Fang Zhuo ended another communication with Wang Xing on the development of Weibo and pondered over the next day's itinerary.

The private plane just flew from Luzhou to Beijing today. Dr. Liang is officially discharged from the hospital and is preparing to return to the United States.

The key problem of ice core in the 65nm process was easily solved by Liang Mengsong, who had already experienced it in Taiwan. According to Qiu Ciyun's report, a risky trial production attempt will be carried out in the first quarter.

This is even a month faster than expected.

If it can be completed in March, small-scale mass production and yield improvement will be started from April to June to prepare for the next formal mass production.

According to the plan, ice core’s 65nm production capacity should be delivered in the third quarter of the second half of the year.

Qiu Ciyun's voice on the phone was very exciting, and every call was exciting.

Fang Zhuo felt the same way and had similar ups and downs of joy.

It seems that Yike's mobile phones can also try to use chips produced by its own wafer factory.

At seven o'clock in the morning on February 23, the countdown to Weibo's launch began. Sina and Weibo were all working overtime last night, preparing for the first internal test of the launch.

Fang Zhuo was also assigned the task of publishing the first Weibo post. However, he had other arrangements today, so Wang Xing took care of it.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Fang Zhuo, who had simply finished breakfast, took a bus to inspect the construction of the CMOS sensor production line jointly developed by Sony and Bingxin in Shanghai.

As a foreign director of the company, Fang Zhuo has no right to interfere in the company's operations. However, through his good relationship with Stringer and the current common interests with Sony, the cooperation between the two parties has a tendency to deepen day by day.

Recently, Bertelsmann, the other party in Sony Bertelsmann Music Company, has made noises, and it is suspected that it wants to sell its shares in the joint venture.

This music company owns the music copyrights of two major record companies, Sony and Bertelsmann. Among them, Yike holds 5% of the shares. The online music share brought by the best-selling music player provides the company with good digital music benefits.

It is unclear whether Bertelsmann's news is a test, but the German company seems to have the idea of ​​​​leaving the record industry.

In addition to the music field where they have been cooperating, Yike Mobile and Sony Ericsson have signed a patent licensing agreement, and the e-commerce company Tesco has also made great efforts to promote Sony products online...

In addition, the CMOS sensors used in Yike mobile phones have been purchased from Sony early on, and Bingxin’s production line in Shanghai is a model of cooperation in capital, technology and talent.

Fang Zhuo is very optimistic that this production line will continue to create greater common benefits for both parties.

Music, cell phones, sensors, and future financial crises.

Fang Zhuo believed that he, the foreign director, had a deeper connection with the company.

In the morning, Chairman of Bingxin inspected Bingxin Factory No. 3 located in Zhangjiang High-tech Park and delivered an important speech on the construction of the production line, which greatly inspired the morale of Chinese and Japanese employees, enhanced everyone’s enthusiasm for their work and dedication, and also enhanced their enthusiasm for Bingxin. cohesion and centripetal force.

At noon, Fang Zhuo ate in the cafeteria. He paid close attention to the life problems of Sony employees after coming to China, and told the senior management team to do a good job in logistics support and to give Japanese engineers the opportunity to impart technical skills.

At 1:30 p.m., just as Fang Zhuo was hesitating whether to visit SMIC in Zhangjiang, he received a call from BOE founder Wang Dongsheng.

Wang Dongsheng's tone was a little nervous. The nervousness was mixed with weirdness, and the weirdness also revealed excitement.

"Mr. Fang, it seems that the United States is investigating the panel monopoly."

Fang Zhuo asked: "Non-public investigation? How did you know?"

"There are some abnormal behaviors from American manufacturers in ordering." Wang Dongsheng said vaguely, "It's not the kind of normal purchase price comparison. Also, I heard a little bit of news."

Since BOE’s LCD panels were put into production, Samsung’s waist no longer hurts, Sharp’s legs no longer hurt, and LG has become more vigorous in producing LCDs.

Wang Dongsheng has participated in several manufacturer meetings on panel prices in Xiangjiang.

"Mr. Fang, when do you think it's appropriate for me to stand up?"

Wang Dongsheng had little experience. As soon as he noticed something unusual after the year, he thought of Mr. Fang who gave the idea.

"At the earliest, we have to wait for an open investigation there. The United States is in charge of the judiciary, and the current leader is Gonzalez." Fang Zhuo was familiar with this area and said thoughtfully, "Wait until I go to the United States to find connections and inquire about the situation. .”

Wang Dongsheng felt relieved that Mr. Fang was still reliable. He not only gave bad ideas but also provided after-sales service.

Fang Zhuo added: "Anyway, as long as BOE jumps out faster than other companies, they will definitely still hesitate. Then you should stand up and change your mind. You are a competitor to begin with, and you will rely on losses in the future."

If you fight for losses, you can only fight for losses.

The market was not very good to begin with, and the financial crisis came again.

Domestic BOE has finally entered the high-generation line, and the higher-ups will not let it lose money until it collapses. South Korea has also experienced hard times in counter-cyclical development. Now it is time to learn from other people's advanced experience.

When Wang Dongsheng heard the word "loss", he could only smile bitterly. The production line in Beijing had been losing money, but the loss in Luzhou was relatively small.

The two exchanged a few more words about stabbing each other, and when the call ended, Fang Zhuo thought about not affecting the normal work of SMIC, so he gave up the idea of ​​talking about it.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, there is only half an hour left before Weibo goes online.

Fang Zhuo sat in the car returning to Henglong, thinking about the new competition this time brought.

In fact, he is also curious whether Penguin will follow suit or stick to Facebook, which is already optimistic about its stock price.

About this time was acquired by Penguin.

Fang Zhuo has noticed some media analysis and generally believes that this has a very positive significance for Penguin’s social platform construction.

However, in Fang Zhuo's view, whether this is a tonic or poison depends on how Penguin handles it.

Penguin is probably not very sensitive to the problem of the national socialization stage that Friends Network is not easy to solve because it introduced the traffic pool too early. It relies on the dominance of traffic to dominate the world, and it is easy to make slight mistakes in specific micro-management.

In the final analysis, can the real-name Facebook model achieve greater success in the current Chinese Internet environment?

If penguins can solve it, they can digest acquaintances and socialize. If they can't solve it, then they may leave a lot of chicken feathers after pouring resources into it.

Regardless of whether Penguin will be counterattacked or not, he is already preparing gifts in the field of communication in the mobile era.

Yike has previously reached an agreement with Google and will have a built-in software position in the Android system. This product, which focuses on the field of mobile communications, is being developed and polished, but it will not be launched immediately with the launch of Yike mobile phones.

Only when Android phones have a considerable number of users in China will they stand up and compete with Penguin.

The social field, mobile communication field and C2C, which Penguin currently attaches great importance to.

If Taobao continues to exert its strength, the e-commerce field where it is difficult to give full play to its traffic advantage may still be a pain for Penguin.

Three areas, three major and small challenges.

Fang Zhuo felt that he really needed to discuss the Penguin shares he held with Wang Fengyi in the future.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Weibo is officially launched.

The Weibo account certified as "Fang Zhuo" was posted by Wang Xing, the first Weibo post on the entire network.

——Who is the real Facebook of the East?

At 3:10 in the afternoon, the CEO office of Hang Lung 23.

Fang Zhuo looked at the Weibo page on his computer screen and saw the first sentence on his account. He thought it seriously violated his spirit of being kind to others, and regretted letting Wang Xing post it.

No need, no need.

He logged into the account, deleted it and reposted it.

——Hello everyone, my name is Fang Zhuo. Welcome to follow me and pay attention to the Yike mobile phone that will be launched this year.

To be fair, this is what I should say.

Ah Xing, young man.

Young man, you are too angry.

It’s the weekend, 8,000 words tomorrow.

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