Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 812 Gang Action (2-in-1)

First, Penguin acquired, and then Sina launched Weibo.

First, Penguin's stock price rose, and then the market corrected.

First, Mr. Fang was separated by a layer, and then he left directly.

On the morning of February 24, Ma Huateng reviewed Penguin’s recent acquisitions at the beginning, unlike yesterday’s reticent meeting.

First, he took responsibility and confirmed that he made the key decision to acquire

Second, he responded to some of the concerns across the company.

For example, Wang Xing, the former president of, and Wang Gaofei, vice president of Weibo, directly became the leaders of Weibo.

Looking forward at this time point when Weibo is online, many strange things have become easily solved.

Wang Gaofei, who performed well in the competition between and, originally thought he came to from Sina, but for nearly a year, Wang Gaofei was always an employee of Sina and received money from Sina.

Penguin’s acquisition of, what does this have to do with Sina executive Wang Gaofei and the Sina volunteer team he led?

Including executives, mainly Wang Xing’s non-competition agreement...

Putting aside the "cognitive differences" between Ma Huateng and Fang Zhuo, Penguin's acquisition of requires its more than 30 million real-name users to fill its own social network. It is to completely kill its opponents and dominate the domestic arena in this field.

This is the biggest benefit.

Whether it is Wang Xing, Wang Gaofei, Sina, or Yike, when Penguin gathers the high-quality user groups of Friends Network and the traffic imported by its own dating network, they have become nothing to worry about, and it is impossible for anyone to Become a competitive rival of Penguin in the acquaintance social field.

Without the first-mover advantage, the traffic on the track has been sold, and development time has been lost. It is difficult to produce a popular social game like farming. Even if all employees of migrate collectively, and even if Fang Zhuo personally serves as the president, there will no longer be Two.

Other considerations, such as the negative emotions of the team in competition and the seller’s desire to save face, are all secondary factors.

However, I never expected that there was no movement in the social field of acquaintances, but the social field of strangers appeared!

There was no second place on, but it suddenly became the first place on Weibo!

This is a completely unexpected trend!

The most famous one abroad is Facebook. Don’t we all use it to socialize with our acquaintances?

You suddenly created a Weibo that focuses on another direction. Have you considered the prospects and risks?

But no matter what, Weibo went online in an orderly manner, and everything in front of it became clear. This was a planned and premeditated action.

For Sina, it's the best if you can beat them. If you can't beat them, just force yourself.

For Penguin, he really didn't expect that the other party had a complete backup route.

As far as Ma Huateng is's pure fraud!

He didn't think Wang Xing, a project founder who had just been out of school for a year or two, was a tiger returning home. His biggest emotion was that President Fang was obviously a tiger ready to move, but he actually imagined that he had become a sheep.

During this process, there may be great distortions in the information and attitudes that President Liu Chiping received from Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs wears pants with former employee?

No, Goldman Sachs is in cahoots with Fang Zhuokang!

An organized, premeditated and planned fraud gang headed by Fang Zhuo!

Ma Huateng sat at the head of the conference room, his mood fluctuating again.

He took two sips of coffee to calm down, and finally injected positive energy into the low morale in the conference room: "The launch of Weibo really caught us off guard, but if we think about it carefully, Sina found another track precisely because it could not compete with Our Eastern Facebook competition.”

"Hong Kong stocks rose yesterday, recognizing our progress on social networks."

"At the opening this morning, the stock price fell back, but it is still higher than before the acquisition was completed."

"Did we lose? We can't regard making less money as a loss, and we can't mess up our position because of unexpected competitive trends."

"As long as we make more money, we are on the right path."

"Martin and I agree that there is no problem with the strategic direction of Penguin Social Network."

"Now, Penguin is the leader in domestic social network platforms, and Weibo is the challenger."

Ma Huateng's meeting style today was different from usual. It was rare to have such a long speech.

The more he talked, the clearer his mood became.

Penguin has the most unified acquaintance social user group in China, occupies a year of first launch time, and has the most active farm and other social games. I have the advantage. How can I lose?

The atmosphere in the conference room has improved significantly.

Yike's actions are tantamount to stabbing Penguin in public, but Mr. Ma is right, the user group is real, the stock price rise is real, if the other party wants to fight, then win again.

Ma Huateng's speech ended.

As the president, Liu Chiping also expressed his opinions and apologized.

When Penguin acquired, Pony couldn't just take the blame. He also voted in favor and was busy communicating with both parties.

Today, I wake up from a dream. Whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, it is obvious that Mr. Fang, who is so famous, is more than just a brush, and he has learned a lesson this time.

The second important part of the morning meeting was the position changes after the unified understanding of the management. Zheng Zhihao, who is in charge of QQ Space, officially took over the dating network and will be responsible for the specific implementation of a considerable part of Penguin's social strategy.

Zeng Liqing, who resigned, was awarded the title of "Honorary Lifetime Consultant".

Originally, Zeng Liqing left in glory after defeating, but now that the situation has changed, this "win" seems a bit embarrassing. He simply did not attend the meeting. He left Penguin quietly and joined Penguin. investment industry.

The last topic of the meeting was the mobile phone field, which is relatively unfamiliar to Penguin.

As global mobile device shipments increase, the future mobile market is obviously an important area, and Penguin pays attention to this.

But when it comes to mobile phone manufacturing, it's relatively unfamiliar.

In order to answer the doubts from Pony, Xu Chenye specially invited executives from the famous mobile phone manufacturer Motorola and the domestic mobile phone brand Amoi to analyze the domestic and foreign markets from different angles.

No matter how you analyze it, the competitive environment of Yike Mobile is very severe.

Needless to say, overseas, well-known brands such as Novo, San Francisco, Sony, and Motorola dominate the market. In addition to these domestic mobile phone manufacturers, domestic mobile phone manufacturers such as Amoi, Lenovo, and Tianyu are also competing fiercely.

Neither party can allow new competitors to rise.

The conclusion is that there is no need to worry about Yike mobile phones.

Professionals talked freely, which relieved some of Ma Huateng's worries.

At noon, the high-level meeting ended, and several senior executives continued to have a small meeting.

It has to be said that Fang Zhuo must be given enough attention.

However, after many discussions, apart from cutting off the advertising business of Penguin Portal and Tesco, it is difficult to find any effective means of competition in other aspects.

Sina Portal and Penguin Portal are inherently competitive.

Sina Weibo and Dating Network are just beginning of social competition.

Although Paipai and Yiguo in the e-commerce field belong to the same major market, there is currently no obvious competition between the two.

Where is Yike? Mainly focusing on foreign markets.

What about ice cores? Not to mention.

"In the future, any information about the competition with the Yike Department will be sent to the President's Office as soon as possible. The most important thing now is to consolidate our dating network first."

"The days are long, so there is no need to rush now."

Ma Huateng said with sighs and self-deprecation: "When I first learned about the 'just do penguin' thing, I felt that there was competition and ridicule, but I didn't expect that it was the most serious competition from the beginning."

"When I came to the office today, I was still thinking about whether to write, 'Just do Mr. Fang', but now that I think about it..."

Just do Mr. Fang, there is no way to start.

"If it doesn't work, we will also invest in a wafer fab." Liu Chiping joked.

Ma Huateng also ended with a joke: "Martin, you are indeed the mole!"

Just keep going, the future is long, if you don’t know where to start, just start slowly.

Just as Weibo went online for internal testing, Penguin held a meeting, and there was a lot of discussion in the industry, the Alibaba headquarters in Lin'an also talked about the competition in the business.

An executive suggested that Taobao could try to attack Tesco this year as the competition between Yike and Penguin escalates.

Taobao ranks first in domestic C2C.

The number one B2C player in China is Tesco.

As international giants lose momentum, Alibaba increasingly feels that its important competitor in the e-commerce field is not eBay, not Amazon, but Tesco.

Taobao is developing rapidly, and Tesco is also developing rapidly.

Taobao has the June 18th event in the first half of the year, and Tesco has the Double Eleven event in the second half of the year.

Taobao is backed by Alibaba, which is about to go public, and Tesco is backed by Yike, which is already listed.

Can two companies that absorb nutrients from segmented tracks continue to develop peacefully?

Is Taobao going to enter the hot B2C field?

Even if Taobao does not engage in B2C, who can guarantee that Tesco will not enter C2C in the future?

Can Fang Zhuo guarantee it? Who can guarantee that what he said is true?

Let Ma Huateng vouch for Fang Zhuo's words?

There is no doubt that there will be a battle in the e-commerce field.

When is the time for this battle?

Alibaba's high-level meeting held a serious discussion.

Ma Chen, Cai Chongxin, Peng Lei and many other core members all discussed their opinions, and everyone felt that it seemed possible to give it a try.

Yike focuses on social networks. Although Yigou itself is the leader in B2C, its competitors also include powerful players such as Suning and Gome. It is rumored that these two companies may also have plans to test the waters of e-commerce.

Once Suning and Gome enter e-commerce, Tesco will be attacked from both sides.

If it can defeat or bring down Tesco, Taobao will definitely be able to share a large wave of traffic.

Ma Yan was really tempted.

While calculating the competitive situation, he smiled and said, "Mr. Fang is quite ruthless this time. I guess Pony won't be able to sleep well for a few days."

Cai Chongxin drank tea: "It's very fierce. As expected of Mr. Fang. This is also a warning to us. We can't take chances and compete to the end."

Just as Ma Yan was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that Sun Tongyu, the president of Taobao, spoke less today, and asked: "God of Wealth, what do you think of our Taobao's financial path?"

The God of Wealth is Sun Tongyu’s nickname in the company.

"I'm thinking of another possibility." Sun Tongyu considered, "Alibaba can be listed on the Hong Kong stock market this year, and Taobao's growth rate this year will not be slow. If we want to start a war with Tesco, we can start after it is listed."

Seeing that everyone was listening carefully, he continued: "Also, since we are considering the conflict between Yike and Penguin and want to take action against Yigou, why not pick Paipai?"

“Penguin’s Paipai is directly competing with us in C2C, and it doesn’t seem to be as strong as in other fields.”

"We can start with and then consider how to better compete with Tesco."

"After all, the B2C field requires heavy investment, and Taobao is still relatively new."

B2C requires heavy investment, which of course will make the company more confident after going public.

Taobao can be used to warm up with

Ma Yan became even more tempted instantly.

He reviewed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Strange, why is everyone so enthusiastic about attacking Tesco? What we just said about the Yike system is almost true for Penguin, and is still a Soft persimmon.”

Cai Chongxin gave a reason: "Maybe Mr. Fang is too dazzling and attracts too much hatred."

Ma 伝 laughed, it made sense.

He did not stick to his point of view and discussed Taobao's competition with everyone again.

This time, everyone no longer focuses on Mr. Fang, who always shines, but starts from the overall perspective, planning to integrate C2C first, and then gather resources to prepare for competition with Tesco.

It's night, the discussion is over.

The organization has decided, pick out the soft persimmons and pinch them first, pat them dry first!

There are only 28 days in February, and in the last few days of this month, the launch of Weibo seems to show another way of social networking for active netizens.

Yes, socializing on campus is quite interesting, but in such a small circle, the topics of conversation between acquaintances will always dry up.

Yes, socializing in the workplace can bring colleagues closer together, but if you go to work all day long and face those people, do you still need to contact those people after work?

Of course, you can share your life and mood with familiar faces and people you know offline.

However, based on interest and unknown, this kind of network status seems to be freer and more colorful.

You can watch Jay Chou drinking milk tea on Weibo, watching Yao Ming playing World of Warcraft, watching Mr. Fang advising to buy a house, watching strangers chatting, watching film and television entertainment, book sharing, selling houses and short selling...

It seems that Weibo can bring more freshness and make people have more desire to explore.

Launched on the 23rd, in less than a week, Weibo, which did not repeat its past track, initially showed the outline of a new social platform at a very fast speed.

March 4th is the Lantern Festival, March 7th previews the interview and sharing of the Beijing Olympics, March 16th is the customary "Yigou Dadang" reading festival, and Weibo music selection activities are arranged in late March...

In order to promote the development of Weibo, the official account "Sina Weibo" announced a series of arrangements for March.

However, on the day when celebrities on Weibo celebrated the Lantern Festival, a shocking news suddenly spread in the mainland semiconductor industry.

The ice core wafer fab located in Luzhou successfully conducted 65nm risk trial production.

——65nm? 90nm?


Impossible, absolutely impossible, even a risky trial production is impossible.

On Lantern Festival night, the industry is shocked!

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